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Can I have my money back?


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Oh, and it does just go to show the RNG in action. OP bought $240 of hypercrates just to get a slot machine - I used my monthly CC from subscription, bought two packs and got one on my second.

However as pay-back I let everyone on the fleet know I had one and all they needed to do was visit my stronghold and they could use it for free.


Exactly ^^ this Is why If I ever want an item fast and bad enough. I'll use my reserved free monthly CC to buy a few packs and sell on GTN and just outright buy it from the GTN. OP went about it completely and utterly wrong.

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Aside from the swtor official forums, the swtor subreddit is probably the 2nd most populated and frequented page for people who play swtor (probably between that and Dulfy), so why could it not be a source for swtor information??? I'm going to ignore your illogical and baseless conclusion on reddit as a whole, as I'm sure most people are, until you can answer the first question adequately...


Well considering these forums are a small percentage of players, most MMO players don't spend time on the forums. As you say Swtor sub reddit is 2nd so even a small percentage of players plus the fact you don't even need to play the game to post on it, you know the trolls who go out of their way to bash video games they don't play.


There hope you get the point now.

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Well considering these forums are a small percentage of players, most MMO players don't spend time on the forums. As you say Swtor sub reddit is 2nd so even a small percentage of players plus the fact you don't even need to play the game to post on it, you know the trolls who go out of their way to bash video games they don't play.


There hope you get the point now.


Yes, that's all true, but there is a very specific poster on the subreddit who provides information that has proven rock solid time and again.

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Check the swtor subreddit to see how bad things are.


Absolutely zero point in playing one of the slot machines with those odds.


As much as I detest agreeing with EvenHardNiner (:p), he's absolutely spot on asking for a refund as well as stating he'll never buy another Cartel Pack again.


Those odds in drop chance changes are by far the most extreme changes BioWare could have made to nerf the slot machine odds. There isn't any point in putting 1000 coins into the machine to test those odds.


Edit: I see the chances for winning Cartel Certs were also nerfed into the ground, where was this point stated Eric? Oh that's right, it wasn't. :rolleyes:

Edited by Transcendent
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Only the green and blue rep items went up. The Certificates and the purple went way down.


With the change in the cost of tokens as well as the substantial nerfs to the drop rates, the item is pretty much useless now. I'm not expressing any form of emotion over that, but it's just a fact. I wouldn't be surprised if the costs of the machines on the GTN go from 2-4 million last I checked to sub 100K.


I stand corrected on the certificates but as I said the rep Items did go up. Just not the purple rep Items. Honestly though It doesn't matter that the purple rep items were reduced. I'm over half way in on champion rank from outsider with half an hour of clicking. (before the increase of blue and green rep)


I wouldn't care if the prices on them plummeted or sky rocketed honestly. I never intended on purchasing one.There was always the option of playing one in a public stronghold - If using a friend's or guild member's machine wasn't an option. I'll be clicking a few more times for one more certificate and legend rank. After that I'll purchase that throne for my empire toon and be done with it.

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This really.

You could have used one of those dodgy " we sell credits" sites and bought 5m credits for around 40€ (dollar rate seems to be around) and purchased one of the GTM!


Oh, and it does just go to show the RNG in action. OP bought $240 of hypercrates just to get a slot machine - I used my monthly CC from subscription, bought two packs and got one on my second.

However as pay-back I let everyone on the fleet know I had one and all they needed to do was visit my stronghold and they could use it for free.


Or he could have just sold a few of those hypercrates and get the money that way.

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To the OP: I think your request belongs in customer service. I'd be pissed too if I spent real money on hypercrates for the slot machine.


He'd be wasting his time. I'd be pissed at myself for being so shortsighted to spend hundreds of dollars to acquire one item. An item that had nerf written all over it.

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As soon as Eric announced that they'd be "looking at" the return rate, I decided to hold off buying a CSM until this week.


I've come to expect these kinds of shenanigans from MMOs, so my "worth the effort or money" bar is set way towards "probably not".


...and that my good sir Is called using common sense.

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A: the drop rates were never advertised, they were only glorified on the forums for a week by people as a way to make "4 mill an hour" or something. If you based your decision to buy based on hearsay thats on you.


B: they are adding additional incentive to still have them with a walker mount as a very rare drop


C: come on man, which is worse, editing to drop rates or continuing inflation in-game


D: You really weren't expecting this? Like everyone knew this was going to happen eventually. Thats why people were using them as much as they could.




it was intended they said, but given the blacklash from people on the forums and their reporting of its effects on the in-game economy they are changing it.




either way, look on the bright side. there are still a ton of items from those hypercrates you can sell and make a few mill with.


why you didn't just buy the machine on the gtn though rather than sift through 8 hypercrates is beyond me, you could have bought one on the gtn for way less trouble and less money if you really needed one.

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A: the drop rates were never advertised, they were only glorified on the forums for a week by people as a way to make "4 mill an hour" or something. If you based your decision to buy based on hearsay thats on you.


B: they are adding additional incentive to still have them with a walker mount as a very rare drop


C: come on man, which is worse, editing to drop rates or continuing inflation in-game


D: You really weren't expecting this? Like everyone knew this was going to happen eventually. Thats why people were using them as much as they could.




it was intended they said, but given the blacklash from people on the forums and their reporting of its effects on the in-game economy they are changing it.




either way, look on the bright side. there are still a ton of items from those hypercrates you can sell and make a few mill with.


why you didn't just buy the machine on the gtn though rather than sift through 8 hypercrates is beyond me, you could have bought one on the gtn for way less trouble and less money if you really needed one.


There's a difference between expecting a nerf and expecting them to make the machine completely useless.


I mean, you had a bigger chance of winning the vectron magnus on the kingpin machines than you have of winning one jawa junk. And you had a bigger chance of winning the rancor mount than you do of winning a cartel certificate.

And you had a 70 times bigger chance of winning the rancor mount than the walker mount.


So yeah, it's pretty useless.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Well you babies were crying yesterday companion missions were useless...well hope you are happy now they are not useless. See all that crying paid off you all the babies!


I was?

I most certainly wasn't.


I have been one of the people actually defending the slot machine these last days...


Take it easy with the tar and feathers there buddy.

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Complete Bait and Switch Bioware. People paid real money for hypercrates and packs AFTER you said it was not a bug or an exploit. What you did in many jurisdictions and to many juries would be construed as bait and switch. The surge in purchases of crates and hypercrates after you made the statement "working as intended" would be damning evidence and call for punitive fines just for its implied 'baiting the hook". Check with the EA lawyers on this one, you may be in an actionable situation.
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I bought 8 hypercrates in the hopes I would get one of the items that I desire. That item is the slot machine. I was happy when I got one. I bought 8 hypercrates for the soul reason of getting a slot machine. But now you have changed the item, by altering the drop rates and increasing the cost of tokens. It is no longer the same item that I bought.


This is like advertising a Revans mask and selling it in cartel packs, only a week later for you to edit on mickey mouse ears.


The issue all boils down to this: I do not want you to put Mickey Mouse ears on my Revan mask.


I bought the cartel packs fair and square, and I won the slot machine fair and square. Why are you editing the item after I have given you money for a chance to get the item in the first place? It is no longer the same item that was advertised when I bought the same pack.


Remember the medical table regen thing?? When people bought packs in the hopes of getting it? It wasn't even in the pack, even though it was advertised to be in the pack. Bioware then put it on a vendor for 1 credit.


Bioware have learned a valuable lesson: Test things before you put them in cartel packs.


Why didn't you just add a new slot machine to the packs and remove the old one from the packs? So the older one is super rare instead of outright editing the item?


I want my money back.


So let me think about it... known exploiter (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=789611) and someone who was active in countless topics AGAINST slot machines bought 8 hypercrates to get one (:eek:). And after all his whining Bioware did what he was asking for, nerfed slot machines to oblivion. Now you are asking for your money back?


Sir, you just made my day, here is something for you:

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They advertised a product in a cartel pack. A week later after people have bought cartel packs for that item, Bioware are editing the item.


Doesn't matter if Bioware advertised the drop rates or not, the issue here is that they are changing an item.


And THAT is what's shady as heck, them going all dodgy Used Car Salesman after we've spent the money. I get it, it needed tweaking, but this is nuts.

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I bought a total of 48 packs after receiving the slot machine within the first 3 packs, loved the idea of losing credits to the machines! But at least being rewarded, heard you were nerfing the machines 6 hours before the last patch! I just spent 200k in credits and I get 200K in credits back from reputation points that I was maxed out on within the first two hours of playing the machines. This all because of a bunch of whiny kids/ crafters who cant do anything besides farm and take advantage of the GTN?


I spend REAL MONEY WEEKLY (at least $20 - $80 weekly) and you nerf it for the advantage of children who have to ask their parents for money anyways? You are all twisted! Keep the junk / droid parts / scavenged scrap the same, and take away the dang reputation points or else its not gambling! There is not even anything worth buying from that vendor once you max out your reputation points. One guy had a total of 2000 contraband cartal coins resulted one cartel certificate and one jawa junk? really make this game from ok to really sucking!

Edited by RomeJester
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I bought 8 hypercrates in the hopes I would get one of the items that I desire. That item is the slot machine. I was happy when I got one. I bought 8 hypercrates for the soul reason of getting a slot machine. But now you have changed the item, by altering the drop rates and increasing the cost of tokens. It is no longer the same item that I bought.


This is like advertising a Revans mask and selling it in cartel packs, only a week later for you to edit on mickey mouse ears.


The issue all boils down to this: I do not want you to put Mickey Mouse ears on my Revan mask.


I bought the cartel packs fair and square, and I won the slot machine fair and square. Why are you editing the item after I have given you money for a chance to get the item in the first place? It is no longer the same item that was advertised when I bought the same pack.


Remember the medical table regen thing?? When people bought packs in the hopes of getting it? It wasn't even in the pack, even though it was advertised to be in the pack. Bioware then put it on a vendor for 1 credit.


Bioware have learned a valuable lesson: Test things before you put them in cartel packs.


Why didn't you just add a new slot machine to the packs and remove the old one from the packs? So the older one is super rare instead of outright editing the item?


I want my money back.


Oh please. Where were you every time this happened in the past? Under a rock? They change the appearance of purchased armor all the time, because some whiners on the forums think something looks too girly or too trashy or whatever stupid reason they come up with for messing with armor. And nothing can stop them. It's their game, they can do what they want. Just learn to live with it.

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