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PvP Sniper in 3.0. Bioware *** ?


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I can not hold back emotions, telling about my impressions of the new sniper in 3.0 . I think the development team did not pay attention to the results of the last season, so I try to explain. Sniper was THE ONLY class who could not pass the bar in 2000 rating. From this it follows that the class desperately needs strengthening. And how do you strengthen our class ?

1. Cooldown time of shield probe was increased by 10 seconds.

2. Removed all bonuses to the time duration of dodge. (And removed dispel of harmful effects)

3. From engineering was removed the possibility of two covered escape, shields and other things. Etc...

In this case, you add survival for all other classes , even Juggernaut , wich nerf everyone was waiting for an entire season 2-3.

Almost all classes have the opportunity to heal portion of the incoming damage, and we are not. Almost all classes have the opportunity to extend basic protective capacity for 2 seconds, and we do not. (+2 seconds saber reflect, force shroud, undying rage)

And finally explained to me what's so fcking speсial interrogation probe have so it may not be used for several purposes? And a special thanks you for the 12 second immunity from the control to the Assassins in deflection.


Bioware are you insane ?

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played Engineer/Sabo since release. honestly ***!!! in PvE the AOE dmg is a blast ye but kinda useless in PvP.


sadly after a few games i had to respec to MM. wich isnt even better. man it was a boring spec pre3.0 and still is.

gonna try leth, hopefully its more entertaining.


GEIF back eng defence utilities!! i want to be a "tank" turret again....

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Thanks bioware. New sniper blows. Lowered dps and have nothing to help defense. I'm really getting tired of learning curves in this game. Always changing **** and making people have to learn how to play their characters over again from scratch. I used to like my sniper, but, now I just get pummeled by everyone.
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I ended up rolling a Operative, after watching how their dots ate the 46k health of snipers after they activated their 75% DR. I agree, new Sniper dynamic in PvP at 60 sucks, but you have all the old Operatives rolling Snipers and the Old Snipers rolling Operatives.


I don't know, I think they wanted balance at the expense of Sniper players, making Snipers a strong support class.

Gonna mess with this Operative for a bit while my Sniper is side lined (tried the Fotm Sorc and just don't ike Jedi/Sith classes period).

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You forgot that we can't cleanse dots anymore either. That one hurts.

As an engineer, I miss the double roll. Mostly, I used it to double wall bang someone though. Guessing that's why it is gone. I miss ambush & the pushback you could get, but like the new series of shot. I do not like the interrogation/plasma probe now needing emp discharge to stun someone. Guess it makes sense, a hard hit to stun.

all & all, I don't mind the changes that much except for the loss of our dot cleanser. That killed snipers.

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i lost the fun with my main sadly :(


just to compare,i played a vanguard and without knowing the gameplay, even for my first bg with (lvl 55 i precise), it's just so easy :eek: but really easy compared of my sniper i played since a long time with decent rank and skill.


in my first bg in 3.0 with my sniper, i saw quickly that we wasn't the winners of this update..


i said in operation channel : "omg sniper are worst than before" and i just received the typical : "lol l2p dude"


but now, "dude" say me i am wrong please..


engineering is dead, and the other two spec are decent but indefficient compared to many other classes and all the root/snares immune

Edited by Thaladan
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Fromn what I've experienced so far with the engineering spec is it helps a great deal if you are specced into the series of shots knockback and the slow stacks. Because we can essentially use SOS every what...6-9 secs? It doesn't do anythng for dot classes but for all the others it certainly helps.


Engineering is.....well not exactly dead but it's in intensive care with and a coffin beside the bed ready for when life support gets switched off.


EMP Discharge just isn't useable and the aoe isn't much better, even with that 70% slow people are able to get out of it far too quickly. The staple part of our damage in essence remains explosive probe & series of shots, frag grenade and snipe are our fillers inbetween cooldown. AOE is only really good when there are clumps and the bad player that stays inside, as for it's utility it's been nerfed into the ground (reffering to plasma probe rather than orbital strike).

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Oh there are times when it's completely and utterly useless of course (dot classes being one example...) but engineering has a nice low cooldown on series of shots which means we get to see the benefits of it quite often. When you stack it with the knockback utility the combination is very good. Especially as emp discharge is completely useless at the moment.


Also funny to see melee classes being graduarly slowed down to -80% movement speed. Doesn't last that long but it's very noticeable to see.


I'm guessing that those two utilities aren't as good for the other two specs? Got no interest in mm or leth so couldn't verify that.


Knockback and slow every 6ish seconds? It can't not be useful.

Edited by Zoidrinali
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Oh there are times when it's completely and utterly useless of course (dot classes being one example...) but engineering has a nice low cooldown on series of shots which means we get to see the benefits of it quite often. When you stack it with the knockback utility the combination is very good. Especially as emp discharge is completely useless at the moment.


Also funny to see melee classes being graduarly slowed down to -80% movement speed. Doesn't last that long but it's very noticeable to see.


I'm guessing that those two utilities aren't as good for the other two specs? Got no interest in mm or leth so couldn't verify that.


Knockback and slow every 6ish seconds? It can't not be useful.


Dude thanks for this tip. I'm freaking loving it. When a sin or warrior comes flying in; I entrench, dodge, shock charge, cover pulse or roll away, throw on dot, sabotage charge, speed shot and watch them slow as they come back only to be knocked back. They come back again somehow, I usually have what I didn't use of cover pulse or roll. Have to watch that cover pulse as most of them have like a CC resistance they like to use early.


Really starting to learn how to play sab as single target then saving the AOE just situationally. Having fun again.

Edited by Technohic
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Did some solo ranked on my Slinger last night on The Red Eclipse and got rap'ed. lol. Just have to laugh.


Those arena maps are no good for us. So many ways to get los forcing you to go into melee range to get out any sort of rotation. Yet we don't have the cooldowns to survive.. and when you are trying to survive you can't dps.


I would like legshot to be as useful as it was pre 2.0. Way too much "hold the line type skills" being available to other classes. I'm finding it impossible to stop the train running through me at the start of ranked WZ's.



I am finding some joy in 8 v 8.

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i lost the fun with my main sadly :(


just to compare,i played a vanguard and without knowing the gameplay, even for my first bg with (lvl 55 i precise), it's just so easy :eek: but really easy compared of my sniper i played since a long time with decent rank and skill.


in my first bg in 3.0 with my sniper, i saw quickly that we wasn't the winners of this update..


i said in operation channel : "omg sniper are worst than before" and i just received the typical : "lol l2p dude"


but now, "dude" say me i am wrong please..


engineering is dead, and the other two spec are decent but indefficient compared to many other classes and all the root/snares immune


Not sure if engineering is dead entirely for pvp but despite it's brilliant blue plumage, its feet have been nailed to the perch.

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Did some solo ranked on my Slinger last night on The Red Eclipse and got rap'ed. lol. Just have to laugh.


Those arena maps are no good for us. So many ways to get los forcing you to go into melee range to get out any sort of rotation. Yet we don't have the cooldowns to survive.. and when you are trying to survive you can't dps.


I would like legshot to be as useful as it was pre 2.0. Way too much "hold the line type skills" being available to other classes. I'm finding it impossible to stop the train running through me at the start of ranked WZ's.


I am finding some joy in 8 v 8.


Well, all the arenas and quite a few of the warzones have been horrible for snipers anyhow -- with the exception of Queshball (which does not give many accomplishments for a sniper/slinger who tries to play the class the way it is designed - go figure). The bad designs either give poor lines of sight, flat terrain or lousy cover. And, I'll agree -- with legshot operating the way it is, snipers/slingers have a rough time of it.

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