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Desired Mercenary Changes for next patch/update. PLEASE READ DEVELOPERS!


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Mercenaries/Commandos were asking for an offensive cd for years and now that they finally got it others start to cry about it.


You gotta love MMO community...




ps: What is your problem with it? Is pressing an extra button every ~40sec too hard?


As a Merc i can tell you i dont think i can recall anyone calling for an offensive skill, quite the contrary in pvp i saw a lot of calls for defensive help.. something we didnt get at all.

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My quick comments here:


1) Using Kolto/Med Shot to gain stacks of Super either on long walks in-between fights or right before a Boss fight is pro. Why doesn't everyone do it. Also I welcome Supercharged and love having that extra power when needed


2) Blazing Bolts animation is awkward because the bolts are based in your face where Boltstorm comes from your cannon on your hip. They just need to making the bolts in blazing come out of the front of you and it would be magically 1000% better looking. No point in asking for a passive dame boost in Unload/FA, as they will not go back to it for Arsenal/Gunnery, I can promise you that.

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As a Merc i can tell you i dont think i can recall anyone calling for an offensive skill, quite the contrary in pvp i saw a lot of calls for defensive help.. something we didnt get at all.


Well you either new then or haven't read a lot of Merc forum. Either way you know PVP is not the only game type in this game, right?

Mercs and Juggs were the only AC without ANY offensive cd, and PVE players were asking for one for some time now. Maybe they didn't spam every thread with it, but it was wanted believe me.

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Well you either new then or haven't read a lot of Merc forum. Either way you know PVP is not the only game type in this game, right?

Mercs and Juggs were the only AC without ANY offensive cd, and PVE players were asking for one for some time now. Maybe they didn't spam every thread with it, but it was wanted believe me.


...and you would be wrong on both counts.

The whole raid buff things, whatever its old news i mean its nice that they added them and they should be used but it isnt a game changer.

Im well aware that pvp isnt the only game... but my post was more directed to pvp, that much is true.

And frankly we already had offensive cool downs if you were playing right... just not a raid buff type one or one that was directly similar to others, but then a lot of classes didnt, that wasnt unique to us per se..

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...and you would be wrong on both counts.

The whole raid buff things, whatever its old news i mean its nice that they added them and they should be used but it isnt a game changer.

Im well aware that pvp isnt the only game... but my post was more directed to pvp, that much is true.

And frankly we already had offensive cool downs if you were playing right... just not a raid buff type one or one that was directly similar to others, but then a lot of classes didnt, that wasnt unique to us per se..


I'm not talking about Supercharged Celerity just Supercharged Gas. And no, only Mercs and Juggs don't (didn't) have offensive cooldowns.

Mara = Berserk

Sniper = Target Aquired, Laze Target

Operative = Stim Boost

Powertech = Explosive Fuel

Sorcs = Polarity Shift

Sins= Overcharge Saber


I'm very eager to hear what offensive cd Mercs do you think had?

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I'm very eager to hear what offensive cd Mercs do you think had?


The closest we came was Tech Override/Power Surge (next cast is instant) and Reserve Powercell/Heat Sensor Override (next energy-spending ability is free). Neither of those really translated into more damage, though; the former just meant slightly better burst and another GCD of mobility, and the latter allowed us to ammo dump a bit. But the burst was minuscule and there's not all that much difference between filler and autoattack in terms of damage, so its best use was for some free AoE (Plasma Grenade/Fusion Missile or Mortar Volley/Death From Above) so it wasn't all that useful in single-target.

Bottom line, Commandos/Mercenaries didn't have any sort of proper offensive cooldown the way every other AC did.

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The closest we came was Tech Override/Power Surge (next cast is instant) and Reserve Powercell/Heat Sensor Override (next energy-spending ability is free). Neither of those really translated into more damage, though; the former just meant slightly better burst and another GCD of mobility, and the latter allowed us to ammo dump a bit. But the burst was minuscule and there's not all that much difference between filler and autoattack in terms of damage, so its best use was for some free AoE (Plasma Grenade/Fusion Missile or Mortar Volley/Death From Above) so it wasn't all that useful in single-target.

Bottom line, Commandos/Mercenaries didn't have any sort of proper offensive cooldown the way every other AC did.


There was also that alacrity boost on Recharge Cells that was available, but until 3.0 it was average for gunnery/arsenal, and with Assault/Pyro it was actually a nerf when you used it.

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I've mostly played a "Pyrotech" Merc since game launch myself. In regards to #1 of the original post I feel mostly unsatisfied with how the particular conversion to IO from Pyrotech went down myself. The dps may still be there, sure enough. But I feel utilities should be aimed at enhancing my dps as a dps class moreso than focusing on survivability which it feels like they went with for that particular class. Which would be fine if I wanted to be a tank or if it felt more optional. As is, I'd prefer something a little more along the lines of what the original poster suggested.


I'd prefer an option via utilities to enhance my dps as a dps class; not survivability with utilities tooled around my shield. Even if this makes the class more of a min/max class glass cannon or degraded dps/more survivability choice for the player, I'd rather see that than how it is currently going.


It's honestly the only class, for me, that makes me miss skill trees at the moment.

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I've mostly played a "Pyrotech" Merc since game launch myself. In regards to #1 of the original post I feel mostly unsatisfied with how the particular conversion to IO from Pyrotech went down myself. The dps may still be there, sure enough. But I feel utilities should be aimed at enhancing my dps as a dps class moreso than focusing on survivability which it feels like they went with for that particular class. Which would be fine if I wanted to be a tank or if it felt more optional. As is, I'd prefer something a little more along the lines of what the original poster suggested.


I'd prefer an option via utilities to enhance my dps as a dps class; not survivability with utilities tooled around my shield. Even if this makes the class more of a min/max class glass cannon or degraded dps/more survivability choice for the player, I'd rather see that than how it is currently going.


It's honestly the only class, for me, that makes me miss skill trees at the moment.


Eh?? All utilities for all classes are focusing on mobility and survivability..... No utilities is enhancing any DPS (but spammable AoE DPS)

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yea i dont mind the defensive utilities - mercs /mandos are already doing alot of dps. My mando dps can spec into overclock which i noticed can be classified as an "offense" utility that i dont think any other class has or rarely does. HM ops are INSANE in terms of incoming damage and to be honest, id like to see better defensive specs for my mando
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So, if Supercharge is so simplistically easy to keep at 10 stacks... why not just get rid of it and tweak everything it boosts by the 1% it has when maxed out? Or even 0.5%?


Or is it that important for some players to watch those stacks go up in anticipation? :confused:

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So, if Supercharge is so simplistically easy to keep at 10 stacks... why not just get rid of it and tweak everything it boosts by the 1% it has when maxed out? Or even 0.5%?


Or is it that important for some players to watch those stacks go up in anticipation? :confused:


Eh?? SCC isn't for the 1% boost.... It's for the active CD.

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Eh?? SCC isn't for the 1% boost.... It's for the active CD.


Supercharge -- I'm pretty sure builds up from 0.1% to 1.0% damage bonus. That's what it says it does on my BH and on the Dulfy discipline calculator.


Supercharge Gas -- has the 10-second burst of buffs to other things.


Supercharge Celerity -- has 10-second 10% Alacrity buff.


The latter two could just be cooldowns without the inane stack counter.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Supercharge -- I'm pretty sure builds up from 0.1% to 1.0% damage bonus. That's what it says it does on my BH and on the Dulfy discipline calculator.


Supercharge Gas -- has the 10-second burst of buffs to other things.


Supercharge Celerity -- has 10-second 10% Alacrity buff.


The latter two could just be cooldowns without the inane stack counter.


Yeah they could. But they aren't.. And it add a layer of complexity to the class....

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1: Allow Kolto Overload, for all 3 trees, to be used while stunned and up the percentage that it activates to 50%, or higher, to get Mercs out of the execute range.


2: For Arsenal, change Priming Shot to either a tech attack or have it proc Tracer Missile "on use" instead of "on damage".




3: Make it so E-net can no longer be cleansed and so that you can no longer use a CC breaker to remove the movement impairing effect.

Edited by DariusCalera
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Yeah they could. But they aren't.. And it add a layer of complexity to the class....




You couldn't Med Shot in downtimes to get SCG back sooner and you wouldn't have to worry about balancing your rotation between high damage skills and SCG stacks.

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Yeah they could. But they aren't.. And it add a layer of complexity to the class....


Does it? According to some replies we've seen, no one should be bugged by Supercharge because it can be kept at 10 stacks by self-spamming Kolto Shot. How complex is that, really?





You couldn't Med Shot in downtimes to get SCG back sooner and you wouldn't have to worry about balancing your rotation between high damage skills and SCG stacks.


Pretty sure that Tracer Shot adds to the stack, and that the stack lasts 60 seconds before resetting... won't most rotations have a Tracer Shot more often than 60 seconds apart? :confused:


Again... not that complicated.




(Waiting for next accusation to be made that anyone opposed to Supercharge et al wants a one-button masher spec...)

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Does it? According to some replies we've seen, no one should be bugged by Supercharge because it can be kept at 10 stacks by self-spamming Kolto Shot. How complex is that, really?


Eh?? Again. Your goal isn't to build 10 stcks and keep them up. It's build 10 stack at right rate to balance high damage abilities with lower damage abilities that will build stacks faster. Then to use the active. The stack damage bonus is nothing worth calculating.

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Does it? According to some replies we've seen, no one should be bugged by Supercharge because it can be kept at 10 stacks by self-spamming Kolto Shot. How complex is that, really?





Pretty sure that Tracer Shot adds to the stack, and that the stack lasts 60 seconds before resetting... won't most rotations have a Tracer Shot more often than 60 seconds apart? :confused:


Again... not that complicated.




(Waiting for next accusation to be made that anyone opposed to Supercharge et al wants a one-button masher spec...)


You lost me...


...I genuinely have no idea what you are talking about

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Reserve Powercell grants 10 stacks of Supercharge.


The set-up time for the Commando/Mercenary is significantly higher than Sentinels (Valorous Call, quicker build-up time of Centering), Scoundrel (1 stack of Upper Hand), Sage (no pre-stacking at all). If a Commando DPS wants to build up his stacks he has to gimp his own DPS by spamming Hammer Shot/Charged Bolts.


Make it happen BioWare.

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