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So long Accuracy Rating. You will not be missed.


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Can you actually reach 100/110 before level 60?


My slinger is at 99,23/109,23 with mostly "vendor junk" 186 + 192 earpiece. Only things I haven't got from vendor are my level 60 178 guns, lvl60 178 implant, quest reward 178 implant, crafted relics.


Remove accuracy rating from gear and give everyone the tank treatment (10% flat accuracy boost, lower dps). Accuracy would still exist, just not on gear.


It would allow dps to taunt in WZs. I think that was exactly what they wanted to do: make dps taunts in WZs ineffective.

Edited by Halinalle
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It would allow dps to taunt in WZs. I think that was exactly what they wanted to do: make dps taunts in WZs ineffective.


i think they can tie single target taunt-to the tank discipline to prevent dps from using taunt. if they decide to get rid of accuracy from the game.

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It would allow dps to taunt in WZs. I think that was exactly what they wanted to do: make dps taunts in WZs ineffective.

And how exactly does the current situation discourage DPS from using taunts in WZs? They get 10% accuracy from gear, tanks get it from their tank stance, so what's the big difference?

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are there any numbers on the difference between 90-95% accuracy, and then from 95-100? My sith warrior jugg currently has 99% accuracy and I dont think its worth giving up two more aug slots to get it to 100% instead focusing on getting might and power augs to increase overall dps
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i think they can tie single target taunt-to the tank discipline to prevent dps from using taunt. if they decide to get rid of accuracy from the game.


They don't want it to work 100% of the time and they don't want it to work at all are two different things.


I honestly do not see the problem with accuracy in 3.0. I bought only few mods for my crapload of basic comms, and I am back to where I was before.


Yeah. My slinger is almost at accuracy cap (99,23). Accuracy in three (3) 186 enhancements, 192 earpiece, 178(!) implants and two 178(!) enhancements. So when I get 186 implants I really have to think again...


Just curious, are most of you at level 55? As far as I know you can't reach accuracy cap at level 55.

Edited by Halinalle
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It would allow dps to taunt in WZs. I think that was exactly what they wanted to do: make dps taunts in WZs ineffective.


Most non-tank specs have far less than 10% defence/resist already, It would still be countered by cooldowns that bring players above normal levels of defence/resist, which is all the 3.0 change to taunts is meant to accomplish anyway.

Edited by Marb
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Yeah. My slinger is almost at accuracy cap (99,23). Accuracy in three (3) 186 enhancements, 192 earpiece, 178(!) implants and two 178(!) enhancements. So when I get 186 implants I really have to think again...

Technically, the cap is 110% (on Force/Tech), to get around boss defenses. But still, I think I am at something like 107% with not that many upgrades (I have been really slacking since 3.0 came out)

Edited by Aries_cz
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Technically, the cap is 110% (on Force/Tech), to get around boss defenses.


She is at 99,23% Ranged and as far as I know it translates to 109,23% Tech.

It's what? 100 AR more and I'm over? I'm really bad at these things.

Edited by Halinalle
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I would REALLY love yo try Alacrity on my Powertech, but can't. 100% Accuracy, 67% Surge and that's it, no room for alacrity.


Then I have to read baioware saying "we want player to make a choice".

if u have 67% surge you have about 222 pts to spend on alacrity w/ 192s


I'm doing that ATM. tbh the 3% drop from 70-67% is pretty small and alacrity seems to boost dps. problem is that the game is so gdamn laggy that it doesn't matter practically speaking.

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What's aggravating is that some of us would like to try some of the other stats that can have a dynamic change on how we play our character or rotation but it's hard to experiment because there's so little room in the budget. It wasn't easy pre 3.0. Then Bioware nixed their plan to increase the amount of hit % per point to free up room for us to try other stats at the last minute. Then they got rid of our talent tree, which was giving us 3% increased chance to hit. That's 3% we now have to make up for with gear. We have less flexibility now than we did even before the patch. Too bad pleas of having the stat removed will just degenerate into "you're dumbing the game down!" or "you'll make it too easy!!"


Wouldn't worry too much about "hitting harder" with the stat removed. The content in the future would just be calibrated around the assumption you had alacity/surge and stuff instead. And this Xpack nerfed our characters already as it is anyway.

I feel the same way but the truth is, pre3.0, we were min/maxing too. it was the same pressure to hit the account asap, then surge to cap then rest power with rare exceptions to spice for crit.


the truth is that we only have the illusion of choice. eventually people will post guides...parses...and perform enough analysis that there will be a "best spec" with the "best stat allocation" and we'll all go cookie cutter again.


the only change now is how much accuracy we need...but the truth is we have no more or less choice than before. in fact, the mere fact that I'm actually using non-mainstat augments is a sign I do actually have to manipulate things a little more.

Edited by Pagy
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I would support the removal of accuracy, surge, force/tech power and absorption. To me all four are lesser stats that do not need to be in the game.


Presence, Power, Crit, Armor, Defense, Shield, Alacrity and Expertise are fine. I think accuracy should be 100 percent across the board, power should cover force and tech and surge/absorption should always be 50 percent.

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accuracy should only matter for ranged classes to mirror the movies, where characters using blasters miss (not on storm tropper level).

Melee should not have to care about accuracy to give them some dps increase considering they're more prone to die because they have to be much closer to the mobs. never made much sense for melee lightsaber wielders to have to worry about that stat...

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She is at 99,23% Ranged and as far as I know it translates to 109,23% Tech.

It's what? 100 AR more and I'm over? I'm really bad at these things.


Oh yeah, if you were talking about Ranged, then it is fine. 109,23 is according to some, pretty much fine without need to upgrade, missing 8 attacks out of 100 seems acceptable and other stats (Power+Surge) usually compensate for that loss.

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Oh yeah, if you were talking about Ranged, then it is fine. 109,23 is according to some, pretty much fine without need to upgrade, missing 8 attacks out of 100 seems acceptable and other stats (Power+Surge) usually compensate for that loss.


Wouldn't it be 8 in 1000?

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Just in case BW is reading this, I agree with the OP. ACC is an outdated stat. Expertise is going that route too between bolster and the difference in gear ratings in pve and pvp. Might as well make the pvp teirs of gear equal to the pve teirs in stats, use bolster for the expertise adjustment, and worry about the debate about how 'easy' or 'hard' it is for a player to gear up between pvp and pve choices later. That balance can always be adjusted through comm requirements.
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I haven't run the numbers on 3.0 yet, but in 2.x getting accuracy to 100% was the most effective way to increase DPS, so it never made sense to leave it out. Since we now need more accuracy rating and thus suffer more from its DR effects, it could be that the balance shifts towards alacrity a bit. I'll get back to this once I have gathered sufficient data on 3.0.

The problem is that a miss will wreck your rotation and gimp your damage for between 3 and 10 GCDs. That's the reason Accuracy always wins, because without it you cannot consistently maintain any decent level of damage output, but will have long periods of downtime when critical procs or cooldowns are offline.

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Removing a game mechanic would just make the game easier. With accuracy, there is a meaningful decision and opportunity for risk taking if you choose to have less than 100/110% in PVE. If you're lucky and your misses don't wreck your rotation, you would benefit from higher than expected dps via more tertiary stat budget (or pri/sec stat if you forgo an augment). Or you can play it safe and hit the accuracy cap.


Eventually before 4.0, you'll have more opportunities to choose between surge/alacrity, and can then still decide if < 100/110% accuracy is a risk worth taking. If gear doesn't scale well enough to allow you to drop half your accuracy pieces by then, that's a different argument but for the beginning of the tier it's fine.


Furthermore on risk, I remember in the forums during NiM Brontes progression a prominent group wiping at < 10000 health or something and one player being so fearful he had big attacks get resisted late in the fight due to going < 100/110%. It was a risk worth taking in his mind, but could have backfired in that particular boss pull.

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accuracy should only matter for ranged classes to mirror the movies, where characters using blasters miss (not on storm tropper level).

Melee should not have to care about accuracy to give them some dps increase considering they're more prone to die because they have to be much closer to the mobs. never made much sense for melee lightsaber wielders to have to worry about that stat...


If you need a RP reason, melee fighters use the stat to compensate for opponent's ability to duck and dodge

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