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Is SoR a joke?


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To the OP, I'm thinking you skipped some content somewhere. I have run through two characters so far since 3.0 released and I had no problem getting to 60 with story content. Hit 50, do Mekab, Black Hole, Section X, and CZ-198, and this will got you to 55. If it doesn't you hit Oricron. At 55, do the Alliance story line and you hit 60 easy. Between the droid operations, Rishi, and yavin 4 I burned through levels before I burned through content.


I love repeating myself...


I did the Alliance storyline way before

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And, again, I don't have a problem actuall doing that.


I have a problem with paying money for an expansion this light on content that you have to do old content OR repeat new content just to even reach max level. What's worse is all those comms are WASTED because I'm sitting at 1k and there is literally nothing worth using them on prior to 60, and you can't buy lvl60 stuff till you hit 60.


Actually pretty sure you can buy the stuff, you just cant equip until 60...

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After all the early bragging threads bragging about how quickly and easily people hit 60 during early access week (with of course complaints about being done with SoR already :rolleyes: )... pretty hard to take thread topics like seriously.


Different people play MMOs differently.. so it's not surprising that everyone does not have the exact same experience. But it's not a sandwich... you cannot complain that you are not full after you gobbled it down in one sitting. It's an MMO.. where there are literally always things to do. Now.. if you do them to excess and then cry boredom... maybe don't play MMOs then.


The game is not beaten and over once you run through the misson chains one time. It's an MMO. It's never over, unless you the player decide that you no longer want to play. You did SoR leveling content in one sitting in one afternoon. Why? Why not take your time, actually apply attention and just play.


OP.. if you are that bent about it.. don't buy any more expacs, ever. That way you won't feel cheated. Personally, I think you cheated yourself... but bottom line ---> play or don't play. Complaining is pointless. And NO.. this was not a constructive criticism thread so don't plead innocent. When you set your title and thread premise on pejorative use of the term "joke" you lost your way on the first post.

Edited by Andryah
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Not directed at OP, just a general statement...


I've never understood why MMO players get in a mad rush to finish everything as soon as humanly possible, and then gripe endlessly about "too little content".


---> Console Gamer Syndrome, where the object is to beat the game ASAP, then complain there is nothing to do and /quit and go play the next fast food delight.

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This is true. My other toon who is 60 purchased them and ripped them. Then sent them to my lowbie.

Well you can't say I'm wrong and then skip that step lol...that's a pretty important workaround.

Edited by TUXs
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I'll admit that I was disappointed that there wasn't more to SOR, both content and exp-wise. I have leveled 3 chars to 60 and so far two out of three came up short on exp. All characters completed all quests available (some of the dailies on Yavin more than once.) All chars took 3-4 days to finish SOR.


1st char: Gunslinger. Completed FA already, started straight in on Rishi. Had rested exp and 10% guild exp boost. Got to the point where I had to pick between operation and solo mode when I was level 58.5. I didn't realize at the time that there would be 6 more quests if you chose solo mode, but given my exp with other chars, I expect that would have taken me to level 59.


2nd char: Marauder. Had completed 2 out of the 4 FA FPs before expansion hit. Had rested exp and 10% guild exp boost. By the time I finished the entire Yavin story arc (plus solo boss fight at end) I was level 59.5.


3rd char: Scoundrel. Hadn't done any FA stuff yet. Rested exp, 10% guild boost, plus one 3 hour 25% exp boost. Reached level 60 right before I was offered the solo/operation choice.


There's how it all panned out for me. Definitely possible to reach the end of SOR and not be level 60. I felt disappointed that I had to run a day or two's worth of Oricon dailies to finish. I survived, life moves on..etc etc. However, if I were designing a game, I would try and make it so the content could carry a char from 55 to 60 without requiring "extra" stuff (such as non-expansion content and exp boosts.) Just seems more logical and what the average player would expect.

Edited by CloudCastle
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BW gives out Basic Comms like candy... but if you don't want to lose any, you can buy schematics with basic comms and send to an alt and then send back when you're ready to refund... just don't play the alt and let the timer run out.


On my main, I didn't do the FA II or III pre 3.0 and finished SoR about half way through 59. I didn't really notice leveling on my alts since I just wanted to get to Yavin and farm mats. :)

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1) Bioware appears to have made this a long-term decision -- while some characters who've done everything and already hit 55 prior to SoR release might have to do some extra legwork to hit 60, there's so much extra XP out there at higher levels that any character that finishes class story and a decent amount of side content on the planets, runs Makeb, runs the Oricon storyline, etc, and then does the Forged Alliances sequence solo or in groups, THEN starts the actual SoR content, is going to have trouble NOT hitting 60 BEFORE they get to Yavin 4.


2) I am going to go out on a limb and guess that OP wasn't running any dailies before hand and so wasn't in the habit. Even one day of Oricon and CZ dailies generates a significant amount of XP. It's not like one more day of dailies is a massive game-breaking burden.


This is the answer right here. The OP had done FA at level 55. Both chars of mine that had done so did not hit 60 before finishing Yavin. But this is not a long-term problem; most characters who had done FA have likely leveled up now, and any subsequent characters will have a much easier time hitting 60.

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I didn't have to grind dailies to get to 60. What class are you playing?

If you say something with stealth I'm just gonna let you lay in your squallor.


My Sin dinged 60 right before leaving Rishii so unless he stealthed past every mob on both planets that can't be it either. People have to be skipping all kinds of stuff ( or not taking advantage of rest/guild/25% xp boosts) to not get to 60 by the end of SoR.


Not saying it is impossible, just thinking something got missed.


From the OP, they completed it "in an afternoon"... now that is open to interpretation, but seems to me that they rushed through it... mileage may vary of course. So it is possible that they inadvertently missed some side quests that were picked up along the path.


Going to agree here. Zerging is bad, your so busy trying to rush rush rush to the end your bound to miss a few things somewhere.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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---> Console Gamer Syndrome, where the object is to beat the game ASAP, then complain there is nothing to do and /quit and go play the next fast food delight.


Yeah, except that I've played on a computer since I was 6, which was 91.


I did not *rush* anything. I played the missions that were given to me on Rishi and on Yavin in the order they were given. I didn't skip cutscenes or anything either.


It took me an hour to finish the levels but, again, that's NOT the issue for ****s sake. The issue is that cannot reach 60 by just doing SoR content, unless you reapeat or grind it, which is moronic.


As for reaching 60 early. Yes, it's super easy if you bank quests and weeklies in your quest log, hand them in and *then* start Rishi. However, if you do it without resorting to old content or banking quests you run into trouble, that is just **** design.


As a side note, writing contructive, detailed and long posts gets 0 replies, I've tried that in the pasat. You people call me names and blame me for "rushing" without anything to back it up, but if I wrote an OP longer than 50 words not a single one of you would read it cause it would be "too long". Now, how ironic is that? :D


Here's another funny little tidbit about my "rushing". I've played every class story, force classes twice, to 55 and never skipped a cutscene, because leveling is the best part of this game.

Edited by Jandi
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Yeah, except that I've played on a computer since I was 6, which was 91.


I did not *rush* anything. I played the missions that were given to me on Rishi and on Yavin in the order they were given. I didn't skip cutscenes or anything either.


It took me an hour to finish the levels but, again, that's NOT the issue for ****s sake. The issue is that cannot reach 60 by just doing SoR content, unless you reapeat or grind it, which is moronic.


As for reaching 60 early. Yes, it's super easy if you bank quests and weeklies in your quest log, hand them in and *then* start Rishi. However, if you do it without resorting to old content or banking quests you run into trouble, that is just **** design.


As a side note, writing contructive, detailed and long posts gets 0 replies, I've tried that in the pasat. You people call me names and blame me for "rushing" without anything to back it up, but if I wrote an OP longer than 50 words not a single one of you would read it cause it would be "too long". Now, how ironic is that? :D


Here's another funny little tidbit about my "rushing". I've played every class story, force classes twice, to 55 and never skipped a cutscene, because leveling is the best part of this game.


I'm not sure what to recommend, then.


Over the weekend I played one of my 12x characters that had been parked at 55 since November. I ran her through one set of CZ and Oricon dailies, then went straight into the prelude content. She hit 58 before I finished the prelude, and capped at 60 on the Rishi quest that sends you to Yavin 4. (using regular EXP boosts and guild EXP boosts, but no legacy boosts)

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There are 2 issues here that shouldn't be mixed up.


1) XP gain

2) amount of content


The XP gain is fine.

The amount of content, though of better quality in my opinion than RotHC, is really not that much to be honest.


If the imps and pubs would have had different story lines, intertwining but different, it would've been better. The class quests were cool so far, but a side story of 3-4 quests per class would've been much better instead of just one. Not only that but it would've increased replay value.


Two ops and some rehashed fp's after 1.5 years of waiting for new endgame? Honestly it's a bit meagre after such a long wait. Not to mention that ToS is probably out of reach for a lot of players as of yet. One ops a week is not a lot especially if you are rather burnt out on the old ops.


So story quality is good, but it's only one story. Class quests, awesome but it's only one per class. Crafting...same **** different day. HM level 60 FPs...yawn and not rewarding. Endgame gearing....boring. Same old ops for commendations. Crap commendation gear and only one or two ops per week, one of which is too bugged and not doable for pugs atm. Crafting mats that are extremely rare so not much to do to progress gear in between because commendation gear is basically a waste of time as it's total crap across the board.


It's just not enough especially after such a long wait for more endgame.

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