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The Contraband Slot Machine


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You can't seriously argue that crafted greens are the "baseline" level for lvl 60 when you are given enough basic comms at the start of Rishii to gear up with a complete set of 186 gear.


And you can't get to lvl 60 without buying the SoR expansion, so everyone has access to that reward of basic comms when they reach lvl 60 (whether they choose to go that route or not is up to them).

That makes the 186 gear the base gear for lvl 60.


The comm conversion is the ONLY reason people have so many basic comms at the start of this expansion. Yes, green 168's are base gear. They are the most basic gear in the top tier of crafted items, and that makes them the base gear.


You don't need anything else at level 60 if you aren't going to run flashpoints or ops. If you are, you then start your progression.


With 168 green's, you can easily run through the Rishi and Yavin quest lines which then reward you with 178 blues and basic comms. Those 178's will let you easily run HM FP's and earn better gear via comms. If you want to make it easier you can use comms for 186 gear or buy it from the GTN...or craft it yourself.


186 gear is a luxury. You don't need it to progress, it just makes it easier.


The basic fact is that for every top tier starting with level 50, you simply did not need the artifact level crafted items to continue progression.


Just because the comm conversion made it really, really easy to gear in 186's does not make it the baseline gear. And quite frankly, if it is so bloody easy to get 186 gear then why does anyone care about crafted 186's?


Could it be because they are better than the basic comm 186 gear? That makes them a step up from those basic comm mods, doesn't it? But you still don't need it to progress.

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i was pretty peeved and considered it myself, I take a personal stance irl not to let these type of things to continually happen to me, so it's hard to take something like this here for sure. If not for prior investment and being here so long and all I could see easily how someone could un-sub over this or issues like it, after all when money is involved we tend to think less rationally.


K sorry I just don't understand what you are peeved about? So you spent real money to get the slots? Is that what you are saying? My first and 6th pack dropped a slot machine, I don't pay for cc anymore because I tried for a mount once and it never dropped.? Did I QQ I spent $40 and didn't get what I wanted? Nope, did I get peeved? Nope. Did I quit? Nope. But the drop rate on the slot machine was pretty good plus you can't QQ about buying cc just to buy packs for one item that's ignorant trust me I know I did it once. To have the nerve to cry about being ignorant (if that is what you are saying) is ridiculous! You got a lot more in those packs I'm sure you either kept or sold.

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Wrong. You use a false argument. The types of comms do not denote the type of item.


186 gear is a luxury item. The baseline for level 60 is the crafted greens which makes even 178 gear a luxury item.


If you aren't doing anything but running around in the world doing dailies, you don't need anything above 168 greens. Anything else is a luxury. You want the luxury, you pay for it.


Yeah sorry, but you are way off. You can get up to 186 gear from basic comms, basic comms are not a luxury. You want 192, or 198 that is a luxury unless you are OPs you really dont need.

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I really don't feel like this was a bait and switch...I think that is going a bit too far, indicating that this was somehow on purpose (if that is what you mean).


I think it was more likely this was one bad decision followed by a worse decision to fix it.


Whether it was on purpose or not doesn't matter. End result maters and end result is bait and switch.

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K sorry I just don't understand what you are peeved about? So you spent real money to get the slots? Is that what you are saying? My first and 6th pack dropped a slot machine, I don't pay for cc anymore because I tried for a mount once and it never dropped.? Did I QQ I spent $40 and didn't get what I wanted? Nope, did I get peeved? Nope. Did I quit? Nope. But the drop rate on the slot machine was pretty good plus you can't QQ about buying cc just to buy packs for one item that's ignorant trust me I know I did it once. To have the nerve to cry about being ignorant (if that is what you are saying) is ridiculous! You got a lot more in those packs I'm sure you either kept or sold.


lol that doesn't make any sense, not going to dignify you with a response as I am rendered awestruck by something.....yea something

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Wrong. You use a false argument. The types of comms do not denote the type of item. 186 gear is a luxury item. The baseline for level 60 is the crafted greens which makes even 178 gear a luxury item. If you aren't doing anything but running around in the world doing dailies, you don't need anything above 168 greens. Anything else is a luxury. You want the luxury, you pay for it.


Again, I disagree, based on simply looking at how the game awards them.


168 and 178 are merely transitional tiers, reflected in the game providing them to you whilst leveling through the expansion content.

I leveled 6 characters to 60 and at the end of Yavin they all ended up with roughly the same amount of Basic comms, enough for an almost full set of 186. That makes it by design the baseline level of gear at 60.

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Yeah sorry, but you are way off. You can get up to 186 gear from basic comms, basic comms are not a luxury. You want 192, or 198 that is a luxury unless you are OPs you really dont need.


Then why do you care about crafted 186's? You can't have it both ways.


Basic Comms would normally take effort to collect and as I said before, it takes 30 dailies to get the comms for ONE chest piece.


186 gear is a luxury. You don't need it, therefor it is a luxury. It takes iterations above 168 greens to get it, therefor the 168's are the base.


You are deluding yourself if you think you need anything better than 168's outside of end game progression.

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Lets face it the slot machine allowed people to augment without Slicing.


It [Jawa Junk] had to go, it was allowing an entire profession to be bypassed.


Good riddance.


So how is that any different from buying augs off the GTN or the mats themselves?

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lol that doesn't make any sense, not going to dignify you with a response as I am rendered awestruck by something.....yea something


Umm you aren't going to dignify that by a response by responding? Yeah talk about making no sense.


Well let me break it down for you it was a lot of words..


Why are you peeves?


Did you spend real money on cc?


Did you buy packs just for the slots?


What did you do with all the other stuff you got from the packs?

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You can't seriously argue that crafted greens are the "baseline" level for lvl 60 when you are given enough basic comms at the start of Rishii to gear up with a complete set of 186 gear.


And you can't get to lvl 60 without buying the SoR expansion, so everyone has access to that reward of basic comms when they reach lvl 60 (whether they choose to go that route or not is up to them).

That makes the 186 gear the base gear for lvl 60.


Actually you can craft 186 gear for level 56 use. All but weapon and off hand which requires level 58.

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Umm you aren't going to dignify that by a response by responding? Yeah talk about making no sense.


Well let me break it down for you it was a lot of words..


Why are you peeves?


Did you spend real money on cc?


Did you buy packs just for the slots?


What did you do with all the other stuff you got from the packs?

if you will go back and read my other post i carefully explain all of that, again why i am somewhat ignoring you. Not hard to figure out forum functions but shoot me a PM and I will walk you through it if you need help, rather do that than type stuff I already typed, mmmmkay, But thanks for the bump, we need all we can get for this issue;)

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Then why do you care about crafted 186's? You can't have it both ways.


Basic Comms would normally take effort to collect and as I said before, it takes 30 dailies to get the comms for ONE chest piece.


186 gear is a luxury. You don't need it, therefor it is a luxury. It takes iterations above 168 greens to get it, therefor the 168's are the base.


You are deluding yourself if you think you need anything better than 168's outside of end game progression.


You mistake me for someone else, I dont care. I was just saying the statement that 186 is a luxury is false. Anything that is obtained by basic comms is not a luxury, hence the title basic. Also, saying basic coms take effort is also misleading, they dont. And anyone with any experience knows that greens are crap, you just get orange and mod out. That is part of the problem I think, people waste credits on green or blue crap then find they are under geared. Imwould feel sorry for any 60s walking around in 168.

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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if you will go back and read my other post i carefully explain all of that, again why i am somewhat ignoring you. Not hard to figure out forum functions but shoot me a PM and I will walk you through it if you need help, rather do that than type stuff I already typed, mmmmkay, But thanks for the bump, we need all we can get for this issue;)


Yes you do typically when QQers like yourself get desperate and run out of stuff to copy/paste they need all the help they can get. But not sure me calling you out is the type of help you need...

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I can answer that.


I am not upset over nerfed scrap drop rates, since I knew that had to happen and expected it, though I think they went a bit overboard...well, substantially overboard actually.


I am upset over nerfing certs and increasing loss rate. All they had to do was to keep cert rates the same (though I think it would have been better to increase them to 4%) and roll the remaining percentage points into the token win. Tokens are harmless IMO.


By increasing the loss rate and nerfing certs they essentially turned it into a rep machine. Nothing more. Once you max rep, thats generally it.

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I disagree; the clue's in the name of the comms it costs at the vendor, Basic. :)


Imho Tier 192 and above are the luxury items, and only need to be available to people achieving a set of objectives at a certain challenge level.

But it makes perfect sense for crafted 186 to be obtainable with a relative ease and democratic affordability when the game itself considers it to be the baseline level 60 tier.


Agreed to a point. 186 is the basic gear as you said its in the name. also agree with others that you can do that level without it. If that is the case then why the need for higher gear?


I just with that they would not come on these forums and make out that the 192 gear is something they have had to really really really work hard for, because its not. The 186 is easily obtainable so not really an issue.


The gear is totally irrelevant, if you did not enjoy doing those ops you would not do them, I don't do them any more because I don't enjoy it, full stop.

If however it is something you enjoy and nothing wrong in that at all. You all should play the game you like playing. if you enjoy it that cool. But if you do enjoy it its not hard work. Your inability to understand that others might not like it is somewhat baffling.

Yes any quest should have its rewards, just not convinced its should be gear that's only available to that aspect of the game. Cosmetic gear, excusive mounts sure. Exclusive higher rated gear! I will never be convinced of that.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Lets face it the slot machine allowed people to augment without Slicing.


It [Jawa Junk] had to go, it was allowing an entire profession to be bypassed.


Good riddance.


Lets face it crafter's have been screwing people for years in this game 200% markups etc etc offering to craft "for you" then keeping proc's and demanding tips, The slot machine leveled the field anyone could now craft with far less farm time... and the crafter's *****ed and QQed so they could get their captive audience back. Dev team Knee-Jerked the machine into oblivion after posting it was "working as intended " and tricked tons of players into buying crates to get this new machine that made crafting easier... This is a classic bait and switch DEV's should be ashamed of this ... where is the appoligy for this where is the we are going to make the odds more reasonable again post. I give them till Tuesday next. I have already pulled all our family's subs so 5 subbed account's 9k in cash shop now on F2p I urge other to voice your anger in the same way. Nothing will get their attention faster then you dropping your sub and telling them why. On Tuesday if there is still no message about how this is being fixed. I will have no choice but to seek a refund through Paypal.

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Hey folks,


We know that there have been many questions about the Contraband Slot Machine and its intent. Here are a few notes on it:

  • The Contraband Slot Machine is not bugged.
  • It is 100% not an exploit to use the Slot Machine.
  • If you feel the desire to sell access to your Stronghold, that’s totally up to you. As a reminder, do not scam people as that is against ToS.
  • We added the Slot Machine as a fun idea based on the positive feedback from the Nightlife event, so spend those credits to your heart’s content!

With that being said, we do hear the concern from many of you around the effects of the Jawa Junk’s drop rate on the economy. We are going to take a look at it and make changes accordingly. I will let you know once I know more. In the meantime, have fun! :rak_03:




Lets face it crafter's have been screwing people for years in this game 200% markups etc etc offering to craft "for you" then keeping proc's and demanding tips, The slot machine leveled the field anyone could now craft with far less farm time... and the crafter's *****ed and QQed so they could get their captive audience back. Dev team Knee-Jerked the machine into oblivion after posting it was "working as intended " and tricked tons of players into buying crates to get this new machine that made crafting easier... This is a classic bait and switch DEV's should be ashamed of this ... where is the appoligy for this where is the we are going to make the odds more reasonable again post. I give them till Tuesday next. I have already pulled all our family's subs so 5 subbed account's 9k in cash shop now on F2p I urge other to voice your anger in the same way. Nothing will get their attention faster then you dropping your sub and telling them why. On Tuesday if there is still no message about how this is being fixed. I will have no choice but to seek a refund through Paypal.

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I'm a crafter the only reason i bought the thing was for materials. The purple mat prices on my server were outrageous. I had nearly given up on crafting and was mostly just gathering and selling mats.


yea it's not crafters who where the original complainers, but farmers using their "crafter" card, convenient I know:cool:

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