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SoR: Different Rishi Intro for the SAME Class?


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Fix this for early access subs.


No I don't give a flying **** if you also want to watch the cinematic of saving a *********** kitten in 2012. **** you. Not every wrong in the history of the human race has to be righted to fix these bugs and reward loyal subs.

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Guys, just an heads up:




I am still trying to find out for sure, but from checking some stuff here and there, except for the Imperial Agent, there's an issue where Romanceable companions, namely:



  • Ashara Zavros and Andronikos Revel for Inquisitors


  • Vette and Malavai Quinn for Warriors


  • Mako and Torian Cadera for Bounty Hunters


Are NOT working as intended; They should utter a different line in the intro, assuming you had something going on with them.


After last Tuesday's patch, everything seems to be fine with the one for the Imperial Agent though, at least as far as Vector is concerned; Not 100% sure with Kaliyo, seeing my Agent romanced Temple instead. Have a friend checking on this one.


Also, Republic classes also seem to be working as intended. Regardless, still trying to know for sure. :o

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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You're to be commended for the amount of digging and discussion you've put into this bug (or bugs).


Unfortunately, it would truly seem it is not working as intended still, Empire-side. :(


It is doubtful I'll hear of my friend until later today concerning Kaliyo, but again, Empire-side, the only romance that is acknowledged for sure is the one with Vector, as you can see below:


Image on the left acknowledges the romance, while the one on the left remains neutral; My second Operative pursued no romance with him.


All the ones I mentioned here are nowhere near acknowledged; Again, it's a minor issue compared with the one that drove the creation of this thread but it's there nonetheless.


Everything seems to be working fine for Republic classes though. I'll post my findings later, in this thread or another one I guess.

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Ok, didn't start the expansion yet, figured there would be bugs to work through so been playing DA:I while I waited. I'm somewhat confused, so all my imperial characters will get the generic intro if I didn't do Ilum, Makeb, and the FA intro but my pub chars will as long as they just did the main chapter 3 story?


If so I'm going to be very unhappy because I skipped ilum on all but 1 char, and that ones is missing one of the FPs... as for makeb, I've only done it on 3 of them, prelude, none.


Also, several of my chars finished their stories pre-legacy update so will they be missing "flags" as well?

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I take the opportunity to ask something : I took the quest as an Agent before the fix. But I never talked to the local contact. Do you think it's still possible for me to start this anew or this is too late ?


Try to abandon the quest or reset it. See if it works.


Doesn't hurt to try I guess. ;)

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I found this thread as I was running into a problem with Vette on my juggernaut., prior to starting SoR.

When adding Vette to the stronghold, she shows up in some default gear, like the stuff she got when you enter fleet first time. Highly perplexing as she is walking around in rakata agent gear, which looks a tad better.

When starting chapter 5 from ship terminal, Vette on this character again goes default on me.

I have multiple warriors, which all have Vette's with variable gear and so on, and I have no idea why this character have a bugged Vette. It just does not happen to all warriors, my marauder had no issues in SoR intro.

I do notice that the Vette I see on the marauder has the custom gear she has with him and not the gear on my juggernaut, so this may be a problem with loading the equipmentinfo for the cutscene. In other words, we may have a corrupted character file.


Checking the stronghold for further clues, I noticed that all companions will show up in their default initial gear on the preview window where you place and pick them up, but all my companions save Vette loaded correct.

Vette is also the active companion. Changing to another companion make Vette in the stronghold load the equipment assigned to her by that character. Checking still some more, I find that the stronghold seem to follow this rule:

Companions you do not have show up as holo images and in a default suit.

Companions you have and which are not active companions show up in their custom gear.

You active companion follow the same behaviour as companions that character doesnt have - default suit and holo'ed.


Applying this info to test the rishi intro bug for solutions, I switch to quinn as active companion and start the cutscene. There is no change in outcome, Vette is dressed in default garb, Quinn in his custom gear.

Vette also lose her customization 3 and show up as if no customization token has been used, further adding strength to the theory it is a character file issue. Tried multiple times to force a fix by unloading all her gear and start up cutscene and so on, but always default gear, it simply does not load the actual gear for her.

Even took all her gear off and logged completely out of game and back in to perhaps force a emptying out of the Vette data and make it work. No dice. Last note: This is happening on my second warrior to get to rishi, not the first, if that has any impact.

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Try to abandon the quest or reset it. See if it works.


Doesn't hurt to try I guess. ;)


Cant abandon quest, and resetting quest when you have landed on rishi does not change the objective of the quest. We're past the problem at this point, regardless.

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Thanks for the heads up - I was about to start my agent. Guess I'll wait till it gets fixed before going down that path.


EVERYTHING pertaining the Agent is NOW fixed. ;)


The issue right now, as pointed out here, is that other Imperial classes don't have their romances acknowledged for some reason.


Then again:

Tari Darkspanner has a cameo on Yavin 4, supposed to be fully-voiced, but she's silent right now too.


They're looking into it.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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  • 6 months later...
Alas, f!IA is not fixed, does not acknowledge Vector romance. Stops right where the holo of the planet shows up. :(


Female knight didnt aknowlege doc romance last week for SoR im going to assume they broke something again.


Given that the warrior, inquisitor, and bounty hunter intros (for female characters at least) never got fixed to begin with, im going to go with "Bioware doesnt give a flying F***"

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Female knight didnt aknowlege doc romance last week for SoR im going to assume they broke something again.


Given that the warrior, inquisitor, and bounty hunter intros (for female characters at least) never got fixed to begin with, im going to go with "Bioware doesnt give a flying F***"


Actually, it's "BioWare doesn't give a flying f*** about female characters."

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