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No mention of marauders? I REALLY hope you intend to add something later, otherwise............


Im so fed up with this. NOT ONE DAMN RESPONSE in ANY of these threads!!!


From the patch release text it looks like they mean that more are coming and that its not finalized what they are doing in 3.1. I might be reading it wrong tho but one can hope.


Devs not responding in threads is a normal thing. We can only hope that they are reading it atleast and taking it to heart.


More realistically we will prob not see any changes untill 3.2 - 3.3 earliest.

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This is disgusting the first thing they put up is Defense Guardians get huge damage buff? Meanwhile Guardian Slash is crits for 13k? Still the Sentinel/Marauder community sits here with out a single comment on what changes are going to be made.
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...are you stupid enough to believe that I think its the complete patch notes? Im pissed because I see Devs respond to so many other threads while there are none here. Im pissed because the notes listed are for Jugs... seriously, Jugs. All I want is some kind of acknowledgement from them that something is going to be changed after they destroyed my beloved Marauder.
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...are you stupid enough to believe that I think its the complete patch notes?


If you don't think that, then why bother with this thread? They haven't acknowledged any other class issues either, doesn't mean they won't fix (most of) them

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Concerning balancing/changes for other classes, tanking or otherwise: Keep an ear and eye open for upcoming news. This is just the start of balancing for the season, and we have plenty more to come!


Thank you all for the support and continued feedback. The best way for us to help the community is by hearing your voice. Keep it coming!


Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7935943#edit7935943


Still would be nice to hear a reply in one of these recent Mara/Sent threads simply acknowledging this class in particular is back to their drawing board, but I'm pretty sure it is at least for PVP.

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Here's the issue: yes, they will do more this patch. Yes, this patch isn't just going to be about Guard/Jugg tanks. Yes, they may even take a pass at Sents/Maras.


But we've seen many times where they will do half a dozen passes on a class or spec when Sent/Mara needs some attention, and they say, "Don't worry, we didn't forget you. We just need to get this finished." And then they do...one pass on Sent/Mara, often times with a sketchy change that the players are not happy with, and then say, "We understand your concerns, but we're out of time. We'll address those issues in the future."


They started this patch with something other than Sents/Maras. It's angering because, if past patterns of behavior continue, they may only give the barest, minimal attention to the AC, then drop it back on us with the "out of time" explanation.


Though a lot of people are (perhaps rightly) concerned about other specs like Madness/Hatred, getting Sents/Maras to a more equitable state is far more important in my mind. If they aren't the next class to get attention on the 3.1 PTS, expect very little for them.

Edited by waterboytkd
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Here's the issue: yes, they will do more this patch. Yes, this patch isn't just going to be about Guard/Jugg tanks. Yes, they may even take a pass at Sents/Maras.


But we've seen many times where they will do half a dozen passes on a class or spec when Sent/Mara needs some attention, and they say, "Don't worry, we didn't forget you. We just need to get this finished." And then they do...one pass on Sent/Mara, often times with a sketchy change that the players are not happy with, and then say, "We understand your concerns, but we're out of time. We'll address those issues in the future."


They started this patch with something other than Sents/Maras. It's angering because, if past patterns of behavior continue, they may only give the barest, minimal attention to the AC, then drop it back on us with the "out of time" explanation.


Though a lot of people are (perhaps rightly) concerned about other specs like Madness/Hatred, getting Sents/Maras to a more equitable state is far more important in my mind. If they aren't the next class to get attention on the 3.1 PTS, expect very little for them.


This. Very this.

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We have had an almost 90% Population decline in Endgame Nightmare Able Sents and Maras Mains on my Server, maybe they forget we can´t switch to healing our tanking when our dps specs are ruined.


Momentarly there is always a Melee DPS who brings the same utility (or much much more) into the raid and does a lot more reliable DPS. At the Moment beeing a Sentinel you need to invest much much more to get the same results as lets say a Shadow our Guardian DPS. Last time I counted we were down to half a dozen Sent and Maras total who are allowed to do HC/NiM Content as of 3.0. on my Server. I believe if 3.1. hits without a massive (really massive) quality of live improvement that number will finaly drop to Zero and the Combatteams hate for Sentinels/Marauders will have succeded.


PvP is unbearable as a Sentinel, srry switching to my Jugg our Sage is just like switching from Hell to heaven.


I also have no reason writing tickets about the bugs from Masterstrike/Force Jump and about 50% of our utilites and passives anymore, either its: The issue is known and will (not) be adressed (since you are a Sentinel) our you get a Devblog saying: "Sents are fine l2play noob"


I don´t know what the Community on the Private Closed Beta Testserver did, but as rumours say it was a massive hate against our class going on. Well lets see how Gunslingers and Sages get their demanded Buffs in 3.1. and we finally get a 100% HP Reduction whenever we pull Awe. You noticed that in the first patch after 3.0 we just got nerfed again? I see a pattern.




We are a DPS only Class, you Bioware people. I know Scoundrel DPS got issues in PvE but at least they have the option to temporarly switch on healing. We got no Discipline that works well and you people nerfed us after 3.0 in the first regular patch again. Either buff us so that we stupid people may compete again or explain to us how exactly the Sent is fine in a 120 Page "Sentinel for Dummies and stupid Customers" Guidebook. Seriously you got no problem overpowering the Sage, but you fear that those few excellent players on a Sentinel who still cling to the class might outdoe all the incompetent Oaktrees and Brainfafklers on the other ACs like in 1.1.?


You nerfed Watchmanselfheal because a good dozen people stacked crit and got up to 25% HPS of a heal (~10% Effictivness btw) in a raid encounter in Asation. Plus beeing able to stand up a long time in 2 vs 1 situations with stupid people and killing them (DoT DMG got massively reduced btw). Focus got culled since people were to stupid to learn the rule: don´t stack on a person carrying two Sabers from the enemy team. Sentinel CDs were nerfed for people beeing to stupid to counter.......


GBTF --->Stun, root, kick, slow + run away, kite, pull a Def CD yourself don´t waste strong hitters was a rule somehow even so called "Pros" tended to rush a burst combo in the moment when GBTF went up so it had to be converted into seppuku, while alle other classes either got a "Immunity bubble", a massive selfheal, or a Reflection + half a dozen stuns, roots, slows and escape abilites in varying combinations. To "bring other classes onto the level of sentinel survivability" and because "we don´t want a Raid group to feel the need to grab a sentinel". Inspiration was just 50-60k extra DMG per activation I don´t see why anyone would need it for a bossencounter.......well stupid people would need it.


Saber Ward had its CD increased to 3 min, because people whined that white DMG didn´t go through and the wouldn´t get and 8k hit just a 6k instead. In that area I don´t understand why anyone would try to do white dmg after eating pacify.....bioware you should remove pacify I don´t find a person on my server that would just switch to yellow dmg, resource reg or stunning for 6s;-)


Rebuke originally worked for DoTs a as well and was a decent "DoT counter. thx to Sorcs complaining about that "totally overpowered Reflect with a much to long uptime" it now only helps against other Sents and maybe melees. You see it is just to hard not to hit that Sent for 4 GCDs when he pulls rebuke or put him in a root, stun, slow until that "awesome" 20% reduction have ticked away and won´t get renewed. Bioware you should remove rebuke people still complain its far to strong. Plus it is far from a useful ability nowadays.


Crippling Throw, I think we have to thank the people who were in the Closed Beta for 3.0 for that.


Fluff Utilities with no real good stuff our stuff that other classes got moved to baseline for cool utilites. Thx supid people who were part of the Closed Beta for 3.0 again.


Rant End.

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Hey, look, new patch notes. Hmm, don't see any mention of marauders. Figures.


Lets go to their next communitystream and blockade anything but Sent questions, so the CMs understand we are not joking or som Gunslingers who are whining about beeing to stupid to roll^^

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