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Now I understand why SWTOR is an Empire Game


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Standard plot flow.


Define good guys and bad guys.


Good and bad are mostly equal. Bad guys start being bad, good guys win a few small confrontations followed by a large defeat, bad guys revel in their victory, good guys regroup and beat bad guys, good guys have teddy bears sing in a jungle while spending millions of credits in war materials for craptastic fireworks show while the hero hallucinates dead people and the scoundrel turned good guy macks on his sister.


That's too complicated.

Bad guys are those you bring home to troll mom and dad. Good guys are those you present to please them.

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It's not unclear. We know from Canon the Empire HAS to lose. If they don't then you do not end up with a Universe where you have a single Dark Lord of the Sith and his Apprentice and said Dark Lord having to conquer the Republic from within using a conspiracy decades in the making.


Didn't they make everything that's not part of the movies themselves non-canon? If so what's to stop Bioware from making this an alternate universe thing like the Star Trek reboot where the Empire doesn't get wiped out? If Disney pretty much nuked the EU, they can kind of do whatever now right?

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It's not unclear. We know from Canon the Empire HAS to lose. If they don't then you do not end up with a Universe where you have a single Dark Lord of the Sith and his Apprentice and said Dark Lord having to conquer the Republic from within using a conspiracy decades in the making.


That's thousands of years later, however. How SWTOR will end is not at all clear.

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You mean the same Empire that is only surviving by some mad plan to steal Isotope-5 that could have gone wrong in so many ways, and the crazy military skills of a single reasonable Dark Councilor? The same Empire that gutted it's own intelligence arm, and is only now starting to try and correct that mistake? The same Empire that, despite Isotope-5, can only just keep the Republic at bay?


Funny you.


Exactly. By all accounts, lorewise the Empire is losing and barely holding on. The latest storyline progress also gives no indication to the contrary.

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Without the Empire, the Sith, etc, the Star Wars franchise would just suck.


Star Trek went down that line of taking away all the "evil". Over the years they removed all the big baddies. The Klingons were tamed. The Borg (who were a joke anyway) got destroyed. The Romulans mostly exploded. The Cardassians bent. Even the Founders were spanked. And the boring, dull and utterly ridiculous military dictatorship that the **** sapiens club called "Federation" is always triumphed, which is, yes, you guessed right, dull and boring.


I'm not saying that the Star Wars franchise is brilliant or genius. It's not. It sucks nowadays (thank you George.) But thanks to the Empire and Sith it sucks a lot less than, for example, Trek.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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Interesting point of view, OP. However, I strongly disagree.


Short version: There are troopers. And then there is everything else. Clear victory for the republic here. ;)


Return trailer: Heavyweight Sith Invasion force attacks an unknowing, unprepared super small group of two Jedi, some troopers and a lousy smuggler who happens to have a cool ship. Outcome: They lose the master Sith, kill only one Jedi and a couple of troopers and let the rest escape. Clear fail for the Empire. Sure, they got Korriban back, but it's a lousy victory.


Hope trailer: Organised imperial attack on Alderaan against a tiny group of scattered republic troops. Republic crushed the invaders. Epic fail for the Empire.


Deceived trailer: Unable to win in a fair fight, the Sith cheat and trick themselves into a situation from which they can profit and strike a win. But it's not an alpha win. And they know it. It cries BETA all over. Sith are beta. And even in that they fail. Not in that trailer, granted.


Game: Empire loses Balmorra. They get Taris, but honestly, the only reason the Republic even tried to get something going there, is because of the plans from Sareesh who saw it as a step towards her big career (she is an alpha Sith in my opinion ;) ). They lost badly on Corellia, because they wasted their resources fighting themselves. And what about Ilum? The Empire lost twice: against the Republic AND against Malgus. How pathetic can they be? /facepalm Makeb: Not quite sure how to weight the outcome there. Wouldn't call it a victory for the Empire though. Both lost somehow imho. Yavin IV: It seems to me that the Republic got out of this whole thing better and stronger than the Empire.


To sum it up: It might seem at first glance, that this game is catered for the Empire fans. However, if you dig deeper you will easily see how bad the Empire is. And I don't mean bad as in evil, but in pathetic. And the thunder & lightning kiddos love it, because they don't get it. And we, the Republic Elite laugh about them. And that makes us the winners!



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That's thousands of years later, however. How SWTOR will end is not at all clear.


Declining sales in the Cartel Market lead to widespread economic collapse. Starving, desperate Hutts eat the Empire and most of the Republic before choking to death on lightsabers, leaving the rest of the Republic to rebuild in time for the Clone Wars to begin.

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I get the point of the OP in terms of the trailers, but I wonder why the rest of the OP message doesn't make as much sense...


*Quality and look of gear? That's so purely subjective to a personal taste that it barely warrants rebuttal. But at least there is no reason here to claim favoritism.


*Storylines? Yes, Agent is the best written objectively - crisp, engaging, motivating, etc. But if you recognize that the Agent storyline actually is about destabilizing the Empire's Sith-dominated ruling structure and providing a "civilized" world order, that hardly is a step in favor of Empire. After all, objectively, the Jedi Knight storyline makes the most direct impact on the entire storyline as a whole (kill Emperor?). So in terms of class storylines, the Jedi Knight storyline is the "most important" in terms of meta-story. Chalk that up to pro-Republic bias, yes?


*Sith-dominated planetary action? That's just a function of the fact that the Old Republic was an extant governing entity and the Empire is a relatively newly resurgent player in the galaxy. Core worlds are all Republic, Outer Rim is well, OUTER RIM, etc. Of course in this setup the Republic will be in a defensive posture and the Empire in an aggressive posture - which of course we recognize as a stalemate for both sides when it comes to Voss, Makeb, Hoth, etc.


Hell, Republic won Corellia, the Sith storyline post-Corellia is all about losing the main war.


If you focus on the aggressor and assume that initiation of action = preferential treatment, then that's wholly personal observation bias. Objectively? It's a story about the timeline where the Old Republic is the established main force in the galaxy and the Sith Empire tries to wrest control. Struggle! Who will win? We know that TOR won eventually so that they had at least 1500 years of civilization until Ep 1...

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