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Darth Marr / Satele Shan - Companions


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Me too lol. I love the voice and the disposition.


Anyhow, that said, I'm not sure this would be a good idea...if you had them as companions, you really wouldn't be 'in charge' anymore, because they're leaders of their respective organization...and if they were on our ships, we'd be their bishes running out for crafting stuff for them lol.


If they did it, I'd totally get Marr for all my toons. I don't care a white about Satele.


Find Marr intriguing myself (Dat voice!) But given how poorly companion interaction was to begin with, and how they have proven (especially with SoR) that its at the absolute bottom of the list of things they give a crap about, I see it as more of what we already have. And Marr definitly merits more then the "Meh" bioware would give him (couldn't care less about Satele)

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I do think they should bring out a new companion but really now that we have all the roles of dos and healers and tanks covered do we need more companions? I think the devs need to focus more on end game content that's not raid focused to give this game some more variety all there is are dailies inbetween pvp ques while I am waiting for the guild to get an ops together that's it there needs to be more to do to keep players around. That's where they need to be focusing.


I suppose with Treek we have a good tank/healer companion... what we don't have is a good DPS/healer companion...


That is the role that Satele would fill... Marr I suppose fills Treek's role, but without the annoying voice...


You can't tell me that you wouldn't rather listen to Marr in place of Treek, would you? :)

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Darth Marr would be a Sith Jugg, a tank/dps (switchable roles, like Treek)


Satele Shan would be a Jedi Sage, a dps/heals (switchable roles, like Treek)


Either could be used by either side, both could come with a mini quest chain to explore their story a bit further, similar to HK (without the crazy item searching of course).


Price could be the same as Treek, about 2,000 CC each.


(note: does it make much sense for Marr to join a Jedi or Satele to join a Sith? Not really, but who cares, it would be fun)


It is totally unrealistic that two of the really insane top tiers from either side of the game should be ones companion.... but theron and lana could be an option, but satele shan, no absolutely no, she has other duties.

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You can't tell me that you wouldn't rather listen to Marr in place of Treek, would you? :)




It would be rather like that scene with the hyenas in lion king


Cheech hyena: "Mufasa!"

Whoopie hyena: -shivers- "Ooooooooh, say it again!" 😍

Cheech hyena: "Mufasa, Mufasa, Mufasa!!!"

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It is totally unrealistic that two of the really insane top tiers from either side of the game should be ones companion.... but theron and lana could be an option, but satele shan, no absolutely no, she has other duties.




You actually used that word when talking about Star Wars, a fantasy world where wizards run around with laser swords and wield magic Force powers?


How about Treek, who also makes no sense. Yea, yea, they wrote a (stupid) reason for her being there. Fine, they can write an equally stupid one for Shan and Marr. :)


*Reason: They want to get back into the action, see the front lines for themselves, get out of the office, etc.


There, you have a reason... :)


It is a bloody fantasy game, who cares, it is fun...

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You actually used that word when talking about Star Wars, a fantasy world where wizards run around with laser swords and wield magic Force powers?


How about Treek, who also makes no sense. Yea, yea, they wrote a (stupid) reason for her being there. Fine, they can write an equally stupid one for Shan and Marr. :)


*Reason: They want to get back into the action, see the front lines for themselves, get out of the office, etc.


There, you have a reason... :)


It is a bloody fantasy game, who cares, it is fun...


Sorry, but no. Just no.

It would make absolutely no sense for the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order or a powerful Sith Lord to run around as companion character for a player. Should we get Supreme Chancellor Saresh after that? Or perhaps the returned Emperor?

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  • 1 month later...

ok ok ok ok.....wait....so you guys are telling me. that you want the DARK LORD OF THE SITH following around someone that is as low as an ACOLYTE, and the JEDI GRANDMASTER following around a guy that could be a PADOWAN. howw... is that even going to work? like treek? buy a contract and they serve you forever??


(also, satele should be a tank/dps, not a dps/heals)

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  • 2 months later...
Darth Marr would be a Sith Jugg, a tank/dps (switchable roles, like Treek)


Satele Shan would be a Jedi Sage, a dps/heals (switchable roles, like Treek)


Either could be used by either side, both could come with a mini quest chain to explore their story a bit further, similar to HK (without the crazy item searching of course).


Price could be the same as Treek, about 2,000 CC each.


(note: does it make much sense for Marr to join a Jedi or Satele to join a Sith? Not really, but who cares, it would be fun)


Worst idea ever, that doesn't need to happen. That would kill the story.

Edited by Longmaverick
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I'd prefer they focus on fleshing out the current companions we have rather than adding more. Quality > Quantity.

More besides, I don't think Darth Marr would swear fealty to Darth Nox or the Emperor's Wrath, let along to an Imperial Agent or a Bounty Hunter. Likewise, I think the notion of Satele Shan or Darth Marr being available to both factions is silly. Sorry, it would be fun to romance Satele, though. :p

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Likewise, I think the notion of Satele Shan or Darth Marr being available to both factions is silly.


The whole universe and concept is silly...


A bunch of magic users wave around light swords in a universe of star ships and death stars...


The entire thing is nonsense, have fun with it...

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The 2 most powerful forces on both sides following some random Bounty Hunter/Agent or Smuggler/Trooper. Even them following a Jedi or Sith seems highly unlikely. Don't see any pre-existing characters becoming comps. They'll likely come up with new ones, if they even bother adding more comps to the game.
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The whole universe and concept is silly. A bunch of magic users wave around light swords in a universe of star ships and death stars. The entire thing is nonsense, have fun with it.


Umm, no. Yes, it isn't an accurate reflection of the real world, but that doesn't mean you can just break the laws/rules/customs of your created universe whenever you want, unless you are going for an inconsistent, nonsensical mess. Good fictional universes actually make sense within the context of lore of that universe, for example, Middle-Earth.

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As permanent companions? Hell no.

Accompanying the player for a short time/a single story arc? Now that would be a different thing altogether, if properly written and integrated into the storyline. That's something that I always felt has a lot of potential, with them being such major and interesting (although that is entirely subjective) characters.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Keep saying how stupid people are for suggesting it and they'll make it so just to tick off the majority of you. Watch.:)


well they are not likely to waste time of Jennifer hale to go back and record worthless companion conversations.

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well they are not likely to waste time of Jennifer hale to go back and record worthless companion conversations.

If there is one thing this game does not need more of, it's Jennifer Hale. Or the guy who does Andronikus and seemingly 75% of all the other male NPCs.

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If there is one thing this game does not need more of, it's Jennifer Hale. Or the guy who does Andronikus and seemingly 75% of all the other male NPCs.


like her voice, i blame the poor story and dialogue options for most of it. she could ahve just as easily done JK story and had much better options. Although Kari is just as good.


but since she did Satele can't have her talking with herself in conversations. And the reason she did satele, she also did Bastilla so was a natural fit for the most point.

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like her voice, i blame the poor story and dialogue options for most of it. she could ahve just as easily done JK story and had much better options. Although Kari is just as good.


but since she did Satele can't have her talking with herself in conversations. And the reason she did satele, she also did Bastilla so was a natural fit for the most point.

Well, I know you are a fan, but as Satele and the Trooper, I find her lifeless and dreary. I have never liked Satele's voice actor and when I learned it was Hale, my reaction was "That explains a lot." Now if you told me she also does the female Inquisitor's voice, I'd be like "Whoa, seriously?"

Edited by branmakmuffin
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