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Sent/Mara is perfect BW out did themselves with this amazing class.


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Well i just finished my 3rd WZ in about an hour. It was super fun. The first was Alderaan couldn't have been more fun spent ten minutes getting almost 3 steps off the platform after my first death, which took all of 20 seconds, it was soooooooooooooo much fun I would fall off the platform take 2 steps then get stunned i would pop rebuke but it made no difference at all since i was getting hit for 10k every second. Man amazing job with this class BW you really out did yourself with this class


The second match was a arena i would tell you which one but it doesn't matter since they are all re-skinned versions of the same thing. Not that it matters my team was up against 4 sorcs i did so much damage a whopping 1,424 (no k needed) super sick. IDK how i managed to do that much damage so amazing.


The third was another Alderaan SOOOOOOOOOOOO EPIC this time, almost got a kill that match, but then i forgot i am combat spec so i died 30+ deaths so much fun just get stunned and die got 2 medals thats almost 50 WZ comms in 10 mins would like to see anyone beat that.


P.S. You may want to buff Sorc/Sage since i did so much damage to them in that arena, and you probably need to buff Operative damage since I almost out lived the 8 seconds of stun.

Edited by HanSollo
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L2p noob! I am always the first in standings with my sentinel, if you order standings for the number of times I've been killed.. :w_big_grin:


To be fair though, you'd be even higher up in that stat if you played a Jedi Knight, so clearly Sentinels are just fine.

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if you cant do damage as a mara/sent then it's a L2P issue, i have been queing ranked solo and am not even fully geared and doing either top or very close to top damage every time and can stay alive pretty well. you need to learn when to engage, dont be the first to charge in like a yolo tard, you are not a jugg you cant handle that as a marauder. if they focus you, camo get out of there, let them focus someone else, then come back and lay a beating on them from behind when they start focusing someone else.
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if you cant do damage as a mara/sent then it's a L2P issue, i have been queing ranked solo and am not even fully geared and doing either top or very close to top damage every time and can stay alive pretty well. you need to learn when to engage, dont be the first to charge in like a yolo tard, you are not a jugg you cant handle that as a marauder. if they focus you, camo get out of there, let them focus someone else, then come back and lay a beating on them from behind when they start focusing someone else.


I love it when someone comes out and tell you "maras are fine I play ranked l2p you must suck"


Firstly 8v8 is not ranked and is a completely different paradigm. Secondly Maras still suck in ranked. See what happens when you get focused on by 2 or more maddness sorc.

Edited by chosonman
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if you cant do damage as a mara/sent then it's a L2P issue, i have been queing ranked solo and am not even fully geared and doing either top or very close to top damage every time and can stay alive pretty well. you need to learn when to engage, dont be the first to charge in like a yolo tard, you are not a jugg you cant handle that as a marauder. if they focus you, camo get out of there, let them focus someone else, then come back and lay a beating on them from behind when they start focusing someone else.


Well, I rather roll a Guardian for FacerollRoflstomp^^


I don´t see your point, Sents/Maras are squishy as hell can´t compete in the top tiers of pvp. We need buffing so go away and shut up^^

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I love it when someone comes out and tell you "maras are fine I play ranked l2p you must suck"


Firstly 8v8 is not ranked and is a completely different paradigm. Secondly Maras still suck in ranked. See what happens when you get focused on by 2 or more maddness sorc.


Mara/sent is fine in regs, not so much in ranked when your opponents are not mouth breathers. Damage is great, but utilities and defensives are just not as good as a number of other classes.

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The way I see it, as a support DPS I am there to speed the team up, make it to the objective, and then flash lightsabres in an amusing fashion, making the other team laugh so hard they forget about the real DPS. Then I pop the camo to live another few seconds, and wink out of existence because I can’t heal up out of combat while my DoTs are still ticking. So, I am kindda a Firefly Discipline. Doing the actual damage… now, that would be L2P. Where do I download that? Edited by DomiSotto
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The third was another Alderaan SOOOOOOOOOOOO EPIC this time, almost got a kill that match, but then i forgot i am combat spec so i died 30+ deaths so much fun just get stunned and die got 2 medals thats almost 50 WZ comms in 10 mins would like to see anyone beat that.


:D i lol'd











And then i typed /cry :rak_01:

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Sarcasm is a good choice to say somethng emotional...but:

i hope BW doesnt think were a bunch of idiots. I hope that "one DEV" will go out and try playing mara, and the other classes, what will he find out ?


Hmm. Maybe nothing because he´s only programming all day, and never played swtor... -.-

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I am very certain that the feedback will be delivered in non humorous terms to BiOWARE one way or another. One thing though is that I guess it is hard to get a melee DPS just right. Like a hatred Assassin with a leap.... What I would prefer is better defenses tied into the Cloaks, but then I guess it has to come at the expense of the offensives, and you are messing up leveling and PvE. I dunno, I am just a noob so the whole abilities balance is an amazing concept I am not sure I understand well enough to weigh in. Edited by DomiSotto
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I think the biggest problem is that they couldnt test the classes before SOR came live since it was a PvE expansion, so they couldnt really see how the PvP balance will turn out. I think they listen, the only problem is that the balancing and all the stuff that comes with it only starts now, so basically we have a whole pre-launch testing time ahead of us till they find the right place for certain classes. Its unfortunate that they have to do it live, and likely we wont get many updates till they dont find it satisfying. That means weeks/months of waiting time till they get it right... worst case scenario till we see any balance patches. Just my 2 cents.
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Clearly you are not a pvp player.


The class only sucks in PvP and that depends on your team. I've had some healers keep me alive amidst some crazy stuff and I got a few kills. But its a death sentence once more than 1 person notices you, especially from a distance. I use Force Charge and if they throw me back and stun me, I'm dead. LOL


But seriously. If you die 30 times in a warzone, Learn to play. I'm a noob with no PvP gear and the lowest level player in the match. If I can get 10 kills, 4 finishing blows, and die 12 times, anyone can.

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The way I see it, as a support DPS I am there to speed the team up, make it to the objective, and then flash lightsabres in an amusing fashion, making the other team laugh so hard they forget about the real DPS. Then I pop the camo to live another few seconds, and wink out of existence because I can’t heal up out of combat while my DoTs are still ticking. So, I am kindda a Firefly Discipline. Doing the actual damage… now, that would be L2P. Where do I download that?


Support DPS? That's the problem. Sentinel/Marauder shouldn't be a support DPS. These ACs should be able to hold their own against all other ACs.


Support DPS my '6'.

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The class only sucks in PvP and that depends on your team. I've had some healers keep me alive amidst some crazy stuff and I got a few kills. But its a death sentence once more than 1 person notices you, especially from a distance. I use Force Charge and if they throw me back and stun me, I'm dead. LOL


But seriously. If you die 30 times in a warzone, Learn to play. I'm a noob with no PvP gear and the lowest level player in the match. If I can get 10 kills, 4 finishing blows, and die 12 times, anyone can.


Perhaps the thread starter has exaggerated a little bit, but let me explain sentinel 3.0:


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You're quoting someone who got 10 kills and died 12 times while saying there is nothing wrong with the class.


I spent the majority of the weekend pugging on my sentinel in (regular) pvp. While you can make it work, you just need to unbind berserk from your bar if you plan on pvping (i'm exaggerating a little but not as much as you think). You need to take the root break on trans and pop it with every 30 stack you have just for the shot at staying on targets or getting out of the ****. I've just accepted the fact that I'm relegated to being a speed bot, it makes it less frustrating. It's just not worth trying to squeeze a berserk in with no cc immunity when every nab and their mother has multiple CC's with a 2 year old ax to grind with duel saber users. The few times I did manage to burst someone unsuspecting down, I could "feel" a target marker on me as if I were a healer myself. Enemies seemed to make a b-line right through the rest of my team right for me as soon as I came into sight after that.


But then, we don't even need speed bots anymore. Almost every class has some sort of +movement speed. ****, a vengenge jugg, who can already do everything we can do better, can give a raid wide trans without using his dps resources. So even that one little niche we had isn't even as valuable as it once was. It's ONLY saving grace is that it breaks roots and gives 30% more than the jugg can.


My Sent was level 55-56; averaged about 15 kills, 4-5 deaths and barely breaking 400k damage (about middle of the pack for each zone). In the same WZ's, sins were getting 1.3 mil, vengeance and AP getting 750K and those guys dying maybe once or twice while getting 30-50 kills.


Occasionally there was a marauder on the other team(s) that did much better than I did on the boards (if we're taking that as "evidence" anyway). I'm not the greatest player anyway so that's usually not surprising to me. However, for the most part sents and marauders always seemed to round out the bottom of the charts, similar to that guy's post above with about 200k damage, and that is surprising. Random numbers are random, I just thought it interesting and I'm wondering if they're popping beserk, getting stunned and sent back to respawn while I've just been playing as a "pain in the ***" instead. Like that mosquito buzzing your ear, it doesn't hurt at all but is annoying as ****. That's how I feel in pvp; a small insignificant mosquito.


No troll, just let me equip an off hand saber on my vengence jugg as a stat stick, place holder if you will, that does no damage and only acts as a focus. That way I can play a proper melee class and still enjoy seeing two light sabers in action.


Anyway, just very aggravated and kinda went off the deep end there.

Edited by Ridickilis
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You're quoting someone who got 10 kills and died 12 times while saying there is nothing wrong with the class.


I spent the majority of the weekend pugging on my sentinel in (regular) pvp. While you can make it work, you just need to unbind berserk from your bar if you plan on pvping (i'm exaggerating a little but not as much as you think). You need to take the root break on trans and pop it with every 30 stack you have just for the shot at staying on targets or getting out of the ****. I've just accepted the fact that I'm relegated to being a speed bot, it makes it less frustrating. It's just not worth trying to squeeze a berserk in with no cc immunity when every nab and their mother has multiple CC's with a 2 year old ax to grind with duel saber users. The few times I did manage to burst someone unsuspecting down, I could "feel" a target marker on me as if I were a healer myself. Enemies seemed to make a b-line right through the rest of my team right for me as soon as I came into sight after that.


But then, we don't even need speed bots anymore. Almost every class has some sort of +movement speed. ****, a vengenge jugg, who can already do everything we can do better, can give a raid wide trans without using his dps resources. So even that one little niche we had isn't even as valuable as it once was. It's ONLY saving grace is that it breaks roots and gives 30% more than the jugg can.


My Sent was level 55-56; averaged about 15 kills, 4-5 deaths and barely breaking 400k damage (about middle of the pack for each zone). In the same WZ's, sins were getting 1.3 mil, vengeance and AP getting 750K and those guys dying maybe once or twice while getting 30-50 kills.


Occasionally there was a marauder on the other team(s) that did much better than I did on the boards (if we're taking that as "evidence" anyway). I'm not the greatest player anyway so that's usually not surprising to me. However, for the most part sents and marauders always seemed to round out the bottom of the charts, similar to that guy's post above with about 200k damage, and that is surprising. Random numbers are random, I just thought it interesting and I'm wondering if they're popping beserk, getting stunned and sent back to respawn while I've just been playing as a "pain in the ***" instead. Like that mosquito buzzing your ear, it doesn't hurt at all but is annoying as ****. That's how I feel in pvp; a small insignificant mosquito.


No troll, just let me equip an off hand saber on my vengence jugg as a stat stick, place holder if you will, that does no damage and only acts as a focus. That way I can play a proper melee class and still enjoy seeing two light sabers in action.


Anyway, just very aggravated and kinda went off the deep end there.


yeah I felt the same way yesterday got into a huttball match and just hung around the ball and spammed speed. I was useful, we won 6-0 and pretty quick. But I only got 6 medals since i did almost no damage or kills.

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