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Darth Marr / Satele Shan - Companions


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Darth Marr would be a Sith Jugg, a tank/dps (switchable roles, like Treek)


Satele Shan would be a Jedi Sage, a dps/heals (switchable roles, like Treek)


Either could be used by either side, both could come with a mini quest chain to explore their story a bit further, similar to HK (without the crazy item searching of course).


Price could be the same as Treek, about 2,000 CC each.


(note: does it make much sense for Marr to join a Jedi or Satele to join a Sith? Not really, but who cares, it would be fun)

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This needs to be done! I totally agree. SOR needs new available companions and they would be perfect. Another variation would be to add Theron, Lana, and Jakkaro as comps. That would be amazing! Thanks for posting this! :rak_01: Edited by TGregory
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It makes even less sense than Lana and Theron.


These characters aren't there to fetch rocks and make toys for your toon, they have actual roles that are bigger than following you around.


Meh, as a Sith, I'm now a member of the Dark Council, why am I still running around doing these things?


It is a game, it should be fun. Create a story reason for it, maybe they want to get out to the front lines to see what is going on.

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Do not throw away the lore just because someone thinks it would be "cool."


If we're going to do that, I'll take two Darksabers, a set of Orbalisk armor, and Palpatine and Chewbacca as companions for my agent. kthnx.


Are you willing to pay $40 to have those?


And of course, Palpatine and Chewie aren't even in this game, at least Marr and Shan are...


and I suspect at $20 each, they'll sell well.

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Are you willing to pay $40 to have those?


And of course, Palpatine and Chewie aren't even in this game, at least Marr and Shan are...


and I suspect at $20 each, they'll sell well.


My point is that in every case, they'd be throwing the established lore out of the window. (There's only one Darksaber, only 2 characters in the SW universe have ever been known to wear orbalisks as armor, and Palps and Chewie won't even be born for roughly another 3500 years). For a franchise that is as steeped in lore as Star Wars is, tossing the lore out of the window would be stupid.


Satele is this era's Yoda, more or less. To have her following around trooper or smuggler, not to mention ANY Imperial class makes absolutely no sense from a lore perspective. Consular and Knight could be explained to some degree, but as grandmaster of the order, she would not be their subordinate.


Marr is essentially this era's Vader. See above, but swap the republic mentions for Imperials, and Vice Versa. Not to mention that he's effectively running the Empire now, since he's more or less the de facto leader of the Dark Council.


You simply do not throw the lore out of the window because a few people think it might be "cool." There is absolutely no reason for either of these characters to be following the player around, it is a terrible idea. I'd even venture even more of a terrible idea than Treek, and words fail to express my hatred of that stupid little teddybear.


If ANY character currently in the game was going to join the player, it would most likely be Jakarro. Lana and Theron are both back to doing their own things, and Jakarro even mentions that he's tempted when you extend the offer to him, but he's got his own things going on at the moment, as well.

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There is only one Mako as well, yet I see a thousand of her running around.


And for that matter, there is only one Jedi Knight who took down the Emperor, yet I see a thousand of those as well.


This is, honestly, more of a single player game with a bit of multiplayer tossed in than anything, so it shouldn't matter.


I wouldn't pay $20 for Jakarro, but that my opinion...

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Darth Marr would be a Sith Jugg, a tank/dps (switchable roles, like Treek)


Satele Shan would be a Jedi Sage, a dps/heals (switchable roles, like Treek)


Either could be used by either side, both could come with a mini quest chain to explore their story a bit further, similar to HK (without the crazy item searching of course).


Price could be the same as Treek, about 2,000 CC each.


(note: does it make much sense for Marr to join a Jedi or Satele to join a Sith? Not really, but who cares, it would be fun)


Worst...idea...EVER!!! Just because you think it's "cool" does not mean it is a good idea. Two of the games main characters should NOT be companions. They were never intended to be and should remain as they are.

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I wasted a mouse click reading to read this suggestion. Now I have to use another mouse click to get out of this stupid idea thread. I was annoyed enough that I decided to devote a few keystrokes to express my total *shaking my head* dismay at how bad this idea is before clicking away from the thread.
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I wouldn't mind shaking up with Marr. But I'd like to see what's behind that mask first...


Me too lol. I love the voice and the disposition.


Anyhow, that said, I'm not sure this would be a good idea...if you had them as companions, you really wouldn't be 'in charge' anymore, because they're leaders of their respective organization...and if they were on our ships, we'd be their bishes running out for crafting stuff for them lol.


If they did it, I'd totally get Marr for all my toons. I don't care a white about Satele.

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I wasted a mouse click reading to read this suggestion. Now I have to use another mouse click to get out of this stupid idea thread. I was annoyed enough that I decided to devote a few keystrokes to express my total *shaking my head* dismay at how bad this idea is before clicking away from the thread.


Can't be any worse than the 3 sec **** click idea someone else posted... :D

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You have "lore" conscious people who have confused their original characters with the concept of "main characters". And it also seems these folks are a bit ignorant on how to give constructive criticism. Guess you can't expect maturity from people who use games and fantasy to feel superior than others.


That aside - I would say it's a good idea to highlight these characters more. A really good reason in the story would have to be given why they are pulled from their duties (something exciting could happen, like being cast out! Future expansion, maybe?).


There was a time Kenobi followed around Luke, and that Luke lived with Yoda - after all. Stories are always moving forward.

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Me too lol. I love the voice and the disposition.


Anyhow, that said, I'm not sure this would be a good idea...if you had them as companions, you really wouldn't be 'in charge' anymore, because they're leaders of their respective organization...and if they were on our ships, we'd be their bishes running out for crafting stuff for them lol.


If they did it, I'd totally get Marr for all my toons. I don't care a white about Satele.


Marr could run the Empire from a home office on my ship. There is enough room that he could bring some lackeys of his own.


As for Satele: who in their right mind would want their ex-boyfriend's mother to move in with them? That is even worse than having your Mother-in-Law live with you! :eek:

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As for Satele: who in their right mind would want their ex-boyfriend's mother to move in with them? That is even worse than having your Mother-in-Law live with you! :eek:


Ex-boyfriend? Theron? Bleh, that boy isn't on my radar... now his mom on the other hand, she is...


...wait, did I say that out loud?

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This is an assnumbingly dumb idea.mif there adding lore braking stuff than give me a vibrio blade guitar that plays rock and roll as its sound file so I can show these Star Wars chumps that both light and dark and nothing before the power of rock. Because blowing up a Death Star with an epic guitar solo beats turning two plot centric main characters into lackeys anyway.


But seriously I would pay money to be able to kill Sith a Jedi with an electric guitar weapon.

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I do think they should bring out a new companion but really now that we have all the roles of dos and healers and tanks covered do we need more companions? I think the devs need to focus more on end game content that's not raid focused to give this game some more variety all there is are dailies inbetween pvp ques while I am waiting for the guild to get an ops together that's it there needs to be more to do to keep players around. That's where they need to be focusing.
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