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Dear BIOWARE could you fix accuracy ? (with formulae & math)


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Hi there, with the 3.0 change, all DPS tree lost theirs +3% accuracy bonus, it should'nt be an issue since it's stated in the patch-note :


Accuracy Rating grants more Accuracy per point.


So when the max lvl was 55, we needed 435 accuracy rating in order to get the 110% accuracy (with the +3% acc bonus in the skill tree and +1% acc bonus from the tank pet max affection)


now with the change we need (since the formulae didn't change at all) 758 acc to have the 110% accuracy. Even in 198 gear (the top tier), we need 6 ACC slot + one ACC augment to obtain 110%.


Well you've made some really great change with the alac systeme because you're finding players don't use it, but even now, if we want do some decent damage, we need to choose for the 3 remains slot, surge or alac ? the choice will be very easy...


the formulae is ATM (and prior to the 3.0 patch) :


 30 * (1 - (  (1 - (0,01 / 0,3)) ^ ((Acc_Rating / Player_LVL) / 1,2) ) ) 


so atm we have 30 * (1 - ( (1 - (0,01 / 0,3)) ^ ((758 / 60) / 1,2) ) ) = 9,005% (add the extra 1% pet bonus and the 100% base,done)


change the 1.2 coeff for let's say 0,9 and we now need "only" 5 slot to reach the 110% acc. The great thing with the 0.9 coef is that if we want down our number of acc slot to 4, we need some enhancement that give 150 each or very close to that number by swaping an main stat augment for a ACC augment. Until you don't give us some enhancement with 186+ ACC, we won't reach very high number in surge AND alac (and we musn't reach high number in both stats).




So to resume, change the 1.2 coef to 0.9 coef in the formulae and things will be good.



Edited by Mitsugoya
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I still don't understand what needs fixing...

Until you don't give us some enhancement with 186+ ACC, we won't reach very high number in surge AND alac (and we musn't reach high number in both stats).


Couldn't that be very well intended considering they nerfed the dps ?

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I still don't understand what needs fixing...



Couldn't that be very well intended considering they nerfed the dps ?


The thread is about the fact that Acc hasn't change while the patch note clearly state it is. I don't ask for a major buff that allow us to reach high number in both stat, that would be way to OP and indecent, but a adjustement that allow us to really choose between Alac and surge.

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Definitely not helping Alacrity. Or maybe the choice is supposed to be either shoot 9 times with 100% hit rate or shoot 10 times with 90% hit rate... :p (You know, since the update is all about balance & choices. ;) ) Edited by KyaniteD
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The thread is about the fact that Acc hasn't change while the patch note clearly state it is. I don't ask for a major buff that allow us to reach high number in both stat, that would be way to OP and indecent, but a adjustement that allow us to really choose between Alac and surge.


I think it was "proven" in the other thread about this that the DR on accuracy was indeed buffed from 2.X to 3.X, and if it wasn't buffed we would need over 800 rating points to reach the cap.


Edit: No, I am wrong. It isn't!

Edited by znihilist
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I would like a definitive answer on this as well, before I go on purchasing gear and ripping mods in order to achieve 100% accuracy.


On my GS @ 60, I had to purchase 5 chest pieces, along with the other pieces of gear, in order to reach 100/110% accuracy and "optimize" my stats. (had to spend around 1500 comms)


That left me with 20% crit, 66% surge, and 0 alacrity, with a minor loss in power. Not to mention the credits involved ripping mods.


Also, the 186 MODS are inferior to the 180 MODS. 186=31.50 180=32.29. The amount of crit due to the increased Mainstat was minimal.


A simple answer of "working as intended", "we are looking into this issue", or "yes, this is a bug" would be GREATLY appreciated.

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If the postings about 198 gear stats are correct, then you can do it with 5 enhancements (5 * 120) + 3 augments (3 * 54) with a bit less overshoot and one more enhancement free.


That doesn't change your basic point that this still is a hell of a lot of budget to devote to a threshold stat that gives no direct damage increase, and it definitely is NOT what was advertised when this change was discussed during the dev blogs and streams. They said DPS would need accuracy to be on par. They did not say you would need twice as much of it as you used to. And their comments directly implied the opposite; that they had "made up for" losing the talent buffs by changing the curve. They didn't.

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Yes, the formula is the same from 2.0 to 3.0, so if their statement about the number of accuracy rating needed to get to 100/110 is still true and they did not revert the change, the formula needs fixed.


We still need 458 Acc Rating to hit 100/110 at level 55, so no accuracy buff made it to live.

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I agree it would be nice to know if the current accuracy settings are intended or if there is a bug before I do too much level 60 gearing.


I hardly believe that it's working as intended as the devs clearly stated (and more than just once) that accuracy rating will give more % per point and ATM ACC rating give slightly less % per point (result of beeing 60)

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not sure if I missed something or not hit lvl 60 last night got basic gear swapped some enhancements around and was sitting at exact same accuracy was at before no augments just enhancements (which using accuracy instead of power) but not a huge deal from what I can tell.
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Picking and obsessing on one stat is senseless to me.


What matters is DPS per unit time. Missing less is only one part of hitting a target DPS/per-time-interval.


Accuracy is more important for some roles then others... and they made adjustments to take that into account from what I can see.


If a stat progression concerns you.. bug report it and move on. If they made a mistake and it needs fixing.. it will get queued in the bug queue for a fix.

Edited by Andryah
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Picking and obsessing on one stat is senseless to me.


What matters is DPS per unit time. Missing less is only one part of hitting a target DPS/per-time-interval.


Accuracy is more important for some roles then others... and they made adjustments to take that into account from what I can see.


If a stat progression concerns you.. bug report it and move on. If they made a mistake and it needs fixing.. it will get queued in the bug queue for a fix.

I think the concern is not so much what it is, as whether or not it's going to suddenly change. At this point, reality does not seem to match what was expected.


If the expectations were wrong, and it's working as intended, that's fine. (By me anyway.) I will then take the new numbers, and gear appropriately.


If it's a bug, however, when they fix it you could find yourself needing to re-gear again to get your numbers where you want them.


Given the time/effort/credit cost involved in doing so, I think it's a fair question as to whether or not the gear is working as intended.

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. At this point, reality does not seem to match what was expected.


This is always the case these days with MMO players.


Players complain about developer "communications"...while completely overlooking that fact that communications requires both telling AND listening. Most players that get easily disappointed are, IMO, hearing what they want to hear rather then hearing what is being said. We see this all the time in the forum here and it's by no means limited to this MMOs forum.


I get that those who are sensibly concerned would just like clarity as to A) bug or B) working as intended. And frankly the quickest way to an answer is to bug report in the bug report forum.


But again.... some players simply don't adapt well to change and also want everything. They don't want to adapt nor do they want to be constrained in maxing out every stat. But their expectations are not reasonable in that regard.

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But again.... some players simply don't adapt well to change and also want everything. They don't want to adapt nor do they want to be constrained in maxing out every stat. But their expectations are not reasonable in that regard.


Agreed, but totally not interested in those players in this particular case. If things are "working as intended" then I, and those like me, will adapt our strategies accordingly. If it's a bug, we will instead wait patiently while it's investigated and (hopefully) fixed.


I get that those who are sensibly concerned would just like clarity as to A) bug or B) working as intended. And frankly the quickest way to an answer is to bug report in the bug report forum.


Yup, that is the group I am in. It was reported in the bug forum (link) and bumped several times. The devs/community team obviously can't respond to every thread, and quite often the "working as intended" threads get ignored for that reason. (And rightly so.) So in these cases, threads in general forum can have a greater effect.


I think if you read the statements made prior to 3.0 release, it seems rational to expect two things to happen in regards to accuracy in 3.0.



  1. Accuracy talents were removed from all trees. (True and confirmed.)
  2. The effect of the accuracy stat on your % to hit would be greater per point after 3.0 than it was before. (At Question)


What clearly was not stated by the devs is how much of an increase we could expect per stat point of accuracy in 3.0. So those stating that they expected Accuracy to be exactly the same after are mistaken.


That said, the mathematical analysis provided by several players who are smarter and have more time than me seem to indicate that there is no increase in the effect of accuracy on your to hit chance. This means one of three things.



  1. The theorycrafting and analysis done so far is missing a key ingredient, and the numbers are wrong.
  2. The numbers are right, but the community misunderstood (or the devs mis-stated) point #2 above, and accuracy is working as intended.
  3. The numbers are right, and there is a bug in the accuracy calculation that may be addressed in a future build.


Again, I think it's reasonable to ask for clarification.

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This is always the case these days with MMO players.

Players complain about developer "communications"...while completely overlooking that fact that communications requires both telling AND listening. Most players that get easily disappointed are, IMO, hearing what they want to hear rather then hearing what is being said. We see this all the time in the forum here and it's by no means limited to this MMOs forum.


have you read the patch note ? have you read the first post of this topic ? Seems not, i clearly ask for a dev respond and suggest a solution if it's not working as intended.


I've even done the math to support my statement. I've listening the dev and they stated that accuracy rating give more accuracy per point, atm it is not.


But again.... some players simply don't adapt well to change and also want everything. They don't want to adapt nor do they want to be constrained in maxing out every stat. But their expectations are not reasonable in that regard.


the goal here is to have an answer in order to know how properly adapt our gear

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Personally, I find the need to have 110% of anything in this game to be dumb game design.


I mean, how can one realistically be more accurate than "guaranteed to hit?" (Of course, as realistic as one could be in a sci-fi MMO).


Maybe someone with more knowledge of game design could enlighten on this subject.

Edited by agamemnon-
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Personally, I find the need to have 110% of anything in this game to be dumb game design.


I mean, how can one realistically be more accurate than "guaranteed to hit?" (Of course, as realistic as one could be in a sci-fi MMO).


Maybe someone with more knowledge of game design could enlighten on this subject.


at 100% you never MISS the target, at 110% the target never DODGE (or resist) your attack.

Boss have 10% defense chance, so in order to avoid beeing dodge you need the 100% accuracy + an extra 10% accuracy to counter the 10% defense chance.

If you have 90% accuracy, you have 10% chance miss and 10% chance of beeing dodge.


Do you see the difference ? Also, when your attack is dodged you hit for 1 dmg. Thats why a lot of people don't mind to be less than 110% because they don't see "MISS" on target

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Well theres the thing. I have 100,15 %melee and 110,15 force accuracy now and i still see too many misses and dodges when parsing on dummy in my ship


Now that would be an interesting parse to see. In theory 100/110 never misses. What is your accuracy rating by gear? (How many points?) You need near 800 now to get 100% now.

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Well theres the thing. I have 100,15 %melee and 110,15 force accuracy now and i still see too many misses and dodges when parsing on dummy in my ship

Was this on a dual wielder by any chance?


Offhand attacks will haves misses no matter how high your accuracy.

Edited by Khevar
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Well theres the thing. I have 100,15 %melee and 110,15 force accuracy now and i still see too many misses and dodges when parsing on dummy in my ship


I guess you're 60 right ? because if you have 110% accu at 55 and parsing on the 60 dummy it's not a bug ^^

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Agreed, but totally not interested in those players in this particular case. If things are "working as intended" then I, and those like me, will adapt our strategies accordingly. If it's a bug, we will instead wait patiently while it's investigated and (hopefully) fixed.


No disagreement. I consider your approach to be what a well-coping player would do. It's certainly what I am doing for the most part. I put sufficient accuracy on my characters at the moment to insure a low average miss rate (I don't need perfection, absent misses and dodges as it all evens out in the end when a full combat cycle is complete and all secondary support stats are factored in). If I need a bit more or less later, I'll make adjustments.


The only downside here at this time is that Bioware has not yet responded to the question of working as intended. Which means that you assume it's a bug and hold off until you get a response.


It could very well be that they have not decided internally if where the formula for accuracy (and other stats) are where they actually need them to be. In other words, given their analytics capabilities behind the scenes... it's entirely possible they set it where they felt it needed to be by design intent... but also recognize that until you unleash the hordes on it...and analyze the results... some adjustments may be needed.


I'm not defending the lack of a response yet... I'm just recognizing that they may not have an answer for players yet. AND.. there are bigger issues for them to get nailed down right now.. so I really don't see the accuracy formula looking wrong to players to be something mission critical to address in haste.

Edited by Andryah
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at 100% you never MISS the target, at 110% the target never DODGE (or resist) your attack.

Boss have 10% defense chance, so in order to avoid beeing dodge you need the 100% accuracy + an extra 10% accuracy to counter the 10% defense chance.

If you have 90% accuracy, you have 10% chance miss and 10% chance of beeing dodge.


Do you see the difference ? Also, when your attack is dodged you hit for 1 dmg. Thats why a lot of people don't mind to be less than 110% because they don't see "MISS" on target



Thank you for taking the time to explain that.

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