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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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I guess we can tell who used the exploit by the stuff they say about ppl being banned and making excusses lol


BAN THEM ALL is what i say ........no need for cheating in any game


honestly I want to see if maybe they let at least one of these guys keep his account, but have all his characters stripped of gear, credits, and cartel coins, amd just have him running around on fleet begging for credits, that would be hilarious! :D


but seriously I am glad Bioware is taking action, and I hope that nothing like this happens again. the holidays sadly slowed down addressing this bug, since well, the guys who normally fix this were probably on vacations with their families.

Edited by Sangrar
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the part your missing is that the money was laying on the ground for 5 weeks before you picked it up


Well actually ... it's more like.. you heard this dude drops a 300 dollar wad everytime he leaves the bank in the morning.. you decided to check it out and saw it happen.. then you went back and kept doing it for 5 weeks, every chance you could, and then, after 5 weeks, the bank says "Hey, we knew this dude was picking all this money up but, we were busy and **** so, now that we fixed up the hole in that dudes pocket, we will start going through security tapes in order to arrest everyone who didn't really commit a crime but did act immorally by taking the money off the ground.."


Although in the real case, it is against the ToS to "take the money" while in the real world, theres no law against taking money you see on the ground...

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Without punishment, the cycle will never end. People went unpunished last exploit, and they're using it to justify their ill deeds this time too. It's time to stop the cycle and quit giving preference to the people who break the rules.


Its not just the last exploit, its the last three years of exploits; I mean... skipping all the trash after the minefield to get to kephess could have been considered an exploit. That is the first one I ever used just off the top of my head. I am sure there were plenty before that too.

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Without punishment, the cycle will never end. People went unpunished last exploit, and they're using it to justify their ill deeds this time too. It's time to stop the cycle and quit giving preference to the people who break the rules.




The reason we have this situation is because these people took BioWares leniency as a free pass to do what they want.


The big difference is that people who don't cheat have had enough of this and made their disdain heard. BioWare has to take action or the next time it's going to be worse.

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It felt like there was a TON of players doing it. I saw random guild names from small little guilds I had never heard of in my life who were sporting 198 chest pieces and other random assortment gear amongst their 162 rated gear.



Anyway, because it felt like a huge part of the player base who exploited the HM lockout, I'd be more happy if they 'ripped a new one' upon the guild and players who took such exhaustive measures as to transfer from their server of origin to sell this lockout that spread like wildfire.


If people are unaware of what guild that might be...its not hard to find out. They're the ONLY guild that can even clear HM Ravagers still.

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honestly I want to see if maybe they let at least one of these guys keep his account, but have all his characters stripped of gear, credits, and cartel coins, amd just have him running around on fleet begging for credits, that would be hilarious! :D

I 100% hope that's what happens. I hope that the punishment is extremely over the top and utterly ridiculous.

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I'm still wondering at how much people think they're 100% important to the game. Let me explain.


Raiders hardcore or casual, think they're the backbone of the game. Like millions of them or something.


PVP players like to think they're the backbone of the game. Like millions of them.


Now, I'm not saying there aren't alot of raiders or pvpers in the game. But not every single raider or raid guild did this exploit. Maybe out of, let's say a total of 100,000 raiders, maybe only 20,000 took advantage of the exploit. Yes, a majority of those raiders, hard or causal, were subs, but I'm pretty sure some of them were f2p or pref with ops passes.


Even if they banned every single person in the game who touched the exploit at all, once, twice, or multiple times. Out of every single server, every single guild, and every single person in game that's MAYBE 5-10%. Also, if their buddies left with them, that's another 1-5%. They lost a total of maybe 15-20% of the gamer population, Still profits to be had. So, whatever bioware does, the game isn't going to die out. New people will come and replace them and just cause 3.0 wasn't the greatest expansion, there will be more.


Next time, reread the TOS and know, exploiting = bad, action taken or not.

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I'll be honest here, I still am about 50% worried since I thought I was fine this morning until this thread pops up.

Either way, it will be interesting to see what happens, though I already went ahead and told bioware that I did the exploit on four characters, now to try and not be worried for Tuesday >.>

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That actually wouldnt be illegal, unethical...sure, but not illegal.

In plenty of jurisdictions (can't say for sure whether it would be "most") it would fall squarely under "theft of lost or mislaid property" if the 'thief' knew who it was who lost the money - which in that hypothetical he clearly did - which is definitely illegal.

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I guess we can tell who used the exploit by the stuff they say about ppl being banned and making excusses lol


BAN THEM ALL is what i say ........no need for cheating in any game


I wonder, if bioware ever bothered to list all the exploits that have existed, how many people would suddenly discover that yes, they too had exploited at some point. Since the policy is to never acknowledge an exploit (even in some cases after being fixed), most people arent aware of the exploits that have existed in game over the years.


PVP farming on Ilum pre 1.2

Moving Gharj to the door to fight and not on platforms in EV

Ilum gree event bolster leveling

Dragging boss in Athiss away from initial point in order to not get adds

Dragging boss in HM mannan away from initial point to not get adds and avoid "flow" ability

win trading in pvp (especially ranked for season)

hiding in objects in pvp

Nefra exploit

Bestia exploit

bugging out doors/objectives in pvp so you dont get interrupted on capping

jumping over the fence area in voidstar to get an early start as attacker

farming the infinite respawn nodes

farming the overpaying fast spawning Rishi chests

entire group being knocked up on thrasher fight since (pre-fix) it then couldnt damage anyone

skipping all the trash after minefield in EC


those are a few of them (all that I can remember off the top of my head atm), but basically in every flashpoint, operation, pvp zone and the PVE world there have been rampant numbers of exploits. Most go unnoticed by gamers and are fixed on the quiet, but there is tremendously high odds that everyone has, at some point, directly participated in an exploit, be it large or small.

Edited by Sashandra
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the part your missing is that the money was laying on the ground for 5 weeks before you picked it up
Well 5 days, 5 weeks or 5 months, really wouldn't matter. It would be wrong to take it if you knew who it belonged to and how to return it. Time is irrelevant.


The exploit isn't a crime. It does however violate the Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct which is something we all at least affirmed we have read.

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I'm still wondering at how much people think they're 100% important to the game. Let me explain.


Raiders hardcore or casual, think they're the backbone of the game. Like millions of them or something.


PVP players like to think they're the backbone of the game. Like millions of them.


Now, I'm not saying there aren't alot of raiders or pvpers in the game. But not every single raider or raid guild did this exploit. Maybe out of, let's say a total of 100,000 raiders, maybe only 20,000 took advantage of the exploit. Yes, a majority of those raiders, hard or causal, were subs, but I'm pretty sure some of them were f2p or pref with ops passes.


Even if they banned every single person in the game who touched the exploit at all, once, twice, or multiple times. Out of every single server, every single guild, and every single person in game that's MAYBE 5-10%. Also, if their buddies left with them, that's another 1-5%. They lost a total of maybe 15-20% of the gamer population, Still profits to be had. So, whatever bioware does, the game isn't going to die out. New people will come and replace them and just cause 3.0 wasn't the greatest expansion, there will be more.


Next time, reread the TOS and know, exploiting = bad, action taken or not.


Lol, nice job pulling numbers out of thin air with no idea what you are talking about. Gratz

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Well 5 days, 5 weeks or 5 months, really wouldn't matter. It would be wrong to take it if you knew who it belonged to and how to return it. Time is irrelevant.


The exploit isn't a crime. It does however violate the Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct which is something we all at least affirmed we have read.

Time is relevant. The guy walked past it for 5 freaking weeks without once mentioning it. If he doesn't care after 5 weeks, why should I?

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I don't remember Bioware giving a pass to people so they could take advantage of the exploit, weeks on end. This includes people who transferred from one server to another, to further profit from the exploit.


Stop making up excuses, please.


darth wicked, if you design a game with a flaw and other exploited it, who's at fault ? you for putting it out when it wasn't readt tested, or the gamers for finding it ? there are no excuses you moron. they put out a broken product, we didn't force them to do it, they did it. they need to admit their mistake and move on and learn from it. not to suddenly decide to have morals now

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In plenty of jurisdictions (can't say for sure whether it would be "most") it would fall squarely under "theft of lost or mislaid property" if the 'thief' knew who it was who lost the money - which in that hypothetical he clearly did - which is definitely illegal.


I feel like it would be some stupid legal clause like "and it was reasonable to notify them they misplaced it". What if it was Manhattan and they were three blocks away? But you may be right, idk about what states/municipalities have that law.

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Again someone is confusing cheating with taking advantage.


What about these pieces of **** who post crafting mats for 38987333 credits and trick people into buying them because of biowares failure to fix the broken gtn sort feature? People think they are buying the cheapest mat but really they are buying the most expensive and it looks the same at a glance because of (once again) biowares failure to display prices clearly?


When a victim puts in a ticket, bioware has said they will not refund the millions of credits stolen by these scammers. By doing that they are clearly saying that "exploiting" the bugs in the gtn is an acceptable practice, and that it is the player's fault for not looking more closely at the single 6pt font size digit after the decimal point.


How can they turn around and say this is an exploit, but stealing 10, 20, 30 MILLION or more credits from a player per successful gtn sale is not?

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Lol, nice job pulling numbers out of thin air with no idea what you are talking about. Gratz


Believe me, there ARE NOT that many people who raid or pvp compared to Joe Goober who runs in and plays but doesn't do much else. And this is every single server in the game. If you have hard core numbers, feel free to correct me. And also as you can see, I was speculating, I never once said my numbers were accurate.

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I'll be honest here, I still am about 50% worried since I thought I was fine this morning until this thread pops up.

Either way, it will be interesting to see what happens, though I already went ahead and told bioware that I did the exploit on four characters, now to try and not be worried for Tuesday >.>


You're not safe. NOBODY IS! Judgement day is coming for all.

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Even if they banned every single person in the game who touched the exploit at all, once, twice, or multiple times. Out of every single server, every single guild, and every single person in game that's MAYBE 5-10%. Also, if their buddies left with them, that's another 1-5%. They lost a total of maybe 15-20% of the gamer population, Still profits to be had. So, whatever bioware does, the game isn't going to die out. New people will come and replace them and just cause 3.0 wasn't the greatest expansion, there will be more.


The part that everyone seems to be forgetting is that they would be losing that alleged "15-20%" of revenue and gaining absolutely nothing. Real smart business decision there.

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In plenty of jurisdictions (can't say for sure whether it would be "most") it would fall squarely under "theft of lost or mislaid property" if the 'thief' knew who it was who lost the money - which in that hypothetical he clearly did - which is definitely illegal.


Ha, I was right. This is just Montana: "the person (theif) fails to take reasonable measures to restore the property to the owner".

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