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Sorcs are BROKEN!!!


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A typical arena comp on PoT5


Even as OP as Sins are, I feel like Sorcs benefit more from stacking their own class in arenas.


I'm curious as to what comp could beat 4 sorcs with their unlimited rooting/kiting ability and off heals.


4 veg jugs with h2f capability and anti kiting/rooting abilities. Whoever has the better sorc/jug wins. Veng jugs has really been underrated which is silly considering what it can do now. Most people are still rolling their other alts I suppose.


or 3 jugs and 1 sorc who can bubble his teammates.

Edited by Chrisweaver
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Well 2 Warzones and I left the 2nd 1/3 way in...after about 3 other ppl left. The 1st WZ we lost 3 players as well in 5 minutes. People will not stay in a WZ when you have so many Sorcs spamming Storm and CC that you are dead in moments with contact. Bioware Devs open your damn eyes and play your game before you 'patch' Until then shelving my GS PvP wise.
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A typical arena comp on PoT5


Even as OP as Sins are, I feel like Sorcs benefit more from stacking their own class in arenas.


I'm curious as to what comp could beat 4 sorcs with their unlimited rooting/kiting ability and off heals.


Actually, I think 4 sins could win if they either used their saps and burst, or went 1vs1 on the sorcs.


The problem with stacked sorcs is that they can easly peel/pull/off heal for each other, giving the focused sorc a chance to recover, the key to beating them is to try and push each sorc simultaneously so that they are forced to save themselves and cannot help each other; lots of classes can make sorcs panic or shut them down, at that point the winner is decided by which side has better players.


Think about it like this, you have 4 sorcs vs 2 sins and 2 pts - the two pts can make a sorc barrier within seconds of the engagement and there is no reason that the two sins cannot lock down the other two (or sap one and unload on the remaining sorc); as soon as the 2 sorcs that the pts are on barrier they switch to help the sins and you essentially have a 4vs2 (unless the two sorcs in barrier come out to assist, but then they lose enduring bastion and the self healing).

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I saw a sin do 3.9k dps in a game the other day. We had 4 healers think i did like 3.3k hps... if you have enough healing, good dps will drop amazing numbers but it isn't going to happen often tho. Might as well they be hitting a dummy on fleet.


I will say though I have only seen sorcs and sins break 3k dps in wzs since patch.

Edited by kissingaiur
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i do not think they are broken, after 3 years finally they are not anymore a " oh look a sorc, free kill" by warriors ;)


I do recall the launch of the game and while sorc wasn't exactly "Powerful." They still sat on the edge of balance and over all fun. Right now WZ is nothing but "Kill the sorc" but it is almost impossible due to all the above statements. So many times I will be lining up a shot on a sorc that is about to die. You know, takedown, ambush etc? Out of no where..10 second force barrier. Uninterruptable, what the hell is that?


The damage is something I can deal with, lightning hurts, we all know this. The survivability with light armor is something I cannot deal with. The fighting statement of "Bubble has a 20 second cool down as soon as you put it on a person." is not really enough of a fighting statement at all. All shield abilities have a cooldown, but I am not sure any of them come close to the sorc/sage bubbles. This ability should be healing tree only and it would solve a hell of alot of sorc/sage hate problems.

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Bioware you need to address some class balance issues badly. Sorcs are just flat out absurd right now. Surely you can see the game metrics and know how stupidly overpowered sorcs are right now. I've consistently seen match after match of sorcs doing 1.2+mill damage and 350+k healing. Bubbles need a cool down and healing needs to be needed. No other class is capable of this. Also their ability that makes them immune to everything and can't be interrupted. One on one they are almost unkillable.


Seriously, it's just dumb at this point.


Listen up everybody this is for real!


I got killed by a sorc earlier and i believe we cant have that **** happening in game.


We need to make all the classes i like to play pwn everyone else otherwise nerf it!:rak_02:

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I Play sorc, but I "kind of" agree with this post. But i don't have a problem taking them down either. The only issue right now with Sorcs is making them interruptable. Only through stuns we can be interrupted. and that's pretty OP for a lightning sorc. Just saying. but everything else? Sorcs needed it. They can still die, unless you suck, they can. How ever my sorc does have a higher DMG reduction than my Sin, now that's some thing to look at. my sorc is using full set of 158 pvp gear, and my DMG reduction is at 25%. We were supposed to be the squishiest class. but it's actually assassins now. With 18% DMG reduction with mostly Dark reavers, and about 5 exhumed. Now being able to kite the hell of people is one thing, but taking less DMG then a sin, and being uninterruptable, That's what makes them something to look at. They don't need a nerf. Just need to look into being uninterruptable, and MAYBE their DMG reduction. But I really don't think that's a huge issue. Edited by SuetGroundwalker
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I Play sorc, but I "kind of" agree with this post. But i don't have a problem taking them down either. The only issue right now with Sorcs is making them interruptable. Only through stuns we can be interrupted. and that's pretty OP for a lightning sorc. Just saying. but everything else? Sorcs needed it. They can still die, unless you suck, they can. How ever my sorc does have a higher DMG reduction than my Sin, now that's some thing to look at. my sorc is using full set of 158 pvp gear, and my DMG reduction is at 25%. We were supposed to be the squishiest class. but it's actually assassins now. With 18% DMG reduction with mostly Dark reavers, and about 5 exhumed. Now being able to kite the hell of people is one thing, but taking less DMG then a sin, and being uninterruptable, That's what makes them something to look at. They don't need a nerf. Just need to look into being uninterruptable, and MAYBE their DMG reduction. But I really don't think that's a huge issue.


I think sorcs are still extremely easy to kill. Assassins get more abilities and utilities that enhance their overall survivablity than a sorc could ever get. Things like force shroud, 12 sec immunity, unstunnable and unrootable deflection helps in a much broader way then simply increasing your dmg reduction but they have a utility for that too. The only class harder to kill than assassins right now would be juggs. Hell, even lethality ops have sorcs beat now on survivability. With good assassins that have all their cds it will take about 3 dps to take him down.

Edited by KrackShotz
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Actually, the typical arena is three Crushers shadows and one vg/sage or double pt double sorc, or double jugg + xy.


I see more sins and pts (and their mirrors) with sorcs coming in third.


Even Crushers Shadows I've beaten occasionally in their premade, and much more often when they're not in their premade(sucks that they almost always end up as a premade when I always have randoms.) But 3-4 sorcs? Yeah, no. I haven't beaten that comp even a single time. When I lose I never feel like there's anything I could've done to win. Even when I play it flawless I have just been unable to win vs that.


4 veg jugs with h2f capability and anti kiting/rooting abilities. Whoever has the better sorc/jug wins. Veng jugs has really been underrated which is silly considering what it can do now. Most people are still rolling their other alts I suppose.


or 3 jugs and 1 sorc who can bubble his teammates.


I suggested that to my Jugg friend when I was thinking of possible counters. He said he played vs that very comp with 3 other juggs on his team. What he told me was all the sorcs did was pull each other away, and then he was left walking, very slowly, to the sorcs through their lightning. In otherwords, the juggs got wrecked.


As a class, Sins MIGHT be more OP than sorcs, but even that I doubt. My main point is, sorcs are way more OP stacked together than Sins are. I've played against 4 sin comp and beaten them easily actually, even with good ones on the enemy team. My PT friend also said he obliterated 4 sin comps and he cannot figure out why. 4 Sorc comps though? My friends and I all say we've gotten obliterated by it. It is the only comp I face where I literally feel like there's nothing I can do, there's no hope. Even as a Sin, who's supposed to be great against being kited, I get kited all day by that comp.


Deflection does absolutely nothing against it. So what if I'm immune to stun/mez? They will root me forever regardless. So basically, I have 3-5 seconds to attack them unimpeded(Force Shroud). Between 3 madness sorcs and a healing sorc for example, they have 7 roots between them. 3 Creeping Terror roots, and 4 knockback roots. They could keep me perma rooted with that. Not to mention 30 meter Force Lightning that slows me, Force Slow, combined with off heals and ally pulls if I get too close.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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Bioware you need to address some class balance issues badly. Sorcs are just flat out absurd right now. Surely you can see the game metrics and know how stupidly overpowered sorcs are right now. I've consistently seen match after match of sorcs doing 1.2+mill damage and 350+k healing. Bubbles need a cool down and healing needs to be needed. No other class is capable of this. Also their ability that makes them immune to everything and can't be interrupted. One on one they are almost unkillable.


Seriously, it's just dumb at this point.


You must be talking about unranked queue where 1.2 million dmg is common and no one really cares if they win.


its actually not nearly as bad as you think. I really sounds like there are other issues. Gear, spec or skill discrepancies


Bubble stops maybe one hit and on a 20 second CD (due to Debuff) oh wow i block one hit every 20 seconds (one on one).. thanks bioware! Much of the heals you see are probably bubbles on others. Since their damage is generally weak a little utility is nice especially when you see a sniper bout ready to ambush someone.


Barrier is a 3 minute CD (reduced with a skill point no one takes). Healing from it a few thousand. when a sorc uses it, peel off and come back in 10 seconds.


Maddess sorcs damage is a lot of 'fluff' damage and fairly easily healed through (spreading of dots). Lightning is not so much. nether do much burst If you have your cooldowns you will win the sorc little doubt unless you are bad. If he has his cool downs (doubt full if its down to 1 on 1) and you don't, you don't have much of a chance. that is fairly normal of any class.


the healing is not all that over powered considering much of it is done when it doesn't matter. bubble heals ~800-950 every few seconds which should be broken quickly if it is one on one, big self heal has a 30 second CD and HoT is like half of a hit with another hit over time. maddness heals are not all that much more.. a few hundred here and there. Much of the healing is also fluff. Most classes have some sort of heal, they just don't use it either cause they don't know or they didn't get a chance too.


I have both a sage and a sorc. they are almost an exact mirror. They feel different but play the same.


now you want to talk about OP? Vanguards but maybe that is because i havn't played one yet to learn the weakness. They don't usually kill me but i sure as hell almost never kill them.

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You must be talking about unranked queue where 1.2 million dmg is common and no one really cares if they win.


its actually not nearly as bad as you think. I really sounds like there are other issues. Gear, spec or skill discrepancies


Bubble stops maybe one hit and on a 20 second CD (due to Debuff) oh wow i block one hit every 20 seconds (one on one).. thanks bioware! Much of the heals you see are probably bubbles on others. Since their damage is generally weak a little utility is nice especially when you see a sniper bout ready to ambush someone.


Barrier is a 3 minute CD (reduced with a skill point no one takes). Healing from it a few thousand. when a sorc uses it, peel off and come back in 10 seconds.


Maddess sorcs damage is a lot of 'fluff' damage and fairly easily healed through (spreading of dots). Lightning is not so much. nether do much burst If you have your cooldowns you will win the sorc little doubt unless you are bad. If he has his cool downs (doubt full if its down to 1 on 1) and you don't, you don't have much of a chance. that is fairly normal of any class.


the healing is not all that over powered considering much of it is done when it doesn't matter. bubble heals ~800-950 every few seconds which should be broken quickly if it is one on one, big self heal has a 30 second CD and HoT is like half of a hit with another hit over time. maddness heals are not all that much more.. a few hundred here and there. Much of the healing is also fluff. Most classes have some sort of heal, they just don't use it either cause they don't know or they didn't get a chance too.


I have both a sage and a sorc. they are almost an exact mirror. They feel different but play the same.


now you want to talk about OP? Vanguards but maybe that is because i havn't played one yet to learn the weakness. They don't usually kill me but i sure as hell almost never kill them.


Listen to this man.


Also, vanguards/PTs are best dealth with by focusing them early on and that's pretty much the only viable tactics. You're unlikely to 1v1 one unless he has like no cds and you have most of yours ready.

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You can't really say whats broken as far as DPS classes because half of them are equally as dangerous as each other while the other half; not so much. I'd say the ones on top of the food chain right now are more balanced if you look at healer specs, TBH. Or guarding.


Its just the current meta right now. If you are in the weaker classes; play some other class or learn to accept you are at the bottom right now. If you are one of the upper level classes, you probably should just shut up.

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I predicted this very thread back a little while ago! LOL


Sorcs are NOT "OP". They can now FINALLY have a chance to survive rather than just be slaughtered, and I am sure a lot of (mostly melee) people do not like that.


Let Sorcs enjoy being competitive for a change. I do agree, with all of the whining that they will get nerfed soon enough.

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A new xpac comes out, abilities and stats are raised and some of you are surprised to see dmg/healing/crits increase?


Sorcs/sages aren't hard to handle if you know how to play your class and if you're under geared then you need to expect to get manhandled.

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I am (was?) maining lethality right now. so I know, from painful experience.


And giving dotspread on carbine is like asking sorcs to spread with slash.



Operatives dots tick for nothing though. It's pretty laughable while sorcs/sins ticks with absurd amount.
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Is not just the damage that Sorc/Sages do, im not even talking about all the healing that they do as a DPS. Is the survival the real problem. We can deal with the damage but when you actually need to kill 2 times a sorc/sage in the same fight, something is not working.


This need to be fixed before Season 4 or the ranked pvp will be doomed, easy like that.

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