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  1. Really? You are serious on this? First, given the story-driven nature of the game they really can't let you select a new class. It would throw your story completely out of wack. Imagine being in the midst of the trooper line and suddenly becoming a Jedi. Second, roll a new character. This game is actually built around the concept of creating alts so feel free to do so. Finally, well never mind it does not really add anything to this silly conversation.
  2. If you had been paying any attention to what is going on around you then you would know that a number of states, as well as the Federal Gov. have passed laws that require online retailers to begin charging sales tax. This has not trickled down to all states yet and some online retailers are exempt but it is only a matter of time now until all online transactions will include tax. In many ways this is a good thing as it removes one of the competetive advantages that online had over brick and mortar stores. However, this is an excellent example of why it is important to take a little bit of time to read up on bills passing through congress and what they mean for you. One day something critical may bite you in the *ss if you don't.
  3. Thank God this is true since in beta things were stupid easy. I like the difficulty and still find it a bit on the easy side. Definitely better than beta.
  4. First, it really can't be both fickle and valid. Second, what you want is why mod armor exists as you already mentioned in your post. You can't expect them to bow to your need to see your head.
  5. I just took a look at the servers to see how back the wait times were (NA only - didn't look at Europe). There were a huge swathe of light populated and about an equal number of heavy or full pop. Most of the full pops had either no wait or less than 10 minutes (many less than 5). Only a couple were as bad as 30 minutes. I'm am just not seeing that bad a wait time - not nearly as bad as what WoW was at launch and there are dozen of servers you can jump on immediately with not wait. Just sayin'
  6. I've had no real issue with cash. At 21 I had less than 1k cash so I suspended crew training. Halfway through 22 I was up to 20k. I couldn't believe how much I'd made in such a short period of time. Now, at 24, I'm at almsot 30 and that is with a steady training of crew skills. It is all about managing your resources. There is more than enough money to be made (space missions for the win).
  7. You know, I've logged in at all kinds of different times of the day over the last week and only once have I actually had to wait to get on the server (and then it was less than five minutes) and I'm on Sith Meditation - a day 1 server. I know they exist but I have yet to really experience them.
  8. I went through Taris without a single issue. I don't know of anyone who has had this sort of complaint. If it were a memory leak it would most likely show up in a lot more places as well.
  9. From what I have experience on Sith Meditation Sphere a server-specific, not a cross server, LFG tool would be incredibly useful. Standing around fleet spamming LFG is quickly getting tiresome. Three times over this weekend we had three of us just waiting on trying to find a healer (it's always the healer) for over an hour. Twice we just gave up. One of those we'd all tried to go and do some other stuff while we continued searchng for a healer but when we found someone and he discovered we were not at Fleet he didn't want to wait for us to gather together and joined another group. A LFG tool would be very useful and if done right does not have to disrupt the social aspect. I'm sorry, spamming LFG is not a social exercise. Talking with the other members of your group is.
  10. You know they released details about the digital items in a video some time ago that pretty much said they were nothing more than vanity items. The stuff you get is as advertised - you just read more into the descriptions that was appropriate. Stuff in deluxe and CE copies is always nothing more than cosmetic.
  11. People are getting in ASAP (as soon as possible) - they are getting in as soon as they are at the top of the 'q'. People really need to grow up. If there is a wait go do something else. The great thing about games like this is they will be there later.
  12. Actullly they should not allow transfers right now. If they do server pops will never stabilize and they will not be able to get proper data they are looking for. Remember there are far more people playing than have ever played before. Trion screwed up by allowing it, opened up way too many servers and wound up creating ghost towns. I would rather suffer a bit early so that they don't wind up having to merge a bunch of servers later. I don't know about you but my life does not revolve around this game and if I have to wait to log in then I go do something else for a bit or wait until off-peak times. This has been a great launch - I've had no crashes, no issues and had a good time.
  13. The servers are definitely not dead. I see people all over the place. As for your question no company (or no notable company anyway) gives actual numbers any longer. That gives your competitors too much info.
  14. Actually I don't think they caved. Their invite progression was logical and predictable. A slow start with progressively more and more invites. The wait times were inevitable no matter what they did.
  15. Allowing instant transfer at launch would be a horrible idea that would actually make things worse. If people could willy-nilly move characters around it would be impossible to balance the servers. Sudden people boot the game up, find their server has a wait period and moves to another server, then the next day they do the same thing. There is also a big difference from what happens with these servers as to those that service the financial sector. Servers in MMOs are pushed much harder with thousands of continuous streams of data flowing in both direction. Financial servers most often are quick one-shot data transfers - much less bandwidth usage and much less work for the server.
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