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Are you guys fixing nightmare mode Scum and villainy - Olok?

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We tryed it last night on 8m NIM.

When we where down, the droids where hitting us with 65-70k hits.


We tryed different ways , leave all the big down, get as many big as possible up,... but no use.


Something is wrong here, or its bugged or we do something wrong.


Can someone of bioware say something about this pls.

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Same as always. No more than 1 assault OR frontline droid per row, otherwise they get buffed by Packaged Deal. Try to remove all frontline droids(the two legged), since they have random aggro and hit like trucks even without the buff. Other than that, we killed assault droids first. Spider droids hit like trucks, but nothing that can be healed in my experience(I'm a tank). Tanks may want to use cooldowns for this phase. Tank the artillery and assault droids and no one else should take any damage at all(kill any recon droids you might have first) so each healer can overheal one tank. And while tanking the artillery droids make sure to not stand in the electro bubbles they throw out.

And make sure to get a melee droid last in P1, so you won't need to kill him. Just summon him, kill the buyer, go through the elevator. If you have a ranged droid standing there, he will kill your Healers at some point into P2.


As soon as I'm home I see if I can find the logs for it to see how much damage they did.



Alright, here are a few numbers, on my 192 Tokengear equipped Guardian tank:

Assault Droids:

20:37:04.193 P-2B Assault Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 5.997 energy damage

20:37:04.193 P-2B Assault Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 5.997 energy damage

20:37:05.820 P-2B Assault Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 5.817 energy damage

This is one completely unmitigated attack of the assault droids. Each attack is split in 3 individual hits, with each doing ~6k damage, what amounts to ~18k unmitigated per attack, or every 1.5 secs.

With proper use of cooldowns it should look like this:

20:37:10.569 P-2B Assault Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage

20:37:10.569 P-2B Assault Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 3.416 energy (shield) damage

20:37:10.570 P-2B Assault Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 3.416 energy (shield) damage

Or even that:

20:37:08.966 P-2B Assault Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage

20:37:08.966 P-2B Assault Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage

20:37:08.966 P-2B Assault Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage


Artillery droids also attack every 1.5sec with three hits:

20:38:02.158 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 3.426 energy (shield) (absorbed 1.620) damage

20:38:02.749 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 8.206 energy damage

20:38:02.765 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 8.134 energy damage

Three hits unmitigated with ~8k would amount to ~24k every 1.5secs.

With cooldown use it should look like this:

20:38:04.924 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage

20:38:04.956 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage

20:38:05.039 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (shield) damage

20:38:08.345 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage

20:38:08.363 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage

20:38:08.454 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage

20:38:09.664 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage

20:38:09.681 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage

20:38:09.791 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage

20:38:11.250 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage

20:38:11.351 IA-82 Artillery Droid hits you with Ranged Attack for 0 (deflect) damage



So yeah, they're hitting like trucks, but seriously, this is nothing that isn't healable since no dps should take any damage at all, or, if you have a recon droid up, not enough to get himself killed. And tanks have cooldowns. You need to use them wisely. If you're having only one droid per row, don't use them, since healers should be able to keep up with it the few seconds the dps need to kill it. If you're having one artillery and one assault droid, the tank whose droid gets focussed probably doesn't need a cooldown aswell, so the other should use them. And so on.


But seriously, I don't know if this is more damage than it used to be. But even if it is: It's freaking Nightmare Mode, so deal with it:cool:

Edited by Torvai
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Complaining about a bug isn't useless. Complaining about a bug 15 times is. You let them know once, and then remind them again in a few days/a weeks time. And do it in a manner that doesn't sound like you're whining or demanding anything. That just comes off wrong.


This is SnV NIM. NIM. This is the actually NIM difficulty before they implemented NiM Power. I don't do 16m content so I can't talk about the DtPS in there, but when I passed Olok NiM 2 weeks ago, I cleared it in a pug with people still in 55 gear. And we cleared it with people who had never set foot in it before/never cleared it.


For the record, I did post help. You HAVE to roll DCDs for this fight as a tank or you WILL die. If you're on the Artillery Droid, it's pretty much taunt on CD and run around the room and hope to god you don't have too much latency and get hit by the red circle. For Assault, roll DCDs and hope your healers can keep you up. Oh, and drop aggro on CD. Because they will one-shot you as a DPS.

If you're having trouble in the top level, don't stand in circles, and always have the Wealthy Buyer hitting a tank and not a DPS. Even in 2.X, the Wealthy Buyer would 2-shot or 3-shot people in 8m, nevermind the circles that would actually 1-shot you if you stood in them.

That's how we cleared it with Vanguard/Shadow Tank combo, 2 Sage/2 Shadow DPS. Didn't have Pacify else that would've helped a tonnnnnn.


Dang WTT my server pugs for yours. I think most the pugs on JC forgot to stack common sense in their build. I'm looking at you healers who think standing next to a tank is a good idea on Bulo. Never again.

Side note: I would love to run these someday as I wasn't around for them. For these old NiM would pure mitigation or Milas hybrid model work better? Sorry if its a stupid question but I've was wondering how these fights compare in the type of damage to other fights.

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Dang WTT my server pugs for yours. I think most the pugs on JC forgot to stack common sense in their build. I'm looking at you healers who think standing next to a tank is a good idea on Bulo. Never again.

Side note: I would love to run these someday as I wasn't around for them. For these old NiM would pure mitigation or Milas hybrid model work better? Sorry if its a stupid question but I've was wondering how these fights compare in the type of damage to other fights.


At a certain point for old content, you can quite literally outgear it just in com gear (I tanked a bunch of old NiM stuff in level 60 186 gear). It's not optimal, since the damage ratios for those fights are different compared to the fights now. TBH, for old NiM content you can go either way and be fine. You're more likely to die to mechanics than DtPS or spikes (assuming competent healers).

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There is an issue with the damage the Artillery droids are putting out on their ranged (basic attack). On a shadow I was taking ~18K unmitigated hits (not at home so can't post log), so a string of bad RNG on defensive rolls will hurt. Having said that it is doable and we did get through.


and also FYI don't burn the Buyer too hard first round or bad things happen ;)

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We did it a few weeks back, got the boss down after a few wipes, assuming we'd faceroll it (rude awakening), but the damage from the droids is indeed way too high, higher than it used to be (we cleared it pre-3.0) for sure. We were 8 manning it, so assumed the droids were doing the damage of 16 man. Was harder than some of the new HM bosses lol.

Piggy's armor debuff at cartel warlords needing cleansed every 5s is also a challenge, considering the cd increase on cleanse.

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We did it a few weeks back, got the boss down after a few wipes, assuming we'd faceroll it (rude awakening), but the damage from the droids is indeed way too high, higher than it used to be (we cleared it pre-3.0) for sure. We were 8 manning it, so assumed the droids were doing the damage of 16 man. Was harder than some of the new HM bosses lol.

Piggy's armor debuff at cartel warlords needing cleansed every 5s is also a challenge, considering the cd increase on cleanse.


You don't get the Classic Operations buff for that fight?

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You don't get the Classic Operations buff for that fight?


You do actually. Just asked a guildy who did a Dragonslayer run last week and he said they one-shotted the fight. Sounds entirely like an RNG thing to me (NiM Brontes used to have some bad RNG too).

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