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Being more powerful at level 60 would be an easy way to extent current content


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Right now you can't solo level 55 hard modes at level 60, as far as I know. That's a missed opportunity I believe.

Level 50 operations you can't solo either, although that might be asking a bit too much.

Imagine if you could, all the achievements, drops you could get and the replay value of that.


In Wow whenever you got to the new level cap in an expansion you could do a whole lot more.

Would it have been a better idea to make level 60's more powerful than they are now?

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Think they are soloable, certainly heard reports of them being done. The fresh 186 attempt I had when I first hit 60 certainly left me thinking it wasn't that far away - certainly not out of the question.


The ops wont be since you cant enter when not in an ops group, which is extremely annoying. And as discussed at length in other threads.. ops solo just wouldn't work... they are intrinsically about group play and mechanics... that is what they are. To do a solo version is just - well, you will find the odd rare boss that would be soloable... but just look at the pylons (3rd "boss") on the first Ops... not feasible. 4th "boss fight"... err what now?? Final boss, enter - get encased in the pylon, respawn, ad infinitum.

Edited by leehambly
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You might not be able to solo 55 HMs but that doesn't mean they can't be done.

I meant soloable for the average player, not the one decked out in best in slot or an experienced nightmare operations player. Soloing old content is a great way to give people something to do really, or strive for.

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I meant soloable for the average player, not the one decked out in best in slot or an experienced nightmare operations player. Soloing old content is a great way to give people something to do really, or strive for.


The "average" player can get a full set of 186 gear almost immediately upon hitting 60. If you cannot solo level 55 tacticals then, what you can "strive for" is the slightly better gear to do it in, or better skill. Seems like it already fits.


Elite Comm gear is perfectly within the "average" player's reach. Even if you did nothing but weeklies on Yavin and a Tactical FP every day, you'd have over 90 comms a week, more than enough to start upgrading gear.

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The "average" player can get a full set of 186 gear almost immediately upon hitting 60. If you cannot solo level 55 tacticals then, what you can "strive for" is the slightly better gear to do it in, or better skill. Seems like it already fits.


Elite Comm gear is perfectly within the "average" player's reach. Even if you did nothing but weeklies on Yavin and a Tactical FP every day, you'd have over 90 comms a week, more than enough to start upgrading gear.

Level 55 tacticals aren't hard modes though, I meant flash point hard modes. Other than that, level 50 operations apparently can't be soloed due to mechanics. Haven't done many operations so I wouldn't know, if they could adjust them to be soloable, that would open up a lot of possibilities for people wanting to get certain things from older content.

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Here it is again...full bis ppl can solo lvl 55hm's whine whine...I cant whine whine...


#1 Its not about gear, gear makes 5-7% of your perfomance


#2 Its about your personal skill. If you cant beat lvl 55 Hm fps learn 2 play.


#3 What you are basically asking for is to nerf lvl 55 fps so that even you can solo them wihtout learning or even putting any effort in it.


#4 Do your SM operations get ulti comms get full 198 crap commendation gear and be happy. But dont await to be capable of raiding HM or NM content or solo those stupid fp's which no one needs anymore...


#5 The "replay value" you mentioned is actually the increased difficulty in soloing instead of grouping for it. Why would anyone try soloing an fp if it was too easy?

Edited by Methoxa
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It's fine, and making it easier for people to farm 55 HM's isn't a solution to extending content.


And "making players more powerful at 60" would completely screw up the balancing for level 60 content.


If you want to be more powerful at level 60, start running GF for comms and upgrade your gear as has been suggested.


The average player isn't trying to farm 55 HM's at level 60, they are trying to farm elite and ultimate comms to upgrade their gear.

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The "average" player can get a full set of 186 gear almost immediately upon hitting 60. If you cannot solo level 55 tacticals then, what you can "strive for" is the slightly better gear to do it in, or better skill. Seems like it already fits.


Elite Comm gear is perfectly within the "average" player's reach. Even if you did nothing but weeklies on Yavin and a Tactical FP every day, you'd have over 90 comms a week, more than enough to start upgrading gear.



Only for some. Other's aren't so fortunate to finish hardmodes to see Elite Comm's gear. I haven't been able to finish a Hardmode ever since Makeb was released. I have two characters in 186 gear and no matter what, the groups just suck in random hard modes. Unless you are lucky enough to be in an active guild, with people with high level raid awareness. I wish there was another way to get Elite Comm's gear without having the headache of hardmodes.

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Right now you can't solo level 55 hard modes at level 60, as far as I know. That's a missed opportunity I believe.

Level 50 operations you can't solo either, although that might be asking a bit too much.

Imagine if you could, all the achievements, drops you could get and the replay value of that.


In Wow whenever you got to the new level cap in an expansion you could do a whole lot more.

Would it have been a better idea to make level 60's more powerful than they are now?


Well you see, that there is the reason why raising level caps (and the resultant redesign of the skill system) is so asinine. People have some fascination with the yellow damage numbers going up with every level they gain, but in all reality, no matter how many times effort is wasted on raising the level cap, our characters will still never really become more powerful than the old level 50 or 55 cap. It's all an illusion and a wasted effort for something that is not really necessary.

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I'd say i'm a pretty "average" player - not tearing through Ops/Fps all day, play when I can - have a family, etc.


however, my lvl 60 DPS Jugg is in 186 gear (with a couple 192) - HP of 46k - and I can pretty much solo the HM 50s and most 55s - partially because you resist so many things. Pretty easy to gear if you grind a little - and isn't that the point of the game - for things not to be handed to you, but to earn the ability to do them?


I guess the question is, what are you looking to solo, specifically? At 60 (really 55 in good gear) - go through a solo run of the Ilum stuff, gives you a good basis to learn the method. Just my 2 cents - which bascially means nothing in the grans scheme I suppose.

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I don't know, I think the OP is slightly misunderstanding the nature of end game gearing and content.


Right now, everyone is in 186, some 192 and a few 198 maybe. But lets be clear... Your average end-game player is in mostly 186, with maybe a piece or two of 192.


How do I know this? Because if they aren't in full 186, then they aren't an end game player yet and through gearing up it is very likely that one 192 will creep in, after all you get about 72 elites from the FA story mode and a single run of the Rishi/Yavin content.


Do we make the content levelled to those players? No.

Why? Because in a month the gear situation will change (it will only improve, unless people start throwing good gear away), but the content wont have changed particularly.


So your idea will be great for about a month, maybe 2, and then what? Back to pre-3.0 god-mode? Let it all settle down (we are only a month or so in), iron out bugs, people learn their ACs (since they have changed and people are still adjusting), gear up and then complain in the late spring/early summer if they are still impossibly hard for you.. I would guess they will become a hell of a lot easier over time, much like the last lot did.


Furthermore and I don't think I am letting anything out of the bag here, since it is freely witnessed on PTS, but suffice to say level 60 groupfinder is going to be getting the sort of attention in update 3.1 that is desperately needed right now.

Edited by leehambly
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looks to me like someone forgot what the 2nd M in MMORPG stands for... there's personal story and that's your pseudo-single-player experience right there; Flash-points, operations, ect. are meant to be group play... honestly when i want a single-player experience i simply put a single player game into one of my game consoles... the Final Fantasy XIII series is an excellent game series, you should try it out, but on PS3, XBox version is inferior, or try Alien: Isolation, that game is a full on solo experience, and it'll scare the pants off of you... but MMO's are by definition multi-player experiences, i just can't fathom why people insist on soloing a multi-player co-op game... besides, being more powerful at Lv.60 wont extend the game, you'll just burn through the content faster... once again, this request is a Wookie living on Endor, it doesn't make sense... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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If there's going to be any sort of a reasonable power-curve on gear, then it would be completely thrown out the window if the average player could solo 55 HMs right now.


Max possible gear right now is from HMs of the first tier of level 60 Ops, in the future we'll certainly get NiMs of these Ops with the next tier of gear drops. And after that we'll probably get one or two more tiers of gear from future Ops released over the course of the 3.X cycle, depending on how the HM gear from those future Ops stack up against the NiM drops from Ravagers/Temple.


Right now we aren't close to how powerful level 60 is going to get, so I'd be worried if we were already at a point where HM 55 content was trivialized.

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Only for some. Other's aren't so fortunate to finish hardmodes to see Elite Comm's gear. I haven't been able to finish a Hardmode ever since Makeb was released. I have two characters in 186 gear and no matter what, the groups just suck in random hard modes. Unless you are lucky enough to be in an active guild, with people with high level raid awareness. I wish there was another way to get Elite Comm's gear without having the headache of hardmodes.




Even if you did nothing but weeklies on Yavin and a Tactical FP every day, you'd have over 90 comms a week, more than enough to start upgrading gear.


I specifically avoided mentioning Hardmodes because I knew I'd get a comment like yours. Somehow, I got one anyway. You can get over 90 elites a week without setting foot in a Hard Mode.

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