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60 matches, all powertech teams. Wiped 59 of 60 games


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So today, me and a bunch of guildies got together to test a theory of PT/Vanguards. Of course we aren't the only guild to work on testing this theory out. Our findings:


4 powertechs, 3 of them shield specialist, 1 of them Advanced Prototype


30/30 4vs4 Arena Matches steam rolled. Like not even 5 minutes per match steamrolled.


Hypergate, with all four working together, we carried the team everytime and won without contest. same with Huttball, same with Voidstar, and same with Alderaan. It did not matter what we did as long as we worked together, our four PTs won 29 of 30 8vs8 matches.


We lost ONE match, why? Because a republic guild was running a 4 man Vanguard Team with all maxed level 60 PVP gear. (We chatted a bit about their armors, they had the new end-game Vanguard PVP armors)


Even the Jedi Order insta popping with 6 Jedi Guardians, our Powertechs wiped them out without contest.


These results thus far haven't been replicated post 3.0 with any other class but powertechs.

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I for one welcome our new VG/PT Overlords


I literally chuckled reading this lol.


I have Vanguards/PTs to, but still, winning 100% of all 4 vs 4 matches by class stacking, and winning 97% of all 8 vs 8 fights by class stacking, is pretty damn rediculous, when Sorcs, Mercs, Juggs, etc. cannot replicate these same results via class stacking.

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I literally chuckled reading this lol.


I have Vanguards/PTs to, but still, winning 100% of all 4 vs 4 matches by class stacking, and winning 97% of all 8 vs 8 fights by class stacking, is pretty damn rediculous, when Sorcs, Mercs, Juggs, etc. cannot replicate these same results via class stacking.


I'm pretty sure sorcs and jugs could do it too. Not mercs though.

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4 powertechs, 3 of them shield specialist, 1 of them Advanced Prototype


Can I ask why you were running 3 ST + 1 AP and not 2 ST + 2 AP or 1 ST + 3 AP? Seems like you'd rip through people with 2 or 3 AP PTs, or is the damage output from ST good enough to drop healers? I'm asking because I am up in the air on whether to gear out ST or AP. I like both but prefer ST a little more. So your observations will be helpful.



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I'm pretty sure sorcs and jugs could do it too. Not mercs though.




Seriously you stack anything and it becomes stupid as hell particularly if the players involved are all better than your average pug.


Trust me I would be a lot more afraid of quad sorcs or quad assassins than quad powertechs.

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So today, me and a bunch of guildies got together to test a theory of PT/Vanguards. Of course we aren't the only guild to work on testing this theory out. Our findings:


4 powertechs, 3 of them shield specialist, 1 of them Advanced Prototype


30/30 4vs4 Arena Matches steam rolled. Like not even 5 minutes per match steamrolled.


Hypergate, with all four working together, we carried the team everytime and won without contest. same with Huttball, same with Voidstar, and same with Alderaan. It did not matter what we did as long as we worked together, our four PTs won 29 of 30 8vs8 matches.


We lost ONE match, why? Because a republic guild was running a 4 man Vanguard Team with all maxed level 60 PVP gear. (We chatted a bit about their armors, they had the new end-game Vanguard PVP armors)


Even the Jedi Order insta popping with 6 Jedi Guardians, our Powertechs wiped them out without contest.


These results thus far haven't been replicated post 3.0 with any other class but powertechs.


Long time ago before they nerfed Pyro Powertechs in the beginning, I was in a PvP guild in this game that ran 4 of us on Pyros. The burst was so obscene back then that we'd mow through an entire team of 8 within 10 seconds of coming into the fight....We instant killed a Vanguard Tank Guarding a Energy Shielded Commando Healer at the same time, Both were rank 90 back then....That's how silly the burst was. From what i've seen with the latest patch, You could run 3 or 4 Advanced Prototype PT's again and absolutely accomplish the same thing now a days.

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As mentioned stacking is nothing new, ran 4x lethality OPs before they couldnt get cleansed and annihilated all before us.


Heres the thing though, people in co ordinated 4 man teams will win far more than losing regardless of class that they play unless completely stupid.

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vs pugs


end up winning 59/60



Name a class you can't stack in a 4 man organised group and faceroll.


Read below


Can I ask why you were running 3 ST + 1 AP and not 2 ST + 2 AP or 1 ST + 3 AP? Seems like you'd rip through people with 2 or 3 AP PTs, or is the damage output from ST good enough to drop healers? I'm asking because I am up in the air on whether to gear out ST or AP. I like both but prefer ST a little more. So your observations will be helpful.




Reason being is the STs took more damage. The one DPS was all that was really needed, all things considering....


Because everyone sees the "tanks" and just hounds on them vs the one guy who's doing the real damage. We put him on guard and a random PT on guard as well.


As far as other class stacks, we tested that today and last night.



Sorcerers 4, 1 heals, 3 DPS. In 4vs 4 matches. 0/30 in 8v8 matches 7/30

Sorcerers 4, 2 heals 2 DPS (madness for DPS on both accounts FYI) 0/30 and 5/30


Commandos 4, 1 heal, 3 DPS, in 4vs 4, 19/30. in 8vs8, 22/30

Commandos 4, 2 heals 2DPS, 4vs4 12/30, in 8vs8 19/30


Juggernaut 4, 1 Vengeance, 3 immortal, 4vs4 20/30 8v8 21/30

Juggernaut4, 2 Vengeance, 2 Immortal, 4vs4 8/30 8v8 15/30


Operatives, 1 heal, 3 concealment, 4vs4 23/30 8v8 26/30

Operatives, 4 Concealment, 4vs 4 27/30, 8v8 27/30

Operatives, 1 heal, 3 lethality, 4vs4 7/30 8v8 16/30

Operatives, 4 Lethality 4vs4 5/30, 8v8 6/30


Marauder, 4 Rage, 4vs4 13/30 8v8 11/30

Maruader, 4 Carnage, 4vs4 17/30 8v8 19/30

Marauder, 2 Rage 2 Carnage, 4vs4 5/30, 8v8 6/30


Sniper, 4 Marksmanship 4vs4 12/30, 8v8 19/30

Sniper, 4 Lethality, 4vs4 9/12, 8v8 7/12

Sniper, 2 Lethality, 2 Marksmanship 4vs4 17/30 8v8 25/30

Sniper, 2Engineering, 2 Markslmanship 4vs4 22/30, 8v8 23/30

Sniper, 4 Engineering, 4vs4 3/30, 8v8 5/30

Sniper, 2 Lethality, 2 Engineering 4vs4 8/30, 8v8 11/30


Assassin, 4 Deception, 4v4 24/30, 8v8 27/30

Assassin, 4 Darkness, 4vs4 26/30, 8v8 27/30

Assassin, 4 Hatred, 4vs4 12/30, 8v8 21/30

Assassin, 2 Deception 2 Darkness, 4vs4 16/30 8v8 17/30

Assassin 2 Deception 2 Hatred, 4vs4 17/30, 8v8 7/30

Assassin 2 Hatred 2Darkness, 4vs4 9/30, 8v8 18/30


No set had such a perfect record as the PTs.


We rolled PT again

1 AP, 3 ST. for 120 matches total, 60 4vs4 (for law of numbers purposes) 60 8v8.

60/60 4vs4, 57/60 8v8


For the first 30 matches of 4vs4, 30/30 first 30 matches of 8v8, we won 30/30, the other three matches lost in the second set of 30 matches as PTs, we lost because we went against the same Vanguard clan we did the last time.

Edited by benovide
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I might be a little off with the numbers but I seem to be coming up with 1584 matches you say you played today and last night.




48hrs straight, no sleep and monster.


Furthermore, I also have maxed out every possible SH item you can get with PVP comms, and maxed out by ranked coms and basic coms.


I've even outfitted my companions in PVP gear for the heck of it.

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It becomes harder and harder to believe anything this guy says.


...and if those numbers are legitimate, you and your buddies suck at everything but powertech. :rolleyes:


Get your buddies and do it then. Quite frankly we did our Commandos better than we did our Sorcs. And BTW, we are dominantly Sorc players. And our Commandos (equiv to Mercs) did WAY better in PVP than our sorcs did.

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48hrs straight, no sleep and monster.


Furthermore, I also have maxed out every possible SH item you can get with PVP comms, and maxed out by ranked coms and basic coms.


I've even outfitted my companions in PVP gear for the heck of it.


Right so if I do 1584 matches vs 48h or 2880 minutes


That's less than 2 mins per game including any queue time, pre-gate prep time, actual fighting, swapping chars, remodding and gearing chars, taking bio breaks, eating...


After sleeping it off fix your numbers, they are impossible.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Right so if I do 1584 matches vs 48h or 2880 minutes


That's less than 2 mins per game including any queue time, pre-gate prep time, actual fighting, swapping chars, remodding and gearing chars, taking bio breaks, eating...


After sleeping it off fix your numbers, they are impossible.


You see, what happened is simple. Psychological warfare. They all quit the moment they saw so many PTs on the other team :p

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You see, what happened is simple. Psychological warfare. They all quit the moment they saw so many PTs on the other team :p


Exactly, if they were get instant que pops, and saw the 4 PT team over and over, you would just leave or die quickly every time. No one likes to get farmed


As for stacking VG/PTs, since when have VG/PT not been excellent in PvP. My VG is about the only toon I can faceroll people on, with the exception on my Sorc. I suck at PvP (movement issues due to mouse hand issues), and can still win with a VG/PT. Guess what I'm getting at is this is old news wrapped in a new package. It is a very pretty package now though.

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Right so if I do 1584 matches vs 48h or 2880 minutes


That's less than 2 mins per game including any queue time, pre-gate prep time, actual fighting, swapping chars, remodding and gearing chars, taking bio breaks, eating...


After sleeping it off fix your numbers, they are impossible.


Sun rise to well into sunset on two days straight.


And longest 4v4 for PTs were 1.3 minutes (1 minute and 24 seconds was the longest match) 8vs8, hutt ball only a few minutes, we just steam rolled and passed to each other, hyper gate varied, alderaan we never got, voidstar we got a few times but steamrolled them.


As far as ques go, we instant queued each time we queued the group.


For other classes times for matches were all roughly the same because we all play aggressively.

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Yeah so I was doing some lvl60 warzones yesterday with a team that while not pure VG has a good number of them, and we fought every match against a double premade of triple Juggernaut, and triple Sorc respectively and they wiped the floor with us every match, so I'm pretty sure the premise of this thread is false.


Also somehow I doubt you kept a full double premade of powertechs together for the amount of time to do 60 matches.

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