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Tait/Eric, some of us would like to talk to you about the Slot Machine changes.


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I've made a suggestion in the Suggestions Forum I would like to 'signal boost'. My apologies for putting this post in more than one thread.


Please consider visiting the thread and adding your own thoughts/ideas about changes to the slots that would make them more acceptable and help alleviate community discontent with the v1.1 changes.


Please note: I think we have more than enough general complain threads. Now its more helpful to provide BioWare/The Devs with some ideas and demonstrate we're being reasonable and its too their benefit to consider our suggestions.





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Damn this guy posted like 5 threads on the same topic. Ridiculous how much people want attention.


Hardly "on the same topic".


Sure, they're all about the slot machines, but they are different discussions about the slot machines.


It's like saying I can't post more than one topic on PvP or crew missions.

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Hardly "on the same topic".


Sure, they're all about the slot machines, but they are different discussions about the slot machines.


It's like saying I can't post more than one topic on PvP or crew missions.


Some people will use almost any method they can to stifle discussion on the issue. The same thing was done when Bioware tried to charge folks twice for abilities. There are some folks that are just dead set against this type of discussion.

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Hardly "on the same topic".


Sure, they're all about the slot machines, but they are different discussions about the slot machines.


It's like saying I can't post more than one topic on PvP or crew missions.


In other words, you admonish other users when they fail to use the search function or create similar threads, yet it's OK for people like you to ramble endlessly about slot machines.


Righteous no doubt.

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how long can he go without answering this thread? EA must him in one of those "Free-Range" Chicken Houses

inorite?! ANOTHER day passes without communication...holy crap...I'd have lost money on this one...even I didn't think they could ignore so many people for so long. It's almost impressive...

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