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People are using macros on slot machines..


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It's like modifying a gun for automatic fire.


Pull trigger, fire, pull trigger, fire... that's fine. Pull trigger, fire, fire, fire, fire... is illegal. It's not hard to understand. The dev's statement is very clear, one action and only one action. Firing five bullets is not one bullet.


no but if i can pull the trigger faster does not mean a macro (in your rather poor example is a bumpstock).


the main issues here is 1) botting (game playing with no user imput) 2) macro


What we people should be really concerned about isnt' the macro, as so much the botting. If i map right Click to 1, and sit there and hammer 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 as fast as i can...there is nothing wrong with it (might question mental status)


the fact that it happens with me not around is botting That is and always has been against the TOS. The fact that the bot is a simple click is irrelevant.


The macro as define is fine as long as there is no inherent delay...The TOS gets violated in the Botting where player is not present.

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No, but you should probably wipe down your mouse. Stacks of Jawa junk probably wasn't all he was picking up.




Party foul!


what i assume he meant was that fingers could easily have found way into nose, or food, or what not that probably wouldnt want on my mouse.

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no but if i can pull the trigger faster does not mean a macro (in your rather poor example is a bumpstock).


the main issues here is 1) botting (game playing with no user imput) 2) macro


What we people should be really concerned about isnt' the macro, as so much the botting. If i map right Click to 1, and sit there and hammer 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 as fast as i can...there is nothing wrong with it (might question mental status)


the fact that it happens with me not around is botting That is and always has been against the TOS. The fact that the bot is a simple click is irrelevant.


The macro as define is fine as long as there is no inherent delay...The TOS gets violated in the Botting where player is not present.


Right... if you click "1" five times and perform five actions, that's fine.


The complaint is that people set the macro to go "clickclickclick..." press one key and go away. That is against ToS.


I used to play Rift, which had a built-in macro system. It would execute the first command it could, then stop. One click, one action.


So I set up a macro like:


Most powerful attack (10 second cooldown)

Powerful attack (5 second cooldown)

Basic attack (no cooldown).


Every time I press "1" it attempts to execute the most powerful attack. If it can, it does that and exits. If the attack is on cooldown, it attempts to perform the powerful attack. If that is on cooldown it performs the basic attack. The system is programmed so that it can only execute one of these attacks.


I get the point. But saying "press 1 and it right clicks five times is okay because a right click is one action" is wrong. That is performing five separate actions per click.

Edited by Tolunart
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no but if i can pull the trigger faster does not mean a macro (in your rather poor example is a bumpstock).


the main issues here is 1) botting (game playing with no user imput) 2) macro


What we people should be really concerned about isnt' the macro, as so much the botting. If i map right Click to 1, and sit there and hammer 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 as fast as i can...there is nothing wrong with it (might question mental status)


the fact that it happens with me not around is botting That is and always has been against the TOS. The fact that the bot is a simple click is irrelevant.


The macro as define is fine as long as there is no inherent delay...The TOS gets violated in the Botting where player is not present.


I would assume the macro would repeat itself indefinitely, since that's generally the purpose of a macro, removing the necessity to actively 'play' the character. And given what they said, "1,1,1,1" is ok, I think you could argue that that's all a player here is doing...spamming 1 key press...like they indicated was OK.



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The botting aspect is what is wrong, the macro itself is not inherently wrong as it only does one thing.


so the claims that the marco is wrong is false, macro is fine.


The botting on the other hand is the other issue which was originally lost in the discussion.


As for your rift example, that would be against the TOS i believe. the fact that it "decides" which to execute is a grey area, that I would not want to risk getting banned over. Since "do nothing" is similar to a "pause/wait" since while(gcd) ; is "an action" similar to "wait (1.5) or pause (1.5) etc.


but that is another issue that wont get into. since we're now discussing what is/isnt' a macro and what is/isn't allowed.


The last thing i will say. Whether we think its wrong or not, if you use a macro other than mapping 1 button to another,you do so at the risk of your account being banned.

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Anything that forces the price of mats into the dirt is a good thing. Try leveling up an alt ( or even better, being a completely new player ) and being consistently unable to find crafted mods/armoriong/hilts/etc. Especially if you're someone who doesn't want to craft. So instead you have to A.) craft the crap yourself which is expensive due to both needing to level your crafting AND pay the outrageous prices for any mats you may need because you'd rather be playing the game than be spending hours playing Martha Stewart harvesting crap; B.) grind out the coms needed to buy premades running the same FP over and over.


Just like raiding should never be forced on people, neither should crafting. Yet the insane prices of mats is doing just that. Noone will craft anything to sell that they can't absolutely make a profit on because they have to mark the price up to compensate for the ridiculous cost of the mats. As far as I'm concerned, they could just add a vendor with every mat in the game available for 1 cred each and I'd be perfectly happy.

Edited by Zorvan
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The botting aspect is what is wrong, the macro itself is not inherently wrong as it only does one thing.


so the claims that the marco is wrong is false, macro is fine.


The botting on the other hand is the other issue which was originally lost in the discussion.


As for your rift example, that would be against the TOS i believe. the fact that it "decides" which to execute is a grey area, that I would not want to risk getting banned over. Since "do nothing" is similar to a "pause/wait" since while(gcd) ; is "an action" similar to "wait (1.5) or pause (1.5) etc.


but that is another issue that wont get into. since we're now discussing what is/isnt' a macro and what is/isn't allowed.


The last thing i will say. Whether we think its wrong or not, if you use a macro other than mapping 1 button to another,you do so at the risk of your account being banned.


Right, I said that several pages ago, after reading the dev's comments on it. The dev even says that it's a gray area, but should be okay because one keypress = one action.


Then Tuxs started arguing with me because "rt click rt click rt click rt click rt click" is supposed to be the same as pressing rt click once. Pressing a key five times is obviously not the same as pressing a key once, and does not fit one keypress = one action. Follows several pages of arguing that five of something is the same as one.


I have not said that the concept itself of the macro is wrong, only that the devs have clearly stated that each use of the macro can only result in one action. Two or more things happening from one click is against ToS, and the use of macros in this situation involves recording numerous key presses in order to automate the process and provide the rewards without sitting there going clickclickclick for an hour.

Edited by Tolunart
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Your surprised by this?


This was the most predictable cheat ever


Hell every time I goto Black Hole lately I see 2 characters standing at the same 2 fights every single time (clearly credit farmers running macros to earn credits for selling)


Tried to report it but there is no report category for such a report (not like any reports since mid Nov been even looked at anyways)


Macros for slot machines are the most predictable cheat out there


Anyone asking for proof of this is just basically admitting they doing it as its such a no brainer


I do believe the correct report category would be "innapropriate player behavior".

And just because someone demands proof for a statement doesn't mean they're doing it.

If that were the case then anyone demanding proof that someone else murdered someone would be a murderer themselves.

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Uh Oh, I just realized that I'm in trouble with this whole thing I did something bad.

Instead of me sitting at the computer playing 200 chips in the slot machine I handed the mouse over to my wife while I made dinner...


Now she wants to play my slot machine all the time and I can't get her to leave so I can raid!


I exploited a flaw in the slot machine by having my wife play for me now I can't even play anymore.....


Well she is having better luck than me, so what the Heck I'll let her keep playing!

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Uh Oh, I just realized that I'm in trouble with this whole thing I did something bad.

Instead of me sitting at the computer playing 200 chips in the slot machine I handed the mouse over to my wife while I made dinner...


Now she wants to play my slot machine all the time and I can't get her to leave so I can raid!


I exploited a flaw in the slot machine by having my wife play for me now I can't even play anymore.....


Well she is having better luck than me, so what the Heck I'll let her keep playing!


Ok, that was pretty funny.

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Uh Oh, I just realized that I'm in trouble with this whole thing I did something bad.

Instead of me sitting at the computer playing 200 chips in the slot machine I handed the mouse over to my wife while I made dinner...


Now she wants to play my slot machine all the time and I can't get her to leave so I can raid!


I exploited a flaw in the slot machine by having my wife play for me now I can't even play anymore.....


Well she is having better luck than me, so what the Heck I'll let her keep playing!


You can play when she sleeps... (your love life is dead anyway now that she's found the slot machine)

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people seem to be denying this. allow me to add a voice to the surrounding.


people are macroing. You wont believe me, and i wont try to convince you, but yes, people are using click bots.

All i am going to say. Continue to see the need for physical proof, i have said my words. It is true, people are macroing. That is all.

Edited by Xemak
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This is lol, I think Friday afternoon I went through ******* 2,000 chips at least, more on Saturday, and got a ton of Midlithe... A few others did the same thing, and the Midlithe market on Jung Ma has gone down from 28k/ea to under 7k/ea...


Not saying people can't macro this, but odds are they're clicking away while watching Netflix on a second monitor or tablet or something...

Or reading Scoundrels by Timothy Zahn while clicking... what?

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people seem to be denying this. allow me to add a voice to the surrounding.


people are macroing. You wont believe me, and i wont try to convince you, but yes, people are using click bots.

All i am going to say. Continue to see the need for physical proof, i have said my words. It is true, people are macroing. That is all.


Ok, people seem to be denying this.


People are not macroing. You won't believe me, and I won't try to convince you, but no, people aren't using click bots.

All I am going to say. Continue to listen to rumors, I have said my words. It is true, people are not macroing.

That is all.


See how that works?


Just because you say something is true, doesn't make it true.

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Ok, people seem to be denying this.


People are not macroing. You won't believe me, and I won't try to convince you, but no, people aren't using click bots.

All I am going to say. Continue to listen to rumors, I have said my words. It is true, people are not macroing.

That is all.


See how that works?


Just because you say something is true, doesn't make it true.


No its not working like that. Only one Person using a macro on this will falsify your statement. The statement from the OP on the other hand is verified by only 1 Person using a macro on this. And everyone who truly wants to know if this is done can find himself enough proof. Everyone else is just arguing here for the sake for arguing.

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Uh Oh, I just realized that I'm in trouble with this whole thing I did something bad.

Instead of me sitting at the computer playing 200 chips in the slot machine I handed the mouse over to my wife while I made dinner...


Now she wants to play my slot machine all the time and I can't get her to leave so I can raid!


I exploited a flaw in the slot machine by having my wife play for me now I can't even play anymore.....


Well she is having better luck than me, so what the Heck I'll let her keep playing!


Actually that is account sharing and against be TOS

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No its not working like that. Only one Person using a macro on this will falsify your statement. The statement from the OP on the other hand is verified by only 1 Person using a macro on this. And everyone who truly wants to know if this is done can find himself enough proof. Everyone else is just arguing here for the sake for arguing.


Well I googled it and found alot of discussion about it, but no proof that it's happening.


Besides, even IF it was happening, they'd get caught and banned.

That's what happened during the casino event and that's what will happen if they do it now.

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That's what happened during the casino event and that's what will happen if they do it now.

They caught the people macroing the casino event and punished them? That's your claim?! HA! If so, that's not accurate at all.

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people seem to be denying this. allow me to add a voice to the surrounding.


people are macroing. You wont believe me, and i wont try to convince you, but yes, people are using click bots.

All i am going to say. Continue to see the need for physical proof, i have said my words. It is true, people are macroing. That is all.


/slow clap/


pvp players use macros for cooldowns, multi-ability triggers, rotation bots.. probably 75+% of all pvpers uses a programmable keyboard or mouse to trigger more than one ability at a time.


pve raiders use macros for cooldowns, multi-ability triggers, rotation bots probably 30% of pve folks use a rotation macro and other use cooldown macros and or health monitoring macros.


slot machinesers use macros


crew skill bots use macros


gold farmers use macros


over 50% of the player base USES MACROS that violate TOS ... get over it.

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