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Changes Coming in Tomorrow's (1/21) Maintenance


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They're ignoring everything here until they have something new to post. They don't care about the upset players or the cancelling accounts - they just want to avoid drama and they're doing that by ignoring their customers here.


I will not say your wrong, since I would not deride anyone for thinking positive. But I have little hope that that is the case. I think it is more likely they have decided that they do not care with respect to this single issue.

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you are looking at it wrong. there was no reason to change the slots.


they could


A. lower the costs of the missions

B. increase the crit rate of the missions

C. remove the failure component to missions.(they fail way too much)

D. use this as a reason to overhaul the crafting system to bring it more in line with the state of the game as it is now. make it more fun. have more people involved in it.


their stated objective was to increase the availability of mats. massive failure


they have alienated a large portion of the player base, lost subscriptions and possible future cartel coin sales. they have lost a lot of credibility with players. they had and still have an opportunity to do good things. ignoring this to keep the gtn wanna be hutts happy will lose that opportunity


But they just released Patch 3.0. They coded the crew mission return rates (which are low) based on their own design of the combat changes (I'm assuming). Saying just increase the crew mission skills to a more uber return rate of the slot machine was something they were not prepared to do. It sounds easy but you are not designing the game.


A real solution would have been to allow only 10 pulls of the slot machine a day per toon. Easy, that means probably 1 mat a day on average. But my guess is no would go for that either, people just want to so spam that machine while they watch a movie. That's why they are not going to do anything. The devs screwed up no doubt, but I give them credit for at least TRYING to give us something cool. If they just would have had these drop rates from the beginning most people would still love the machine......I mean maxing out rep on a pack that you can't buy anymore or if you can on the GTN it's 400k+ per pack. Then you no longer have to buy packs by themselves to get a chance for a certificate, you could get one to drop in a pack about 30% of the time (at least that was my recent drop rate). The amount you spend on the slots now to get a certificate is actually pretty close to how much you would have to spend on packs to get a certificate.


Either way, it's no changing. All we can do is try to give them ideas on the next slot machine because this one is done.

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I will not say your wrong, since I would not deride anyone for thinking positive. But I have little hope that that is the case. I think it is more likely they have decided that they do not care with respect to this single issue.


We just have to keep at it... they might not care now, but persistence has a way of changing the caring...

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A real solution would have been to allow only 10 pulls of the slot machine a day per toon. Easy, that means probably 1 mat a day on average. But my guess is no would go for that either, people just want to so spam that machine while they watch a movie.


I posted this in EnkiduNineEight's thread in the suggestion box as a potential means of limiting the attractiveness of farming the machine. It's still very much in embryonic form, so any feedback, positive or negative, would be helpful.

The issue of determining drop probabilities is always going to include the necessity for balancing typical, intended use with extreme farming behavior. I'd prefer a solution that would keep it possible to continue playing for extended periods but also make it less rewarding to do so.


My admittedly still-nebulous idea: An "Unlucky" debuff similar to the "Feeling Lucky" buff from the Nightlife event. The "Unlucky" debuff would instead decrease slot machine drop rates for a single character for a set amount of time. We know that a buff as a random reward from a slot machine is possible. We're also aware of code that's been put into place to minimize farming of open-world mobs by reducing loot drops. What we can't be sure of is whether it's feasible to merge these mechanics.

  • Implementation 1 (high feasibility): Uses only the "Feeling Lucky" buff mechanic, but with negative numbers, reducing any slot machine's drop rate for that character for a set period of time. Pro: In-game precedent makes implementation very viable. Con: Affects both typical users and farmers more equally, as the chance of getting the debuff on any given spin is static and does not increase with longer use.
  • Implementation 2 (unknown feasibility): Uses the "Feeling Lucky" buff mechanic with some form of spin counter or anti-farming code, such that the debuff is only applied after a set number of spins. Pro: When properly tuned, does not affect typical users, but can make extended use much less attractive. Con: Would require more development time, assuming the idea is even possible.
  • Implementation 3 (unknown feasibility): Uses either Implementation 1 or 2, but also allows the debuff to stack. Each instance of the debuff further decreases drop rates for rewards and increases the chance for another debuff to be applied. Pro: Extended use results in eventual cascade failure, making long runs highly unattractive. Con: Would require more development time, assuming the idea is even possible.

Pro (overall): A debuff mechanism gates use of the machine not by making long runs impossible, but by making them less rewarding. Players still have the option to use the machine, but can expect fewer wins. This also increases the average acquisition cost of any salable items gained from the machine from long runs, but not from shorter, typical-use scenarios. Long-use outliers become a less important factor, leaving more potential for non-debuffed drop rates to be adjusted to a higher level.

Con (overall): Implementation and effectiveness are highly dependent on feasibility of coding and proper balancing; the introduction of new variables may make the process more complicated. Does not address the issue of alt-switching to continue extended runs. Does not address the issue of whether players will find reward types sufficiently enticing to use the machine at all.

There's a lot of good material in the suggestion thread for those who would prefer the devs find some balance in the utility of the current slot machine (as well as any future ones). My two creds.

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IMHO I think people put too much faith in Bioware's "intentions"


The slot machines were unbalanced and they needed a nerf, intention is based on opinion, and intentions may be inaccurate, if bioware did everything they originally intended to do, the game's class balance would be an absolute mess.


IMHO the slot machine nerf was overdone, undo the cartel certificate nerf and buff the chances of the walker dropping slightly, leave it at that.

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What they may do eventually is simply declare that any threads about the slot machine are "spam" and forbid any further discussion of the issue.


They could... SOE tried that in 2005 when they started to delete threads, then when people keep reposting them, they banned posters...


Who then took it elsewhere and in a very short period of time flooded Amazon with like 400 1 star reviews of the game.




I double dog dare Bioware to do it... I would post the crap out of 1 star reviews everywhere, just out of spite...

Edited by Heat-Wave
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Again, you should have that checked. It's becoming borderline obsession at this point.


I'm beginning to think Heat isn't the only one with a borderline obsession at this point.


Do you really need to reply every single time? I think the rest of us know where you stand on this.

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What they may do eventually is simply declare that any threads about the slot machine are "spam"


I agree


They can allow one thread run with the slot machine things players want do discuss over and over again.

Edited by Icestar
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They could... SOE tried that in 2005 when they started to delete threads, then when people keep reposting them, they banned posters...


Who then took it elsewhere and in a very short period of time flooded Amazon with like 400 1 star reviews of the game.




I double dog dare Bioware to do it... I would post the crap out of 1 star reviews everywhere, just out of spite...


You are so bitter. I thought you were quitting Heat-Wave?

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Does people posting a lot bother you?

When it gets to the point of being antagonistic, overly aggressive/defensive, accusing people of being a certain way when they have no basis for anything they just keep attacking over and over and over to the point where it gets old after a while, the nonsense they spew day in and day out while overreacting with immaturity and pessimism, and then they keep doing it so they get a reaction out of somebody which to them, is a thrill and they will stop at nothing to keep doing it and ruin posts deliberately


Yes, yes I do have a problem with people posting a lot and yes, it does bother me. You are DAMN right.

Edited by Sarfux
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When it gets to the point of being antagonistic, overly aggressive/defensive, accusing people of being a certain way when they have no basis for anything they just keep attacking over and over and over to the point where it gets old after a while, the nonsense they spew day in and day out while overreacting with immaturity and pessimism, and then they keep doing it so they get a reaction out of somebody which to them, is a thrill and they will stop at nothing to keep doing it and ruin posts deliberately

You are describing the kinds of posts that dominate game forums in general.

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Again, you should have that checked. It's becoming borderline obsession at this point.


It's becoming borderline? It's already there. He just can't leave. This is his "thing" and he will make it so he's antagonistic towards everything about the game so everybody knows just how much he hates it. It's his way of feeling in control of a situation he really has no control over Wicked.

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You are describing the kinds of posts that dominate game forums in general.


I know that bran. It shouldn't be that way though. It is. But it shouldn't be and I feel as though more people need to stand up to these people who do that.

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When it gets to the point of being antagonistic, overly aggressive/defensive, accusing people of being a certain way when they have no basis for anything they just keep attacking over and over and over to the point where it gets old after a while, the nonsense they spew day in and day out while overreacting with immaturity and pessimism, and then they keep doing it so they get a reaction out of somebody which to them, is a thrill and they will stop at nothing to keep doing it and ruin posts deliberately


Yes, yes I do have a problem with people posting a lot and yes, it does bother me. You are DAMN right.

Huh, Artemis's breakdown seems to be contagious...

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I know that bran. It shouldn't be that way though. It is. But it shouldn't be and I feel as though more people need to stand up to these people who do that.

You don't actually think it's ever going to change, do you? The only way it could change is if the moderators of any given forum routinely deleted any and all negative posts.

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You don't actually think it's ever going to change, do you? The only way it could change is if the moderators of any given forum routinely deleted any and all negative posts.


Not all. Just keep an eye on the ones that are completely overreacting, antagonistic and overall attacking people for no reason at all, except that they get off on it.

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When it gets to the point of being antagonistic, overly aggressive/defensive, accusing people of being a certain way when they have no basis for anything they just keep attacking over and over and over to the point where it gets old after a while, the nonsense they spew day in and day out while overreacting with immaturity and pessimism, and then they keep doing it so they get a reaction out of somebody which to them, is a thrill and they will stop at nothing to keep doing it and ruin posts deliberately


Yes, yes I do have a problem with people posting a lot and yes, it does bother me. You are DAMN right.


Q F E!!!! I could not have said it better myself!

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