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YOU FAILED TO NERF THE 55HMs!!!!! You nerfed the 55 player stuff, never PVE stuff

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Holy fricken cow I've never been more mad at this game than I am now.


I joined some lower level players in my guild to help them with HM Flash point, it was CZ198.


You can't kill the first boss, he insta kills even a level 60 with top rated gear with the grappling hooks and shocking water.


The Adds do so much damage they wipe level 55s with their maxed possible gear for their level. And nearly kills a level 60.


At level 60 it feels like level 55 in the 55HMs, and level 55 feels like level 40s fighting a 55 HM.


You guys completely screwed it up with the HMs! :mad:

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No it doesn't. I had not trouble post 3.0 to pass both hm czerka flashpoints. Also HM FP requires 148 gear not 186.


How the hell do you kill the first droid boss in 186 that sits in the square block of water? His attacks were insta killing the 148 geared 55s, and bringing me in my maxed gear to near death to be finished by the next add spawning.


We even for craps and giggles had two other 186, 1 tank, 1 DPS join me and one of the 55s to do it 55HM, we all still died well before, we couldn't even get the damn droid to lose 1/8 of its HP because of how badly we were getting creamed.


Every 30 seconds it launched the shock into the water, every 3 seconds it grapples the entire team so everyone's in the middle with it being killed by its AoE, those that survived long enough to get out of the water (55s can't) we were grappled again (can't interrupt it, tried) and finished by its cannons, those that survived that with whatever shread of HP, were killed by the mobs the drone spawns, which really, this sounds like a long time, we are only speaking about 20 seconds into the boss fight.

Edited by benovide
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I am in DF tank gear (minmaxed), don't remember using any DCD. But I remember having one of dps having 27k hp with quite ****** gear. We even hit soft enrage on 2nd boss, when he started shooting everyone with missiles.


Granted damage output was lowered down a bit - it should only lead to enrage, not wipe. It seems that you had problems with properly executing tactics (hold the line, force speed, friendly force leap). Also there is 2-3s cast before electrified water. It helps a bit

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Did both Czerka HMs on launch day when i was 59 and trying to finish leveling to 60 with the Czerka wekly. Group was pugs 56-58 and we didn't really have too many problems. You just need to pay attention to mechanics don't stand in electried water and drop the ads quick
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2-3s head start? try INSTANTLY electrifying the water without warning. There wasn't even a time bar for the electrifying of the water.


When we did buffs and force speed, etc. out of the water, before we could get to waters edge we got nailed by grappling hooks and pulled in. You can't counter the grappling hooks they use. In some cases the hooks themselves with 0 damage insta killed you.


I respawned on the top floor and before I could walk down the ramp was killed instantly with a "0" damage grappling hook.

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I did this the other day on a 58 sorc healer that was mostly in 162 stuff and some crap from rishi and didn't notice much difference :rak_02:

but yeah the hooks insta kill if you're on the upper floors, that's how it's always been

Edited by rantboi
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1. I do watch the boss, there is never anykind of warning. It's just "instant electrified"

2. No, The Dread Guards and crap is WWWAAAYYY easier.

3. Damage is normal? So the level 55s are supposed to try and survive 3,000 and 5,500 DPS in the water?

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1. I do watch the boss, there is never anykind of warning. It's just "instant electrified"

2. No, The Dread Guards and crap is WWWAAAYYY easier.

3. Damage is normal? So the level 55s are supposed to try and survive 3,000 and 5,500 DPS in the water?


There is a warning - that annoying alarm sound he does (plus I think there's a 1 second cast time).


No, they're not supposed to survive, you're supposed to get out of the water ASAP.


You are supposed to die if you spend the entire electricity phase in the water (heck you should die if you spend 3/5ths of the phase in the water).

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There is a warning - that annoying alarm sound he does (plus I think there's a 1 second cast time).


No, they're not supposed to survive, you're supposed to get out of the water ASAP.


You are supposed to die if you spend the entire electricity phase in the water (heck you should die if you spend 3/5ths of the phase in the water).


It does the alarm every 5 or 10 seconds.....................................


We do get out of water, even with force speed on a sorc/assassin, we still can't get out of the water, because without three seconds it will grapple hook and pull you BACK into the water, and if you somehow survive that, within 2 seconds of the last grapple hook when you run, it grapples you again and kills you.


I have no idea what you're even talking about now. This is a level 55HM, and three level 60s with top gear and a 55 with top gear can't survive worth crap.

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I used to regularly facetank Cademimu with my shadow. I put (somewhat odd for tanking) 172 gear on my shadow and now have to pay careful attention and cc adds. Used to be able to kill the bonus boss in Mandalorian raiders with no problems-not any more. My tank is unusually defense-heavy, so maybe they just broke the defense mechanic.
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Are you saying this has changed in 3.0? Cause there was a channel pre 3.0 and a warning, it doesn't seem like this has changed.


It must have, because I just skipped CZ 198 until after 3.0, but there was no channel at all, it was randomized electrified, you realize you're being shocked, so you hit force speed to get out, three seconds into it just before on the edge of the water, grappling hooks pull you back, BAM you're dead, as is the rest of your team.

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It hasn't changed. You must have been lagging or something because there is still the channel and a warning. also my last run had a 55 dps juggernaut who never bothered to move out of the water even to kill the adds and no one died Edited by rantboi
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