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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Re-class/dual class System


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I find it strange that new players are punished for being... new players. Class descriptions only tell you so much. Usually, it's not until after many hours of playing a class that players gain a true understanding of a class. And sometimes, they find out that they don't even like the class that they've been playing! Or how about when a player finds herself in a situation that would be much easier to tackle if they were X class?


That's why I propose a re-class system (or a dual class system, where you can swap between two classes, similar to dual specs). You pay a fee to a NPC and then you're permitted to change your class. Such a system would also encourage class experimentation.


If something like this isn't added to SWTOR, then I think I might just go back to WoW. Seriously.




Regarding story:


There are chapters, so if you were on chapter 1 for instance, then you'd still be on chapter 1 after changing your class. Yeah, you would miss all of the story leading up to chapter 1, but at least you won't be punished for class experimentation.



Edited by Gestas
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I find it strange that new players are punished for being... new players. Class descriptions only tell you so much. Usually, it's not until after many hours of playing a class that players gain a true understanding of a class. And sometimes, they find out that they don't even like the class that they've been playing! Or how about when a player finds herself in a situation that would be much easier to tackle if they were X class?


That's why I propose a re-class system. You pay a fee to a NPC and then you're permitted to change your class. Such a system would also encourage class experimentation.


If something like this isn't added to SWTOR, then I think I might just go back to WoW. Seriously.



I didnt know you could change your class in WoW?

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I find it strange that new players are punished for being... new players. Class descriptions only tell you so much. Usually, it's not until after many hours of playing a class do players gain a true understanding of a class. And sometimes, they find out that they don't even like the class that they've been playing! Or how about when a player finds herself in a situation that would be much easier to tackle if they were X class?


That's why I propose a re-class system. You pay a fee to a NPC and then you're permitted to change your class. Such a system would also encourage class experimentation.


If something like this isn't added to SWTOR, then I think I might just go back to WoW. Seriously.


No, they give you plenty to understand the difference and each AC plays different. What your asking is can I change my "Warrior" into a "Rogue' effect.


Also it doesn't take long to reach to level 10.

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I find it strange that new players are punished for being... new players. Class descriptions only tell you so much. Usually, it's not until after many hours of playing a class that players gain a true understanding of a class. And sometimes, they find out that they don't even like the class that they've been playing! Or how about when a player finds herself in a situation that would be much easier to tackle if they were X class?


That's why I propose a re-class system. You pay a fee to a NPC and then you're permitted to change your class. Such a system would also encourage class experimentation.


If something like this isn't added to SWTOR, then I think I might just go back to WoW. Seriously.


Really? You are serious on this?


First, given the story-driven nature of the game they really can't let you select a new class. It would throw your story completely out of wack. Imagine being in the midst of the trooper line and suddenly becoming a Jedi.


Second, roll a new character. This game is actually built around the concept of creating alts so feel free to do so.


Finally, well never mind it does not really add anything to this silly conversation.

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Really? You are serious on this?


First, given the story-driven nature of the game they really can't let you select a new class. It would throw your story completely out of wack.


There are chapters, so if you were on chapter 1 for instance, then you'd still be on chapter 1 after changing your class. Yeah, you would miss all of the story leading up to chapter 1, but at least you won't be punished for class experimentation.

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The multiple class story lines are one of the biggest reasons that I bought this game. I want to create multiple characters and level them all the way through so that I can experience all of the stories. If you find that you don't like your current class, that's just an opportunity to experience a new storyline.
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Class Respec to change AC at a whim will not happen. Although one change before level 20 has been talked about for a "accident" moment.


Dual spec in the same class will happen sometime in the near future.


Hopefully Bioware smartens up and implements a dual-class system, where you can switch between two classes.

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Dual spec is an idea that has merit.


Re-specing out of your class does not. It is not a good idea.


There is plenty of description of what your AC will be focused on, that being said a verify or are you sure button I feel is certainly a good idea when making this choice, as it is a permanent and final choice.

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Dual spec is an idea that has merit.


Certainly. I can't imagine playing a MMORPG without dual spec.


Re-specing out of your class does not. It is not a good idea.


Why not?


There is plenty of description of what your AC will be focused on


But what if you face a situation in which your class isn't optimal? Why shouldn't we be able to change out class then?


We will be able to swap our specs to make sure our spec is optimal for a situation. Why not our class too?

Edited by Gestas
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Can't tell if serious, or just trolling.


No, I'm completely serious.


In the future this game will have dual spec (yes!), but no dual classing or re-classing? What?


That doesn't make any sense.


Why should I be punished for picking a certain class over another? If I'm facing a situation where X class will work the best, shouldn't I be able to change into that class? We'll be able to do that with specs, after all.

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As I said, don't think of it as punishment. Think of it as the opportunity to experience more of the game by rolling a new class.


But maybe people don't want to re-roll just to start a new class, just like people don't want to re-roll to start a new spec for a class?

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To use a WoW analogy, this is like asking for a Death Knight to be able to convert to a Paladin and back.


A Sentinel and a Guardian for example are two different classes. If I wanted my Sage to be able to multi-spec into let's say Balance and Seer, I'm still a Sage. This is why.

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Honestly, this would probably be enough to make me stop playing. Having too few classes and no variations is one thing that threw me off of Rift.


I agree that there should be an "oops" button somewhere between 10-20, but that's it. I like playing a sentinel. If a sentinel gets nerfed or obsolete or I'm forced to go to gaurdian to tank, then that is honestly game-breaking to me. I want to dps and don't want to be expected to tank because my class can do it. That's one reason I play a sentinel.

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I don't like the idea, but I'd be interested to see it tested out on a Public Test Realm.


How would this effect endgame raiding and PvP? Would many players take advantage of this system? And how would you handle gear distribution, companions, and jumping into a story that is half complete?


SWTOR, more than any other MMO, is about the story. I'm fascinated in a kind of technical way, but I don't think it would be wise to allow people to freely jump between stories and game play styles.

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My vote is no.


The game gives you enough warnings. At the most they could warn you around level 9, and add another warning in a codex or something, but in the end if you don't like your class you can reroll.


And asking to change advanced classes? Are you serious? No, don't answer that.

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This idea is so stupid i had to log in for my first time on the forums and make a reply to this thread. Dual-class?? Trolling much? Smoking much?


Dual-specs, fine that is a good idea.

But it isn't BWs job to tuck you in at night saying: there there, i will undo your choice in the morning.

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I find it strange that new players are punished for being... new players. Class descriptions only tell you so much. Usually, it's not until after many hours of playing a class that players gain a true understanding of a class. And sometimes, they find out that they don't even like the class that they've been playing! Or how about when a player finds herself in a situation that would be much easier to tackle if they were X class?


That's why I propose a re-class system (or a dual class system, where you can swap between two classes, similar to dual specs). You pay a fee to a NPC and then you're permitted to change your class. Such a system would also encourage class experimentation.


If something like this isn't added to SWTOR, then I think I might just go back to WoW. Seriously.




Regarding story:


There are chapters, so if you were on chapter 1 for instance, then you'd still be on chapter 1 after changing your class. Yeah, you would miss all of the story leading up to chapter 1, but at least you won't be punished for class experimentation.




I didnt play the beta except once at the home of a friend. I did not read guides, didnt see any YT videos or gathered informations elsewhere.


When the pre order did start I read the description of every class and picked the one that suited me best. I knew I wanted to be a melee tank so I picked my class.


At lvl 10 the game did inform me once again about my choice and I picked again the tank sub class. I dont know whats going on in your head dude, but there isnt such a thing as a wrong pick.


If you care to read those few sentences whenever you have a choice, then you will know what you are doing. I never ever picked a wrong class at an MMO and I fail to understand how someone ever could. The problem is more that there are people, usually the young ones who just cant be satisfied.

They always want what they cant have...

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