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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Congratulations. You just killed sm ops

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No, ultimate comm gear is not useless. The mods are even better than the ones from 192 token gear (same PWR + MS and more health). Not even talking about the offhand and the one surplus of armorings (considering you have the 6-setbonus).


What I do not understand is why BW hasn't upgraded DF and DP to level 60, like they did with TfB and S&V during 2.0. This would both increase both the content at level 60 (hugely) and give us other means to get utlimate commendations.

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No, ultimate comm gear is not useless. The mods are even better than the ones from 192 token gear (same PWR + MS and more health). Not even talking about the offhand and the one surplus of armorings (considering you have the 6-setbonus).


What I do not understand is why BW hasn't upgraded DF and DP to level 60, like they did with TfB and S&V during 2.0. This would both increase both the content at level 60 (hugely) and give us other means to get utlimate commendations.


According to most theory crafter's 192 unlettered are better than 198 A mods due to the small crit returns from MS are hardly worth sacrificing guaranteed bonus damage you get from power heavy mods.

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According to most theory crafter's 192 unlettered are better than 198 A mods due to the small crit returns from MS are hardly worth sacrificing guaranteed bonus damage you get from power heavy mods.


Keyboardninja: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7849264&postcount=1


Yes, you can be lucky and parse higher with more MS, due to higher crit, but that's RNG based. Also if you are going for the HMs the extra HP you get from the 198 mods is very much advised.

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  • 2 weeks later...
They didn't handle this well. The two new raids should have supplemented the end game, not made it so there's only a few worthwhile content runs left. Buff the old raids to 60 and restore the rewards. I just unsubbed because this game is back to having very little to do at level cap since 3.0 hit.
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I am really sorry to see the briefly added incentives for the SM Ops go. I had hopes to finally try out the end game content, but now I don’t think it is going to happen.


I obviously can’t know all the trials and tribulations that the senior players face, but what I certainly know is that nobody wants a new player.


BioWARE just keeps adding, and adding the new content without providing any incentive for doing the old, entry-level stuff.


On the other hand, the penalties for anyone new and inexperienced are stiff. There is the time cost, credits cost, a very real chance of abject humiliation and a very real possibility of no reward whatsoever.


So, yeah, sweetening the deal for the Old Guard was a great idea, imo. Too bad they backed out of it.


Absolutely not true. Many guilds are quite willing to take new players. I've personally run raids in my guild where new players got through ravagers for the first time for one it was their first raid ever.


You can easily get a full set of basic comm gear (186) which is sufficient to run Ravagers. My recommendation is look for a guild that runs ops and is taking new players. Tell them up front you are new to end game and need help/advice. You'd be surprised how many good guilds are out there that are very willing to take new players.

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Absolutely not true. Many guilds are quite willing to take new players.


True for guilds, but not for PUGs. I've witnessed people saying / writing that they wouldn't take new, undergeared players into OPs.


Addendum by me : Into OPs which would deliver them the Comms & gear that thy'd need to do OPs ...

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EV/EC/KP rewarded ultimates before the expansion. Flashpoint completion rewarded ultimates before the expansion. Group finder rewarded ultimates before the expansion. I don't know where the "old content shouldn't give ultimates" argument comes from, but that has not been the history of the game thus far. Also, if comm gear is crap, why do folks care if SM content drops them?


Wrong EV/EC/KP didn't give ultimates on DROPS you only got Ulitmates form Classic Ops Weekly. Which is still here (NOW it's HM TFB,SV, DP,DF). But you never got ultimates from SM.


You only got ultimates form completing the HM weekly (which you still get) the bosses from the 50-55 flashpoints themselves never dropped ultimates.


So yes Old content never actually gave ULTIMATES themselves. Your recollection of history is vary skewed and very wrong. Bioware just did what they always have done, which is removed the highest currency from old content and make it only available in the higher difficulty bracket. Nothing has changed.


But let's get down to the real nitty gritty of all these complaints. Which is that the content to achieve the ultimates is no longer faceroll and snoozefest to achieve. You actually have to work to get the highest currency again, which happens at every content cycle when it restarts.


We are at the beginning, they probably will allow more access to ultimates once the content cycle comes to an end. But until then find a good group and start running SM Ops and get the midmax gear that's better in the long run than the ultimates comm crap pieces.

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I need to start the Ops with the Eternity Vault, rather than try to do Ravagers. I need to prep the character and the fights beforehand. I can’t memorize all of them. I’ve tried.


When my Guild calls up open spots in a run, it is far too high level for me. I’d risk it, if I had an rDPS on the go pub-side, but I don’t. In time I will.


Yes, that’s my problems as an inexperienced player.


But when the Old Guard ran the Ops around the clock, I could just learn one Op, and simply keep my eyes peeled waiting till someone calls that one up, take a deep breath and ask for an invite on whatever char I was comfortable with.


So, yes, I regret that the short happy period of time when the Ultimates were awarded is over, and I am uncertain I will be able to break into the end game content without it.

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True for guilds, but not for PUGs. I've witnessed people saying / writing that they wouldn't take new, undergeared players into OPs.


I got a good laugh the second week 3.0 was out when I saw a couple groups already asking people to link Rav/ToS achievements to be allowed to join.

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Well, that's the spiral of the "arms race".


It's even a bit like RL society : The roof gets always a bit higher. So high that one day you aren't even allowed to enter a high-class building without having gold and diamonds on your clothes, even when that high-class buiding had been a shabby shop in the very first few years of its building, when it was a tiny grocery.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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True for guilds, but not for PUGs. I've witnessed people saying / writing that they wouldn't take new, undergeared players into OPs.


Addendum by me : Into OPs which would deliver them the Comms & gear that thy'd need to do OPs ...


from most of pugs i tried, people need to l2p not more gear, and the rate of avoidable damage not avoided makes the carrying, rampant in 2.X, almost impossible.

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Yes they killed the Group Finder level 60,16M Story mode ops and the lower tier ops. What is mainly seen is the 8M SM L60 with achievement for invites, 16M is a small fraction of what was run before 3.0. This means a whole lot less are doing the ops, and it will have a significant impact on time spent in the game. The less people play, the more likely they will unsub, leading to less and less people and money coming in for EA/Bioware. Not a good situation for anyone, hope all are happy.
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Weren't Story Mode operations designed so that people can see the story? Isn't that what Bioware has stated many many times that they want people to see the story? Right now, these ops are not filling that function. I don't know if it's to many mechanics, alot of unavoidable damage, the almost having to have a dedicated ranged group to complete them. I don't know, but what I do know is, they are not fun at all.
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Weren't Story Mode operations designed so that people can see the story? Isn't that what Bioware has stated many many times that they want people to see the story? Right now, these ops are not filling that function. I don't know if it's to many mechanics, alot of unavoidable damage, the almost having to have a dedicated ranged group to complete them. I don't know, but what I do know is, they are not fun at all.


Regardless of how difficult I think it is (which to me they aren't) that might explain why everyone I see is wearing 186/192 com gear and no op gear... (minus for a few 198 chest piece but I digress :p)

But we shall see as more ops and new gear levels are added to the game.

Edited by FerkWork
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SM Ravagers is still easier than SM EC was when it first came out (at least as far as I can remember).


I don't think that SM 8 man is tough, heck maybe buff SM 8 man slightly.


8 man is, 16 man are something else though it's like they're a bit too punishing on stacking meaning too many mdps in your group makes it futile, has no room for the odd death due to pretty tight enrages (torque/underlurker)which pretty much require all your dps to stay alive with at least 3k individually on a boss which also means there's lack of room for carrying newer players whom are also attracted to 16 man ops like flies around a steaming turd.

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I’m still seeing the majority of 8m and 16m (though both seem to be very rare on the fleet) being advertised for ToS or Rav needing,

- All boss achievements

- Full up-to-date augments

- Full 192 gear

- TS or equivalent

And you need all that before you even get a look in to even be considered to join the group and this is what nearly 2-3 months since their release? If pug groups in the fleet are needing all that stuff still for SM than something’s very wrong. Also these groups always are needing on Tanks and yet they refuse to give a new Tank a try just because they don’t have the achievements yet, anyone else see the pattern appearing here?


ToS and RAV PUG SM runs appear very dead to me which is sad because honestly I enjoy them, RAV especially.

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I’m still seeing the majority of 8m and 16m (though both seem to be very rare on the fleet) being advertised for ToS or Rav needing,

- All boss achievements

- Full up-to-date augments

- Full 192 gear

- TS or equivalent

And you need all that before you even get a look in to even be considered to join the group and this is what nearly 2-3 months since their release? If pug groups in the fleet are needing all that stuff still for SM than something’s very wrong. Also these groups always are needing on Tanks and yet they refuse to give a new Tank a try just because they don’t have the achievements yet, anyone else see the pattern appearing here?


ToS and RAV PUG SM runs appear very dead to me which is sad because honestly I enjoy them, RAV especially.


I agree, if PUG's are needing that then perhaps it's time to reevaluate the raid. Bring it down, or bring some other things up.

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I agree, if PUG's are needing that then perhaps it's time to reevaluate the raid. Bring it down, or bring some other things up.


I'm ordinarily in the "LOL L2P" camp, but having now been in way too many 16m SM groupfinder (with bolster!) pugs that have been splattered spectacularly by Torque, I have to agree that something needs changing. Pugs are notoriously melee-heavy anyway, and losing 4 or 5 right in the first fire isn't going to end well.


The smart ones do Torque on 8m and then reassemble the 16m to finish the groupfinder quest for the reward. Usually though Torque destroys everyone's faith in humanity to the point where everyone quits and goes to bed crying.

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Weren't Story Mode operations designed so that people can see the story

Yes, and 16-man mode was picked for Finder in particular because "it's easier and allows carrying new people thus". Which is absolutely nonsense with new 3.0 opses. That's beside the fact that bosses like Torque 16 or Underlurker (both modes) don't belong in SM ops at all

Edited by Pietrastor
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