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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slot machine is not P2W, but changing it now is dishonest marketing trick


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Pretty much everything I have to say is in the title.

Many people bough this new pack because of this awesome slot machine.

Now you are changing it to something absolutely useless.

This is not an honest thing to do.

Didn't you guys think for a SECOND how this item would affect the ingame economy, before putting it in the pack? Of course you did. And you got what you wanted - a huge hype for cheap mats and tons of sold packs.

Edited by Vodamin
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Simples answer to you: they didn't test it. They don't play their own game.


I've seen them stream, so they do play the game.


But based on those streams I'm fairly confident I could 1v1 them on most of my toons:cool:

Edited by AshlaBoga
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I've seen them stream, so they do play the game.


But based on those streams I'm fairly confident I could 1v1 them on most of my toons:cool:


I've seen them stream too. They don't play their own game lol.


I have to agree, it was a dirty trick, plain and simple. Maybe instead of crafting things, they should have added fluffy stuff as prizes, like differently coloured pets than you can get anywhere else, or speeders, or even character customization features, or companion customization cards or something like that. Bind it on pick up/legacy, so that you benefit only by playing, and let people sell the extras to the npc for a little money.

Edited by Lunafox
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I've seen them stream too. They don't play their own game lol.


I have to agree, it was a dirty trick, plain and simple. Maybe instead of crafting things, they should have added fluffy stuff as prizes, like differently coloured pets than you can get anywhere else, or speeders, or even character customization features, or companion customization cards or something like that. Bind it on pick up/legacy, so that you benefit only by playing, and let people sell the extras to the npc for a little money.


If they had done that, then no one would have cared about it. :)

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i didn't buy any pack, i stopped crafting and selling purples, i didn't buy that 5m slot on the GTN ( 2m yesterday evening already lol), just did a lil grinding on yavin for mats and sent a couple of gathering missions during dailies.

it's been a nice holiday and probably i'll take even this one to just relax.

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Great we had the QQers crying about the slot machines now we get a bunch of new threads crying about the changes to the slot machine. You keep questioning is they play the game do you babies play the or game or just spend all your time finding something to cry about on the forums?
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I generally disagree.


I do not feel cheated personally, nor do I feel they were dishonest. I feel they wanted to make level 11 mats more accessible, released the slot machine, then adjusted the returns when they determined the supply would exceed their goals long term.


This is not the first item to get adjusted after release.

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this is all it boils down to...money money money.


Except you have people like me who haven't had anything in the CM worth getting for awhile and had a hefty chunk of cc. Which translates into we didn't spent any extra money we just used our allowance. You guys and your sad pathetic conspiracies. They changed it because people were crying about it plain and simple now we have idiots crying about the changes saying they planned it you guys really need to get a life.

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They are really sly or really dumb.


Honestly not sure which one...


I think is a mix of both.


IMO all the complains are focused on Jawa tokens for mats, well they fix the drop rates but why make more expensive the coins?. They just could add another items for drops, like lvl 5 companion gifts, solo starship parts, low drop rates for XP boosts, companion custom look, a very rare drop for PVP weekly pas / OP Pass / or unlocks or name change item (all with low drop rates). But no they pick the easiest way destroy jawa junk drop and add "an amazing walker" as a pacifier.

Edited by kysan
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Great we had the QQers crying about the slot machines now we get a bunch of new threads crying about the changes to the slot machine. You keep questioning is they play the game do you babies play the or game or just spend all your time finding something to cry about on the forums?


Funny thing is, it's the same people doing it.

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Great we had the QQers crying about the slot machines now we get a bunch of new threads crying about the changes to the slot machine. You keep questioning is they play the game do you babies play the or game or just spend all your time finding something to cry about on the forums?


4/5 HM on both new operations. Is that good enough for you? :rolleyes:

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4/5 HM on both new operations. Is that good enough for you? :rolleyes:


Ah yes the I say something on the Internet to make myself look cool so therefore it's true...sure maybe your QQ friends will believe you just because you type 4/5 HM on both new ops.

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I was out of town all week. Just reading the forums, it seemed obvious to me they would tweak it. I'm very happy they at least added the walker in. That was unexpected :)


FYI, the Walker mounts will--on average--take 75 million credits worth of coins to win one.

Edited by ptwonline
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They are really sly or really dumb.


Honestly not sure which one...


I'm going with sly but I'm also going with incompetent.


I'm not sure I've ever ran across a developer so willing to make themselves look incompetent just to move some in game items.


I'm starting to wonder just how BW is holding it together. This slot machine thing just screams "inability to design and develop while using just a little bit of forethought."

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All those poor suckers that have the contraband machines on the GTN for millions will now be lucky to get a few 100k solely selling it as a decoration. Noone can kill their own games market quite like EAware can. So, guess I'll buy one when the cred price bottoms for kicks and giggles ( and rep if they don't nerf that in a hotfix later lol ) and save my cash for stuff in other games. Edited by Zorvan
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