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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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I think your sarcasm detector might need some adjusting.


For those who don't recognize the acronym, SCOTUS = Supreme Court of the United States.


It's possible, I'm multi-tasking. I should walk away from this thread, but the urge to combat the ignorance I keep seeing as people try to justify cheating keeps drawing me back.

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The problem here is that there are so many people that refuse to "man up" and admit their ill deeds. With one exception posted in another thread, all the players who took part in this have chosen to blame Bioware rather than admit their obvious wrongdoing. If you refuse to admit your wrong, how would you expect to be "reformed?"


Penalties will scale depending on the severity of each individuals participation. How is that not fair?


Thats fine, I admitted I participated in it and I said Ill take what they give me. If I get banned so be it, I just will never patronize another BW game. But you said, and I quote, "once a rule breaker always a rule breaker thats why they have jails". So my comparison is valid, you go to jail forever for jaywalking. You know, because you are a rule breaker.

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Seriously. The analogy would be if before you were even able to set foot on the porch you had to sign a contract that said "I promise not to touch the bowl of money" or before coming onto the magic apple orchard you had to sign a contract that said "I promise to only take one apple a day", etc., etc., etc.


The apple tree analogy already accounts for the ToS.

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Both legal arguments have precedence. This would def have to go to the SCOTUS if people get banned.

Good luck finding an attorney to write a Writ of Certioari that would get you in front of the high court over cheating in a Star Wars video game.


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BW have never given a damn about the ToS.


You only have to look at all the stupid names wandering the fleets, which are in clear breach of the ToS. Do they do anything? No.


You might suggest that using a character name straight out of the Lord of the Rings, or one the 100s of variations of Revan is not a breach compared to this exploit that some have taken part in, but nevertheless, it clearly states in the ToS :


Naming Policy


When creating a character or guild name for Star Wars: The Old Republic, it is encouraged that you select a name that reflects the theme of the game. The guidelines listed below outline the types of names that you can NOT use, and apply to both player or character names, as well as guild names.


You may not use any names that violate the General Rules. This includes the use of names that are hateful, defamatory, racist, ethnically offensive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, or any other language that is offensive in nature.



You may not use names that are harassing or defamatory to other players or employees of EA, BioWare or LucasArts, e.g. EASUX, Timsretarded, and Biowaresux.



You may not use names of any EA, BioWare, or LucasArts employee or service related to Star Wars: The Old Republic.



You may not use names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials or products, e.g. Coca-Cola or Dr. Pepper.



You may not use names from popular culture or media, e.g. Lady Gaga or George Lucas.



You may not use names that are religiously or historically significant, e.g. Jesus, Winston Churchill.



You may not use proper names of areas within Star Wars for character names. Guild names, however, MAY use the proper names of specific areas to help promote role-playing and realm pride, e.g. Defenders of Tython or Protectors of Hutta.



You may not use proper names of non-player characters within Star Wars: The Old Republic, e.g. Darth Malgus, Satele Shan, Yoda, Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker.



You may not use names containing titles or ranks within them, e.g. General Supertrooper, Captain Tim, Darth Timmy, Knight Wakey.



You may not use names that refer to drugs or that are drug related.



You may not use names that contain an inappropriate phrase, sentence or any fragment of a sentence or Leet speak, e.g. uberhaxer, xxspeederxx, lolface, rofl, Noobwhacker, TimmyF**k, kock, fuk.



You may not use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules, e.g. Hamsolo, Yooda, DorthVader.



You may not use gibberish names when creating character, e.g. ajsdu, rifndsw, qweszs.

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Thats fine, I admitted I participated in it and I said Ill take what they give me. If I get banned so be it, I just will never patronize another BW game. But you said, and I quote, "once a rule breaker always a rule breaker thats why they have jails". So my comparison is valid, you go to jail forever for jaywalking. You know, because you are a rule breaker.


Actually I'm not the one that said that, but nice try anyway.


You're certainly entitled to take your business elsewhere if you feel that strongly over getting banned for exploiting. I'm just short of games to recommend that you try that would be as lenient as Bioware is/has been.

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Look, you exploited, you're going to get punished with SOMETHING by Bioware. Take your punishment like a man/woman and stop trying to justify doing wrong as okay cause you don't want to get in trouble. Maybe next time, you'll actually follow the rules, wait, never mind. Once a ruler breaker, always a rule breaker. (This is why there are jails)

Yeah!!!! THIS is what I'm talking about!!!! Suck it up you heathens. Your dastardly deeds will not go unnoticed and justice will be served! Your actions are despicable and there is no room in any online world for players like yourselves because once you've cheated, you'll forever cheat...I hope Bioware prosecutes you to the fullest extent of the law...you criminal scum....

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Yeah!!!! THIS is what I'm talking about!!!! Suck it up you heathens. Your dastardly deeds will not go unnoticed and justice will be served! Your actions are despicable and there is no room in any online world for players like yourselves because once you've cheated, you'll forever cheat...I hope Bioware prosecutes you to the fullest extent of the law...you criminal scum....

You realize, of course, that this means war.


Pro-tip: This thread is made 100% better if you read one side of the argument in Daffy Duck's voice, and the other in Bugs Bunny's voice.


Pro-tip #2: And it is made 1000% better if you listen to Wagner at at the same time.



Edited by Khevar
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A lot of posts here consist of calling out EA/BW for their failings, and I can certainly respect many of the issues people are taking umbrage with, but I fail to see how people get from that premise to the conclusion that there should be no repercussions for abusing the exploit.


If you're saying: "I hate how BW has [released a buggy expansion/taken a long time to address a problem with the game/been inconsistent with how they enforce their TOS/etc.]" then it makes perfect sense to follow that up with "therefore I am going to cancel my subscription and stop supporting this game/company."


But how do you get from "I hate how BW has [insert gripe]" to "therefore it should be okay to use an exploit."?

Edited by DarthDymond
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You realize, of course, that this means war.


Pro-tip: This thread is made 100% better if you read one side of the argument in Daffy Duck's voice, and the other in Bugs Bunny's voice.


Pro-tip #2: And it is made 1000% better if you listen to Wagner at at the same time.




At first I thought that said Wanger and was going to make an explicit joke, but now I read it correctly. Womp womp

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Not really an exploit if the game was designed like that. It's not our fault the devs stuffed up and took so long to fix it. No one has an advantage over anyone else anyway. Everyone had the same opportunity. Good luck banning the top raiders, and the people that run the fansites and write the guides.
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Eric, you guys should just leave things alone at this point. I did not partake of the exploit, I know several who did. The exploit was due to your (Bioware's) mistake not the players. You knew about it for weeks and maybe even before the xpack released and did not hotfix it allowing it to remain in the game for around 6 weeks. You can't punish people for Bioware's mistakes or the fact that you did not respond or police this issue in anything like a timely or speedy manner. I.E. fix the exploit but don't ban people.


If I set out a suitcase full of money on the curb and let it sit there for 6 weeks am I supposed to act all shocked and heartbroken that the case disappears at some point? That's ridiculous. Secondly, this is a video game, it's not real life nor is it supposed to emulate real life. No player and I do mean NONE, we're effected by this exploit whether 1 person took advantage or 10000000. Play time, real time cash, enjoyment, NOTHING was effected. Stop trying to take out your company frustrations for releasing a rather embarrassing expansion, riddled with bugs and exploits at paying players. People are going to quit over this. Posture and state whatever you need to, "Don't do that again or else" or whatever you need to but don't ban them.... this game can't handle anymore ill will or bad press right now.


^^EPIC FAIL. Bioware didn't make those people use the exploit. They should absolutely send a clear message. If someone leaves their car door unlocked is it okay for you to open the door and take whatever you want? Obviously this is only a game so the punishment wont be jail time, but the behavior should be dealt with in appropriate ways. I pay a sub too and should I have to sit and watch others gain massive upgrades in gear/coms/mats by exploiting while I am doing things the right way? Hell no that is not right and you know it is not right. Squash that behavior! and if the cheaters leave ... good riddance. The game doesn't need cheaters. We will be just fine.

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A lot of posts here consist of calling out EA/BW for their failings, and I can certainly respect many of the issues people are taking umbrage with, but I fail to see how people get from that premise to the conclusion that there should be no repercussions for abusing the exploit.


If you're saying: "I hate how BW has [released a buggy expansion/taken a long time to address a problem with the game/been inconsistent with how they enforce their TOS/etc.]" then it makes perfect sense to follow that up with "therefore I am going to cancel my subscription and stop supporting this game/company."


But how do you get from "I hate how BW has [insert gripe]" to "therefore it should be okay to use an exploit."?


kinda like when parents ground their kid and the kid storms to his/her room and screams "I HATE YOU!"



or not really. either way, it's childish.

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Not really an exploit if the game was designed like that. It's not our fault the devs stuffed up and took so long to fix it. No one has an advantage over anyone else anyway. Everyone had the same opportunity. Good luck banning the top raiders, and the people that run the fansites and write the guides.


That's like blaming a store for not fixing a broken window fast enough after a night of looting. Just because anyone can walk in and take something doesn't mean you should.

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You realize, of course, that this means war.


Pro-tip: This thread is made 100% better if you read one side of the argument in Daffy Duck's voice, and the other in Bugs Bunny's voice.


Pro-tip #2: And it is made 1000% better if you listen to Wagner at at the same time.



I'm thinking...I'm Daffy?!


At first I thought that said Wanger and was going to make an explicit joke, but now I read it correctly. Womp womp


Yeah, I thought he said Winger...so of course

when they load up the game!
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Time is relevant. The guy walked past it for 5 freaking weeks without once mentioning it. If he doesn't care after 5 weeks, why should I?
Really BioWare wasn't going to mention it and add even more weight to the exploit. I knew about it for 3 weeks at least and I never mentioned it or did it and I was behind on gear compared to others in my guild since I was playing DA:I when SoR came out.


Now saying BioWare did nothing about previous exploits is a valid argument to me. Saying that their silence makes cheating alright is not a valid argument to me. How do you think I knew of the exploit? I saw it on these forums. Those people posting threads also should be worried, personally I see it as they violated the ToS too. So I agree with BioWare's stance of not advertising their on mistake. Yes, BioWare did make a mistake, but that does not forgive people blatantly violating the terms of service by taking advantage of that mistake.

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As for them saying "most of you didn't use the exploit" I call BS. Everybody and their mother took advantage of this.

Not I.


But I don't really PVE much at all. If I were into ops / raiding, would I have? I barely know any of the details of what the exploit was exactly, but from what I can gather...I suppose that I may have inadvertently done so, realized that it was messed up and way too easy to get gear, and deleted the gear. Fear of the banhammer would have motivated me. Then again, there has been precedent of no discipline for exploiting (see S3 ranked win trading). I've even seen a few "all galaxy" players on my server...(they are not that good at pvp).

Edited by teclado
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That's like blaming a store for not fixing a broken window fast enough after a night of looting. Just because anyone can walk in and take something doesn't mean you should.

This is obviously very similar to real theft...Don't shoot, hands up!!!

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Not really an exploit if the game was designed like that. It's not our fault the devs stuffed up and took so long to fix it. No one has an advantage over anyone else anyway. Everyone had the same opportunity. Good luck banning the top raiders, and the people that run the fansites and write the guides.


Yeah maybe you and them can go get a coffee and tell each other how irreplaceable you are as you look for another MMO

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