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Desired Mercenary Changes for next patch/update. PLEASE READ DEVELOPERS!


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The 3.0 update made some changes to Mercenaries, but also created some problems that I personally found need to be addressed, so I made a short list for the developers to please look over and and hopefully implement in a similar or exact same implementations created within this list. Bioware said openly for players within the community to voice ideas for changes in the game if they had any, so here are mine. For a point of reference, I am pretty much just a PVE player and a veteran of MMOs for close to 10 years now. So my ideas and opinions are mostly based upon my own experience and desires for this game.


1. Innovative Ordinance- Simply put, the specialization has too many required abilities compared to any other class/advanced class. My solution has two parts. The ability to spread certain damage over time affects with Fusion Missile is a welcome change, but the fact that you also need Explosive Dart to spread your Serrated Shot's DoT when all other classes only need to use one ability to spread all their DoTs doesn't make sense in an already bloated rotation. Just let Fusion Missile spread all your DoTs. That will cut down your buildup time for AoE just like all other classes with a similar style of AoE and remove one ability from your action bar that is needed. The other change I would make would be removing the Heat cost on Incendiary Missile. Coming from a PVE standpoint, this change would help make it a little more viable to all Operation players. Since most people in general seem to play Arsenal not just because of the easy heat management, but partly, this change would also make Innovative Ordinance more desirable. The two DPS Specializations are already diverse as it is, one excels at damage over time and the other excels more at burst damage.


2. Arsenal- My biggest and only real problem with the new Arsenal may seem slight, but is a large part of many players decision for playing a class or specialization. The new ability Blazing Bolts has a very awkward animation that simply looks downright undesirableand doesn't make any sense at all. I have talked to others players and a lot of people feel the same way. I have seen the Commando version of this ability and it looks cool, whereas our Blazing Bolts doesn't make any sense and the overall consensus seems to be if they could, they would wish for a different animation, or simply just go back to using Unload. And that is where my idea for a change comes in. Considering the damage values between Blazing Bolts and Unload for an Arsenal Mercenary are already close (roughly an 800 damage difference), if the developers just increased the damage of Unload through one of the already existing passives in the Arsenal specialization to match Blazing Bolts, it would at least give us a choice instead of using the development time to create an entirely new animation.


3. Supercharge- This new Mercenary-wide mechanic is just excessively not needed. I have yet to meet another player who actually likes this. And weaving a personal DPS cool down and the raid-wide cool down into the same mechanic is a broken system. I understand the developers wanted to give DPS mercenaries more to do, but this whole mechanic should just be reverted into non-existence, or at least give it back to Bodyguard only at the very least. First off, forcing DPS to take a certain utility (Supercharged Reserves) so that we can actually control when to use our Raid-Wide DPS cool down or one of our personal cool downs over more useful utilities just isn't working. I realize Marauders have a similar system, but they already had it since release and it fit much better into that class, but it is very awkward and limiting to Mercenaries. it feels like the last part of large class changes that just went a little too far. In my opinion just remove the whole Supercharge mechanic and Supercharged Gas, or at least relegate it back to the Bodyguard Advanced Class. For one, Mercenaries should be able to use their Raid-Wide cool down whenever it is needed, instead of having to wait until your stacks buildup or are forced to choose an inferior passive just to be able to use it at the beginning of a fight.


In the end, I like some of the changes to Mercenaries (ability to spread DoTs in Innovative Ordinance, more mobility in Arsenal) but It really feels like the developers went a little too far with some changes and didn't address certain problems that existed before 3.0. So I very much hope the developers look at this thread and create some changes from this, in the exact or in very similar incarnations listed in this post within the next patch/update.

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It's hard to take you seriously when you say that we're forced to take Supercharged Reserves for better control over Supercharge timing. Med Shot, man, Med Shot.

Learn the class before you demand changes, please.


dude, you must play a consular or inquisitor class. why would we use med shot in an ops. we are dps. if we have to spam med shot for heals we have way more to worry about then supercharged. the only reason med shot builds supercharged is for initial combat.

Hackthplanet has two good points

1) ops wide buff on same cd as person CD is bad idea all around for any class.

2) innovate ord is not played by as many as would play it because of the ridicules rotation


simple solution is for them to give supercharged its own cd and the idea for innovative ord is solid

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dude, you must play a consular or inquisitor class. why would we use med shot in an ops. we are dps. if we have to spam med shot for heals we have way more to worry about then supercharged. the only reason med shot builds supercharged is for initial combat.

Hackthplanet has two good points

1) ops wide buff on same cd as person CD is bad idea all around for any class.

2) innovate ord is not played by as many as would play it because of the ridicules rotation


simple solution is for them to give supercharged its own cd and the idea for innovative ord is solid


Supercharge is fine. And you USE MEDSHOT to GET THE STACKS only. As the other guy said, learn it before you hate it. The spec is in a really good spot now. If you take the time to learn it all these issues become non existent. Im not saying its easy, definitely isn't. But its fine at it is.


And your healer should be using the raid buff, not you...

Edited by spudik
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Yeah, uhh... Supercharge is amazing for both DPS disciplines. And like people have said already, use Med Shot x10 before combat to get your 10 stacks. And then if there's any downtime during a fight, like Blaster's Rain of Pain, Ruugar's take hostage, waiting for adds on Commanders etc, use Med Shot to gain/keep stacks.
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Pyro having too much buttons for ya??? Well if a spec is gonna parse in 5.2k range when most are between 4.4k and 4.8k. It better not be Arsenal-like.

Supercharge being too hard to keep track for ya?? Poor you... It makes Arsenal fun and Inno.. Well read above.


Go back to... Wait in 3.0 there is no baby spec anymore.. No 4-buttons Arsenal, no 4 buttons Rage... Well suck to be ya.

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Pyro having too much buttons for ya??? Well if a spec is gonna parse in 5.2k range when most are between 4.4k and 4.8k. It better not be Arsenal-like.

Supercharge being too hard to keep track for ya?? Poor you... It makes Arsenal fun and Inno.. Well read above.


Go back to... Wait in 3.0 there is no baby spec anymore.. No 4-buttons Arsenal, no 4 buttons Rage... Well suck to be ya.


Funny guy, aren't ya?

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When people want to dumb down specs??? Yes.


Bloat and clog don't make the game any smarter.


The best Damage Rotation parses in the world don't make you a good player when someone else knows how to interupt and stun and Line of Sight and so on. The skill is in the mechanics, not a bloated damage rotation.


A clever game has less buttons. Not more.




Edited by ViolentAngel
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Supercharge was a terrible additional to Arsenal and IO, hopefully it goes away eventually.


(Que some idiot ranting about "complexity" and so on and trying to accuse anyone who doesn't like Supercharge of being a faceroller...)


More buttons to mash doesn't make a spec "smarter", it just makes for extra whack-a-mole.




As I said in the Suggestion forum thread:


Seconded on the awkward animation for Blazing Bolts -- why on earth do the bolts curve and spark in flight? Would rather have seen a passive skill at that slot in the progression that simply buffed the damage of Unload.


Seconded on wanting to see Supercharge thrown in the dustbin of history and never come back. Not only was this an unwanted change, it also ends giving us a wasted slot in the Arsenal Discipline to buff Supercharge Gas, and wastes one of the possible Utilities on another buff to Supercharge.


Also, would like to see something in Arsenal's lvl 16 slot that's not wasted on buffing Sweeping Blasters, which amounts to putting perfume on a pig.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Look, if you want to ignore half the abilities in IO to make it more simple as to hit Bioware's expected DPS goals instead of beating it by 25%, feel free to. You'll still do very competitive damage, and you'll have an easier time pulling it off.


But the complications in the IO spec are there to reward people for playing a spec with very tight resource management and a strict rotation.


Oh and be happy you actually have ways to spread your DoTs. I main a VG. You know how I spread DoTs?


Because of a stupid glitch in the talent "Ionized Ignition", I have NO AoE DoTs. NONE. At all.

I have to manually apply every one of my DoTs to all the targets I want to put them on.


I can't put Gut on 1 guy and then use sticky grenade to spread it when specced AP. I can't put Incendiary Round on someone and spread it. I can't Explosive Surge to apply Plasma Cell in an AoE (though thats a bug). The only way I can spread Plasmatize is to knock an entire group of mobs down to >600 health and apply it, in which case it would be quicker to use Explosive Surge if there is less than 8 targets.

Edited by TACeMossie
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Supercharge was a terrible additional to Arsenal and IO, hopefully it goes away eventually.


(Que some idiot ranting about "complexity" and so on and trying to accuse anyone who doesn't like Supercharge of being a faceroller...)


More buttons to mash doesn't make a spec "smarter", it just makes for extra whack-a-mole.


Que a particularly forum poster preemptively slandering anyone who might possibly disagree with them.

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Good intentions aside we dont need a ton of tweaks, whether they are good ideas or not... and many of these may well be, but we arent getting some laundry list of changes. Ask for too much and well get nothing.


What we need is simple, something to aid in our survivability. and "Oh crap" ability like virtually every other class has, which we do not.


I personally would love to see a jetpack jump back which would jump us out of the fray and provide some temporary immunity to leaps and such... thats it, thats all we really need. Maybe some tweaks to make skills we have better and provide some passive mitigation buffs similar to what our pt brothers enjoy but i for one have no desires to be the next OP FOTM class

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The new ability Blazing Bolts has a very awkward animation that simply looks downright undesirableand doesn't make any sense at all. I have talked to others players and a lot of people feel the same way. I have seen the Commando version of this ability and it looks cool


No it doesn't. Both of the new animations look horrible. Giving Arsenal/Gunnery an improved Unload/FA made sense, giving them bad animations did not.

Blazing Bolts looks like you're shooting off fireworks. Bolt Storm looks like a bubblebeam attack out of Pokemon. I want to be shooting lasers, not watering my opponents.

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Supercharge was a terrible additional to Arsenal and IO, hopefully it goes away eventually.


(Que some idiot ranting about "complexity" and so on and trying to accuse anyone who doesn't like Supercharge of being a faceroller...)


More buttons to mash doesn't make a spec "smarter", it just makes for extra whack-a-mole.


Que a particularly forum poster preemptively slandering anyone who might possibly disagree with them.


Some usual suspects have proven themselves unable to discuss this topic without immediately accusing anyone who doesn't like Supercharge or whack-a-mole rotations in general of being a "face-roller". Figured I'd cut them off before they got going with that crap.

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Some usual suspects have proven themselves unable to discuss this topic without immediately accusing anyone who doesn't like Supercharge or whack-a-mole rotations in general of being a "face-roller". Figured I'd cut them off before they got going with that crap.


Odd.. Cause in Pyro, where you're going to use your SSC is kinda important.. if you use it at the wrong time you lose 10 energy you could have used otherwise.. So that means one more Rapid Shot and one less Power Shot. So not it's not just brainless whack-a-mole. You have to actually put some thoughts in it.


If you have to actually think about how you build them and where you spend them, it means it adds some complexity to the spec. Removing it thus become dumbing down the spec.


I haven't looked closely to Arsenal yet, but I guess it's about the same as Pyro. You can't just whack the buttons when you get 10 SCh.. Or you could use it too soon and lose some energy which means one more Rapid Shot and a DPS lost.


It's also a burst CD.. So you have to think if you would need it soon, before you can have it back up. If you spend it before an important burn phase on a boss, it can mean you won't push the boss down fast enough once the burn phase begin and you will wipe 'cause soft enrage.


Oh.. Yeah. I forgot.. You're of those that do not care about anything but the concept of their character.... Well nothing forces you to use SCC..


PS For the utility.. Just Med Shot your *** a few times before going into a fight... Or any time you aren't actively damaging the enemy.

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Honestly the only major change I would like for mercs, is I would like to see us get some type of high potency DcD that will allow us to negate a focus, since right now the trooper ACs are the only classes that do not have such a DcD and its severly hurting our ranked viability. I would also like to possibly see 30% DR during Adrenaline rush become baseline to the entire trooper class




Some usual suspects have proven themselves unable to discuss this topic without immediately accusing anyone who doesn't like Supercharge or whack-a-mole rotations in general of being a "face-roller". Figured I'd cut them off before they got going with that crap.

First you said

Supercharge was a terrible additional to Arsenal and IO, hopefully it goes away eventually.

And then immediately said


(Que some idiot ranting about "complexity" and so on and trying to accuse anyone who doesn't like Supercharge of being a faceroller...)

In the latter comment you just straight slandered anyone who likes the new mechanics as a "ranting idiot" and then implied any such person will also accuse people of being facerollers. By every definition I have ever seen, that is most certainly blatant slander coming from you, and is a major reason nobody takes your seriously anymore.


And you said that before anyone even responded to your post. Bessides you are not going to stop anyone from responding with any such comments, rather you are probably going to attract such comments, since extreme opinions such as your tend to attract other extreme opinions.

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In the latter comment you just straight slandered anyone who likes the new mechanics as a "ranting idiot" and then implied any such person will also accuse people of being facerollers. By every definition I have ever seen, that is most certainly blatant slander coming from you, and is a major reason nobody takes your seriously anymore.


And you said that before anyone even responded to your post. Bessides you are not going to stop anyone from responding with any such comments, rather you are probably going to attract such comments, since extreme opinions such as your tend to attract other extreme opinions.


I said that anyone who'd respond by calling people who don't like Supercharge "face-rollers" is an idiot, not that anyone who likes Supercharge is an idiot.


Why? Because every time I've said that I think Supercharge is terrible and that it should have been optional and not part of the basic Discipline, some idiot has popped up to call me a "face-roller" or whatever.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I said that anyone who'd respond by calling people who don't like Supercharge "face-rollers" is an idiot, not that anyone who likes Supercharge is an idiot.


Why? Because every time I've said that I think Supercharge is terrible and that it should have been optional and not part of the basic Discipline, some idiot has popped up to call me a "face-roller" or whatever.


You don't have to use Supercharge. Its just its such a nice boost that you're effectively shooting yourself in the foot by not using it.


Actually thats a bad analogy, because I'm pretty sure med shot fired at yourself is going at your feet :p

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Mercenaries/Commandos were asking for an offensive cd for years and now that they finally got it others start to cry about it.


You gotta love MMO community...




ps: What is your problem with it? Is pressing an extra button every ~40sec too hard?

Edited by cs_zoltan
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Superfast Hydraulic Override and Carbonize can get you out of a lot of bad situations though...


This is nice if you are a PT and spec into all those skills.. IE ball carrier spec, otherwise not so much... and it does nothing for mercs.


Either way even assuming you are right, having to use a special spec, and 2 skills on the GCD to emulate what others can do with one button, is hardly a comparison.

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