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The morning sun has vanquished the horrible night.


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With today's patch, we finally have GSF back. While kind of interesting playing with upgrade roulette, I grew tired of it almost instantly. Having the game back is a huge relief.


The only bugs fixed were the set introduced with 3.0, and the devs aren't promising an ETA for the, er, more vintage bugs. It's still really great news to have the game back online and playable again.




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Yes, it was cool. A great birthday present for me (I turned... er... a certain age yesterday). But do you think all of the 3.0 bugs were fixed? Their list was somewhat shorter than the list presented by the community, though I wonder if "our" list was accurate.


Happy Birthday! That and it does feel absolutely great to play the GSF we knew (prior to 3.0) was enjoying my sting so much that I didn't even test anything else.....


TT and Disto appear to be working properly at least. Still need to test tensor and all the mine upgrades etc. Queues were nice and healthy yesterday, a good sign that the fix was in time to keep the majority of the player base from leaving the game entirely.


I hope they take a look at some of the other broken stuff, but all in due time. I think there are other bugs that need to be addressed before we can hope for something like that.

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Yes, it was cool. A great birthday present for me (I turned... er... a certain age yesterday). But do you think all of the 3.0 bugs were fixed? Their list was somewhat shorter than the list presented by the community, though I wonder if "our" list was accurate.


I never had a chance to test the obscure ones, but we could test easily enough now.


Community claimed:



Bioware claimed fix on:



On the first list but not the second:


Tensor field Tier 4 Evasion not working

How was this determined in the first place?


Repair probe Tier 4 Left not working

This should be pretty easy to determine. What is the hull tick?


Repair probe Tier 5 Right not working

How was this determined in the first place? The subtle shield heals have always been on faith, IMO.


Repair Drone ammo not working

Should be trivial to test.


Booster Recharge - Tier 4 Left (extra regen) not working.

Procedure: Without this talent, and possibly without booster recharge at all, choose a power setting (power to engines, power to whatever, doesn't matter) and boost until out of breath. The moment the game stops you from boosting, start a timer. Stop the timer when max is visibly reached. Repeat thrice, recording results. On a different game, changing NOTHING but the booster recharge and this talent, try this again. The time to full recharge will be identical if the talent is really broken.


Booster Recharge - Tier 5 Right (quick reactor) not working.

Procedure- similar to the above, but with weapon energy. Be very sure to use all your blaster power and then not fire until full, as firing temporarily reduces your rate of return.


Concussion mine additional mine.

Trivial to test, but I was playing interdiction last night.


Seeker mine additional mine.

Trivial to test.



Some of the others that were reported are also pretty obvious to test, such as proton and thermite speed options.




It's my belief that the truth lies a bit in between- I bet there were some bugs on that list that were never real, and I also bet the devs got a few bug fixes for free.

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Tensor field Tier 4 Evasion not working

How was this determined in the first place?

Response - For Tensor, having both the booster regen and the evasion would give all affected a total of 3 buff icons. The Tensor itself, the evasion, and the regen. When broken, the only one that was showing up was the Tensor, and neither of the other 2. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe Speed/Turning also gave buff icons if you chose the alternate tier upgrades, and those were not showing either. As of last night, at leas the recharge and evasion icons were back.


Repair probe Tier 5 Right not working

How was this determined in the first place? The subtle shield heals have always been on faith, IMO.

Response - Similarly to the ammo, you would get a shield buff icon if you were in range. When broken, you got neither additional icon, just the healing one.


I bet there were some bugs on that list that were never real, and I also bet the devs got a few bug fixes for free.

You might be right on a couple of them, but I can tell you for a fact that #s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 in the first list were, if not broken, missing the visual cues that they were working, and enough of them were broken that I would place a wager on all 17 of them being broken. Of the 2 I omitted (11 and 13), it is conceivable that Increased Engine Regen was working as intended, but it didn't feel like it was. As for #13, Almost positive that Reactor Boost gave an in game buff icon which was nowhere to be found when broken. The left side T5 (Quick Boost) was easy to tell, and definitely not working.


I am also about 95% sure of items 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 on the second list were broken


(source list)


And I will also note that their list of fixes does not address everything in that list. As of last night, at least ammo refill on repair drone was not working. Tensor's right side was, didn't test left side. In truth, there's a lot of that list I didn't bother testing last night, but I didn't play a ton, and when I was, I was more involved with running around on a stingfire again, because booster recharge was working again, making it fun to fly. That's right. I missed Booster Recharge more than the stupid Disto Break. There, I said it.


But back on track, as near as I could tell, the things they said they fixed were fixed, and some of the other things on the community list they didn't mention are still broken. And for what it's worth, I did enough testing of components when 3-dot came out that I'm not going to run another testing session for them. That's not my job. Took the initiative to compile the list, and test everything I reasonably could, especially before adding them to the "Known Issues" part of the community list from the "Reported, but unconfirmed" part, but I'll leave it to people like you to test the rest of it.

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Yes, it was cool. A great birthday present for me (I turned... er... a certain age yesterday). But do you think all of the 3.0 bugs were fixed? Their list was somewhat shorter than the list presented by the community, though I wonder if "our" list was accurate.


Happy Birthday :D

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Tensor field Tier 4 Evasion not working

How was this determined in the first place?

Response - For Tensor, having both the booster regen and the evasion would give all affected a total of 3 buff icons. The Tensor itself, the evasion, and the regen. When broken, the only one that was showing up was the Tensor, and neither of the other 2. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe Speed/Turning also gave buff icons if you chose the alternate tier upgrades, and those were not showing either. As of last night, at leas the recharge and evasion icons were back.


Ok. That's a reasonably solid set of reasoning, especially given that it's unlikely that they did the legwork to combine buffs. Local buffs don't always display, but they have a much higher rate of it than remote buffs.


Repair probe Tier 5 Right not working

How was this determined in the first place? The subtle shield heals have always been on faith, IMO.

Response - Similarly to the ammo, you would get a shield buff icon if you were in range. When broken, you got neither additional icon, just the healing one.


I also have sometimes NOT seen that icon even on a known shield healer, and have sometimes NOT seen the ammo icon. But again, over a few trials this is also solid methodology.


And I will also note that their list of fixes does not address everything in that list. As of last night, at least ammo refill on repair drone was not working. Tensor's right side was, didn't test left side. In truth, there's a lot of that list I didn't bother testing last night, but I didn't play a ton, and when I was, I was more involved with running around on a stingfire again, because booster recharge was working again, making it fun to fly. That's right. I missed Booster Recharge more than the stupid Disto Break. There, I said it.


Lol! Well, I'm sure the still broken pieces will bubble up.


I did enough testing of components when 3-dot came out that I'm not going to run another testing session for them.


Yea, your list was fast and impressive, and I wasn't slamming it. Just that with the amount of bugs in the amount of time it's possible that some of them were working all along, and very likely that as they repaired whatever was missing that some of them may have popped back without them even testing. Ex: there's 17 reported bugs,you focus on the first couple and see an obvious error. Once fixed, you retest with the new code and see that it looks mostly good. Given how hungry this game was for patches, you could easily have not reproduced bug 15 and then noticed it got fixed, etc.

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I also have sometimes NOT seen that icon even on a known shield healer, and have sometimes NOT seen the ammo icon. But again, over a few trials this is also solid methodology.

Agreed, but I believe (and I'm not 100% sure of this, it just fits with observation) those buffs only show up if you're actively getting their benefit. Similarly with the heals themselves. From what I've been able to tell, if you are under a healing probe, but have no hull damage, you won't see the healing icon, but as soon as you bump something or take some hull damage, the little glowy probe thing comes to you, and you get the buff icon. Same for shields and weapons. Although, and again, going off of memory, I believe that the weapons one always showed up, but I'm not 100% sure of that by any means, I just feel like I remember that when going for saviors in a Bloodmark/Spearpoint. And I think it was one of the things that made me notice that you don't get the healing icon unless you're actually being healed, because I feel like I remember seeing the timer buff countdown for my probe, seeing the visual of the probe on my ship, and seeing the ammo-refill icon, but not the actively being healed icon, so I started to pay attention to it to see if I could figure out what was going on there. And this was well before the patch, shortly after I mastered my bloodmark. So months ago, really.


And I completely agree that it's not ideal to be going off of buff icons alone, it's just that so many things that gave buff icons that were easy to test were broken that it started to make sense that pretty much anything that gave a temporary buff with an icon, if the icon wasn't showing (and this was repeatable), it was broken.


Anyway, I will note that when I saw some of the comments, I was a little sad about it, because I did put in time trying to make sure everything reported was accurate, and everything that I couldn't test but was reported (or things I wasn't positive about with regards to prior functionality, so wasn't sure that they were altered) was left in that section. There was the dude in my head screaming, "Don't be so dismissive!!!", so sorry if I came off as a little defensive.


I know that you, Drako, and Stasie (among others, I'm sure) have tested various things in the game that you thought were broken, and reported on those for like... forever. I've seen you all do it in Drak's stream, so I can't knock you there, and I know you're passionate about the game, and want it to work as intended. So no worries about me being offended or anything. I'll still be happy to be your target practice when I'm trying to dogfight with Drak on the next GSF night wherever it is. ;)

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