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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

regarding punishment for exploit


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When I taught my dog proper manners, I'd reward him with a cookie, so he would understand he was doing something right; I didn't realize people playing this game, by doing the same, expected similar treatment. :rolleyes:

My dog doesn't get a cookie -- he exploited Ravagers.





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How much gear was lost on just that bug?


None, you just didn't earn any as a result. You didn't actually lose anything you didn't have before. Unlike this situation where people have gained something they didn't and most likely wouldn't have had before.


Yet let's not bring those up because in many cases still people found ways to get around bugs and even entirely exploit a NiM boss a bit later on.

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Love the idea at the top of the post. Maybe a title. "The Honest". and then theres this. Remember when Dread Palace was bugged? Council was impossible to clear. How much gear was lost on just that bug? Any how many other massive bugs have hit flashpoints and ops over the years? Now that one bug throws free gear our way, Bioware is bringing out the knives. Think about it.


"Throwing gear your way" would imply that they meant for you to have it, unlike reality where you chose to just take it without permission and tell Bioware "What are you going to do about it? Ban Me? I'm a subscriber!"


If anything, exploiters who taunt Bioware in the forums should be subject to special disciplinary measures for their insolence.

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Ok, lets take your suggestion at face value and work out the details.


Do people who just joined and only have a single char <50 get this super rare item?

Should F2P who havn't purchased the expansion also get said rare item?

neither of these groups did the exploit they are just as deserving as anyone else who either a) chose not to do it b) was unaware of what it was and by default didn't partake in the exploit



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I'll take working Jetpacks since I didn't exploit.

I think collection-unlocked Traditional Jedi Robes would be the perfect reward for those Jedi who avoided doing the export because it violated their personal code. Those who were just to chicken to do it can receive something else. But Sith who did not exploit should be kicked off the Dark Council or become The Empire's Wrathless. :)

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No thanks. I don't ask for a cookie from my local police department every time I obey a traffic light. People knowingly chose to break the rules, they should be prepared to accept the consequences of their actions.




These exploit events are mutually exclusive. One does not have any affect on the other and neither does punishment or perceived lack of punishment because it didn't happen last time you broke the rules.


You take a chance with breaking the rules. Sometimes you get a warning, sometimes you don't.


If you are a gamer, you know this exploit was not right and some did it anyway.


Man up, take your lumps whatever they may be.

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I think collection-unlocked Traditional Jedi Robes would be the perfect reward for those Jedi who avoided doing the export because it violated their personal code. Those who were just to chicken to do it can receive something else. But Sith who did not exploit should be kicked off the Dark Council or become The Empire's Wrathless. :)


There is no place in a Star Wars game for Traditional Jedi Robes. Just suggesting it is a violation of the ToS. You, sir, should be perma-banned for this suggestion.

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This is really no different from a shop having a camera blind spot, a certain amount of people will take advantage of it. So basically you knowingly took items which did not belong to you. There is no excuse for it.


I personally think Bioware need to make a hard stance on this, because if they don't they are essentially giving a GREEN light to exploit as much as you like, which some have already done it seems, but lets hope justice gets served.

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So heres my thoughts. Remember when Dread Palace was bugged? Council was impossible to clear. How much gear was lost on just that bug? Any how many other massive bugs have hit flashpoints and ops over the years? Now that one bug throws free gear our way, Bioware is bringing out the knives. Think about it. So, given that it was a Bioware error that made this possible in the first place, and any heavy punishment will only drive people away from the game, I propose that you give some rare, unobtainable stuff to people who were honest. Do not bite the hand.


I hope they'll bite off your hand along with your head. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya :)

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My personal opinion, if after all these years of exploits in game, bioware steps up and starts stripping gear, credits or banning, then bioware should take a look back and apply the same punishments to prior exploiters. Be it PVP, FP, PVE, ops, crafting, there have been dozens of exploits and its a bit unbalanced to start hitting now.
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No thanks. I don't ask for a cookie from my local police department every time I obey a traffic light. People knowingly chose to break the rules, they should be prepared to accept the consequences of their actions.


... and [/thread]


1st reply hit the nail on the head and said all that needed to be said.

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I didn't participate, but I have no desire to see people punished. As OP said, there are a million bugs that screw over players all the time. Now there was one that benefited them. Big deal.


Then again, I don't get that butthurt over my internet e-peen, so I'm not threatened because other players got something that I didn't. I'm weird like that.

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while Eric may be a nice and wonderful person,people in his job have to follow company guidelines, and if his boss tells him to mislead or out right lie to us, people in that job,either do it or start looking for a job elsewhere,So while they may be looking for who used the exploit,i suspect we will not hear too much about the punishments,other than it was handed out, they do not want to tell that for example 25k people were punished. It would make it seem like the game isfullof rampent exploiters. and a unknown exploit is one thing, from what I have heard/read they knew it was in the patch and released it anyway,which is a bit of a black eye for the dev team and QA testers. like releasing a car with a faulty ignition switch,that might cause a crash and or deaths


Or faulty airbags!!! :eek:

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