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Where Were You...3 Years Ago!


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December 19th 2011. 2 am. I finally had finished downloading the game and was ready to enter early access. I finally loaded into the game, and saw the cinematic pop up. SWTOR was my first mmo, and seeing that cinematic pop up, made me realize I was finally doing it. I played on my new character for hours in astonishment, I was living the fantasy I had in my head for years. I was in the Star Wars galaxy now. It was thrilling.


Then I had end of the semester finals for two classes in my freshmen year that morning.


I got 100% ON BOTH OF THEM.


Coincidence? I THINK NOT!



Playing the game gave me the power to get perfect scores on 2 finals. Then I got home and went back to playing SWTOR. The end.

Edited by Sangrar
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I only remember I was playing SWTOR. I started out in early access in a guild called <Star Knights> (one of the biggest guilds during pre-launch signups, now sadly long gone and forgotten, I think). I can't remember the name of the server I started on. Is there a list anywhere of all the launch servers?


EDIT: Looking at the December 2011 Bioware posts with server lists of early access, and some other forum posts from SK members, I think the server was Giradda the Hutt.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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Probably waiting on queue. Peragus Mining Facility server.


Good times! :D

Ah I used to play there at launch!


My earliest memory is my friends and I going around Coruscant getting more and more people in our guild. Turned into a super guild and made some good friends there, we still play other mmos with some of those guys today.


Actually very earliest memory was playing the beta weekends as a Sorc called Icarus, good times.

Edited by AelixVII
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Hey folks,


In case you don't recall, December 20th, this Saturday, will mark the 3-year anniversary of STAR WARS: The Old Republic. As part of that, we thought it would be fun to start a thread so all of you can share where you were 3 years ago when we launched. Or, share a happy memory of yours from the past 3 years! We will also have devs, other members of the community team, etc. swinging into the thread to share there memories!


I'll kick it off! Working at BioWare is actually my first job in the game industry so this was the first product I ever got to help launch. By far my favorite memory is the day of early access we all stood around the monitors in our "Live Pit" to watch what happened when the servers went up. We gave the go ahead and watched as the populations for each server began to go up! It was a surreal experience to see thousands of players swarming into the game within minutes, seconds even. I will never forget it.


Share yours!




I envy your job brother. I know it must have its downsides, all jobs do. But man! It must be cool to be on staff there, assuming the workplace is well managed :). I work in IT and I can tell you that being assigned to an MMO project sounds pretty awesome! Sorta a dream job.

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The chains of our enemies bound us. The minds of our enemies forgot us.


But others remembered. Others who were close at hand.


The hour had finally come.


I'm pretty sure that I assembled a strike team to kill you.


Several times.


In fact, I'm pretty sure that's what we spent the last 14 months doing.


Oh God...unless that was all a terrible vision conjured up by the Masters to drive us all mad?

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I was already 5 days ahead with early access. Got in 1st or 2nd wave of invites. So, I was still leveling. Couldn't say what level or where I was at. Considering how buggy the game was (and still is), I still thought launch went pretty smoothly.
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Mainly watching the game from afar, here. I haven't been into computer games at all since the Command and Conquer series, and have never played MMOs before in my life. But I've been a Star Wars fan since I was 4, so I was very interested.


But at the time of launch, my laptop most definitely did not meet the system requirements. And since I was in the middle of shopping for a house and then being in escrow, I couldn't afford replacing my laptop at the time. I spent so much money during that process, that I couldn't afford to replace my computer until last January. When I did, it wasn't just the game I bought with it, but a new desk, chair, speakers and other periphrials needed as well.


Been having a great time ever since.

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I was never a gamer, like I never played anything except Pac Man in my whole life-- and I didn't discover this game until March 2012. I've been a subscriber since then and have so many happy memories that I can't begin to describe them without boring everyone to tears. Star Wars: The Old Republic brought the expanded universe alive for me in ways that passive entertainment like movies and TV shows could never do. I'm so thankful to the developers, actors and the community for making this game so rich, beautiful, and fun to play. The first few weeks I played this game I could barely operate the directional controls, now I do operations and am lucky enough to be the leader of a fantastic Imperial guild. SWTOR changed my life! :)

With respect,

Stardust Legacy

Harbinger server

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Let see. It was a banner Christmas. I had just purchased a new computer with my bonus and threw in TOR in as one of the games I wanted to try out. After adding a video card and a few other pieces of HW. I happily installed TOR and began my run on this MMO. Been here ever since.


My guess is that at this exact moment 3 years ago I was on Tython running around without sprint.

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Myself and my old roommate (passed away now sadly) purchased the collectors box and both had early access. I remember not having too many technical issues overall. First characters was his Sniper and my Operative. I am currently focusing on my Operative for this expansion too ...I evidently like being abused which is pretty much the entire history of playing that class.
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I had just come out of Cervical fusion surgery in October of that year. Wasn't going back to work until mid January. I was playing the beta and loved it. I had my beta Sorc up in the low 30s went beta was to go dark the next day. I thought I might as well try another character class before the end just to see. I picked the BH and I really loved it. When live server hit I chose Zaalbar server and rolled my BH. She held me through the first 6months or so until my guild fell apart and I could find a guild that I liked.


At this point I chose to switch servers and re-roll another character class that I hadn't yet played. I chose a Gunslinger and this has been my main ever since. I absolutely love the way the class plays and it fits my style perfectly. I've been a subscriber since the beginning. I'm a CE owner and I also pay my sub 6 months in advance so I always have time.


There have been some low points in the game where the fun lags a little for me and I'll switch to other games temporarily (Skyrim and Shadow of Mordor), but I always come back to this. SoR has me glued to my computer. I really loved the environment from Makeb and I think Rishi is an even better example of what this game can give you.


Thanks for a great game and PLEASE can I play as a Selonian and/or Voss?


PS. I remember the OPoD from beta!!

Edited by Shaddarah
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After having spent a year and a half of full time Waiting For Tor, obsessing over every leaked vid and screenshot, then getting into three(!) weekend betas, spending countless hours on the forums (remember the old off-topic?), it was nearly impossible for me to believe that the game was actually about to go live.
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I wasn't following the game that closely (I knew it was bound to launch around the end of the year, but not the exact date) and when I saw an add on the 22nd somewhere, stating that it had launched on the 20th, I just felt compelled to buy it. I hadn't been subscribed to a MMO since EQ2 and I knew that my girlfriend was strongly opposed to me doing so again at the time, as she sees no point in gaming in general, much less paying monthly and putting so much commitment into it. So I more or less omitted the fact that it was a MMO at first, when I picket it up at the store with her present.;) (Of course she knows by now)


I didn't have much time to play before making the trip home to my family for Christmas, where I don't even have internet, much less a PC capable of running SWTOR. But not being able to continue my agent's story on Hutta was driving me crazy, so I volunteered myself to feed my brother's cats at his place in his absence on the night of 24th and installed SWTOR on his PC just to be able to play for a few hours. I was hooked from the beginning and I still am.:D

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I decided to leave for work a bit late so I could log in to the server I and many others pre-selected to "reserve" the character names I wanted. I was successful in doing so.


Now, 2 forced server transfers later, I have all but one of them back. :o


My favorite memory of the game is from back in game test. I was playing a Knight and had just finished the Coruscant story line and was told to go to the space port to claim my ship. The cinematic felt pretty stunning. I walked around the ship, checking out every square centimeter of it. The immersion was strong, that day.

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