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The Contraband Slot Machine


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And I am 100% certain they do look at the threads as they 100% took my comments requesting a nerf for the original slot machine to heart and used my numbers/figures exactly... well except they didn't understand decimal vs percentages and turned a decimal proposal of .001 for a vehicle and turned it into a percentage of .001% for a vehicle.


Seriously? You really think that be proposing 1 to a power of 10 and the devs using 1 to a different power of 10 indicates that they looked at your proposal, decided to adopt it, and just failed to do so properly? I'm not saying it isn't possible, but I'd that say that it's "substantially" more likely that you are just upset because you wanted it to be 100 times more likely to drop than they did. And seriously, given that people can drop 30 tokens a minute, you really think getting a *walker* mount for a little over 1/2 hour clicking and < 750K in tokens is reasonable?


And FYI, the original drop rates pretty clearly show the devs' math skills.

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And I am 100% certain they do look at the threads as they 100% took my comments requesting a nerf for the original slot machine to heart and used my numbers/figures exactly... well except they didn't understand decimal vs percentages and turned a decimal proposal of .001 for a vehicle and turned it into a percentage of .001% for a vehicle.

Wow... just, wow.


You honestly think the most reasonable explanation is that they 'used your numbers/figures' but didn't understand how decimals vs percentages work? As opposed to, oh I don't know, they used their own figures?


I agree with the statement that they look at the threads, but I am certain they do not just pull the actual math from Random Post #1138.

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Seriously? You really think that be proposing 1 to a power of 10 and the devs using 1 to a different power of 10 indicates that they looked at your proposal, decided to adopt it, and just failed to do so properly? I'm not saying it isn't possible, but I'd that say that it's "substantially" more likely that you are just upset because you wanted it to be 100 times more likely to drop than they did. And seriously, given that people can drop 30 tokens a minute, you really think getting a *walker* mount for a little over 1/2 hour clicking and < 750K in tokens is reasonable?


And FYI, the original drop rates pretty clearly show the devs' math skills.


Two points. First off, 1 to a power of anything is 1. I assume you meant just a power of ten.


Secondly, considering on my server you can currently get a walker for a million credits and that's instantly without that 30 minutes of clicking and it's a guarantee not "the odds say you'll get one in 30 minutes", I'd say it's reasonable. Still rare enough that it's seldomly dropped without being what it is currently where you're better off grabbing one off the GTN or doing the Yavin dailies to get rep and get the one from there for 100k.


Not saying anything to the validity of his comment on the perceived math error, there's no way to know that unless they come out and say it.

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Seriously? You really think that be proposing 1 to a power of 10 and the devs using 1 to a different power of 10 indicates that they looked at your proposal, decided to adopt it, and just failed to do so properly? I'm not saying it isn't possible, but I'd that say that it's "substantially" more likely that you are just upset because you wanted it to be 100 times more likely to drop than they did. And seriously, given that people can drop 30 tokens a minute, you really think getting a *walker* mount for a little over 1/2 hour clicking and < 750K in tokens is reasonable?


And FYI, the original drop rates pretty clearly show the devs' math skills.


Yes, I am certain. Because the thread was reviewed and looked at and there was an IM and also multiple bug reports stating the same information and arguing that the unique vehicles odds should be roughly equivalent to the Kingpin Rancor odds which were .0009 with the feeling lucky buff which was close enough to .001 to use that figure and cut down the number of decimals you have to deal with in accounting for the other drops.


As the only one making the suggestion with such specificity prior (go do a forum search if you like) it does seem that the most likely result is someone just didn't get their math straight in their haste to make a change.


the 100% sure is exaggeration/hyperbole.. instead its like 97.99999999% sure that they viewed the threads as part of a directive from Eric regarding the issue and potential solution or saw the same numbers reported in their bug reports and while they were sitting down and writing percentages out turned .001 into .001%


The alternative is they are just completely out of touch idiots that have no clue about anything in game and thought a hastily reskinned walker mount without an icon really should be a 1 in 100,000 event while the Kingpin Rancor @ an average of 2.2 million credits per appearance was a 1 in 1,000 event approximately. (9 in 10,000 actually, using the feeling lucky buff).

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The alternative is they are just completely out of touch idiots that have no clue about anything in game and thought a hastily reskinned walker mount without an icon really should be a 1 in 100,000 event while the Kingpin Rancor @ an average of 2.2 million credits per appearance was a 1 in 1,000 event approximately. (9 in 10,000 actually, using the feeling lucky buff).



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Two points. First off, 1 to a power of anything is 1. I assume you meant just a power of ten.


Secondly, considering on my server you can currently get a walker for a million credits and that's instantly without that 30 minutes of clicking and it's a guarantee not "the odds say you'll get one in 30 minutes", I'd say it's reasonable. Still rare enough that it's seldomly dropped without being what it is currently where you're better off grabbing one off the GTN or doing the Yavin dailies to get rep and get the one from there for 100k.


Not saying anything to the validity of his comment on the perceived math error, there's no way to know that unless they come out and say it.


You can now get walker mounts for much cheaper. Just go buy one from a faction vendor. Doesn't take long to get faction on Yavin.


So yeah.. I did think it was reasonable that a purely cosmetic drop from a slot machine should have a 1 in 1000 chance of dropping especially as functionally it is no different than any other speeder (well in this case its worse than most of them because its locked at level 10/90%) you can get for 8,000 credits from a vendor or even cheaper form someone selling trash from a cartel pack.

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can we get another patch for the slot machine? really it only dispenses rep items for contraband resale and ive been maxed. I had around 6-7 stacks of 99coins saved up. Went through 2-3 stacks and i got all rep items and 1 COUNT THEM 1 GREEN SCRAP. Please fix this monstrosity. *********** whiners killed the thing.
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can we get another patch for the slot machine? really it only dispenses rep items for contraband resale and ive been maxed. I had around 6-7 stacks of 99coins saved up. Went through 2-3 stacks and i got all rep items and 1 COUNT THEM 1 GREEN SCRAP. Please fix this monstrosity. *********** whiners killed the thing.

I doubt it will ever be fixed because they would have to own up to the fact that they really hosed up the way they handled this, and I really doubt they will ever do that. Mea culpas don't taste very good.

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Stick a fork in it, boys. Bioware is finished with this. It's done. They are NOT reading the thread. They are NOT "implementing your suggestions." They and the vast majority of the player base, who never encountered this issue anyway, have no interest in pursuing the matter. If you feel you've "been wronged" then file a lawsuit.


And if your dog died, too, you have my sympathies.

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Stick a fork in it, boys. Bioware is finished with this. It's done. They are NOT reading the thread. They are NOT "implementing your suggestions." They and the vast majority of the player base, who never encountered this issue anyway, have no interest in pursuing the matter. If you feel you've "been wronged" then file a lawsuit.


And if your dog died, too, you have my sympathies.


[Thread then continues for 20 more pages]

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Stick a fork in it, boys. Bioware is finished with this. It's done. They are NOT reading the thread. They are NOT "implementing your suggestions." They and the vast majority of the player base, who never encountered this issue anyway, have no interest in pursuing the matter. If you feel you've "been wronged" then file a lawsuit.

If you really felt it was "done," you wouldn't have bothered to post that reply.

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So, that's back to back bumps for a thread from folks who think the thread shouldn't be bumped and is 'over'.


What did you hope to accomplish by this?


Were you hoping that by posting your message you might convince someone of your belief/argument and then they would see things your way?


So, if that's the case, didn't you just validate why the posters posting to the thread to keep it alive keep posting to the thread despite your belief it should die?


My world, it spins out of control!!!

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That's terrible logic.

If you posted that to earn my pity, you have it.


So, if that's the case, didn't you just validate why the posters posting to the thread to keep it alive keep posting to the thread despite your belief it should die?

They are the great purveyors of unintentional irony.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Two points. First off, 1 to a power of anything is 1. I assume you meant just a power of ten.


Yeah, I meant 1 x 10^n, not 1^n. Basically, 1E-03 and 1E-05 are the numbers we're talking about.


Secondly, considering on my server you can currently get a walker for a million credits and that's instantly without that 30 minutes of clicking and it's a guarantee not "the odds say you'll get one in 30 minutes", I'd say it's reasonable. Still rare enough that it's seldomly dropped without being what it is currently where you're better off grabbing one off the GTN or doing the Yavin dailies to get rep and get the one from there for 100k.


I hadn't checked the walker prices recently, they were still over 10M last time I looked, and i'm pretty sure they were still that high when machine was nerfed, so it wouldn't have made sense then, but it's probably not too unreasonable now. That said, if it's the only thing worth playing for after you get your rep maxed (which would probably happen before you get the walker), I don't see how it would really improve the machine's long term playability if you can win in less than an hour. Oh, well.

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Bioware - Can we get a response to this over 200 page thread?


Are you going to rethink the nerf and adjust the drop ratio's for the current Contraband Slot Machine to a more acceptable rate of return?


Are you going to release any new XXXX Slot Machines that give reputation to other vendors in the Cartel Market?

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Bioware - Can we get a response to this over 200 page thread?


Are you going to rethink the nerf and adjust the drop ratio's for the current Contraband Slot Machine to a more acceptable rate of return?


Are you going to release any new XXXX Slot Machines that give reputation to other vendors in the Cartel Market?

They won't respond. Deal with it, they did the same thing with the Collectors Edition Updates thread.

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Are you saying it should not be bumped with "repetition and fluff?"


Not necessarily... But at this point I think the only real answer we'll see will be if/when a new machine is released in some future pack. I suspect that the addition of that item will be the patch that sneaks in an update to the format if there is one.


It's there that we'll see whether they truly intend for these machines to just be random rep item dispensers (with a 45% chance to receive nothing and a cumulative 0.5% chance to drop something that isn't a rep item) or if they're trying to avoid the issue while secretly revamping the machines with a better model that drops a variety of other prizes (my big idea has been "prize tickets" which can be redeemed for bound gear at the machine's matching rep vendor in the bazaar, and there are many other prize ideas as well such as winning lockboxes for random companion gifts / materials or winning bound gear directly from the machine) at rates that seem reasonable (without going overboard on potentially lucrative prizes like the scrap and certificates, of course).


If they aren't spending any more time on it and intend to just copy-paste the current machine's format as-is on all future machines (assuming they haven't just deleted them from their plans already) we'll see that in the release of the new machine. Some people will run a bunch of tokens (or find the datamined drop rates) and we'll see that the machines just aren't ever going to be of any interest to anybody after they have its rep maxed.


If they are working on a better fix to use as a model for this and future machines, it's going to take some time for them to get it right and to make sure that it isn't going to fuel another virtual riot over some new mistake. It sucks that they're not really telling us anything one way or another right now. But I think at this point they just don't want to create any sort of expectations by saying anything that can be turned around on them later if something doesn't quite deliver as expected because they said something based on early goals and then the approach changed away from those goals when they actually put the new changes through.

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thats what they said before they destroyed it, but evidently they lie about things.


Actually. Pretty sure they said, "Not an exploit. Nothing is broken in the code. We'll investigate and the rates may change"


Then they said, "We aren't going to change anything"


So... not a lie. Things changed. Things tend to do that...

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