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I did the exploit...


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the majority of the exploiters i spoke with, just didn't care anymore. in many ways 3.0 was a disappointment. This game is headed for a downturn. people are looking for an excuse to leave the grind and jump ship. if EA feels like pushing people out of the door it won't be that big of a deal. indifference.


ohh despite their claims if EA bans them they'll be livid.

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It does take guts to admit it on the forums... opening yourself to direct ridicule and condemnation by the community. Not saying anything leaves it between the exploiter and BW.


no it doesn't. Not after finding out they know who did it.

People are playing the underdog card. They are hoping that those that are against them will have the reaction you just described so that many others will rush to their defense.

It always works - people love martyrs.

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I get that people can be disappointed but why the hell would you need an excuse to jump ship if you already have a reason?


gaming can be an addiction. some people are only able to quit if a guild breaks up, others if they feel like they are being screwed over by the game. the reason you speak of is most likely long festering. honestly i can't wait to see the punishments.

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Thats a bit to harsh don't you think? I mean I don't know much about this. but from what ive pieced together all these people did was exploit some way to get expensive mats and gear I think and selling it. Sure its cheating, but its not like they were causing game breaking problems other then a little bit of problems in the economy.


Well of course I think it's too harsh. I see the "known" exploit as a minor issue that's now resolved...nothing, as you said, game breaking about it. There seems to be a bigger exploit that I'm unaware of, but that ones not public knowledge I don't think.

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I have what I can only assume is a unique perspective on this: my account did the exploit, but not me (explanation following).


My sister and I both subscribe and we know each other's account information because we're sisters and sometimes I want her to go check out my new mount or she wants me to send her crafters out while she's at work - you get the idea. My sister likes running ops with her guild, but all of her 60s are pubs, so sometimes she borrows my main so she can run on the imp side (I don't do enough ops to mind the lockouts and it gets me free gear, so I love it). One day she calls me and tells me to log on because she has a "surprise" for me (last time she did that was when she mailed me credits and spent several hours on my toon farming Nar Shaddaa to get me a rancor). I'm excited, so I log in and see lots of ops gear and a shiny new legacy-bound mount. I assume, since she likes to borrow my main for ops and I haven't played in several weeks, that she's been running ops with her guild. She says that someone had "the lockout" for a fight. I hadn't heard of the exploit, so I assumed that she meant someone was locked at the last boss and they went straight there and beat it for the weekly. I spend the next hour trading in comms and set pieces and then ripping mods and putting them in my favorite armor.


Later, she explains just what she meant by the "lockout," and I think, oh, okay, cool, free gear. The term "exploit" did not even occur to me. It never crossed my mind that this would be considered cheating. The next day is the weekly reset and I log in to find that she's done it again. Later that day I log in to the forums and see the dev post about exploits and the ranting and raving calling for bans on all the offenders. I suddenly realize that, hey, maybe it kind of is cheating. And then I realize that my account has done it not once, but twice. And that I've spent comms and equipped implants and destroyed old mods with new ones (the mount, for what it's worth, is still in my inventory because I couldn't decide which toon to give it to).


My first thought is to put in a ticket explaining the situation and offering to return all the exploit gear (which, in hindsight, is probably what I should have done). However, I'm scared because I've already destroyed/sold a lot of my old gear, and I'm worried that they won't believe me and will let the hammer fall anyway (how ridiculous does it sound to say someone else hijacked your account to cheat and give you stuff?). I also read lots of posts saying that they never punish exploits anyway, so I eventually decide to just wait. Now, I see the noose beginning to tighten and I'm worried, but I've waited too long to plead ignorance, so I'll take my medicine when it comes.


Punishment wise, I think removing all the exploited gear/credits is fair (I hope they don't do that to me because my poor main no longer has most of his old stuff, but at least I didn't mail anything to alts, so it will only affect the one toon). Temporary bans, I think, would also be appropriate. Permanent bans are extremely harsh unless you were a serious abuser (auctioning lockouts on the fleet, for example). As it is, though, I'm just ready to get it over with. The wait is killing me. :confused:

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I have what I can only assume is a unique perspective on this: my account did the exploit, but not me (explanation following).


My sister and I both subscribe and we know each other's account information because we're sisters and sometimes I want her to go check out my new mount or she wants me to send her crafters out while she's at work - you get the idea. My sister likes running ops with her guild, but all of her 60s are pubs, so sometimes she borrows my main so she can run on the imp side (I don't do enough ops to mind the lockouts and it gets me free gear, so I love it). One day she calls me and tells me to log on because she has a "surprise" for me (last time she did that was when she mailed me credits and spent several hours on my toon farming Nar Shaddaa to get me a rancor). I'm excited, so I log in and see lots of ops gear and a shiny new legacy-bound mount. I assume, since she likes to borrow my main for ops and I haven't played in several weeks, that she's been running ops with her guild. She says that someone had "the lockout" for a fight. I hadn't heard of the exploit, so I assumed that she meant someone was locked at the last boss and they went straight there and beat it for the weekly. I spend the next hour trading in comms and set pieces and then ripping mods and putting them in my favorite armor.


Later, she explains just what she meant by the "lockout," and I think, oh, okay, cool, free gear. The term "exploit" did not even occur to me. It never crossed my mind that this would be considered cheating. The next day is the weekly reset and I log in to find that she's done it again. Later that day I log in to the forums and see the dev post about exploits and the ranting and raving calling for bans on all the offenders. I suddenly realize that, hey, maybe it kind of is cheating. And then I realize that my account has done it not once, but twice. And that I've spent comms and equipped implants and destroyed old mods with new ones (the mount, for what it's worth, is still in my inventory because I couldn't decide which toon to give it to).


My first thought is to put in a ticket explaining the situation and offering to return all the exploit gear (which, in hindsight, is probably what I should have done). However, I'm scared because I've already destroyed/sold a lot of my old gear, and I'm worried that they won't believe me and will let the hammer fall anyway (how ridiculous does it sound to say someone else hijacked your account to cheat and give you stuff?). I also read lots of posts saying that they never punish exploits anyway, so I eventually decide to just wait. Now, I see the noose beginning to tighten and I'm worried, but I've waited too long to plead ignorance, so I'll take my medicine when it comes.


Punishment wise, I think removing all the exploited gear/credits is fair (I hope they don't do that to me because my poor main no longer has most of his old stuff, but at least I didn't mail anything to alts, so it will only affect the one toon). Temporary bans, I think, would also be appropriate. Permanent bans are extremely harsh unless you were a serious abuser (auctioning lockouts on the fleet, for example). As it is, though, I'm just ready to get it over with. The wait is killing me. :confused:


Ima let you in on a little secret, before someone tries to nuke you.


Sharing account info with someone else is technically against ToS......so yeah start running from all these pitchfork wielding people.

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I did it a total of 5 times. 3 on one server, 2 on another.


My main reason for this is because I wanted to optimize my characters, and I was told if I didn't do the exploit I would be kicked from my raiding team entirely. That's my only reason for doing it.

"My guild made me do it." Interesting variation on "My dog ate my homework.

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I have what I can only assume is a unique perspective on this: my account did the exploit, but not me (explanation following).


My sister and I both subscribe and we know each other's account information because we're sisters and sometimes {snip}


If you get caught up in the consequences, there is not a lot you can do except deal with customer service. For all intensive purposes, your account participated in the exploit. So it is subject to whatever consequences BW deems appropriate.

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Ima let you in on a little secret, before someone tries to nuke you.


Sharing account info with someone else is technically against ToS......so yeah start running from all these pitchfork wielding people.


Is it? I knew they did the little PSA that "you should never share your account info with anyone else..." but I didn't realize it was against the ToS. I'll have to go look at it.


You are solely responsible for all activity on your Account. Your Account may be terminated if someone else uses it to engage in activity that violates the Terms of Service or is otherwise improper or illegal.


Well, whaddaya know...


Guess it is my fault, after all. Still, doesn't change the outcome. Guess I'll just have to wait like everyone else and see what happens.


*hides from pitchfork-wielding people*

Edited by NSaynKnutt
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Might want to read the EULA, too.


I read all the fine print two and a half years ago when I bought the game, but my memory's not perfect. Just went back and searched the word "account," though, and there's nothing that says you can't tell anyone your account info, just that you can't transfer it to a third party (which I already knew). And since my account is still mine, I haven't broken that rule.


The fact is, I am apparently responsible for anything done on my account (short of, I assume, a hacker stealing all my stuff). If my sister broke the ToS, it's my fault for giving her access. So I don't think there's anything I can do. Good to know, at least.

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I read all the fine print two and a half years ago when I bought the game, but my memory's not perfect. Just went back and searched the word "account," though, and there's nothing that says you can't tell anyone your account info, just that you can't transfer it to a third party (which I already knew). And since my account is still mine, I haven't broken that rule.

When you let another person log into your account, you are arguably transferring your account to them. But I am not a member of BWEA's legal team, so I could not begin to tell you what they think of that.


The fact is, I am apparently responsible for anything done on my account (short of, I assume, a hacker stealing all my stuff). If my sister broke the ToS, it's my fault for giving her access. So I don't think there's anything I can do. Good to know, at least.

How could you even begin to think that you would not be responsible for something someone does with your account, when they used your account with your knowledge and permission? If you were an employee of a company and gave your login info to someone else, you would be responsible for what they did using your account (which is why companies and government agencies have policies against account sharing; there's no accountability if people start using each others' accounts).

Edited by branmakmuffin
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2 things need to happen:


1. Bioware needs to punish exploiters ALL the time, starting now. Full transparency. People won't take the game seriously if they know they can get away with it.


2. Ban the exploiters 1 month to 3 months depending on amount of exploiting, take gear away, crafting schematics. Any time frame like 1 week or 3 days would be easy to handle as you can go play another game. Make the punishment feel like a punishment.

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2 things need to happen:


1. Bioware needs to punish exploiters ALL the time, starting now. Full transparency. People won't take the game seriously if they know they can get away with it.


2. Ban the exploiters 1 month to 3 months depending on amount of exploiting, take gear away, crafting schematics. Any time frame like 1 week or 3 days would be easy to handle as you can go play another game. Make the punishment feel like a punishment.


On #2 the time frame should be until "everyone" has the gear they got.


Otherwise honest players are second class to cheaters.

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More than a 3-day ban and most of them won't be back. You fail to grasp how irritated people are by this whole thing.


Since this is mostly an issue in the arrogant l33t elite raiding community all the people they have stereotyped as "casual" will probably be hugely disappointed if they all leave. :rolleyes:

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If you are in a guild that feels they need to use exploits, it's no one's fault but your own. At no time were you forced to participate in the exploit; you always had the choice to quit the guild and find another group that would not exploit. Don't blame the other players in your guild for this.


In any case, we still don't have any information on what kind of action they are going to take, and even then, I doubt we'll get any public information about it.


Precisely. If a group jumps off a cliff without a chute, or jumps into a fire, its your choice whether you follow them or not. Therefore examples should be made for exploiting the game i.e Permaban imo. Sometimes we must learn the hard way imo.


On the other hand you may be lucky and get a second chance. Although society rarely gives one of them out.

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Precisely. If a group jumps off a cliff without a chute, or jumps into a fire, its your choice whether you follow them or not. Therefore examples should be made for exploiting the game i.e Permaban imo. Sometimes we must learn the hard way imo.


On the other hand you may be lucky and get a second chance. Although society rarely gives one of them out.


This society has been giving second, third, and fourthsies since launch. Group didn't walk off a cliff. Group walked in and took a **** ton of candy from the secretary's desk.

Edited by ZiggyTank
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I do not get it,by the second time i am sure you must of been thinking at the least once "man this is too easy,this exploit,hmm maybe i could be banned?"


Also i want to check out your post history and see if you were one of those laughing that they will not do anything.

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