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Original companions are completely useless now that we have Treek and HK-51


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I only play on the Imp side so Treek was NEVER an option for me.


What? Whatever do you mean? If you're talking about your own personal choice, okay, but Treek is VERY MUCH an option "on the Imp side."


Can you imagine a big bad Sith Lord rolling around with that fur ball? 2nd,


But she's a pretty mean little fur ball, and yes, I can imagine it. She's my constant companion with a Sith Sorcerer, a Lord.


But I agree with you about Mako. My Powertech simply will not give her up.

Edited by MSchuyler
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I'm simply not buying this. I've seen quite a few people with a geared out Quinn and the only complaint they have is that it's Quinn. No one likes him for obvious reasons, story wise that is.

This is invariably the complaint (or praise) people have regarding the desirability of certain companions, personality. Amongst the regular class story companions, all healers are mechanically the same, all melee tanks the same, etc.

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Well, I am still of the opinion that we could use a Treek replacement for those that do not care for "cute" or her loquacious behavior, and a boost to HKs utility by removing the charge requirement for Assassinate.


I would also love to see some alternate HK bodies that would be like the droid vendors we have for our Strongholds, the triped droids.


I would suggest a Nekghoul for a Treek replacement. Abilities and the like would work exactly the same, but just have different names and animations. Nekghouls are sentient and have force sensitivity, and could certainly be influenced by the dark side of the force.


So, depending on stance, they are either a basic Inq or a basic Warrior with healing ability.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Someone said it earlier. Treek is overrated. It is more do to the mechanics that anything. I think somehow her running her mouth is messing with the program. I send her to attack and she stands there like a ranged tank. I run Khem, Fess, Bowdarr, Scorpio, or Blizz and I have had better results. This doesn't happen every time. Still it is a pain in a butt. I really think they need to work on the tank mechanics of the companions. Treek is good for putting a Christmas Tree in the Sarlacc Pit but it has gotten to the point that unless I have a new chr I won't use her.
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and a boost to HKs utility by removing the charge requirement for Assassinate.

Personally, I would rather leave the "5-charges" but reduce the cast time.


Since it cannot be used during combat, the actual cast time doesn't really have any impact on gameplay, other than the fact that you're doing nothing but wait for the cast bar to fill up.

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Personally, I would rather leave the "5-charges" but reduce the cast time.


Since it cannot be used during combat, the actual cast time doesn't really have any impact on gameplay, other than the fact that you're doing nothing but wait for the cast bar to fill up.


I think a long cooldown would better serve limiting it's use. Requiring charges just seems a bit obnoxious to me.

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7) Allow companions to be blocked from ship.

This must be in the script already as they disappear from their position when sent on a crafting mission. A toggle box on the crew mission panel that allows them to be hidden from view at all times would be a god send. I may still have Skadge on the rota but at least he doesn't need to be there.


At first I had to question why this would ever be an issue or indeed even desirable.

But then I realized that annoying whiny human toilet Mako could be blocked/locked out of the ship and need never ever return and suddenly this suggestion is the single most important suggestion in all of swtor. If we cant airlock her, then then is the next best thing. DEVS, MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

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At first I had to question why this would ever be an issue or indeed even desirable.

But then I realized that annoying whiny human toilet Mako could be blocked/locked out of the ship and need never ever return and suddenly this suggestion is the single most important suggestion in all of swtor. If we cant airlock her, then then is the next best thing. DEVS, MAKE IT HAPPEN!!


I support this, down with Mako!

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This is invariably the complaint (or praise) people have regarding the desirability of certain companions, personality. Amongst the regular class story companions, all healers are mechanically the same, all melee tanks the same, etc.


Yep and Quinn's rotten attitude is the only reason I got Treek, but I still think Treek is hilarious. What I'm saying though is that I didn't need Treek other than the fact that the only option I had as a healer companion is a douchebag.


We have a choice between two tanks and two dps companions...even if you are a dps yourself, but you only get one healer option. And yeh it's not so much their ability but personality that makes the difference.


I mean, I made a new character this week and some guy gave me a million credits so I could unlock HK for my new toon. Didn't believe him at first but he was as good as his word. I did have HK on my main but never used him. Now I do but only because this guy just decided to give HK to a random player. So that's really cool.


But people who think they need treek or HK because the rest are crap companions, well, how can I put this nicely?



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Whenever someone bags on Mako I have to wonder what terrible thing happened in their real life...


Other than being stuck with Mako as a companion in a computer game, it is quite an enjoyable life with many wonderful moments and no real bad times. I just don't dig emotionally damaged, needy, whiny girls.

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Other than being stuck with Mako as a companion in a computer game, it is quite an enjoyable life with many wonderful moments and no real bad times. I just don't dig emotionally damaged, needy, whiny girls.


OK, I must have been thinking of some other Mako... :confused:

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HK is not account wide. He is purchased per character, even if you have more than one character on a server.


350 cartel coins per character or

1m per character.


I didn't say he wasn't. But I did say that I wished he were a collections unlock of some kind.

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I chose my companions by personality, and neither Treek nor HK are a match for any of my characters or in general are companions I want to spend a lot of time with resp. listen to (i.e. Treek). I have them unlocked on all my crafters for the crafting bonus, but I never use them for combat. Plus, I love customization, and both Treek and HK offer very little in terms of creative customization or variety. (I have ~250 armor sets, I have to use *some* of them at least.)


It would be so incredibly dull and boring to use the same companions with the same look and same commentary on all my 16 characters at all levels for all content. I have full legacy sets (customized, from a variety of sources) with optimized endgame modifications for tanks and healers that I use when I need a well-equipped companion for special situations, but with a decent presence bonus I'm usually fine with whatever companion in regular, somewhat level-appropriate gear.

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Plus, IMHO at any rate, she's the worse tank in the game by far. Her behavior is both psychotic and annoying.


With my main Sentinel, Treek is just stupid as a Tank; there's no middle ground.


She literally stops tanking and taunting to heal my Sentinel. End-result?


She insists on healing me, which results in her overall threat being reduced, my Sentinel taking increased damage and her insistence in keep healing me.


You are in Tank stance, you psychopathic teddy bear.


TANK! :mad:


You know that you can deactivate companion's abilities so that they never use them... If you don't want Treek in tank stance to use her heals deactivate them (I have the same concern as you when I am on my DPS with my healer companions using their attacks instead of... you know... healing me, deactivating their offensive abilities solved this and they are now more effective at what they are supposed to do).


Treek is the best tank companion if not for one reason: her AOE don't break CC.


Besides I believe that a DPS using a tank companion is doing it wrong. As a DPS you are always better off with another DPS or a healer depending on the situation (pack of mobs or champion). Tank companions are most definitely useful to healers (though a DPS can be best in some situations) and Treek is almost unkillable on my scoundrel healer, I can't count how many times I have saved the day after losing a tank in a flashpoint.

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Besides I believe that a DPS using a tank companion is doing it wrong. As a DPS you are always better off with another DPS or a healer depending on the situation (pack of mobs or champion).

And whether or not a DPS should use a tank companion also definitely depends on the situation.

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We have a choice between two tanks and two dps companions...even if you are a dps yourself, but you only get one healer option. And yeh it's not so much their ability but personality that makes the difference.

Because this game has melee tank and ranged tank, melee DPS and ranged DPS. There's no such thing, the way TOR classifies things, as a melee healer vs. a ranged healer.


But people who think they need treek or HK because the rest are crap companions, well, how can I put this nicely?



Has anyone said they need Treek or HK? The OP's point is that, mechanically, once you have Treek and/or HK, there is no reason, mechanically, to use any other companion. With the Rishi quests, though, there is: passing along gear.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I was thinking about this thread the other day (because apparently I have no life,) and I've come to the realization that, although I have Treek and HK unlocked on multiple toons, I never use either of them for anything but crafting. I don't care about companion utility, I care about how much I like questing with them. Heck, I use Bowdaar on my scoundrel, for cryin' out loud.
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And whether or not a DPS should use a tank companion also definitely depends on the situation.


Since as a DPS you can't heal your tank companion there are 3 cases :


1. Your companion barely takes any damage (thus doesn't require heals), so what's the point of having it out, just use a DPS companion.


2. Your companion takes a bit of damage and could use some heals (so you will still need to take a few secs after the fight to heal up), you might as well use a DPS companion. Some say that the best defense is a good offense, the faster you can take down mobs the less they are going to deal damage (and in the end you will still have to take a few secs after the fight to heal up)


3. Your companion takes a lot of damage and definitely need heals. So just get healer companion and tank it yourself.


I can't see any situation as a DPS to use a tank companion because either it doesn't need heals hence it is useless in the first place, either it needs heals hence a healer companion will be more useful. Whether with a group of mobs or fighting one champion. The only exception I can see is if you want to avoid all the annoying side effects of tanking like CC, snares, stuns, etc. (like some kingpin bounties or the champs in the heroic area of Oricon that keep spamming CC abilities).

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I can't see any situation as a DPS to use a tank companion




The only exception I can see is if you want to avoid all the annoying side effects of tanking like CC, snares, stuns, etc. (like some kingpin bounties or the champs in the heroic area of Oricon that keep spamming CC abilities).

Does not compute.

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Does not compute.


Go to Oricon. Head to the heroic area that leads to the fortress. Pick any of the champions (some are less are annoying but chances are you going to get one of the most annoying), tank it yourself and enjoy being grappled, stunned, knocked back, grappled again and so on.


Or during the BH week, get the Voss kingpin and enjoy being snared while trying to avoid her grenades that knock you back.


Having a tank companion avoids you to suffer all these CC abilities. That's pretty much the only situation where I can see the point of getting your tank companion. Hope you compute now?

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