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Best AC for Sith Warrior Story


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Gameplay, PvP dominance, dps and survivability all aside, which AC do you feel fits the Emperor's Wrath the most. Do you see the Wrath as a towering Juggernaut, able to deliver felling blows and withstand the greatest punishment or is he a quicker, more dominating, relentless Marauder with a flurry of twin sabers?
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I beg to differ with the popular opinion. Yes, the word ''Juggernaut'' is more fancy then ''Marauder'', but if we think about classes themselves...

It is Emperor's WRATH, not Emperor's SHIELD or whatever. He should be offensive. He should leave no stone unturned in his pursue of the Emperor's ''justice''.

Double-bladed battlemaster using extremely offensive forms fits the image.

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You realize that 2/3rds of the Juggernauts disciplines are DPS, right?


Seriously though, there is no other possible warrior for me besides a hulking male body type 3 brute of a juggernaut. Someone who draws on, for example, Savage Oppress and wades through the battlefield just crushing everything in their path and shrugging off anything that hits them like it never happened. None of that fancy flipping around and stuff using two sabers and speed and such.

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DPS Juggernaut fits the story the most.

Marauder doesn't fit at all since he uses one saber in cutscenes.


He does? I seem to recall a few cutscenes on my old Marauder where I had both sabers out... the killing of the Black Talon's captain as an example if my memory is serving me properly.


Then again, my memory isn't what it used to be. I feel so old in my age of 31 (nearly 32) XD

Edited by XantosCledwin
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So? The class still lives up to it's name.


Wasn't using defensive lightsaber forms. Honestly, his style is closer to Juyo( in terms of being chaotic ).

You were the one complaining that the Juggernaut class was too defensive for the "Wrath" title, you know. Calling what Oppress did a style is a stretch, to say the least.


My personal problems with a Marauder as the Warrior are: 1) the 2nd Lightsaber is not acknowledged in cutscenes and 2) Draahg is a Marauder.

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Calling what Oppress did a style is a stretch, to say the least.


Too true. Oppress never really learned traditional lightsaber styles. In fact I would be surprised to learn that he actually had the ability to use the Force to compensate for the inherent flaws in a weapon that is as unnaturally weighted as a Lightsaber happens to be. Instead he more or less just brute forced it.


What I mean by this is that a Lightsaber is essentially just a sword. However unlike more traditional swords made out of metal, a Lightsaber only has any actual weight in the hilt. This means there is nothing for the wielder to put their own personal weight behind when they are making their attacks. As such it is exceedingly easy to put too much force into a swing and get your arm cut off by your opponents Lightsaber blade when you attempt to attack them simply by having their blade slide up under yours or something similar.


The force when used by Jedi and Sith Lightsaber duelists acts as a counter-weight to the Hilt and allows the Jedi to more properly control their blade. However you have to be trained to be able to utilize the Force in this manner, and Oppress doesn't strike me as the sort of individual who had the patience for that kind of training as it likely involves long hours of intense meditation.


Without having the force to act as a counterweight to the hilt, the only other way to really properly control a Lightsaber is the tried and true General Grievous Methodology. That is, to have Droid-based power and precision allowing you to overcome the flaws. And without either of those two methods an individual is just as likely to cut their own arm off, as they are to actually kill their opponent.

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You were the one complaining that the Juggernaut class was too defensive for the "Wrath" title, you know.

And I still believe so. At least compared to Marauder. DPS or tank are game mechanics, but lightsaber forms and whole concept of Juggernaut are canon. Marauder can use Ataru and Juyo, while Jugg uses predominantly defensive forms.

Of course, Wrath knows all of them. But do you think he usually uses offensive styles or every opponent will make him go all-defensive?

Calling what Oppress did a style is a stretch, to say the least.

Oh, but it is HIS style. Using no style and all and only relying on his strength with aggressive strikes :)

For the record, Scourge used Soresu, Ataru and Juyo. But do you there are many people in the galaxy against who he has to be cautious( talking about experienced 300 years old Scourge now ).

the 2nd Lightsaber is not acknowledged in cutscenes

Fair enough. I agree, that's an argument in favor of your opinion.

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Wow, much less love for the Marauder than I had guessed. I never could make up my mind because I felt both ACs fit the Wrath so perfectly, one embodying an undying defense and another for an all-out assault against the enemies of the Empire.


yeah the 3.0 pvp nerfs (and subsequent Jugg buffs) have really done a number on Marauders. Juggs are a current FoTM. That said my original Character since launch was a juggernaut (LS) and i absolutely loved it. That said there is no wrong choice. I'm actually replaying the SW storyline since i enjoyed it so much but it didnt make sense to make a 2nd Juggernaut so i made a Marauder. i don't understand the hate the class is getting i'm absolutely shredding things. Most DPS i've seen leveling up aside from my Sniper. its actually a lot of fun. If i had to made a complaint is that i find myself needing Quinn more then i did with my jugg. other then that, Love it

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While all of that is true from a 3.0 perspective, I tend to make my character decisions from a story-driven view alone. To that end, several of my characters have been obvious, except my favorite, the Wrath. I'm leveling a Jugs and a Mara, and they both just fit, more than any other ACs to the story except maybe the Trooper.
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