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regarding punishment for exploit


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A simple suggestion for something that could be done in addition to whatever suspensions/bans are incoming due to the exploit addressed earlier today by the devs.


Give something fun and exclusive to players who have not used the exploit. A color crystal or a mount, I don't know what specifically and it doesn't matter too much really. The point is to positively reinforce people who chose not to exploit. Give them something special that anyone who exploited cannot get.

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I agree with that idea.

Removing all the ill-gotten items is nigh impossible, they can't afford permabanning all the subs who exploited and just a 3-day ban won't really make too much a impact for players -- they'd need to ban players for at least a month to make a difference. While my server is not affected too much (less than 5% of level 60 players), I know other servers are hit much harder.

Handing out a free mount, pet, color crystal or something similar to any account who does not have the 16-man HM achievement on any legacy is a nice gesture and will set a better sign for exploiters than a temporary ban ever would.

Edited by Jerba
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Glad action is being taken, however I recognise that BW cannot afford to ban a host of players (especially if they are subscribers). So how about one of the following solutions:


- Provide a higher rated set of gear to all accounts that did not use the exploit (BOA naturally)


- Prevent those accounts that did use the exploit from accessing new Raid content when it is released for a period of 3 months.


Should have the desired effect.

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Glad action is being taken, however I recognise that BW cannot afford to ban a host of players (especially if they are subscribers). So how about one of the following solutions:


- Provide a higher rated set of gear to all accounts that did not use the exploit (BOA naturally)


- Prevent those accounts that did use the exploit from accessing new Raid content when it is released for a period of 3 months.


Should have the desired effect.


so.. nvm solution 1 = LOL , and solution 2 = more LOL


Seen enough ban threats through different games that went from ban threat, to leniency, to nout been done, to say that most likely this is going to be another case of it.


Bulk of the exploiter are, obv, raiders, and most likely subs.


Do they really want to ban subs and lose money? :p


Ofc, the chips can actually do something, and surprise me big time.


... And a word on the lag fixing would be majorly appreciated also :)

Edited by Tachenko_Yuri
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People who heavily exploited this should log on and find themselves naked of all gear they had including ear, implants and relics. Account wide. Nothing else to it. CBA if someone did it once, people are curious. Heavy abuse = heavy hammer. No bans whatsoever or blocking from content, that's just silly.
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I think they could perma ban all offenders and be just fine, but that's just my opinion. And it's not related to my suggestion.


I just think there should be some positive reinforcement for non offenders alongside whatever punishment they deem appropriate.

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This exploit is a perfect scapegoat for Bioware to not own up to their mistakes, and the fact that they provided us with a half complete mess of an expansion for our hard earned money. Instead of acting though, they should publicly apologize to every subscriber, bowing so deep that they could kiss the ground. Its probably the biggest insult in gaming in 2014 after Ubisoft when they dookied the bad also.


The constant lag, the never ending game braking bugs, the current state of pvp... its blood boiling how none of the developers even acknowledge that theres a huge problem with this expansion. Ability delay... right, thats like the tip of the iceberg.


But when theres an exploit, they ride in on their trusty steeds like heroes... give me a break. I hope even more people do the exploit until they fix it, as a payment, to make amends how they screwed us over with 3.0. I cant even think of an instance or a part of the game, which is not bugged, borderline unplayable.


So how about get back to work, apologize that this exploit even exist, because frankly, its a perfect example of incompetent, lazy programing and it showcases the biggest problem of this game... the lack of testing by actual people who know what they are doing. I mean how can you explain bugs like the old NiM Content ones? All they had to do is play through the content ONCE to realize its bugged beyond hell... how can you let something slip trough?


But no, instead ban 70 percent of your gamer base, strip them down... insult and humiliate them even more. Can we start talking seriously please?

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This exploit is a perfect scapegoat for Bioware to not own up to their mistakes, and the fact that they provided us with a half complete mess of an expansion for our hard earned money. Instead of acting though, they should publicly apologize to every subscriber, bowing so deep that they could kiss the ground. Its probably the biggest insult in gaming in 2014 after Ubisoft when they dookied the bad also.


The constant lag, the never ending game braking bugs, the current state of pvp... its blood boiling how none of the developers even acknowledge that theres a huge problem with this expansion. Ability delay... right, thats like the tip of the iceberg.


But when theres an exploit, they ride in on their trusty steeds like heroes... give me a break. I hope even more people do the exploit until they fix it, as a payment, to make amends how they screwed us over with 3.0. I cant even think of an instance or a part of the game, which is not bugged, borderline unplayable.


So how about get back to work, apologize that this exploit even exist, because frankly, its a perfect example of incompetent, lazy programing and it showcases the biggest problem of this game... the lack of testing by actual people who know what they are doing. I mean how can you explain bugs like the old NiM Content ones? All they had to do is play through the content ONCE to realize its bugged beyond hell... how can you let something slip trough?


But no, instead ban 70 percent of your gamer base, strip them down... insult and humiliate them even more. Can we start talking seriously please?


Talking Seriously, what game are you playing? I've had very little lag (it's there we all know this and they are working on it), PVP has been fine for me. More importantly I have been playing more or less every day since the expansion with no difficulty.

It may be that you like cheaters, but I for one do not. I know a week long ban will have no effect on these people, they will just play something else for a week. These people should have their ill gotten gains removed.

With regards to bugs, not seen any MMO release new stuff without bugs, may be it's not as easy as you seem to think!

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3 day ban for those who used the exploit and removal of gear.

1) 3 days is not nearly enough to punish the exploiters. Hell, if I knew it was only 3 days, I'd start exploiting right now. Anything shorter than a month is not an acceptable punishment.

2) Taking away the gear is nearly impossible. Players could strip the mods and send it to alts, and based on previous encounters with CS, they don't seem to be able to track mods after they are pulled out. Mats can be sold off to crafters and become untraceable.

IMO, they should ban players for longer than a month, maybe even leading into to the next raiding content, as well as permabanning all the players that contributed to spreading the exploit, especially those talking about it in fleet chat and the ones selling the secret for credits. Also, it would be a nice gesture to offer an exclusive pet or mount to all players that were honest and did not exploit.

Edited by Jerba
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1) 3 days is not nearly enough to punish the exploiters. Hell, if I knew it was only 3 days, I'd start exploiting right now. Anything shorter than a month is not an acceptable punishment.

2) Taking away the gear is nearly impossible. Players could strip the mods and send it to alts, and based on previous encounters with CS, they don't seem to be able to track mods after they are pulled out. Mats can be sold off to crafters and become untracable.

IMO, they should ban players for longer than a month, maybe even leading into to the next raiding content, as well as permabanning all the players that contributed to spreading the exploit, especially those talking about it in fleet chat and the ones selling their HM lockout for credits. Also, it would be a nice gesture to offer an exclusive pet or mount to all players that were honest and did not exploit.


Let's look at this from a logical view point instead of "wa wa I didn't get to do it so **** everyone that did." WHO did this exploit harm? NO ONE. One might argue, the people that bought it. Wrong. They willfully dumped credits into sellers. They weren't coerced in anyway. No punishment should be doled out because this has made raiding with pugs semi-enjoyable since the majority of them do not have terribad gear anymore. Victimless crime. Got a bunch of authoritarians in here.

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1) 3 days is not nearly enough to punish the exploiters. Hell, if I knew it was only 3 days, I'd start exploiting right now. Anything shorter than a month is not an acceptable punishment.

2) Taking away the gear is nearly impossible. Players could strip the mods and send it to alts, and based on previous encounters with CS, they don't seem to be able to track mods after they are pulled out. Mats can be sold off to crafters and become untracable.

IMO, they should ban players for longer than a month, maybe even leading into to the next raiding content, as well as permabanning all the players that contributed to spreading the exploit, especially those talking about it in fleet chat and the ones selling their HM lockout for credits. Also, it would be a nice gesture to offer an exclusive pet or mount to all players that were honest and did not exploit.


I think it's utter **** that they let something like this go on as long as they have. If they do decide to lay down the law on people then we're gonna be left with a lot less people to run raids and endgame content with because they'll just un-sub and leave. I know people are crying for justice, but BioWare let this happen for far too long IMO. It should have been patched before it went live and they just need to fix it and move on. I'd rather not lose a big chunk of the endgame community. However, if they do lay down the hammer than the Pubs should get hit the hardest, they're the ones who should uphold honesty and justice, Imps are expected to not follow the honor code :D

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Further to and regardless of any ban duration, how about an immovable character title of "Selfish cheating childish little bastard" for all participants? At least we know who is who, that way.


To make it really useful, they could introduce a GF filter to filter out those people from your gf queue, as others might not want to play with them, I wouldn't want to - not if they want to use "their gear". Just a thought.

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Of course the exploiters have an impact. They have an advantage in PvE progression and they gained millions of credits off of unknowing players.

Not doing anything sets a dangerous precedent for future exploits. If they think they won't punish anyone, they should at least have gone for full disclosure, then it would have been fair for everyone to get good gear.

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Let's look at this from a logical view point instead of "wa wa I didn't get to do it so **** everyone that did." WHO did this exploit harm? NO ONE. One might argue, the people that bought it. Wrong. They willfully dumped credits into sellers. They weren't coerced in anyway. No punishment should be doled out because this has made raiding with pugs semi-enjoyable since the majority of them do not have terribad gear anymore. Victimless crime. Got a bunch of authoritarians in here.

You sort of answered your own question. People who did not exploit will be kicked out of PuGs in favour of those who did, because the latter now have "better gear".

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Further to and regardless of any ban duration, how about an immovable character title of "Selfish cheating childish little bastard" for all participants? At least we know who is who, that way.


To make it really useful, they could introduce a GF filter to filter out those people from your gf queue, as others might not want to play with them, I wouldn't want to - not if they want to use "their gear". Just a thought.


Have fun waiting in queue pal. Then again, you could finally finish reading the Bible while you're waiting since you're so righteous.

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I think it's utter **** that they let something like this go on as long as they have. If they do decide to lay down the law on people then we're gonna be left with a lot less people to run raids and endgame content with because they'll just un-sub and leave. I know people are crying for justice, but BioWare let this happen for far too long IMO. It should have been patched before it went live and they just need to fix it and move on. I'd rather not lose a big chunk of the endgame community. However, if they do lay down the hammer than the Pubs should get hit the hardest, they're the ones who should uphold honesty and justice, Imps are expected to not follow the honor code :D


Agree with the sentiment of much of this, but tbh anyone using exploits to gear up just wouldn't have been the kind of player to improve a group anyway; its ninja-looting territory, not having these people in the game is hardly a loss to any group... to leave them in the game, is a potential loss to the game... on so many different levels.


I'd like to see very harsh action taken, personally. These kind of actions by these kinds of players are game breaking and society (given what it is!) breaking.


This could be the QoL improvement we have all been waiting for... its not just about storage, travel clickies and buttons... taking these people out of the game might just improve the society that's left behind, which is really really quite poor at the moment.


BW/EA could view this as an opportunity to take control of the situation, or they might not. We will find out one way or another I suppose.

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I think it's utter **** that they let something like this go on as long as they have. If they do decide to lay down the law on people then we're gonna be left with a lot less people to run raids and endgame content with because they'll just un-sub and leave. I know people are crying for justice, but BioWare let this happen for far too long IMO. It should have been patched before it went live and they just need to fix it and move on. I'd rather not lose a big chunk of the endgame community. However, if they do lay down the hammer than the Pubs should get hit the hardest, they're the ones who should uphold honesty and justice, Imps are expected to not follow the honor code :D




This should been fixed long time ago. I'm sure that if any1 got banned for more then a week they will unsub and find new MMO to play. Considering how long this expoit exists probably many endgame players at least tried it once. If they ban everyone they will literally kill the game.

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This should been fixed long time ago. I'm sure that if any1 got banned for more then a week they will unsub and find new MMO to play. Considering how long this expoit exists probably many endgame players at least tried it once. If they ban everyone they will literally kill the game.


Revan's plan may succeed after all. If the fleet is empty due to bans on Tuesday and there's no one to run **** with then I'll find something else to play. Battlefront isn't far off along with a few other Star Wars games coming out soon.

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Have fun waiting in queue pal. Then again, you could finally finish reading the Bible while you're waiting since you're so righteous.


Yes, I am righteous - I've done nothing wrong, just want to play the game as intended with like minded people - and gear up - that is the whole point of this MMO, its a gear based themepark mmo... remove the gear grind and the whole end-game is gone.


When people do things like this, everything dependant upon it becomes worthless... that's it. This activity has basically broken the current level cap and PVE gearing.

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Alienate the nearly entire population of SWTOR would be a really bad idea. That would be the equal to getting the nails and coffin out and prep it for this game. How about instead just make a higher level gear, (206 or something). This would just require a change of a range of numbers. Replace the drops, and adjust boss's appropriately, and while they are at it, fix the messed up stats in some of the 192 gear that is purchased with comms.

Though the title was very creative, I applaud that. ;) But that is name and shame, so maybe not a great idea either.

Edited by DakotaDoc
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Let them un-sub, they exploit this bug for a month and they should be punish. And maybe if Bioware Mythic loose money and subs they start to respect community and fix exploits like this ASAP.


you do realize we are just emerging from a holiday period, people have lives and family. Sheez :rolleyes:

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