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Refund training costs [yes] / [no]


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I get that as well but if you don't really have many alts, what is spent and gone matters more then what may happen in the future.

What a depressing viewpoint. "What is spent and gone matters more than what may happen in the future"


Neighbor, I've had so many downs in my life, that if I were to dwell on it I'd probably go insane. Luckily for me, the past year has been pretty good to me, and the next year is looking pretty good as well.


I say that what may happen in the future matters more than what is spent and gone. That's a purely subjective truth, of course, but operating that way has certainly made me a happier person.

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I voted no because after leveling to 58 paying for abilities, I still gained like 450,000+ credits from quests. I started the xpac with less than 50,000 credits and I now have over 650k with the entirety of Yavin minus 1 quest to go.


You earn plenty of fake video game money leveling, stop QQing.

Edited by sloasdaylight
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They had 3 years to listen to us. And now all of a sudden 1 week after an addon when a lot of people already spent millions they decide to change it. That is a reason to be angry. Why not implement it with 3.0. It's not like people never ask for it before. Especially after it had been free with the 12x exp event. They had the PTS up and running and people there probably brought up those high costs for abilities (new and old).


So they are basically saying: "**** you. It's your own fault when you are dumb enough to pre-order and give us your money in advance!"

You're being unreasonable. Opinions change, and people can realize they made a mistake. Those at Bioware in favor of removing training costs had lost the argument, but the initial reaction to the increased training costs in 3.0 tipped the balance in their favor, and so the policy was changed.


Based on reactions like this I wouldn't blame Bioware if they reverted the change and doubled the price of all training costs from now until the end of time. :rolleyes:


At the very least we are far less likely to ever see a price reduction rolled out for this kind of thing again. In favor of seeing mod removal prices eliminated? Don't hold your breath...

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So - if they had waited 2 weeks instead of two days to remove the training costs - would you have been ok with that?


See no matter what people are gonna complain - by doing it 2 days later, it minimized the amount of people impacted. If they had done it right away, well then everyone that was buying skills before 3.0 would have had a fit - can't make everyone happy, and the more you try, the more you get pissed on.


Spot on. What this community sorely lacks is a sense of community. We rather let everyone experience a negative effect than have a select few bear and swallow the brunt of it and prevent the "damage" from spreading to the greater part of the masses ASAP.


Let's be realistic, refunds won't happen, but maybe those who leveled all their alts within the first 3 days of early access should get a martyr title for their sacrifice in the name of the greater financial good of the entire playerbase for years to come. :tran_angel:

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If we were talking months down the road I wouldn't have agree about a refund, but we are talking about a decision based on how punitive the cost were for many including having to buy skills you already had. Some of us don't have the millions of credits to use. It isn't virtual money down the drain it is real life time lost down the drain due to something that was poorly thought out to begin with. It was also the fact that they couldn't even be bothered to announce this in any way. I find out in a thread 3 days later and then only by happenstance because for those 3 days when I was here it was buried since they couldn't be bothered to sticky it.


As I've said before I'm glad people's time spent is/was meaningless to them, but mine isn't.

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As I've said before I'm glad people's time spent is/was meaningless to them, but mine isn't.

That's a pretty black-and-white sort of view. "Either my time is meaningless, or I should be demanding a refund."


I'll flip that around on you. "Either you're happy the future costs are free, or you're entitled and lazy"


NEITHER of these two statements are true.

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You know what they should give us to make up for this? An enhanced /ignore list.


When I type /ignore <CharacterName>, all characters on my entire account should ignore all that player's characters on his entire account. I ignore for PLAYER behavior, not CHARACTER behavior.


Now THAT is compensation I can support!


That or appearance tabs. Either one would work marvelously.

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If we were talking months down the road I wouldn't have agree about a refund, but we are talking about a decision based on how punitive the cost were for many including having to buy skills you already had. Some of us don't have the millions of credits to use. It isn't virtual money down the drain it is real life time lost down the drain due to something that was poorly thought out to begin with. It was also the fact that they couldn't even be bothered to announce this in any way. I find out in a thread 3 days later and then only by happenstance because for those 3 days when I was here it was buried since they couldn't be bothered to sticky it.


As I've said before I'm glad people's time spent is/was meaningless to them, but mine isn't.


Oh, look, a candidate for the martyr title.


You would have "lost" all that time and money anyway if they had never made that change. You chose to play the game with exactly those consequences. But since they have made the change, you will never lose that time and money again. (Hint: That's a good thing!) Besides, gaming is always real life down the drain. If "losing" a couple hours of game time (during which you actually, you know, played the game) bothers you that much, maybe you should re-evaluate your priorities?

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You know what they should give us to make up for this? An enhanced /ignore list.


When I type /ignore <CharacterName>, all characters on my entire account should ignore all that player's characters on his entire account. I ignore for PLAYER behavior, not CHARACTER behavior.


Now THAT is compensation I can support!


That or appearance tabs. Either one would work marvelously.


Why we don't already have this anyway is beyond me.

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If we were talking months down the road I wouldn't have agree about a refund, but we are talking about a decision based on how punitive the cost were for many including having to buy skills you already had. Some of us don't have the millions of credits to use. It isn't virtual money down the drain it is real life time lost down the drain due to something that was poorly thought out to begin with. It was also the fact that they couldn't even be bothered to announce this in any way. I find out in a thread 3 days later and then only by happenstance because for those 3 days when I was here it was buried since they couldn't be bothered to sticky it.


As I've said before I'm glad people's time spent is/was meaningless to them, but mine isn't.


If they did it months from now.. you would be out millions more credits. How is that even remotely a better outcome then what they did?


As for time lost in an MMO.... ALL time spent inside an MMO is time lost. Why? Because some day you will abandon the game (or it will abandon you) and every single thing you achieved will go poof. Virtual =/= Real. An MMO is virtual entertainment... NOT a real life time investment.

Edited by Andryah
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In the first thread, many people were defending Bioware saying that's it wasn't a bug, working as intended bla bla bla.

Those people paid for the training.

I don't want these same people getting a refund, who refused to even think about Bioware being wrong.



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What is really ridiculous is people against others getting a refund thinking they know better than them what they truly deserve/need.


You are fine not to want a refund but to go as far as others don't is a bit too much stepping into their shoes without knowing anything about them.


In the end they might leave the game and the real looser here is you as less players mean less income for the game and so less content. All in all you are shooting yourselves in the foot.


If a person leave the game because they didnt get refunded credits what would take about 2 hours to make (dailies) they were not going to stick around anyways.


Nobody and I mean Nobody deserves a refund for skills. I dont need to know the person to come to that conclusion. We are talking about a VIDEO GAME CURRENCY! A currency that is available in many ways in the VIDEO GAME, you and the rest are just looking for a free handout PLAIN AND SIMPLE!.

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Probably about time to toss this into the thread, because people have short memories or outright blindness to devtracker posts. :)




Fair question azudelphi! Since the change we are making is a global one, affecting all players and skills, we felt this was a better approach to the overall cost to players. As a result, we will not be providing refunds for the cost of training.


Hope that clarifies our thoughts on the situation.




That is all.

Edited by Andryah
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