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I did the exploit...


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I did it a total of 5 times. 3 on one server, 2 on another.


*rest just meaningless excuse*




do it once, you have a excuse

Do it 5 times

You full well intended to do the exploit and ONLY NOW admitting because of unknown discipline.


Sorry 4 times and one announcement to late

meaningless admission and hope they nail your butt to the tree for exploiting a KNOWN exploit.


But im sure the penalties will be meaningless and very soft so they don't offend any of the exploiting cheaters.

Edited by Kalfear
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The mistake I made was based on the fact that BW has an established history and pattern of ignoring exploiters and simply fixing exploits and moving on without punishing anyone involved. .


That seems to be the best argument I have seen yet as to why BioWare needs to punish people this time.


I however hope they just strip ill-gotten gear, matts, credits and such and leave it at that. Except when it comes to people selling and promoting the exploit then I think banning is appropriate.


Bugs and stuff isn't an excuse. Anyone that has raided in the last month have seen bugs, gear dropping like you were doing 8man while you were in 16man and everything else. Not all of us gave into the temptation.


I was trying to think of the worse thing outside of banning BioWare could do to me as a punishment. Remove all datacrons from all characters under my account would be the worse. No way in hell I would want to go through all that again. :p

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I am fairly certain you will find in the ToS somewhere that punishments of any one person will not be publically adressed.


Well they won't be able to say who they've punished and what punishment they've given to an individual or why. However they will probably let us know that ring leaders were permabanned/suspended/ stripped naked and thrown into an arena on yavin 4 ;)

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I am fairly certain you will find in the ToS somewhere that punishments of any one person will not be publically adressed.


In this case, that would be completely wrong.

Players need to hear the punishment for exploiting through Bioware, not through other players and "I heard someone was sent to prison"-type rumors

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In this case, that would be completely wrong.

Players need to hear the punishment for exploiting through Bioware, not through other players and "I heard someone was sent to prison"-type rumors


Absolutely, but publically adressing such issues would not be wise as discussing it on a public forum would draw them into a fight/argument. Best to just e-mail the offfenders either ig or irl. It is ok to make them sweat a little beforehand, keeps them from doing it again I suppose.

Edited by Gokkus
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Was it a mistake? Sure. I admit that I exploited. Did I do so with the expectation that BW will simply fix it(and they did) and simply move on? Oh yes. Because that's how they've reacted every other time to every other major exploit.


So how would you know this? How do you know BioWare have / have not dealt with previous exploiters? Yes they've fixed certain exploits, but they've not stated (and are unlikely to) what action if any has been taken against the most serious of previous exploits.


Unless you've previously exploited?


Either way, the amount of excuses for knowingly abusing an exploit doesn't disregard the simple fact of having abused the exploit. Sure in your case, first time you didn't know what you were walking into and you have my empathy on that. Subsequent times you knew exactly what you were doing.


No amount of excuses or laying the blame at anyone else's door (OP specifically) detracts from that fact.


I seriously do hope BioWare come down on this exploits abuse hard and sets an example so players don't go down this road in future. How they choose to do this is entirely up to them, however I think a lot of players are watching this one to see what action (if any) is taken.

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Absolutely, but publically adressing such issues would not be wise as discussing it on a public forum would draw them into a fight/argument. Best to just e-mail the offfenders either ig or irl. It is ok to make them sweat a little beforehand, keeps them from doing it again I suppose.


I never said we should learn who the exploiters were. What I am saying is that we should learn what the punishments are. And that shouldn't be done through an e-mail to the offenders because that would only make most players assume that Bioware actually did nothing (once again...)

Edited by TheNahash
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And you never used the Mario glitch to get infinite lives??.....Or maybe the good old left right nintendo trick??


Omg when you guys fight this much for pixels, man it's time to stand back and do a little rethinking.....


unfortunately i didnt play mario, i was more into other games. but i can say i have never needed to cheat/ exploit in a game just so i can do it/ get loot, it takes the fun and the challenge out of the game, i will say again some people actually have take pride in playing a game without the use of cheats and exploits, if you honestly think using cheats and exploits are right cross out your right to call your self a gamer and instead just call your self a exploiter

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The case is very clear. I myself was offered to take part in that exploit and I said no. I will not use anything that is obviously a bug and gives me stuff I could not get normally.


It is like real life. Someone offers you to get cheap and fast money with a crime. You can either say no or participate. If you are willing to participate then you have to take the responsibility for your actions. It is then up to the judges to decide what your punishment will be.


So just wait and see. You have done it - and even you regret it, you now will get what you have bargained for.

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My guild had the opposite reaction... We forbid our members to do the exploit and if we saw it in your achievements we gave you a big fat earful, repeat offends that knowing did so got booted from our guild. None of our core-members have done it. :)
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I never said we should learn who the exploiters were. What I am saying is that we should learn what the punishments are. And that shouldn't be done through an e-mail to the offenders because that would only make most players speculate that Bioware actually did nothing (once again...)


Yes I agree.


My post was aimed at anyone who thinks that making such a thread will get a CM response. They will (hopefully) anounce or sticky the actions taken.

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My guild had the opposite reaction... We forbid our members to do the exploit and if we saw it in your achievements we gave you a big fat earful, repeat offends that knowing did so got booted from our guild. None of our core-members have done it. :)
i think i would have personally enjoyed a person on the internet trying to give me a "big fat earful" on what i should or shouldnt do in my video game.
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the majority of the exploiters i spoke with, just didn't care anymore. in many ways 3.0 was a disappointment. This game is headed for a downturn. people are looking for an excuse to leave the grind and jump ship. if EA feels like pushing people out of the door it won't be that big of a deal. indifference.
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the majority of the exploiters i spoke with, just didn't care anymore. in many ways 3.0 was a disappointment. This game is headed for a downturn. people are looking for an excuse to leave the grind and jump ship. if EA feels like pushing people out of the door it won't be that big of a deal. indifference.


I get that people can be disappointed but why the hell would you need an excuse to jump ship if you already have a reason?

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the majority of the exploiters i spoke with, just didn't care anymore. in many ways 3.0 was a disappointment. This game is headed for a downturn. people are looking for an excuse to leave the grind and jump ship. if EA feels like pushing people out of the door it won't be that big of a deal. indifference.



Then their feelings won't get hurt when they're punished. We wouldn't want such exemplary gamers to feel bad.

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You're of course allowed to feel like that, but if you took the time to think about this for more than 2 seconds, you'd realize that this would be really bad for the game. Why? Because it would force most of the very active and dedicated userbase to quit swtor.

No, it would not. As per BW has now announced, it wasn't that big portion. However, it was enough to shake the economy on multiple servers which is one of the biggest 'not acceptable' situations in modern day MMOs. Also, people tend to get irked for various reasons. One is unfair advantage, sense of level playing field being disturbed and so on. Some are like me, I just think exploiters are scum in any game or business.


Maybe you think that's a good thing, and for some time, maybe it will be. However, with a lot of people who spend a lot of CC and time gone, you will suddenly find yourself with a much more empty game.

Dream on. Heaviest of exploiters are furthest away from heavy users of CCs. In fact, I think the heavy users of this exploit are mainly kids and young adults. Perhaps a small portion of pseudo-mature forum activists who might or might not be solid players made a mistake. Opportunity created the thief. But it doesn't matter, they will not abandon this game because they got slapped for doing something wrong.


Who are the people writing guides?

We know who they are. I am willing to bet they are strongly against exploiting. Asking silly questions does not prove your point.

Who are the people beta testing?

You can't tell who is, you are not allowed to. Again, my guess would be that beta testers are dedicated players who care for the game to balanced, even and with certain aspect of quality. Last group of people to be heavy exploiters.

Who are the people crafting all that sht you need but can't be bothered to spend months getting the RE:s for?

Me and dozen others on TRE for an example who have not exploited but have seen the efforts to get the schematics.

Who are the people taking active roles in guilds?

Are you trying to say that people who take active roles in guilds should not be punished? Such sith and bs.

Who are the people most often leading ops groups, both in guild and pugs?

Again desperate straws. If BW can show and be certain that certain individuals are responsible for exploiting, they should be punished regardless of their status and role in any guild.

In theory, banning everyone who used this exploit might sound nice, the same way throwing everyone who used drugs into jail and throwing away the key might sound nice.

I have been an advocate against using bans to deal with this and have offer gear-wipe and rollbacks for those players. However, there is an exception I want BW to ban, people who are responsible for spreading awareness of the exploit and spreading it like a wild fire.

I mean, then there would be very little organized crime since all their customers are gone!

BW did state it was spread but not that much. If you really think slapping wrists of people who exploited this is going to break this game, you are living in a dream world.

Edited by Ruskaeth
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Due to the nature of this bug and BW's behavior regarding this and past bugs. I think that the punishment should fit the crime so to speak. Permaban seems out of balance in respect to the actual bug, and here I think it is important to strike a balance between the crime punishment. Not too underhanded, not too heavy handing.


Crime: Ill gotten gear/rewards

Punishment: Removal of said gear/rewards


Simple as that.


Anything more severe seems excessive in my opinion unless it were to do with serious offenders/ringleaders (if BW has the ability to identify them).

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i think i would have personally enjoyed a person on the internet trying to give me a "big fat earful" on what i should or shouldnt do in my video game.


This was a decision made by our core members and enforced as such. If members didn't like it--there's the door.

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No, it would not. As per BW has now announced, it wasn't that big portion. However, it was enough to shake the economy on multiple servers which is one of the biggest 'not acceptable' situations in modern day MMOs. Also, people tend to get irked for various reasons. One is unfair advantage, sense of level playing field being disturbed and so on. Some are like me, I just think exploiters are scum in any game or business.
"wasnt a big portion" *** does that mean?


just because over 51% of players didnt do it, doesnt mean there arent a lot that did. it is, afterall, taking them weeks to get this figured out.

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Yeah it takes guts, especially after they already posted that they know who did it and that they will be punished. Hahahahahahaaha! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooob.


It does take guts to admit it on the forums... opening yourself to direct ridicule and condemnation by the community. Not saying anything leaves it between the exploiter and BW.

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