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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability delay and the wearing thin of patience


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I cant believe why ppl (And also the Support itself) keeps mixing up all the Problems as if there where some connection between Framerate (which is Engine and Hardware related and i for example have constant high fps everywhere in the Game) and Ability Delays aka LAG.


The Support is driving me crazy with their ****** responses that i should update my drivers and send them some more tracert's... Thats a total waste of time, but i cant play the game anyway because when i join KDY the loadingscreen+blackscreen with unmovable Character takes 1-2 Minutes on an SSD only to let me have a great 20 Minute run with 2-3sec lag between casts, its like i'm playing some foreign MMO on China Servers with 800ms (well swtor lag is still worse atm).


SOME ppl dont have those Problems, OKAY WE GET IT.

I also never had Ability Delays before i started playing again a few days ago.


But its really about time something is done about this...

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Please at least fix Belsavis and I'd be happy. I don't know what it is but that one planet has given me the most ability lag problems since 3.0.


I was playing on an alt and Nar Shadaa was just horrendous for ability delay. On other planets I'm getting like 2 or so second delays which is bad enough to affect gameplay but here I counted up to 10 seconds for one of my abilities to go off which is crazy. At first I thought I must have missed the ability but then I tried waiting and sure enough it does work but after that huge delay. I'm also noticing companions being left behind.


This is definitely a galaxy wide phenomenon it just seems worse on some planets than others but every planet is affected. And for me it has ONLY started since patch 3.0.

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actually it does. not everyone trolls MMO fourms when they're on holidays. some people like to spend time with their family.


It's not like they didn't know about these issues with performance before they left for the holidays. Sorry but when you run a 365 day a year service that brings in tens of millions of dollars a year you don't get to take time off on a schedule. If you have issues of this high severity then sorry holiday plans get cancelled.


Can you imagine if Netflix was having huge buffering issues causing everything watched to buffer every few seconds?

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And for all the griping, no one is giving the info support needs to even start trying to fix it. I know for a fact, the problem isn't the same on every server. Tell everyone what server you're on and having problems. Times of day and planets would help, too, but they definitely need to know which server you are experiencing the problem on.
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I cant believe why ppl (And also the Support itself) keeps mixing up all the Problems as if there where some connection between Framerate (which is Engine and Hardware related and i for example have constant high fps everywhere in the Game) and Ability Delays aka LAG.


The Support is driving me crazy with their ****** responses that i should update my drivers and send them some more tracert's... Thats a total waste of time, but i cant play the game anyway because when i join KDY the loadingscreen+blackscreen with unmovable Character takes 1-2 Minutes on an SSD only to let me have a great 20 Minute run with 2-3sec lag between casts, its like i'm playing some foreign MMO on China Servers with 800ms (well swtor lag is still worse atm).


SOME ppl dont have those Problems, OKAY WE GET IT.

I also never had Ability Delays before i started playing again a few days ago.


But its really about time something is done about this...


I know your problem ..


I also DIDN'T seem to have any lag in November when I decided to give the game another try as I had this crippling lag after RofHC came out..


Played most of November and I resubbed as the game seemed to be fine .. paid for the pre-release of SoR ..

and I bought a bunch of stuff from cartel end of November


beginning of december the game went all to pot again with almost constant lag .. companions not working right because the servers weren't updating in real time when they used ablities.. abilities taking 3 to 10 seconds to activate OR for the servers to even acknowledge I was pushing a button..


I have decided to try and reinstall with out Bitraider and see if it fixes the issues BUT barring that I have already cancelled sub and have no intention OF ever buying anything from either EA games and especially NOT Bioware unless they remove the entrenched management who are just hurting their products.

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Since I'm on Shadowlands, I can't speak of other servers. I have seen people from various servers complaining about the ability lag but can't speak for them.


And the lag isn't an all the time thing either. I've had brief periods of normalcy but they are just that, brief. The majority of my time spent on Rishi and Yavin IV is spent dealing with ability lag. This includes the solo tac FP's.


It isn't unplayable, either. It is simply not enjoyable. No one logs in to play a game that isn't enjoyable unless they are a masochist or have more patience than I've ever had. Some things I'm willing to tolerate, but leaving the game in the state that it's in and going on holiday break is just...well, it's bad customer service. I can't imagine a job or business that would do this. It's just not good business sense.

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Yes.. ability lag seems to know no boundaries and is impacting the game pretty much everywhere.


It SUCKS and they have said they know it's an issue. (DEV post)...


Meanwhile... game is starting to become unplayable especially when the new OPS have crazy precision mechanics and LAG just kills those. I'm sure this has economic impact following quickly if not resolved. I'm sure they will fix it soon (I hope).

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Folks, it would probably help if you said what servers you were on and having issues. I know I have issues on Shadowlands, although not as bad as some of the reports here. I have almost no problem at all on Begeren Colony. So, I suspect it is a server issue or a server farm issue. I suspect knowing for sure where the problems exist would help the devs narrow things down.


Yes, a good point I think. My characters are on the Shadowlands, essentially plagued by massive ability delays and companions being non-responsive ( entirely) or simply wigging out and running back in the direction from which we came ( distances even exceed 30 meters away), dying mysteriously (usually on elevators; an instant death can occur).


It is every planet, but the worst I have seen are Belsavis ( for whatever reason especially the Rep daily areas are extra bad), Makeb has been quite bad, Nar was the absolute worse I have seen a couple nights ago ( being absolutely unplayable; abilities had minimum 5 second delays that night and usually closer to 10).


It has become quite a freak show. I log and test it out each day but I have been playing very little with this.

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No, you don't.


Actually, yes I do. I play on two servers, Shadowlands and BC. I have all sorts of lag on Shadowlands and almost none on BC using the same PC, ISP, etc. That's pretty good proof the problem isn't identical across servers. Hence, saying people need to tell the devs what server, etc. when they complain. If people complain and give no info and the devs randomly pick the wrong server to watch, they won't see a problem. See the issue?

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Actually, yes I do. I play on two servers, Shadowlands and BC. I have all sorts of lag on Shadowlands and almost none on BC using the same PC, ISP, etc. That's pretty good proof the problem isn't identical across servers. Hence, saying people need to tell the devs what server, etc. when they complain. If people complain and give no info and the devs randomly pick the wrong server to watch, they won't see a problem. See the issue?


Its super Pointless to add any Information to Threads like this because they won't read it ANYWAYS...

i already gave them all Information needed SEVERAL times via ingame Tickets.


i was suprised at first how fast they answered me, but when i look at those Email Responses i think thats just a Bot and a stupid one at that.


But for the Sake of it, i'm playing on T3-M4 (Eu-German) i have terrible ability delay in almost every zone.

I'm not really optimistic they'll fix it till the rest (54 Days) of my GTC run out. Wish i played one more day without the Card to see how bad the Lag really is.


Oh maybe someone needs my tracert for the 101th time?

  1    <1 ms     1 ms    <1 ms 
 2     2 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  fritz.box [] 
 3    21 ms    21 ms    21 ms 
 4    23 ms    24 ms    23 ms 
 5    26 ms    26 ms    25 ms  f-ed5-i.F.DE.NET.DTAG.DE [] 
 6    25 ms    27 ms    25 ms  ffm-b12-link.telia.net [] 
 7    25 ms    24 ms    25 ms  ffm-bb2-link.telia.net [] 
 8    38 ms    36 ms    37 ms  prs-bb2-link.telia.net [] 
 9    37 ms    40 ms    36 ms  ldn-bb2-link.telia.net [] 
10    55 ms    53 ms    55 ms  dln-b1-link.telia.net [] 
11    53 ms    53 ms    53 ms  bioware-ic-147167-dln-b3.c.telia.net [] 
12    53 ms    53 ms    52 ms 
13    55 ms    55 ms    55 ms 


Maybe there really is no Problem at all and i (and maybe all other ppl with Problems too) just turned total Stupid, installed some crappy old Drivers and wrecked our Computers, because thats all there is to ABILITY DELAY/LAG...... thats the only thing i get out of those Support Answers.


And if they really are still in the holidays... i wish i had as much money as the average Bioware Guy so i only need to work 3 days a year :)

Edited by Mili
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You are playing this game wrong! Stay on ships/strongholds and keep buying cartel market junk, you will have no lag at all.


On serious note i came back in november willing to give this game another chance after being gone for 2 and a half years, first month i loved it and had loads of fun and was suprised how many of my old friends were showing up again aswell. Almost changed my sub plan from monthly to 6 months (thank gods i didn't).

Then expansion released, lags, ability delay, nerfs, not to mention huge disapointment in size and quality of expansion itself. Few of those things i could ignore, all of those together no way. My friends are allready gone hoping to forget this waste of time and cash as soon as possible. I will be gone soon aswell.

Great job Bioware you had a chance to pull your old players back and show us that you changed, instead you went for cheap money grab and showed us you are same lazy incompetent people we remember from launch of the game. Remember any of your launch promises? Like making people feel like they get their moneys worth for paying sub? Anyway goodbye Biowaste i will not be giving you another chance.

Edited by Lucyfer_Infinity
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You are playing this game wrong! Stay on ships/strongholds and keep buying cartel market junk, you will have no lag at all.


On serious note i came back in november willing to give this game another chance after being gone for 2 and a half years, first month i loved it and had loads of fun and was suprised how many of my old friends were showing up again aswell. Almost changed my sub plan from monthly to 6 months (thank gods i didn't).

Then expansion released, lags, ability delay, nerfs, not to mention huge disapointment in size and quality of expansion itself. Few of those things i could ignore, all of those together no way. My friends are allready gone hoping to forget this waste of time and cash as soon as possible. I will be gone soon aswell.

Great job Bioware you had a chance to pull your old players back and show us that you changed, instead you went for cheap money grab and showed us you are same lazy incompetent people we remember from launch of the game. Remember any of your launch promises? Like making people feel like they get their moneys worth for paying sub? Anyway goodbye Biowaste i will not be giving you another chance.


I feel for you I really do..


came in for the head start to this game and started with the beta in fact I sort of liked the game and played it for about 6 months and paid for it for 8 months without really logging in for the last 2 months but got bored with all the alts I was creating so I left and figured I would return later maybe..


rise of the hutt cartels came out I bought the expansion untested and found the game completely unplayable due to intense lag .. which like this time customer service and DEVs gave the impression it had nothing to do with them or the game when I wasn't having petitions just closed with no response I might add .. MEH left again and didn't return till November 2014..


got the email about SoR and the bonus 12% and figured I would reinstall one more time and try again (not surre why maybe I hit my head getting out of bed) .. The game was fine .. little lag and in fact I don't remember any as such so I resubbed.. end of November still no issues so I bought SoR just before the pre purchase was up and spent a little money to get things like Treek..


December 3rd back to the intense lag on all worlds, phases and servers I played on (I had characters on 7 servers all behaved badly though I expected in when dealing with a west server being in the east).. bad balancing with the NPCs hitting harder in some instances than they were supposed to (silvers (strong) mobs often hit a lot hard than the gold (elite) mobs) or were said to .. read about nonstop broken stuff at the top with no loot drops and the like and the customer service unwilling/able to help with it and being told in effect to suck it up.


I tried to get a refund as per origins promise and they would have given me the refund for SoR it would have "locked" my account to do so if I did it till I repurchased the expansion even though I had never even been in it .. they wouldn't refund the money spent in the cartel market either of course because "it was against their ToS" even though they were going to lock the account since they couldn't "take the expansion off the account" once you logged in even though I would have had all the changes anyway WITHOUT the purchase and still have no characters at the 55th level as yet ..


I have had messages for petitions answered without WHOEVER the hell it is actually bothering to read the message and just making a guess as to what was being said and NEVER bothering to read updated comments ..


IT isn't the game I am have come to hate so much as the DEVs and their seeming belief that if you ignore the players it will all get better .. HEY IT worked for WoW they only lost about 7 million subs in less time than they gained them and this game can't and never could afford to loose 1 million subs without pain.


The game is a joke now and the DEVs should all be out of work and unemployable what with their behavior but MEH I will log out and wait for one of the games from the pacific east to get here even though I want to play a Jedi because Bioware has the business sense of fascist regime



I will also say I am attempting reinstall one last time tonight with the non-streaming options to see if this will help any of the rest of you masochists out there but with a true DSL I am at 6 hours and counting to actually get it reinstalled..

Edited by enigmacypher
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I feel for you I really do..


came in for the head start to this game and started with the beta in fact I sort of liked the game and played it for about 6 months and paid for it for 8 months without really logging in for the last 2 months but got bored with all the alts I was creating so I left and figured I would return later maybe..


rise of the hutt cartels came out I bought the expansion untested and found the game completely unplayable due to intense lag .. which like this time customer service and DEVs gave the impression it had nothing to do with them or the game when I wasn't having petitions just closed with no response I might add .. MEH left again and didn't return till November 2014..


got the email about SoR and the bonus 12% and figured I would reinstall one more time and try again (not surre why maybe I hit my head getting out of bed) .. The game was fine .. little lag and in fact I don't remember any as such so I resubbed.. end of November still no issues so I bought SoR just before the pre purchase was up and spent a little money to get things like Treek..


December 3rd back to the intense lag on all worlds, phases and servers I played on (I had characters on 7 servers all behaved badly though I expected in when dealing with a west server being in the east).. bad balancing with the NPCs hitting harder in some instances than they were supposed to (silvers (strong) mobs often hit a lot hard than the gold (elite) mobs) or were said to .. read about nonstop broken stuff at the top with no loot drops and the like and the customer service unwilling/able to help with it and being told in effect to suck it up.


I tried to get a refund as per origins promise and they would have given me the refund for SoR it would have "locked" my account to do so if I did it till I repurchased the expansion even though I had never even been in it .. they wouldn't refund the money spent in the cartel market either of course because "it was against their ToS" even though they were going to lock the account since they couldn't "take the expansion off the account" once you logged in even though I would have had all the changes anyway WITHOUT the purchase and still have no characters at the 55th level as yet ..


I have had messages for petitions answered without WHOEVER the hell it is actually bothering to read the message and just making a guess as to what was being said and NEVER bothering to read updated comments ..


IT isn't the game I am have come to hate so much as the DEVs and their seeming belief that if you ignore the players it will all get better .. HEY IT worked for WoW they only lost about 7 million subs in less time than they gained them and this game can't and never could afford to loose 1 million subs without pain.


The game is a joke now and the DEVs should all be out of work and unemployable what with their behavior but MEH I will log out and wait for one of the games from the pacific east to get here even though I want to play a Jedi because Bioware has the business sense of fascist regime


These kinds of posts make me roll my eyes. While the game does have some technical issues, it is far from unplayable. You do not get a refund for a working product, even if the product has technical issues.

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These kinds of posts make me roll my eyes. While the game does have some technical issues, it is far from unplayable. You do not get a refund for a working product, even if the product has technical issues.


my eye roll at you idiocy .. since you will note that I was offered a refund and refunds are part of ORIGIN promises..


LOOK things up before you spout trollish rhetoric

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Actually, yes I do. I play on two servers, Shadowlands and BC. I have all sorts of lag on Shadowlands and almost none on BC using the same PC, ISP, etc. That's pretty good proof the problem isn't identical across servers. Hence, saying people need to tell the devs what server, etc. when they complain.


Well, my friends and I play on BC and we encounter the lag/ability delay on a consistent basis across numerous planets (my lowest is on DK and highest is on Yavin) and flashpoint instances since 3.0 went live. We are in different parts of the country experiencing lag at the same time (grouped and solo).



Patience: A minor form of despair disguised as a virtue.

The secret to Patience is doing something else in the meanwhile.


I know they will get around to fixing it, just hope it is sooner rather than later.

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I stopped playing a few months after launch due to Bioware's lack of acknowledgement of the ability delay (they refused to admit that ability delay was a thing at the time) and the general unresponsiveness of the game. I just came back a few weeks ago because I love star wars and I did enjoy the game when it actually worked the way it was suppose to. Since I've been back, I have experienced nothing but lag. The game will hang for a few seconds and then it will all eventually catch up like it's going in fast forward. The ability delay is still there as well. Hit a button, wait a second, the ability goes off.


You know what they say, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I should have known better.

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I stopped playing a few months after launch due to Bioware's lack of acknowledgement of the ability delay (they refused to admit that ability delay was a thing at the time) and the general unresponsiveness of the game. I just came back a few weeks ago because I love star wars and I did enjoy the game when it actually worked the was it was suppose to. Since I've been back, I have experienced nothing but lag. The game will hang for a few seconds and then it will all eventually catch up like it's going in fast forward. The ability delay is still there as well. Hit a button, wait a second, the ability goes off.


You know what they say, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I should have known better.


lol no its not "still there" it "came back" you effectively missed the 2 years ( not counting the month or so after hutt cartel) where it was practically for all intents and purposes GONE.

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I too was a little niave in believing the issue would be resolved in a more timely manner.


I agree that issues such as this have had a negative impact on the returning player base in relation to the expansion, and have seen the activity within my guild decline as a result.


I truly hope BW are able to amend this issue to some degree in the near future.

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actually it does. not everyone trolls MMO fourms when they're on holidays. some people like to spend time with their family.

You know who spends 2 weeks with their family over the holidays? Kids. Who the hell else spends 2+ weeks with their family?!

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