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So what is the FOTM class


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How is this relevant, exactly? I answered the claim there were only 1-2 VGs by showing a screen of 4 of them. Why any of the other players in this WZ matter is beyond me.


Had I called them bads or bashed their damage or something similar, then you'd be right, but hence...


no. it's a universal "unwritten rule." but you're going to keep on with this, so...w/e. it's your credibility not mine.

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Noone is being serious... but there is a lot of deflection going on.


People keep wanting to talk about PT/Vanguard... and its nonsense. Yes, they are strong, but they are not overpowered.


There is one class right now that has all the tools, Sorcs. And another that is much stronger, sins. Then you have a lot of them that are strong in the middle... and a couple bringing up the rear.


The funny thing is the ones at hte bottom arent there because they are not strong offensively, but because they have little survivability.. Mercs for example.


All i know is that any class that can just dot you up.. heal itself to full.. then bubble and laugh as you die to undispellable dots... is silly. any class that can do as much healing as some healers in a dps spec.. is silly. Any spec that has its own damage skills heal it, when others have to waste GCDs is silly. Think about what classes can do all or most of the above, and youll see the real FOTM

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The funny thing is the ones at hte bottom arent there because they are not strong offensively, but because they have little survivability.. Mercs for example.



This part is true and is the one part I don't think they see with their metrics when they are looking at DPS targets or even healing and HPS targets. this is the sort of thing that should be brought up the most. The rest will get adjusted. The metrics for them are as obvious as can be. No worries.

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Problem is, you're playing Deception which is very easy to kite by lighting/telekinetic sorc/sage. It's not that tk/lightning is OP, Deception is UP. I know because I used to main deception sin before 3.0 and the difference is just ridiculous.


My deception sin is completely fine, thank you. Overload root and force speed immunity utilities make being kited the last thing that I have to worry about. Lighting is simply OP. 3k dps from not even AoE spamming when the person isn't even in full level 60 gear or in any of the new augs is broken as hell.

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I've started to see a lot more recently, both pubside and impside on TEH. Usually in two's and three's from the same guild, and on occasion the groups get into the same match.




<Valor> and <Republic>, respectively. I think I've been in a game against 5 PTs once, but sadly I didn't screenshot it... :confused:


EDIT: A lot of them aren't very good either (what's a taunt?) but it doesn't take much brain cells to pull off the lolburst.


At any rate, I agree. They are FOTM atm.


I <3 you Grizz, even if you play a FOTM "123" :p


I've been on pot5 for the most part lately, but I'll get my shadow to 60 so that we can FOTM together soon.

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When players are complaining about almost every class, which happens here, then there is a pretty good chance that game is fairly balanced :p Each class beside of mara/sentinel seems to have some OP/FOTM spec according to the forums.


Actually that was my point... I've seen just about every class been called FOTM or OP since the expansion... Too me that seems things must be more balanced... Except poor Maras/Sents... I know from playing 6 different classes at the moment that all the changes seem to have made it more balanced... People just need to learn to play their classes again... Old tactics and even some main attacks don't work anymore or aren't recommended

I know I had to go back and read the discriptions of some abilities because my stats dropped significantly straight after the expansion because abilities I was used to changed... I've completely removed some abilities from the task bar That I used to use all the time... Changed tactics and I saw my damage output go from 300k to 900k+

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