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I want my $20 back BW


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3.0 is so buggy as to be unplayable. You should not charge people to test your software for you. Major bugs - like meat tree, Revan fight, etc. You obviously didn't do much testing to miss easy stuff like that.


No, when I say unplayable I mean literally so. Something has happened and when I try to complete ANY mission the final dialog hangs half way through. Tried on all my toons - same issue. So I can't do any quests, just run around hitting mobs. That to me is unplayable. Raised a ticket, but no response.

Edited by thomasgtott
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3.0 is so buggy as to be unplayable. You should not charge people to test your software for you. Major bugs - like meat tree, Revan fight, etc. You obviously didn't do much testing to miss easy stuff like that.

Posting in the forum will not get you a refund. Contact them directly if you are serious about wanting one.


If you aren't serious about wanting one, and just want to vent about the bugs, there are already several threads to chose from, we don't need another one.

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Clearly your definition of unplayable and my definition of unplayable are different because I've been playing several hours a day since the update went live and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.


Yes, there are some problems but they hardly prevent the game from being played and I would imagine that many of them will be fixed with Tuesday's patch.

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Clearly your definition of unplayable and my definition of unplayable are different because I've been playing several hours a day since the update went live and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.


Yes, there are some problems but they hardly prevent the game from being played and I would imagine that many of them will be fixed with Tuesday's patch.


QFT. Game is very playable.

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FYI you can get a refund but IF you have logged in an played the game IT will lock the account till the xpac is repurchased


I have been through this ..


they will possibly also refund recent sub price but that is the end of refunds ..


as I said I have been through this and this isn't the place for ask for refunds IF you actually wish to receive it .. call them on the phone

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I think tuesday bioware'll solve some of these problems (latency, raven battle etc.). I'm waiting tuesday to finish this espansion :D


capital idea.. I am a little annoyed that I am losing a week worth of paid time AND yet this might be the best solution with the lowest possible rise in blood pressure ;)

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Are you Guys playing the same game ???.. This game is so buggy and laggy that its a scam.. Simple as that.


It isn't laggy and buggy for everyone though .. and it isn't always laggy for the same person at a different time..


it is a bizarre issue that can come and go .. effecting a lot of players and yet some others are having either fewer issue or no issue (or less noticeable).


I played fine Friday afternoon but in the evening it was nuts for lag and all yesterday all I could do was farm extremely low end content to make credits and basic comms as I was dying to much in content closer to level (most of my content I might add is at low green due to the +12% xp bonus)

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Are you Guys playing the same game ???.. This game is so buggy and laggy that its a scam.. Simple as that.


We are obviously playing the same game.


Yes there are some bugs and there are latency issues. It can be challenging at times when doing group content, but beyond that I was able to level 3 characters to 60 just fine, do a lot of crafting, flash points etc.


It was certainly playable except perhaps some moments in 16 man groups but even there I managed.


The game does need some fixes for sure, but I've been playing a lot the past week so it's definitely playable for me.

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I have had some bugs in game but nothing has stopped me from playing the game. Stop using hyperbole.


The biggest issue was patching. That is by far a bigger issue than anything in game because their broken launcher can actually keep you from playing the game.

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3.0 is so buggy as to be unplayable. You should not charge people to test your software for you. Major bugs - like meat tree, Revan fight, etc. You obviously didn't do much testing to miss easy stuff like that.


No, when I say unplayable I mean literally so. Something has happened and when I try to complete any mission the final dialog hangs half way through. Tried this on all my toons - same issue. So I can't do any quests, just run around hitting mobs. That to me is unplayable. Raised a ticket, but no response.

Edited by thomasgtott
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Posting in the forum will not get you a refund. Contact them directly if you are serious about wanting one.


If you aren't serious about wanting one, and just want to vent about the bugs, there are already several threads to chose from, we don't need another one.


And who put you in charge of the Forums? Don't like my post? don't read it .

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It isn't laggy and buggy for everyone though .. and it isn't always laggy for the same person at a different time..


it is a bizarre issue that can come and go .. effecting a lot of players and yet some others are having either fewer issue or no issue (or less noticeable).[/Quote]



holy ... this is like a dejy vu from the lotro Forums ... you really dont know what that means ?


ur Server can handle 1000 People but 1250 want to log in ... maybe if u reduce the latency for 250 of the existing Players the other 250 could log in as well, but 500 People will notice lag and Problems with latency ...


its also nice from the People who ordered early Access to participate in this open one week pre Launch test for the new expansion ... imagine that, u dont Need to pay testers anymore, no, u get Money from People instead ...




this isnt new, is it?

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You can contact support and get a refund from there. Posting in the forums is childish and deserves to have the thread closed.


+1 the amount of these "i want a refund becase of "X " is getting ridiculous . People seem to have a way of over exaggerating everything . I finished the expansion on friday . I think it was awesome

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+1 the amount of these "i want a refund becase of "X " is getting ridiculous . People seem to have a way of over exaggerating everything . I finished the expansion on friday . I think it was awesome


Good for you. Not everyone is having the same luck.

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I do feel bad for OP. I mean, he found some bugs in the expansion. I can't even play because I have the Rishi load bug. My program locks up when trying to even enter the expansion content. I can't play it at all. Nope, not one bit of the expansion. I am sure his "unplayable" situation is even worse than mine.


Know what I am going to do? I am going to pick up the phone, and I am going to call. That's right, I'm making a phone call.


For some pizza.


I figure they'll get this worked out and I'll be able to play come Tuesday's patch. No need to rage-blow an artery in my skull over $20.

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