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Feedback on Jedi Knight Class quest on Rishi (No spoilers)


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Just want to give a shoutout to the developers about the Jedi Knight Class Quest on Rishi.

Without spoiling any of it, let me just say that I found myself playing through it with a smile going from ear to ear and a warm fuzzy feeling spreading from my heart throughout my body.

At the end I was moved, happy and almost teary-eyed.

Really , really loved it!

Thank you for that quest. :)


If anyone adds to this thread, be sure to NOT spoil any of the actual things happening in the quest.

Keep it a surprise for the ones who still haven't done it.

Edited by jeffersson
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I rather liked it myself, though I can see how some folks would find it boring I suppose.


It came and went too fast. I was expecting something on par with Quesh for example, not smaller than that. :(



Though I'm glad no cutscene played and details are vague, the moment where Orgus brings up the time where you were indoctrinated by the Emperor required a more solemn tone to it.


It lacked punch IMHO.


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Just want to give a shoutout to the developers about the Jedi Knight Class Quest on Rishi.

Without spoiling any of it, let me just say that I found myself playing through it with a smile going from ear to ear and a warm fuzzy feeling spreading from my heart throughout my body.

At the end I was moved, happy and almost teary-eyed.

Really , really loved it!

Thank you for that quest. :)


If anyone adds to this thread, be sure to NOT spoil any of the actual things happening in the quest.

Keep it a surprise for the ones who still haven't done it.


I had similar feelings as well, though I didn't get teary-eyed lol. It was like a moment of nostalgia and especially when your Knight tells [iNSERT SPOILER HERE] the reason why you fight. I felt like the dialogue was perfect and it truly made me feel like a Jedi. I look forward to seeing more of these in the future!

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I liked the "Jedi going back to their roots" feel but the emotion wasn't there for me mostly because

I was never that attached to Master Orgus. And when I replayed the Knight story he didn't seem too fond of me either. Obviously they were going for the Obi-wan-Luke relationship but they never really developed that. There were also hints of Qui-gon in that he seemed a little bitter/jaded from the loss of a previous apprentice but that never really took off either.



Ultimately I think they just haven't built up the base they needed to make this "reunion" really memorable.

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I liked the "Jedi going back to their roots" feel but the emotion wasn't there for me mostly because

I was never that attached to Master Orgus. And when I replayed the Knight story he didn't seem too fond of me either. Obviously they were going for the Obi-wan-Luke relationship but they never really developed that. There were also hints of Qui-gon in that he seemed a little bitter/jaded from the loss of a previous apprentice but that never really took off either.



Ultimately I think they just haven't built up the base they needed to make this "reunion" really memorable.


I agree that your connection to the SPOILER is a huge element of the quest. I love SPOILER as a character, and as a result had all the good feels.


But, without question, kudos to Bioware for taking a chance by having a non-combat class quest chain. Its a nice reminder of what Jedi are, far more than just the kicking *** and taking names that you do in-game 99% of the time, because MMO.

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I've played the Rishi class quests for every class except the Trooper so far, but the Knight's is definitely my favorite. My knight found it very cathartic (though I imagine anyone playing DS would dislike it). I also really enjoyed the agent's, and think there needed to be more followup to the warrior's.
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This one gets me in the guts in a wonderful way every time. If it tells people anything, I just did it on my fifth Guardian. Alexander Freed nailed this one perfectly and created one of my favorite moments in the whole game. And yes, I have done it on all eight classes.
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Worst one of the class stories for me, but to each their own.



For me too.


Especially since

i guess im not the only one who didnt like JK's master Osomething i dont even know his name. He was just a bland uninsteresting Jedi for me. I wouldnt even notice i have a master if not for the holodiscussion for him on my ship between missions.



I enjoyed SI's and SW's.

I feel BH about the same as JK but it was better imo, more relevant also.


Have yet to play the rest.


Also was very disappointed that i played SoR through with Scourge as my companion only with my JK and he didnt even say a single word, even when Revan was in our faces.

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It was all right, but I did not particularly enjoy it, even though it was indeed a welcome break from the routine on Rishi.


What I did not like about it:

1) The implication that I was a mindless warmonger.

2) The certain arrogance with which you interfere to make everything better.


Of all the things you did there was one thing my Jedi Shadow had done as well (I can't say which without spoilers) given the oppoertunity, but even if she did she would have deliberately done so silently. She would not have wanted herself or the jedi order to be connected to it. I was, in fact, looking out for such a quest with my shadow when I saw the respective entities you may interact with.


I liked the Consular better because they do something that lasts (what the knight does will hardly last) and something that being a jedi is truly about. I paricularly enjoyed the choices you make in the end. I liked the Imperial Agent because they get in touch with what truly matters to them, with their own network. There was a certain aspect of it that my character did certainly not appreciate in the end, but from an OOC point of view it was a really good and entertaining story.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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