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Patch 3.0.2 Free 192 Companion Armor?


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This is why a general "road map" would be helpful. While it wouldn't provide all details of future release features, it would (if it had enough details) allow players to better prepare for the direction that the Devs are going to take. And using that information players would make decisions about risk vs reward for doing certain things in game, be it crafting or something else entirely.


For example, if a crafter (based on the "road map") saw an area of potential future profitability, if that future profit is a big enough reward, may undergo the opportunity risk of investing time and effort to be prepared when it comes into being.

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I think a road map would be a great thing for bioware to share the game is made for the players it's the players that play without the players those bioware employees won't have a job. So unfortunately they should be trying to cater more to the players. A road map would be a good thing. Also I would love to see bioware interact more with the players they have my email they should send out surveys to gauge what direction to take the game. Unfortunately this won't help attract new players because I think the people who play this game are a niche market hence why the subscription is lower compared to WOW or other MMOs. I think bioware should send a survey out to the players that quit to see what it would take in game to make them come back. Would nice to see what things are need in game to make the populations and player base grow. It's those lost customers that are probably the easiest to get back because bioware you have their info. This is probably the best way and I am dumb founded as to why they aren't.
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This is why a general "road map" would be helpful. While it wouldn't provide all details of future release features, it would (if it had enough details) allow players to better prepare for the direction that the Devs are going to take. And using that information players would make decisions about risk vs reward for doing certain things in game, be it crafting or something else entirely.

TOR is a game, not a mutual fund.

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First, a lot of people have complained about all that free gear, it has made crafting anything in the 162-186 range largely useless. I've done it and sold some of it, but not for the kind of profits I made last summer on 148-156 stuff.


Second, you DO know that appearance tabs are coming, right? Don't toss out that fixed companion gear just yet, it will be the perfect solution for CM appearance gear and stats from the drops.


Just because people are wanting appearence tabs, does not mean tney are coming. Unless I have missed something, BW hasnt stated anything about appearence tabs. If I am wrong please post link to source.

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Just because people are wanting appearence tabs, does not mean tney are coming. Unless I have missed something, BW hasnt stated anything about appearence tabs. If I am wrong please post link to source.




"BioWare Senior Producer Bruce Maclean spilled some wonderful spoilers to Gaddock Gaming as well. Of note, he says that Togrutas are coming as a playable race post-3.0, an appearance gear system is being discussed for 3.0 or beyond, the pod-racing prototype was abandoned in the testing stages due to lag, and faction-changing might be considered in the future."

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Always makes me sit and look at the screen for a moment when someone says "Crafting is dead!" instead of what they're really talking about, which is "Crafting as a source of income is dead" (whether that's true is a different question).


I have a character with each crafting skill, and I still use all of them for various reasons -- I just never have and never will count on crafting as a source of income.

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Always makes me sit and look at the screen for a moment when someone says "Crafting is dead!" instead of what they're really talking about, which is "Crafting as a source of income is dead" (whether that's true is a different question).


I have a character with each crafting skill, and I still use all of them for various reasons -- I just never have and never will count on crafting as a source of income.


Same. As seen by my army of alts, they are the reasons for my crafters. If i do make some money off it, its nice, but i never went into it as a income source, i just wanted to be entirely self sufficient.

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Same. As seen by my army of alts, they are the reasons for my crafters. If i do make some money off it, its nice, but i never went into it as a income source, i just wanted to be entirely self sufficient.


Same with me. Still make a ton of credits. What I not going to use I put on GTN. Works fine for me.

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I went out and got the 192 companion gear once, for one companion.


I discovered it has no mods, which means my companion wearing it looks just like (excepting dye) every other of the same companion that will be wearing it.




Now I'm using the free Jawa Junk from the Slot Machine of Doom to acquire mats so I can make armorings, mods, and enhancements for my army of pets. I want 'em to look like I want 'em to look, dagnabit! :D

Edited by DarthTHC
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I went out and got the 192 companion gear once, for one companion.


I discovered it has no mods, which means my companion wearing it looks just like (excepting dye) every other of the same companion that will be wearing it.




Now I'm using the free Jawa Junk from the Slot Machine of Doom to acquire mats so I can make armorings, mods, and enhancements for my army of pets. I want 'em to look like I want 'em to look, dagnabit! :D


That is the thing. No one forces you to use it. It is up to the player. If you don't like it buy or craft your gear. I have been crafting my own 186 either by Armor/Synth or mods but I am a happy camper since it saves resources. I like the free gear. Treek says it makes her look frumpy but oh well.

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I went out and got the 192 companion gear once, for one companion.


I discovered it has no mods, which means my companion wearing it looks just like (excepting dye) every other of the same companion that will be wearing it.


That's the only good thing about this "feature". I'd LOL about dying static comp gear, but my understanding is that this patch also reduced the cost of many dyes.

Edited by eartharioch
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Since for the most part I only use HK (on my healer) the 192 gear doesn't matter so much for him as it doesn't show. The other companions it really doesn't matter as they are rarely used but I can get the gear and if I want to switch to one I can without worrying about upgrading the gear.
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I think it is a good idea really, takes the hassle out of gearing your companions, I know mine were all primarily in 'hand-me-down' mods and armour and some crafted pieces, this way it is taken care of and we can focus on what matters, our characters :)
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I think it is a good idea really, takes the hassle out of gearing your companions, I know mine were all primarily in 'hand-me-down' mods and armour and some crafted pieces, this way it is taken care of and we can focus on what matters, our characters :)


I agree, I just wish they looked a bit nicer, I run with myself and companions all in orange or cartel gear for specific looks or maybe if they had made the 192 gear look like your companions original armour (it would be a change but one I could go with)


They are ugly, can we please get an appearance tab so that we can at least make our comps look good in that CM stuff we spent real money on? Tks.


Courtney alluded that we may get something like this sooner rather than latter in a recent stream it think.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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Whats wrong? Assuming they are also giving out free droid armor they are making cybertech crafting completely useless. What main character do you have wears droid armor? Only alts wear them. I also screws all the work ive done the past few weeks crafting gear for my alts. A complete waste of time.
Frankly there wasn't much profit to be made in droid armor. I sold several pieces, but the market was pretty slow. Sure, it's mostly dead now, but as with all markets, you have to diversify. At least on Ebon Hawk other goods in cybertech are doing OK, but the real profit was in artificing.
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  • 2 months later...
How do I get this companion armour? Is it a reward I can collect when I log in?


Go to Yavin and complete the weeklies by doing all the quests bar the world boss quest (that ones your own choice). Revan fight gives you a Legacy MH and the weekly give you a Legacy full set (armour/ear/implants) for your companion(s) to send to various alts they apply to, one set per week. if you want an OH for them then complete a one time per alt story quest on Rishi for a choice of Legacy OH :)

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The 192 companion Off Hand you get from Rishi, it's a daily quest you can do every day to get one, you have to kill She Who Greedily Devours for the bird people on the island. You get the quest from the birdman Arankau. The rest comes from doing the Yavin weeklies, except you don't have to do the Walking on Hallowed Grounds to kill the walker.
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