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The Contraband Slot Machine


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I don't know if the machine has to be a net loss money-wise.


Don't get me wrong, it certainly has to be a credit sink, but I feel as long as the items it drops are bound to the character/legacy playing and not able to be easily sold on the GTN you limit the damage.


What I mean by "net loss money-wise" is that [the players] should not be able to make more credits than they spend. BoP/BoL items only count their vendor value (if any) into the equation. So if the perceived non-credit value of the BoP/BoL items is high enough, people will happily spend [net lose] credits to obtain them. The Kingpin prizes are a good example of this. The PCSM "Short Bus" Walker* is a bad example.


So, basically, I think we agree -- except "not easily sold on the GTN" needs to be "not able to be sold other to a vendor". And the closer a given item is to an already-in-game item, the more expensive it should be to acquire through a slot machine in order to avoid having the machine compete with the other in-game methods. [unless, of course, like the Contraband Rep, it is specifically intended to do so.]


*if the walker was yellow and had shorter legs, I would *so* make sure all my chars had one. But that's not the sort of playful self-mockery that could ease a tense situation that I'd expect of most corporations.

Edited by eartharioch
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I like the idea of it being a credit sink, but the prize has to be better than it is IMO to entice folks to throw credits in a hole.


The walker is cool, yes. The rancor is cooler IMO....make the prize that you hit RANDOM among 10 different highly desirable prizes and I bet you would have a winner.


And remove those damn mats from the CSM already. It's past time IMO.

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To chip in with the same sentiment as others:


I now have an CM machine bought with real world money, sat in my stronghold doing nothing .. alongside the 800k of chips I never got round to using because everything was working fine ...


I'll be darned if I'll frit my chips away for a 0,05% chance to win a certificate, and a 0,001% chance for a mount.



Truth be spoken, I've moved on. Lesson learnt, and I've bought my last cartel coins using real world money. Hope enough have reached the same conclusion.

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800k of chips I never got round to using

Tell me, when did you find this thread? When did you start posting in it? Have you gone to page 1? Have you even read the first post in this thread? The OP warned players five days in advance that the slot machine was getting nerfed. If 800k is such a big deal to you, then you should never spend that much on currency exclusive (for now) to a newly-added item which was clearly unbalanced. And yet, you still had five days to use those tokens. There's no one you can blame for this but yourself. Hopefully you've learned the real lesson, and won't stockpile currency for new and unrefined features in the future.



I now have an CM machine bought with real world money

PS: I know you're twisting the truth to make your case more emotionally moving, but give me a break. You paid for gambling packs with random loot, which happened to have this one item.

Edited by idnewton
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^^ oooh such a tough guy ^^


vent somewhere else Clint


In other words "Oh yeah, I guess I don't have any excuse. Well I'll just pretend I read something else, then make a vague unrelated statement and hope he moves on".


Apparently you didn't catch on to the fact that I don't play the BS social game of "who can pretend the longest".



Stop trying these stupid "tactics" and just reply to my point. I doubt you can.

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all they need to do is tell people how it is, that's it. Come out and officially say it is what it is and we all need to get over it, cause apparently we aren't giving up lol. At this point their "ignoring tactic" failed and this further "ignoring" is just fueling flames and complicating the issue even further, they shoot their self in the foot and now are about to shoot their other. Makes me a sad panda
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I'm over 2k chips used and i'm still 1 cert and 1 jawa scrap. Far cry from the working slots that Eric mentioned.


Trash game is trash.


Rather than a 'happy medium', they completely destroyed the thing. That is why I'm still pissed. Either re-patch it to increase CERTS, and GREEN SCRAP (keep Blue and Purple low), increase the Walker chance (and make it Bound to Legacy)... Or give a FULL REFUND of Cartel Coins to anyone who purchased packs PRIOR to the Nerf!

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Rather than a 'happy medium', they completely destroyed the thing. That is why I'm still pissed. Either re-patch it to increase CERTS, and GREEN SCRAP (keep Blue and Purple low), increase the Walker chance (and make it Bound to Legacy)... Or give a FULL REFUND of Cartel Coins to anyone who purchased packs PRIOR to the Nerf!


^ This right here is exactly it...

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The management lately may have been having a mass dummy incident, but I expect it to be temporary. Sure, they likely would not like me saying that, they probably don't care, and I certainly don't care if it stings or not.


Stop doing stupid things and the criticisms from me will cease.


But, there is one thing that I am confident of. This game is going in the right direction despite the latest screw-ups, and I expect the ship to right at any time. I do not expect this foolishness to continue.


I have faith that, at some point, this crew will come to their senses and once again earn my sub. Until then, its preferred for me.

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The management lately may have been having a mass dummy incident, but I expect it to be temporary. Sure, they likely would not like me saying that, they probably don't care, and I certainly don't care if it stings or not.


Stop doing stupid things and the criticisms from me will cease.


But, there is one thing that I am confident of. This game is going in the right direction despite the latest screw-ups, and I expect the ship to right at any time. I do not expect this foolishness to continue.


I have faith that, at some point, this crew will come to their senses and once again earn my sub. Until then, its preferred for me.


What a difference two weeks can make...it seems like just yesterday *you* were bidding *me* adieu...in this very thread...http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7965828&postcount=476


Just to be clear, I'm not trying to rub anything in or gloat. I think this thread is possibly one of the best threads in the history of the swtor forums, and should be preserved for future academic review (or dramatic film adaptation).

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What a difference two weeks can make...it seems like just yesterday *you* were bidding *me* adieu...in this very thread...http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7965828&postcount=476


Just to be clear, I'm not trying to rub anything in or gloat. I think this thread is possibly one of the best threads in the history of the swtor forums, and should be preserved for future academic review (or dramatic film adaptation).




I am disappointed with the recent bonehead moves they have made with 3.0. You seem to be disappointed that MMOs are catering more and more to casuals every day.


Seems like my disappointment is likely temporary.


However, I find it highly unlikely that good solid traditional MMO play will disappear from the market all together.


So...perhaps we will both find satisfaction. Stranger things have happened.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I am disappointed with the recent bonehead moves they have made with 3.0. You seem to be disappointed that MMOs are catering more and more to casuals every day.


Seems like my disappointment is likely temporary.


However, I find it highly unlikely that good solid traditional MMO play will disappear from the market all together.


So...perhaps we will both find satisfaction. Stranger things have happened.


I really don't have a lot of previous MMO experience, and I consider myself to be a casual. I am primarily a single-player game person, and I was drawn here because of KOTOR (and the Infinity Engine games). I liked launch swtor, but I was a bit disappointed because I thought the single-player parts were lacking compared to the games that brought me here.


I haven't been dissatisfied because this game is catering to casuals (since I am one), but because the devs seem to think casual = EZ mode. I'd like a middle ground between "being able to beat anything with my eyes closed" and "I'll never be able to beat this because I haven't watched 50 videos and spent 200 hours parsing fights with the op dummy".


TBH, I don't think the encounters *as intended* are necessarily bad, it's just that the huge number of bugs combined with poor engine performance make much of new content unpalatable if not outright unplayable. And instead of fixing the bugs or revising the encounters to play well within the engine's limitations, it seems like the devs are trying to take the easy way out and just toss out better gear so that we can brute force our way through things.


FYI, I like the major change that 3.0 brought -- Disciplines, which a lot of the detractors said dumbed down the game. IMO, the devs could have postponed the 56-60 content a few months for polishing and just introduced Disciplines and left 12x on and I'd have been a happy camper.

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In other words "Oh yeah, I guess I don't have any excuse. Well I'll just pretend I read something else, then make a vague unrelated statement and hope he moves on".


Apparently you didn't catch on to the fact that I don't play the BS social game of "who can pretend the longest".



Stop trying these stupid "tactics" and just reply to my point. I doubt you can.


What on earth are you on about, or more appropriately what have you been smoking ? You come off sounding like a total imbecile. I made a post. I expressed my thoughts. There is nothing in my post which I need to defend to the likes of you.


Now go play on the motorway, like a good little kid.

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I haven't been dissatisfied because this game is catering to casuals (since I am one), but because the devs seem to think casual = EZ mode. I'd like a middle ground between "being able to beat anything with my eyes closed" and "I'll never be able to beat this because I haven't watched 50 videos and spent 200 hours parsing fights with the op dummy".

That is a conversation worthy of its own thread. I agree that there is a missing middle ground for solo players to challenge themselves. It's also disappointing that any difficulty curve has to be player managed, deciding not to upgrade gear until silver mobs get challenging to removing certain gear (ie. relics) all together. I would look for a level of content that requires a player to optimise their gear and rotations to complete. And not just trying to complete content intended for group play.


To the topic at hand. I think it highly likely that the developers have decided to go the route of Non-engagement a well established form of negotiation when you are in a lose-lose situation. Eventually the furore will die down, only resurrected by a handful of diehards, and the metrics will show whether players have stood by their comments or relented and returned to paying.


I can only hope that a lesson has been learned and that future implementation will have better fidelity and communication. Both within the studio and between the players.

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