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Male Body Type 2 vs 3 for .......


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Fishing for opinions. So torn between body type 2 vs 3 for a couple classes (males).


Guardian / Juggernaut


Vanguard / Powertech


When I pick 3 I feel waaaay tooo "Hulky".


When I pick 2 I fit in with NPC's better, but just feel a little small.


Which do you guys prefer that have played both, and maybe spent a few cartel coins swapping around?

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I was having trouble deciding this as well for my BH. I just couldn't take 3 seriously, way too hulky, almost cartoonish proportions. At first my type 2 bounty hunter seemed a little weedy, especially with the gruff voice, but once I got some heavy armor on him it started to fit.


As far as Jugg goes I think type 3 looks ridiculous in any kind of hooded, caped gear. Just my opinion.

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The problem with BT3 for me is that the head scales badly for most of the models (too small for the shoulders). Humans can sort of be Okay, but other races... just no.


BT1 for males is even worse. I wanted to play a BT1 Cathar with the 'rant of the litter' theme and... couldn't.


So, I don't quite like BT2, I like BT3 body itself, but I do not like heads scaling. Facial hair do help a little on the Humans.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Fishing for opinions. So torn between body type 2 vs 3 for a couple classes (males).


Guardian / Juggernaut


Vanguard / Powertech


When I pick 3 I feel waaaay tooo "Hulky".


When I pick 2 I fit in with NPC's better, but just feel a little small.


Which do you guys prefer that have played both, and maybe spent a few cartel coins swapping around?


Obviously opinion, but I can say what I thought meshed well with the gear they'll normally wear and their animations.


Guardian, body type 2. The way they look and the gear they wear, body type 3 looked really foolish to me. Body 2 seemed to fit naturally with the gear and animations.


Juggernaut however pulls off the body 3 quite nicely in conjunction with both gear and animations. Feels like a total bamf.


Vanguard pulls off body 3 flawlessly as well, both the gear and animations. They get to hold a big rifle so the bigger arms don't look awkward or out place to me. I had Arnie from commando/predator or Jessie "I aint got time to bleed" Ventura in mind.


Powertech Body 2. Three doesn't look or feel right at all on this class. Instead of a rifle you have a pistol. So while he looks okay in his armor and animations as a three, I have this disconnect when he pulls out his little pea shooter pistol with his big hulking frame.


So I do mine as follows from the classes you listed: Guardian 2, Jugg 3, Vanguard 3, Powertech 2.


In fact all other classes I have not mentioned here are 2's. The only body type three's that don't look silly to me are the vang and jugg. Actually I don't have a commando or mercenary yet (only 2 left). When I do I'm going type 3 for commando and type 2 for merc under the same reasoning as the vang and p-tech.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Personally, I can't stand male body type 3.


It's exaggerated as heck, and just makes characters look dumb. I know I'm stereotyping, but stereotypes are based on truth, and the truth is, usually someone this big and this buff is not the type of person you can have an intelligent discussion with.


I can understand the appeal, because body type 2 is a bit too small for an average human male. But I much prefer body type 2's slight deviation from normal than body type 3's lifetime of steroid abuse.


Remember: this is Star Wars. Jedi and Sith don't win fights because they're giants - they draw strength from the Force. Just take a look at the movies for example. Was Luke Skywalker a giant? Vader? Sidious? Mace Windu? Hell, Yoda was argued to be the most powerful Jedi at the time of the prequels.

Edited by ThirdDementor
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Personally, I can't stand male body type 3.


It's exaggerated as heck, and just makes characters look dumb. I know I'm stereotyping, but stereotypes are based on truth, and the truth is, usually someone this big and this buff is not the type of person you can have an intelligent discussion with.


I can understand the appeal, because body type 2 is a bit too small for an average human male. But I much prefer body type 2's slight deviation from normal than body type 3's lifetime of steroid abuse.


Remember: this is Star Wars. Jedi and Sith don't win fights because they're giants - they draw strength from the Force. Just take a look at the movies for example. Was Luke Skywalker a giant? Vader? Sidious? Mace Windu? Hell, Yoda was argued to be the most powerful Jedi at the time of the prequels.


Well, Vader was actually tall, but those were his robot legs. Hayden Christensen is almost 6'2'', which is just a bit shorter than the body type 3 (which is probably 6'5'' or 6'6'').


You don't need to be a "giant" but the force isn't everything for a jedi. They need to be fit, because using the force tires the body. Having a muscular build helps performing physical tasks, such as lifting, fighting, jumping and simply walking/running for some amount of time.


Also, a taller body helps with reach during a lightsaber fight.. Being taller and muscular gives you an edge.

Edited by lpsmash
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Well, Vader was actually tall, but those were his robot legs. Hayden Christensen is almost 6'2'', which is just a bit shorter than the body type 3 (which is probably 6'5'' or 6'6'').


You don't need to be a "giant" but the force isn't everything for a jedi. They need to be fit, because using the force tires the body. Having a muscular build helps performing physical tasks, such as lifting, fighting, jumping and simply walking/running for some amount of time.


Also, a taller body helps with reach during a lightsaber fight.. Being taller and muscular gives you an edge.


Well not that I totally disagree because I'm a fan of my BT3 juggs too, I don't like it on jedi at all. Not only do I think it looks silly because of their gear (robes) and animations but Jedi don't strike me as the type to over indulge. They're not in the gym fanatically pumping iron all hours of the day (or using steroids as 3rdementor insinuated lol). They know the art of using their slender body for leverage in their attacks like martial artists rather than needing bulked up biceps to muscle their way to victory like a Sith would.

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Ive always said they should add an Athletic Body Type that is taller and more muscular than 2 but not quite as tall and muscular as 3. For Example: Body Type 1 = Skinny, Body Type 2 = Average, Body Type 3 = Athletic, Body Type 4 (currently 3) = Bodybuilder, Body type 5(currently 4) = Chubby.


Currently, Body Type 3 is just too "Hulky" and Body Type 2 is too "small." Most Robe/Cloak armors don't look right as Body Type 3 and Body type 2 just makes you feel too small. I share your concerns and I currently have to stick with Body Type 2 just so that my armor looks right. In real life I am a 6'3" 200lb man and Body Type 2 just doesn't cut it for me. Body Type 3 is for the Hulk Hogan's of the world who live for bulking up. I work out and I am in great shape, but that doesn't mean I inject myself with steroids like Body Type 3 is lol.


There are a number of threads already supporting this topic: Just searching for Body Type 2.5 found these:








All I can say is try to bring awareness to the topic and maybe we'll get it someday.

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The problem with BT3 for me is that the head scales badly for most of the models (too small for the shoulders). Humans can sort of be Okay, but other races... just no.


BT1 for males is even worse. I wanted to play a BT1 Cathar with the 'rant of the litter' theme and... couldn't.


So, I don't quite like BT2, I like BT3 body itself, but I do not like heads scaling. Facial hair do help a little on the Humans.


BT3 Male SW + most Sith (Str/Will) helms = pinhead


Seriously, the head actually looks smaller with a helm on.

Edited by eartharioch
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2 is not someone that makes use of his body in day to day basis and needless to say all class protagonists undertake heavy physical activity and punishment.

2 is a little bit skinny vegetarian guy who never did any sport and works in an office all his life.maybe good for sage or sorcerer according to some people(not me)


3 is the most realistic body type, even if a bit too heavy boned.

The best would be something between 2 and 3 but since it doesn't exist, 3 it is.


for female the best is 2.3 is testosterone pumped body builder chick.SInce there isn't an option for something between 2 and 3, 2 it is.


1s are bulimics and anorexics,heavy malnutrition during childhood ,disease,misery,pain,death


PS: (male) when you are level 1 yes it kinda feels a bit hulky if you are 3 ,but when you put armor on it feels excellent,especially for bounty hunter and warrior (and their republic counterparts)

Also the lightsabers are too big for body type 2's hands.

Edited by Kaedusz
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2 is not someone that makes use of his body in day to day basis and needless to say all class protagonists undertake heavy physical activity and punishment.

2 is a little bit skinny vegetarian guy who never did any sport and works in an office all his life.maybe good for sage or sorcerer according to some people(not me)


3 is the most realistic body type, even if a bit too heavy boned.

The best would be something between 2 and 3 but since it doesn't exist, 3 it is.


for female the best is 2.3 is testosterone pumped body builder chick.SInce there isn't an option for something between 2 and 3, 2 it is.


1s are bulimics and anorexics,heavy malnutrition during childhood ,disease,misery,pain,death


PS: (male) when you are level 1 yes it kinda feels a bit hulky if you are 3 ,but when you put armor on it feels excellent,especially for bounty hunter and warrior (and their republic counterparts)

Also the lightsabers are too big for body type 2's hands.


I have to say at first I was a die hard body type 3 guy no matter the class I picked. But something just always felt off.


I left the game for well over a year (started at launch), and just came back this week. In doing so I rerolled some of my characters to work the rust off and take in the changes. I originally made this thread to get opinions of folks because I was struggling between 2 and 3.


Well, I went ahead and bit the bullet - rolling my characters body type 2. Vanguard, Guardian, Scoundrel, and Shadow. Previously, everyone of them would of been body type 3, no questions asked.


I have to say I'm loving it. At first I felt a bit small, but when I put on some Orange Quality Gear everything just fleshed out. My animations for both my Vanguard and Jedi Knight seem smoother as well. It's also nice to fit in with 95 % (made up guestimate) of the NPC's you run into around the world size wise.


I feel now that body type 2 for males just works. Thanks everyone for your opinions. They are fun to read.



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I haven’t tried a Male PB Sith with BT3, but I have tried Zabrack, Rattataki, Mirialian, Cathar and Twi’lek with BT3 at creation and most ended up as BT2 (Cathar and Zabrack got nixed in legacy reshuffles). In fact, I basically start every male character as a BT3 (‘cause that’s how my taste runs in males, so sue me!) and just give up. My only BT3 right now is my human BH, which fits gloriously with dat voice. Surprisingly, the Inquisitor would have been good with the BT3 due to the voicing the male gets (those shades between the harsh and harsher); and both Sith Warrior and Trooper can work with BT3 well, as they are both fairly low, if nasal.


I think it’s a shame that the male model is so BT3 unfriendly. Seriously, can’t Bio just re-scale the heads? I think it is very obvious the scale is off. It’s like the face just gets distorted, but the size of the head doesn’t change at all. I think Bio knows it, because all male companions save for Pierce and Scourge are BT2 (annoying...).


I disagree that Male BT2 is ye typical office worker. They look more like fairly young males that rushed into cutting very hard before doing long enough bulk. So, they did put on some in the shoulder, but not enough in the lower body, and they did cut to under 10% which your average male ain't gonna manage. BT3 for a female is more realistic, because she does have a good quad and little in the upper body, and the cut is not as extreme as on the BT2 males.


I had much better luck diversifying the females, because I think the head scales Okay on the Female BT3, and I love the tall look they get. I have 2 BT3s, a Mirialian Commando and a PB Sith Warrior. I also have two BT1’s, an Twi’lek Inquisitor and a Chiss Sniper. They all look okay. Well, save for that "I am a nursing mother-Earth" look, but, oh, well...

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I hate body type 2 for males so much that i almost never started playing SWTOR cus of it.

All males were body type 2 on all youtube clips that i saw,3 years ago, including the short animation presentations of the classes on the old SWTOR website.

The lightsabers are so freaking huge for body type 2's hands it's insane.


Thank god(Bioware) for body type 3.

Edited by Kaedusz
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If you want a nice looking Commando, MAKE A BODY TYPE 3/4 MALE TOON! dat auto cannon....

BioWare did a terrible job of making a must-use weapon in the game look super sized and wayyyy to heavy for anybody besides bodytype 3/4 males. I made a body type 2 male commando and I regret it.... made a female commando and regret it. The females in this game are wayyyy too small for a big cannon.


Besides that, I enjoy all body types with all advanced classes. although Sorceror body type 1 females are overplayed IMO... probly because of Dulfy... :p

Edited by Hawk_IV
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Fishing for opinions. So torn between body type 2 vs 3 for a couple classes (males).


Guardian / Juggernaut


Vanguard / Powertech


When I pick 3 I feel waaaay tooo "Hulky".


When I pick 2 I fit in with NPC's better, but just feel a little small.


Which do you guys prefer that have played both, and maybe spent a few cartel coins swapping around?


Does it really change the gameplay? ;)

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If you want a nice looking Commando, MAKE A BODY TYPE 3/4 MALE TOON! dat auto cannon....

BioWare did a terrible job of making a must-use weapon in the game look super sized and wayyyy to heavy for anybody besides bodytype 3/4 males. I made a body type 2 male commando and I regret it.... made a female commando and regret it. The females in this game are wayyyy too small for a big cannon.


Besides that, I enjoy all body types with all advanced classes. although Sorceror body type 1 females are overplayed IMO... probly because of Dulfy... :p


But the oversized cannon does make for some good comedy and quips in-game. :D

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