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Snipers not viable in 4v4 without guard and healer


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His point was that group arenas> everything else, which is simply inaccurate. I chose to take his other point of solo queue being full of "baddies" and work from that since he seems so adamant that warzones are beneath him and his superskill level (which is entirely untrue).


Here is a point for clarity: In no way do arenas require more skill than warzones, regardless of the branding or the color of the pop window. Arenas take the zerg from warzones and leave everything else. It was an appeal to the focus-challenged among us, and pretending like winning a deathmatch makes you better than anyone else is not the solution to "fixing" PvP. In fact, it has been a major source of the problem with objective based pvp.


I think different types of warzones require different skill sets, but ultimately I do feel like playing team arena will make you a better player because the skill set required to win in team arena is also required to win in other formats; I would also say that larger scale pvp is generally more forgiving on the individual than arena, where one mistake from one player is often the deciding factor when two even teams square off.


I can personally state that playing team arena has made me a better player, and if team arena had been around when 8vs8's were still around I would have encouraged everyone on my ranked team to play arenas because it would have made our team better as a whole.

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You either don't understand his point, or are opting not to, he is saying that in solo queue the winner is often decided based on who has the worst comp, or the under-geared player (you know, those people in 1100 expertise), or which team has the horrible healer (operatives who can't pull more than 30k total healing in one round).


Your point would be valid if the game had a large enough population of pvpers to allow matchmaking to actually work correctly, as it stands a large majority of solo queue arenas are decided before they even begin because it is very common for one side to be "stacked" or for one side to essentially go into the match 3vs4.


whoooo someone who understands and actually thinks for once!

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I feel like I've already said this before in this thread but yolo:


If you take the best 2 arena teams currently and put them in 8v8 warzones to play against the has-been top 8s teams from back then, the arean teams would win every game. However, if you take the top 8s teams back then and put them in areans, they would get farmed, is rly simple~

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I feel like I've already said this before in this thread but yolo:


If you take the best 2 arena teams currently and put them in 8v8 warzones to play against the has-been top 8s teams from back then, the arean teams would win every game. However, if you take the top 8s teams back then and put them in areans, they would get farmed, is rly simple~


LOL I'm not sure about that. Look. Group ranked is the one place where you can control your group and make sure its your best vs their best and is the purest measure of skill when it comes to killing, but some of those old 8 man ranked teams would just laugh at you in Hutt Ball while you set up to win the death match.

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LOL I'm not sure about that. Look. Group ranked is the one place where you can control your group and make sure its your best vs their best and is the purest measure of skill when it comes to killing, but some of those old 8 man ranked teams would just laugh at you in Hutt Ball while you set up to win the death match.


Lol, I hope you realize that one of the key points to winning in Huttball is controlling mid, which requires killing the enemy team, which is what arena teams would excel at.

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Lol, I hope you realize that one of the key points to winning in Huttball is controlling mid, which requires killing the enemy team, which is what arena teams would excel at.


You seriously believe this ? Ugh.


BloodDevistaor is either a good troll or a complete id***. I favour the second solution, because trolls aren't usually that persistent.

Edited by Nairolfus
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Lol, I hope you realize that one of the key points to winning in Huttball is controlling mid, which requires killing the enemy team, which is what arena teams would excel at.


Killing people is probably one of the worst things you can do in huttball. Nothing like reaching the endzone only to see the entire team come out of the spawn.

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Killing people is probably one of the worst things you can do in huttball. Nothing like reaching the endzone only to see the entire team come out of the spawn.




I guess some people just want me to list out all the basic steps because they are too lazy to think themselves?


Clearly you don't wipe their entire team as you are running the ball towards them... I mean I expect people to know this without me specifying it, guess I expected too much from the forums. LOL. Oh yeah, and the doors don't magically open every time they respawned

Edited by BloodDevistaor
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Aren't you the idiot that said instant snipe is a WASTE because of gcd? LOL genius.


Is it cool living in your own truth?


I never said that an instant snipe is a waste in every situation. But IF you have any reading comprehension, the OP was asking about leveling, he was lv 23. I gave him answers and for his purpose the instant snipe is definitely a waste, there are much better utilities like +25% damage on suppressive fire.


But what you are trying to hide, by permanently insulting others, that you miss, next to any social skills, basic knowledge of game mechanics. You just didn't know that an instant snipe followed by another skill doesnt deliver more damage in a shorter timeframe than 2 casted skills. You just didn't know and now you try to turn words around to hide your incompetence.


Mrs. Mwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmw the wannabe Hero

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Is it cool living in your own truth?


I never said that an instant snipe is a waste in every situation. But IF you have any reading comprehension, the OP was asking about leveling, he was lv 23. I gave him answers and for his purpose the instant snipe is definitely a waste, there are much better utilities like +25% damage on suppressive fire.


But what you are trying to hide, by permanently insulting others, that you miss, next to any social skills, basic knowledge of game mechanics. You just didn't know that an instant snipe followed by another skill doesnt deliver more damage in a shorter timeframe than 2 casted skills. You just didn't know and now you try to turn words around to hide your incompetence.


Mrs. Mwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmw the wannabe Hero


I am living in my own world now? I wonder who typed instant snipe is a waste b/c of a gcd:

The instant snipe is a waste because it takes you 1,5 sec no matter if it's instant or you cast it because of the GCD.


And it really depends while leveling. I am currently leveling my slinger and I start with Crit-Skill, Ambush, Follow Through, Penetrating Blast, Follow Through, Takedown, FT ... That's enough in most cases for elite mobs.


For strongs (crit-skill) Ambush, Penetrating Blast, Take Down, or Ambush, FT, TD


Stronger packs you can ambush a standard mob (if not killed a fast TD), flash bang the strong/elite, penetrating blast the next mob (TD or FT if necessary), snipe snipe TD/FT the next if there is a next and then crit-ambush the strong/elite and do your rotation.


If a mob has just very low life and you have a FT proc you can also just shoot auto attack or a grenade and start with FT on the next mob


There is no standard rotation because it depends on the situation. But I always start with an ambush.


Before FT and FT reset or Penetrating Blast reset it's mostly similar and you will use snipe and grenades more.


Edit: against packs of mobs use your skilled suppression fire that's really high damage I forgot to mention before, I often use crit ambush on strong and then suppression fire the whole pack and if the strong survive a takedown on him


If I don't need to cast suppression fire I usually don't go into cover its not necessary except you know there is a mob with a pull or something like that.


You keep saying my in-game name over and over as if it means anything when I don't even know who you are. I understand that you are just a random speaking on forums but ok I guess anyone could pretend they are good at this game on the forums.

Edited by BloodDevistaor
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That's what I would suggest:


  • Ballistic Dampeners refreshing themselves every 6 sec.
  • Vital Regulators healing for 3% every 2 sec.
  • Add an OH SITH! button like Force Barrier, call it "Ray Shield", works like Force Barrier, you can't do anything, it heals you up to some degree, let's say 80% of your HP. (or via some added Vital Regulators effect like "while protected by your Ray Shield you heal for 8% of your total health every second")
  • Can't roll through diversion which totally blows, fix this please. Diversion is a death sentence to a sniper/gs in an arena. Whoever fires it first, wins.
  • Rubberbanding back into a Ravage when using your roll, fix this too please. Rolling should give you immunity for movement impairing effects for 3 sec or something, that should do it.

Edited by Pferdebremse
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I am living in my own world now? I wonder who typed instant snipe is a waste b/c of a gcd:



You keep saying my in-game name over and over as if it means anything when I don't even know who you are. I understand that you are just a random speaking on forums but ok I guess anyone could pretend they are good at this game on the forums.


You can't read obviously. It was a recommendation for someone who is leveling a sniper and therefor this utility is a waste and better spent somewhere else. Don't you get it?


And again, you didn't even know that there is a GCD after the instant snipe, you lack knowledge. I wouldn't mind, if you weren't such a dork.

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summarizes Sniper after 3.0, which BTW; season 3 has little to nothing to do with it. I know the group rank guy wants to point that out, but it really has nothing to do with ranked even now, let alone in an old system. Balance is relative to the other classes.


That said; I have to say that Sniper/slinger is not in the worst position. DPS classes only, I would say we are better off than mercs (which I know is ironic as the guy in the video moves on to merc and feels it is better; I just don't agree)and maras. We just are not in the area of the big 3 right now for different reasons, and probably are not far off from maybe DPS operatives, but their healing and stealth obviously gives them a bit more reprieve. And I say that referring to all 3 sniper/slinger specs. Is there stuff I think we could use? Of course; but I do not think it has to be very drastic, and especially pending what the overall meta will look like as other classes get balanced.

Edited by Technohic
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summarizes Sniper after 3.0, which BTW; season 3 has little to nothing to do with it. I know the group rank guy wants to point that out, but it really has nothing to do with ranked even now, let alone in an old system. Balance is relative to the other classes.


That said; I have to say that Sniper/slinger is not in the worst position. DPS classes only, I would say we are better off than mercs (which I know is ironic as the guy in the video moves on to merc and feels it is better; I just don't agree)and maras. We just are not in the area of the big 3 right now for different reasons, and probably are not far off from maybe DPS operatives, but their healing and stealth obviously gives them a bit more reprieve. And I say that referring to all 3 sniper/slinger specs. Is there stuff I think we could use? Of course; but I do not think it has to be very drastic, and especially pending what the overall meta will look like as other classes get balanced.


Is he telling why he moved to Merc? Because I can't believe that a Merc is any better in the defense department. As a sniper I can leg shot, PB KB, cover pulse KB, flashbang, hard stun, roll away and have good utilities which prevent damage and cover/entrench. I am really curious because I am leveling both classes currently.

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Is he telling why he moved to Merc? Because I can't believe that a Merc is any better in the defense department. As a sniper I can leg shot, PB KB, cover pulse KB, flashbang, hard stun, roll away and have good utilities which prevent damage and cover/entrench. I am really curious because I am leveling both classes currently.


All I can tell is it is that new class smell. I took out my commando and my merc for a little bit; and it seems fun with how much you can run around with instant TMs and moving while channelling, but yeah; I am with you. Mercs being vulnerable to leaps is enough for me to say they have it worse.

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All I can tell is it is that new class smell. I took out my commando and my merc for a little bit; and it seems fun with how much you can run around with instant TMs and moving while channelling, but yeah; I am with you. Mercs being vulnerable to leaps is enough for me to say they have it worse.


Ok i know that "new class smell" this is why i level my merc and gunslinger. With almost pvp exclusivly and thats very difficult currently against all those lv 55+ especially in arenas with myself around lv38 with my merc.


Would you say that the utility which lets you move while casting is mandatory? Because on paper i woulf prefer the -30 on stun/aoe and the CD reduction on shield.

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Ok i know that "new class smell" this is why i level my merc and gunslinger. With almost pvp exclusivly and thats very difficult currently against all those lv 55+ especially in arenas with myself around lv38 with my merc.


Would you say that the utility which lets you move while casting is mandatory? Because on paper i woulf prefer the -30 on stun/aoe and the CD reduction on shield.


I'm no expert there. I just kicked the tires.

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summarizes Sniper after 3.0, which BTW; season 3 has little to nothing to do with it. I know the group rank guy wants to point that out, but it really has nothing to do with ranked even now, let alone in an old system. Balance is relative to the other classes.


Wow, this video really helped me see exactly the issues very well. He put into words and picture what I just couldn't seem to say about the class lol. Great link, ty for sharing.

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Wow, this video really helped me see exactly the issues very well. He put into words and picture what I just couldn't seem to say about the class lol. Great link, ty for sharing.


Lol, all dot specs have had their burst removed, that's not just a sniper issue, engineering is kind of bleh, but MM is pretty awesome atm.


His argument that MM's rotation is brainless compared to lethallity is questionable, both specs have a very static rotation when you are free casting, it really sounds like he wants to have both burst and fluff damage at the same time.


I also think it's odd that he highlights videos on his merc where he is constantly being healed, whereas he is getting rolled on his sniper with zero healing.

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Lol, all dot specs have had their burst removed, that's not just a sniper issue, engineering is kind of bleh, but MM is pretty awesome atm.


His argument that MM's rotation is brainless compared to lethallity is questionable, both specs have a very static rotation when you are free casting, it really sounds like he wants to have both burst and fluff damage at the same time.


I also think it's odd that he highlights videos on his merc where he is constantly being healed, whereas he is getting rolled on his sniper with zero healing.


His sniper was being healed.

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