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Why play a Jugg Tank at this point?


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Does anyone else feel like Jugg tanks have been nerfed? For the ranked tanks out there you know as well as I do that intercede is an extraordinarily useful cool down and can save lives if used correctly with taunts. Taunts are a 50% damage reduction and intercede is 20% with 10% if spec'd into the proper discipline. That being said intercede can barely be used now with all the roots in the game. Taunts can still be used for the 50% but it won't be an 80% Damage Reduction like it used to be. Intercede wont be used as often due to the roots in regs and in ranked it will be the same and in a ranked scenario there will be less intercedes and therefore less utility.


I like how Force Choke for all Juggs is now a hard stun now but in the tank tree when you use Force Choke it fills resolve to the max. In DPS tree's it doesn't fill the resolve to the full so why should it for tank? I don't know if that's a bug or intended but it forces people to have more coordination which isn't a bad thing but it still lessens the chance to salvage a quick play. Compared to the other tanks classes there aren't any other stuns that fill resolve to the max (to my knowledge).


The thing that truly kills the vibe of playing a Jugg to me is Retaliation being on the GCD. Of the three tank classes Juggs have always had the slowest rotation and moving retaliation on the GCD makes it so much slower. I feel like a turtle when I play my Jugg now... Its so much more boring now than it ever was. What was the thought process of this decision Bioware? "Lets make the slowest class in the games slower!" No. Stop. Please.


The final thing that I can think of is the removal of the armor debuff. Why was it removed? What purpose did it server to remove the armor debuff? Was it a PvE thing?


These things aren't all exactly game breakers but little things that I see that make the spec boring. Does anyone other than me feel like Jugg tanks just won't be viable in season 4?

Edited by shadowopsx
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  • Since when taunts were giving 50% dmg red? It was always 30% for every tank.

  • Intercede is like 3rd taunt all the time, yeah it may be harder to use it due to roots but still you've that possibility and other tanks do not.

  • You still have 20% armor reduction... under Sundering Assault

  • Force choke fill entire resolve because it lasts right now 5 seconds.

  • As a tank you have the best utilities in the game... e.g. constant 50% speed for a team, 30m root on saber throw, 20s a'la hydraulic override, 2nd breaker... etc.


The only thing that changed for you is that Retaliation is no longer off GCD. Rest is pure buff if not overbuff in comparison to other tanks.

Edited by Czaro
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  • Since when taunts were giving 50% dmg red? It was always 30% for every tank.

  • Intercede is like 3rd taunt all the time, yeah it may be harder to use it due to roots but still you've that possibility and other tanks do not.

  • You still have 20% armor reduction... under Sundering Assault

  • Force choke fill entire resolve because it lasts right now 5 seconds.

  • As a tank you have the best utilities in the game... e.g. constant 50% speed for a team, 30m root on saber throw, 20s a'la hydraulic override, 2nd breaker... etc.


The only thing that changed for you is that Retaliation is no longer off GCD. Rest is pure buff if not overbuff in comparison to other tanks.


You're right about the taunts % damage, sorry. Sundering assault is inferior to Aegis assault although so its either 3% DR and Shield or armor debuff. That being said most DPS classes have that now so it isn't such a big deal but still. I don't think the 5 second Force Choke= Full resolve is worth it because I could just backhand and awe for a longer duration if i wanted to, or pre 3.0 force choke and then awe. As for utilities I don't see saber throw root as a good discipline but the speed boost I can agree on. As for the 2nd breaker, PT's have that when kolto overload is triggers and assassins also have stun an ability that grants immunity to stuns I believe.

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PT has only a stun breaker that's the 1st thing. Yeah sins has 19 or 20s immunity in total if they are going to spend Utility Points for that purpose. 5s Hard Stun = full resolve. Resolve has a pool of 1000 points. 1s of hard stun provides 200 points. 5s = 1000 points. Right now Force choke should be used as a follow up hard stun. So you can 1st awe then follow up :)

In my opinion Jugg still have a crown of the pvp tank king.


P.S. 30s root is one of the best things... just use your imagination > Force Push > Saber Throw root, Force Charge > any kind of cc.

Edited by Czaro
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PT has only a stun breaker that's the 1st thing. Yeah sins has 19 or 20s immunity in total if they are going to spend Utility Points for that purpose. 5s Hard Stun = full resolve. Resolve has a pool of 1000 points. 1s of hard stun provides 200 points. 5s = 1000 points. Right now Force choke should be used as a follow up hard stun. So you can 1st awe then follow up :)

In my opinion Jugg still have a crown of the pvp tank king.


P.S. 30s root is one of the best things... just use your imagination > Force Push > Saber Throw root, Force Charge > any kind of cc.


For melee maybe, idk about you but I feel as if ranged will dominate season 4. Pushing a sorc and CC'ing him wont really do much. But if you do it to a tank and get someone else to CC the healer yeah i could see how it would work. Eh we'll just have to wait and see.

Edited by shadowopsx
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For melee maybe, idk about you but I feel as if ranged will dominate season 4. Pushing a sorc and CC'ing him wont really do much. But if you do it to a tank and get someone else to CC the healer yeah i could see how it would work. Eh we'll just have to wait and see.


Oh, by RDPS you mean AP PTs, right? ;)

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  • You still have 20% armor reduction... under Sundering Assault


The tooltip still says that, but there's no debuff showing up. Does it really still "sunder"? I thought it might be an oversight that the tooltip hasn't been changed.

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The tooltip still says that, but there's no debuff showing up. Does it really still "sunder"? I thought it might be an oversight that the tooltip hasn't been changed.


You have to be in vengeance or rage for the sunder to actually work. It's attached to the discipline itself.

Edited by JackNader
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What the...? I don't even.


Jugg tanks got buffed if anything.


Trying playing a VG or Shadow tank sometime


so true! Today I had matches nearly JUST vs jug tanks. Players starting to realize, that smash wars was a light story line compaired with 3.0 jugs. Actually they are indistructible.


I think, that you should pray jugs, to don't get a huge nerf and all you can do is stay quite, coz if anything then buff will not come thats for sure.


with 3.0 jugs and with the memory of smash wars, I can tell for sure, that the devs have dart vader fetish.

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Juggs whining? Really?







I'm hapy, that I see other players as well, who show there surprise in this issue, actually I hope, that threads like this, but mostly the reactions to them will open the eye of BW and they will bring back jugs to the line of other classes. It's a click -click role, honestly, they don't even have to look at there hp now : D

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I don't think the 5 second Force Choke= Full resolve.


you know I don't tank, but that's irrelevant. full resolve for stuns should be the equivalent of 8s stun time. period. I don't know why that change would have been made or why it only affects one AC.


now for the bad news: givings wars a stun the equivalent of a full ravage (w/o making them sacrifice some dmg by adding alac) is F'in bogus. (he says while waving his wet noodle PFT :( )

Edited by foxmob
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You have to be in vengeance or rage for the sunder to actually work. It's attached to the discipline itself.


In other words Jugg Tanks don't have an armour debuff anymore. Thanks for confirming that (and consequently that there's no reason to use sundering strike anymore).

Edited by gblXsw
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