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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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I haven't played the game in a year and just started playing again for the new expac... When guildie asks if anybody wants their free ****, I think that it's because it really is freebies given out from bioware... It was on christmas too, so you might think that is why free stuff is being handed out... I don't do operations all the time.. I am not a raider.. Although I do occassionally do HM or SM ...


I'm not saying I partook in this exploit, all I am saying is when i heard about it on christmas day , I assumed it was a christmas freebie of some kind, and alot of the guildies probably felt the same way. If BW screws up like that, who's fault is it? I know I never took advantage of any exploit, not with my knowledge


So, you come back from not playing for a year, and you don't think to ask your guildie how & where this 'free ****' is coming from? Or did you just see 'free ****' and thought 'sweet! Gotta get me sum of that!'?


Saying you don't do operations all the time and not a raider, but then say you occasionally do HM or SM, shows you know how the loot system in this game works. If you're not in on the boss kill, you don't get the loot. That hasn't changed since launch.


I agree, BW screwed the pooch on this one majorly. They shouldn't have let it sit, regardless if everyone at BW was on holiday vacation. They've let it go on for too long for them to come out on top, whether they swing the banhammer or not.


(Also, not knowing you were taking part in the exploit doesn't me you didn't. It just means you were ignorant that you were partaking in the exploit. Again, I'm not saying you or anyone else should be banned, suspended or sanctioned. I just don't understand how you could think it was okay to receive loot you had no part in obtaining.)

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So, you come back from not playing for a year, and you don't think to ask your guildie how & where this 'free ****' is coming from? Or did you just see 'free ****' and thought 'sweet! Gotta get me sum of that!'?


Saying you don't do operations all the time and not a raider, but then say you occasionally do HM or SM, shows you know how the loot system in this game works. If you're not in on the boss kill, you don't get the loot. That hasn't changed since launch.


I agree, BW screwed the pooch on this one majorly. They shouldn't have let it sit, regardless if everyone at BW was on holiday vacation. They've let it go on for too long for them to come out on top, whether they swing the banhammer or not.


(Also, not knowing you were taking part in the exploit doesn't me you didn't. It just means you were ignorant that you were partaking in the exploit. Again, I'm not saying you or anyone else should be banned, suspended or sanctioned. I just don't understand how you could think it was okay to receive loot you had no part in obtaining.)


I never did anything.. I didn't realize that top of the line gear was being handed out in the first place, I just got the message "Who wants their free stuff" which happened to be christmas day. I thought it was some decoration or other bull crap , so I never went with them.. I just know some guys who did , and they didn't realize it was an exploit. Maybe if bioware would send everyone a mail to their characters , "There is an exploit going around, and if you participate in this exploit there will be consequences" So, how is everyone supposed to know this is an exploit? Alot of people just heard "Free stuff" and joined a group to go get their free stuff.. When it was brought up in the guild it wasn't brought up like it was some kind of an exploit, it was brought up like it was free stuff that you were supposed to be getting.


And another thing... Some of the guys I talked to were not aware how that loot got there in the first place... The guys I talked to didn't even know there was a boss fight.. they thought it was loot that everyone was supposed to be able to get... The way it was described like, it was some kind of treasure chest that everyone supposed to be able to get.

Edited by DarkPharohEclip
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I never did anything.. I didn't realize that top of the line gear was being handed out in the first place, I just got the message "Who wants their free stuff" which happened to be christmas day. I thought it was some decoration or other bull crap , so I never went with them.. I just know some guys who did , and they didn't realize it was an exploit. Maybe if bioware would send everyone a mail to their characters , "There is an exploit going around, and if you participate in this exploit there will be consequences" So, how is everyone supposed to know this is an exploit? Alot of people just heard "Free stuff" and joined a group to go get their free stuff.. When it was brought up in the guild it wasn't brought up like it was some kind of an exploit, it was brought up like it was free stuff that you were supposed to be getting.


First Rule of Exploit Club: Do not talk about Exploit Club on the forums.

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You assumed Bioware would give away top of the line endgame gear for free when they usually give us a bunch of fireworks?


You really have more faith in them then I do :tran_wink:


he had zero idea as to what exactly was being given till he got it......it wasnt like there is a big banner

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Maybe if bioware would send everyone a mail to their characters , "There is an exploit going around, and if you participate in this exploit there will be consequences" So, how is everyone supposed to know this is an exploit?.


That would take BW using there brains if they cared about the game they would have done just that.

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just know of some people that did, who had no clue that it was an exploit.


I find this so hard to believe, sure they believed something was free but when there were a ops involved with no mobs to kill something must have been obvious.


If someone never ever participated in a ops before and has no clue how ops/raids works sure I believe that, but someone that knows what a ops/raid is not so much.

Edited by Icestar
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People are still talking about this? :rolleyes: This started happening like a month ago. This thread is almost two weeks old. Move on. Bio clearly has.


LOL even the slot machine fiasco can't kill this subject. Know why? Bioware promised punishment for the abusers. Severe punishment for those that started it and abused it the most.


We are waiting Bioware....



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LOL even the slot machine fiasco can't kill this subject. Know why? Bioware promised punishment for the abusers. Severe punishment for those that started it and abused it the most.


We are waiting Bioware....




It's a pretty safe bet that nothing is going to happen. Pretty sure the harbinger crash was a result of them trying out a punishment, but when they went to query the database to find those who exploited, the file was too large for their SAN space and *poof* sever went down. This theory is based on the massive lag spikes that came like tremors even as far as 30 mins before the sever failed.

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It's a pretty safe bet that nothing is going to happen. Pretty sure the harbinger crash was a result of them trying out a punishment, but when they went to query the database to find those who exploited, the file was too large for their SAN space and *poof* sever went down. This theory is based on the massive lag spikes that came like tremors even as far as 30 mins before the sever failed.



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It's a pretty safe bet that nothing is going to happen. Pretty sure the harbinger crash was a result of them trying out a punishment, but when they went to query the database to find those who exploited, the file was too large for their SAN space and *poof* sever went down. This theory is based on the massive lag spikes that came like tremors even as far as 30 mins before the sever failed.


No tin foil hat is big enough to generate this type of comment.

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No tin foil hat is big enough to generate this type of comment.


Happens all the time. The production database is queried (data collected) and/or replicated. Sometimes it is a simulated run that doesn't actually make any changes to the database. It sometimes puts a huge strain on the system as a whole so not sure why you would come down on someone like that with no facts or ground for your opinion unless you yourself are both ignorant of IT and a troll

Edited by DyreMaker
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Happens all the time. The production database is queried (data collected) and/or replicated. Sometimes it is a simulated run that doesn't actually make any changes to the database. It sometimes puts a huge strain on the system as a whole so not sure why you would come down on someone like that with no facts or ground for your opinion unless you yourself are both ignorant of IT and a troll


I am not an expert and I don't know if you are but it certainly wasn't trolling.


I wish people like you could easy down a bit on the trolling accusations because that's become the latest form of trolling because the only purpose of doing that is to provoke people.


I just really couldn't believe that something like that would crash a server. In spite of your unnecessary name calling I will consider what you say although I will need facts before I actually believe it.

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Pretty sure the harbinger crash was a result of them trying out a punishment, but when they went to query the database to find those who exploited, the file was too large for their SAN space and *poof* sever went down. This theory is based on the massive lag spikes that came like tremors even as far as 30 mins before the sever failed.


Hopefully they are smart enough to use a downtime to clear out those that exploited.

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If I were going to hope, it would be that they were smart enough to see what an enormous waste of time this is now that the bug itself is fixed, and concentrate on things that are hurting the entire game instead of things that are causing a very vocal minority to whinge madly.
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If I were going to hope, it would be that they were smart enough to see what an enormous waste of time this is now that the bug itself is fixed, and concentrate on things that are hurting the entire game instead of things that are causing a very vocal minority to whinge madly.


Waste of time to enforce rules that keeps this game in the balance?


I would say not act on it would have a terrible impact on the future of this game

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Waste of time to enforce rules that keeps this game in the balance?


I would say not act on it would have a terrible impact on the future of this game


The only "impact" is that a few more players had some high-end stuff.


Big. Stinking. Deal.


Meanwhile, the man-hours spent hunting down "the cheaters" aren't being spent on tracking down bugs, fixing broken content and mechanics, and generally making the actual game better.

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I am not an expert and I don't know if you are but it certainly wasn't trolling.


I wish people like you could easy down a bit on the trolling accusations because that's become the latest form of trolling because the only purpose of doing that is to provoke people.


I just really couldn't believe that something like that would crash a server. In spite of your unnecessary name calling I will consider what you say although I will need facts before I actually believe it.




Did you even read your first post? You pretty much called him a tinfoil wearing crackpot. if anyone started the trolling, it was you. If you forgot what you said....


No tin foil hat is big enough to generate this type of comment.


I'm not certain how else to take what you said other than as a provocation. I thought that his explanation for the Harbinger crash was a little out there as well, but at least I did not to ridicule him because I'm not an expert in this field and he could be right. if there are experts out there that disagree with him, I defer to their judgment. Otherwise, I'm still waiting to see what Bioware does.

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The only "impact" is that a few more players had some high-end stuff.


Big. Stinking. Deal.


Meanwhile, the man-hours spent hunting down "the cheaters" aren't being spent on tracking down bugs, fixing broken content and mechanics, and generally making the actual game better.


These people are evil and demand blood. I say let them have their blood and hope it hits the game hard financially.

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The only "impact" is that a few more players had some high-end stuff.


Big. Stinking. Deal.


Meanwhile, the man-hours spent hunting down "the cheaters" aren't being spent on tracking down bugs, fixing broken content and mechanics, and generally making the actual game better.


It is still something players has obtained by a exploit, and that needs to be dealt with. If they do nothing the playerbase will jump right on the next exploit that goes around.


I care for this games future and would like to play it this year aswell, but not if it turns into some kind of "do whatever you like nobody cares" kind of game, then it is time to move on.

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