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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Contraband Slotmachine


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Well, I made several million from it tonight (I'll let you figure out how) and completely, completely destroyed some of the crafting markets on the GTN. Only reason I stopped was because I was tried of clicking the slot machine. The crafting missions are all but pointless now. Seriously. Diplomacy, Underworld Trading, etc. - NO point in them. Purple 500 crafting missions are now virtually useless (at least at their current prices). They are going to have to change the rewards OR change the price on.....certain items which shall remain nameless. I love the slot machine but it literally made 1/3 of crafting skills obsolete in its current incarnation. Expect a change at some point. Edited by Lupious
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They need to raise the price by a lot (or lower drop rate significantly on the 'rare' items)... I tried it for fun earlier and the reward to credit ratio is ridiculous.


After the recent economy changing "thing" involving 192 level gear/mats everywhere in chat and on the gtn, you'd think they'd be more wary of something like this :rolleyes:


RIP certain crafting and decoration markets (assuming the decos are unbound, which I believe they are).

Edited by KTap
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After the recent economy changing "thing" involving 192 level gear/mats everywhere in chat and on the gtn, you'd think they'd be more wary of something like this :rolleyes:


It's amazing how BW manages to find ways to destroy whatever balance there might have been. The slot machine doesn't seem to be that rare either. Unless of course, it's well calculated choice they have made. Granted that this scenario demands horns of a dollar demon worn by whoever tuned it. What am I talking about you might ask? After these slot machines, the only way to make credits with whatever efforts of crafting implants, ear pieces, augments and what not are next to worthless. It's as if BW is trying to force people who need credits to buy cartel coins to get packs/other things to sell on GTN. Uhmm.. yeah. That's it.


*edit: scavenging, bioanalysis and archaeology purple missions were useless starting from the beginning of 3.0. Now like someone mentioned previously, purple missions and using those are useless also unless they change the slot machine. Markets crashing, crash on material prices started last night on TRE and those were ½ of what they were yesterday an hour or two ago.


It's really hard not to be sarcastic at this point. :rolleyes:


I'd get it if it would cost at least 10 000 credits to buy a chip. It should be gambling, not certified income.

Edited by Ruskaeth
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I don't know how many of those slot machines already exist but the market for purple grade 11 mats had to go down once they posted the patch notes anyway. People sitting on piles of Jawa Junk that can now be exchanged for grade 11 purple mats at the Jawa vendors must have increased the supply of those mats a lot.


Since this may really affect the ingame economy of those mats a hotfix before next Tuesday is not unlikely, considering that it shouldn't be too hard to adjust the prices of those Tokens on short notice.


Despite all this, having the RNG work in the players' favor makes it quite funny. :)

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Well, I made several million from it tonight (I'll let you figure out how) and completely, completely destroyed some of the crafting markets on the GTN. Only reason I stopped was because I was tried of clicking the slot machine. The crafting missions are all but pointless now. Seriously. Diplomacy, Underworld Trading, etc. - NO point in them. Purple 500 crafting missions are now virtually useless (at least at their current prices). They are going to have to change the rewards OR change the price on.....certain items which shall remain nameless. I love the slot machine but it literally made 1/3 of crafting skills obsolete in its current incarnation. Expect a change at some point.


If you get an average of 18 jawa junk per 50k credits spent, that's a profit of roughly 100k right there excluding the cartel certs and other jawa materials. Seems like it'll immensely devalue the materials market not to mention old packs. In fact, I'd expect people to start botting this. As adorable as it is, those chips should be much much more expensive.



GG Bioware...

Edited by Glower
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Old habits die fast. I started going through my characters to set crew skills going, for mats, in hope of crits to get some purple mats and I did send companions out with first character I logged on. I logged next character and stopped on my tracks. Then I just didn't send companions to do crew skills, at all.
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I don't know... I got like 6 purple jawa thingies from 99 chips...

So that's not all that over the top.

Nothing else but 6 purple jawa tokens? Because all the other stuff isn't exactly worthless either.


Idk if this has been asked. When u invite someone to your stronghold can they play the machine? Pretty crazy that one machine could service a whole guild on the guild ship. Of course I guess only 1 person can click at a time but still

Yes. Anyone can play the machine as long as they have the chips.

Edited by Danylia
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No, we'll let you tell us so we can really know you are just making it all up.


IOW, screen shot or did not happen. But, hey, if pretending makes you feel better about things, go for it.


'Several' is probably exaggeration, but this slot machine has/had the potential of making millions, at least as a first-mover if you farmed the slot machine yesterday.


I bought three Acolyte packs, 1 slot machine in them.


I used 400 coins/tokens (200k credits), got 7 certificates, bought Twilek Dancers, Scrap sellers and other NPCs and sold them on GTN for 200k-250k a pop = already well above a million there.


I got 35 purple scraps, bought 35 purple treasure hunting gemstones and sold them for 20k each (which was very cheap yesterday, probably expensive at the end of today).

Then there's the green and blue scrap materials you can use to buy mats and sell for additional credits.


I capped weekly rep with Contraband and then start selling the reputation items. Just vendoring the rep items almost pay back the 50k per stack of tokens.


As much as macros aka unattended play is not allowed, these slot machines are made for macroing. They almost pay for themselves just from vendoring rep tokens, the scraps/certificates are a lot more valuable than what you put into the machine.


TLDR: These slot machines are ridiculous.

Edited by MFollin
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I think to fix the craziness of this item is to take away the grade 11 NATs away from the jawas. I think the jawa vendors are great for older mats.


The cartel certificate I think is a great reward for te slot machine but maybe decrease the chances of getting one.


I don't have a problem selling the rep tokens back or selling some mats but the rare purple grade 11 that kinda hurts the market and the ease of getting fully augmented really quickly. Think about if you can make a few hundred thousand credits in an hour doing dailies or soend the same amount of time playing the slots then who cares time put in is the same so why not. And it's a slot machine so why not have the rare chance to make a tad more but I do think current money making way flooding the market with the grade 11 Mars is the wrong way to make money. Just take away the grade 11 mats decrease the chances of a cartel certificate and I think we are good to go. The market will fix itself in a bit once they are sold off.


Maybe once in awhile add a new time to win from it.


Now I think like most vendors in game this slot machine needs to be added new prizes or items to keep things current.

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Maybe once in awhile add a new time to win from it.


Now I think like most vendors in game this slot machine needs to be added new prizes or items to keep things current.

I doubt they'll add new items to this slot machine, I bet they'll just add new slot machines - if this "Contraband Slot Machine" is giving out Contraband Rep, then it stands to reason that (if they decide to move forward) there will eventually be a Bounty Slot Machine which will give Bounty Rep, a Starfighter Slot Machine, etc. I could see them mixing up the prize pools for those future slot machines, but I doubt they'll straight up expand the pool for this machine*.


*The one exception would be if they have an 'oh crap' moment based on some of the things being reported here and decide to do a rework of the item to avoid messing with the economy too much, since they may decide to balance out whatever they take away by putting in more items to compensate - but aside from such a one-time rework of the item, I doubt there will be any sort of gradual expansion of its item list.

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I think to fix the craziness of this item is to take away the grade 11 NATs away from the jawas. I think the jawa vendors are great for older mats.


The cartel certificate I think is a great reward for te slot machine but maybe decrease the chances of getting one.


I don't have a problem selling the rep tokens back or selling some mats but the rare purple grade 11 that kinda hurts the market and the ease of getting fully augmented really quickly. Think about if you can make a few hundred thousand credits in an hour doing dailies or soend the same amount of time playing the slots then who cares time put in is the same so why not. And it's a slot machine so why not have the rare chance to make a tad more but I do think current money making way flooding the market with the grade 11 Mars is the wrong way to make money. Just take away the grade 11 mats decrease the chances of a cartel certificate and I think we are good to go. The market will fix itself in a bit once they are sold off.


Maybe once in awhile add a new time to win from it.


Now I think like most vendors in game this slot machine needs to be added new prizes or items to keep things current.


With or without slot machines dropping scraps, I think the grade 11 (especially the purple ones) need to be more expensive. Even 3 purple scraps per Adaptive Circuitry is too cheap, and 1 purple scrap per TH Gemstone will completely wreck the prices on artifice stuff.


If each Grade 11 purple item is 3-5 purple scraps I think it will solve most of the price dumping without making scraps useless.

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So, I got the slot machine (two in sixteen packs, so rarity seems to not be so bad) and used one stack (99) of coins, purchase cost 49500 credits.


Here are the results:

12x Banned Holovids (green rep item)

12x Prohibited Medical Supplies (blue rep item)

6x Confiscated Artworks (purple rep item)

12x Scavenged Scrap (green Jawa stuff)

6x Assorted Droid Parts (blue Jawa stuff)

17x Jawa Junk (purple Jawa stuff - yeah, that was a lucky streak)

2x Cartel Market Certificate


I had capped rep before, so the rep items are only good for vendoring I guess. The purple mats alone can easily be sold for more than 300K at the going rate on my server. Of course the prices won't stay as high once more people get the slot machines.


I guess it's better to stop at this point. Whether this can be considered an exploit or not is not for me to judge. (Though the Rishi chests weren't considered an exploit afaik, but they were quickly nerfed.)


In any case, this seems so out of proportion that I'll assume it's not intended. I'd like to see a yellow post regarding this issue.


It's safe to say this won't stay the way it is. Enough reason for an unscheduled maintanance?

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I guess it's better to stop at this point. Whether this can be considered an exploit or not is not for me to judge. (Though the Rishi chests weren't considered an exploit afaik, but they were quickly nerfed.)


In any case, this seems so out of proportion that I'll assume it's not intended. I'd like to see a yellow post regarding this issue.


It's safe to say this won't stay the way it is. Enough reason for an unscheduled maintanance?


It's not an exploit. The item is being used precisely as intended - buy the chip, click the machine, collect a reward. It's just overpowered and inevitably destined for a rebalancing. Sort of like some currently-popular combat skills :)

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Good credit sink IMO. I think they should also bring back the original slot machines as a regular game feature, and allow us to place one of them in our Stronghold as well.

I find it curious that some folks would advocate a REDUCTION in rewards.


If it does turn out that the reward level is some kind of glitch or bug, so be it. But I can say that the cartel certificate rewards has me seriously considering purchasing one of these things. Normally I would not do so.


If anything does get nerfed, I think the certs should remain as they are. That is a huge selling point IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I find it curious that some folks would advocate a REDUCTION in rewards.

I don't find it that curious (although i also don't actually share their view). Value is largely determined by scarcity, there are certain items that some people want to see remain valuable and an increase in the number of those items in the market will reduce that value.

Edited by DarthDymond
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