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Slinger/Sniper - Survivability ISSUE!


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Can you blame his QQ tho? If I went from 2 seasons being the best merc (for dps shhhhh I know don't laugh) to being in the garbage can in solos I'd be a little pissed as well. Only thing he fails to see is snipers out perform mercs in grouped rank and regs. So if snipers were to (and im pretty sure pre 3.0 they were a better choice then mercs) out perform mercs in solos. Then you thread about mercs being completely useless is true.


I just need to find a server where people don't focus mercs first then I'll be happy.


Good luck with that. About the only time on my Slinger where I could actually do much in a pug arena would be when there was a merc present.

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Snipers are pretty damn good in grouped ranked. In regs they are (if skilled) the best class. Honestly the only issue with snipers is the same with mercs. Solos that are normally 4v4 all dps. Other then that I've seen snipers completely dominate.


I'll say it again, why is it ok for some classes to be self sufficient and viable in solo q, and others not? No one has been able to explain this to me yet. So far all I get is "they are ok in group, so they are fine", which is just a cop out.

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I'll say it again, why is it ok for some classes to be self sufficient and viable in solo q, and others not? No one has been able to explain this to me yet. So far all I get is "they are ok in group, so they are fine", which is just a cop out.


It's not really that its OK for the people saying it. Its just that for all the ideas to improve sniper/slingers there, people wonder how that would affect the regs and group ranked. How do you buff YOLO Snipers/Slingers without making them gods in regs.

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I'll say it again, why is it ok for some classes to be self sufficient and viable in solo q, and others not? No one has been able to explain this to me yet. So far all I get is "they are ok in group, so they are fine", which is just a cop out.


Because it's not a copout no matter how many times you repeat it.


The game is NOT balanced around solo ranked. Period. It never will be.


Snipers perform fine with tanks and healers and that's what Bioware cares about.

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It's not really that its OK for the people saying it. Its just that for all the ideas to improve sniper/slingers there, people wonder how that would affect the regs and group ranked. How do you buff YOLO Snipers/Slingers without making them gods in regs.


The same goes for mercs. Sure they lack DCD same as snipers but both classes hit some good numbers. Sniper however hit great numbers. Tbh if you want better DCD snipers will have to give up some damage/burst.


And to answer the other guy. I get what your saying and your right it's not fair for some classes to be viable while others are just complete ****. However this game started as 8v8 then hit 4v4s. We all know the classes that can't survive solos since season 2 (it's been nothing but dps showdown) were not created for 4v4.


Don't get me wrong I would love for merc to be able to hold his own on a global of 4 dps but think about how OP a class would be if it could not only survive a 4man global but ALSO dish out damage like a sniper... That is what this thread is asking for. A God in the arena and no one should be god unless you main a jugg cuZ well they get all the best toys.

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Yo BioWare ! The issue still exists. Do something like you said you would a year ago...


Balancing around solo ranked is a very stupid idea. Sure, snipers can get more dcd's, they're squishy.... the tradeoff being mm loses some of the burst if it can profit from increased defensives. BW will have to balance the buffs.

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Unfortunately Cryyc only cares about yolo ranked. Hence his perpetual QQ.


You don't know me at all or else you wouldn't write stuff like that and I know that you did read other stuff I wrote in the past and I said MULTIPLE times that it's not about solo ranked, it is just the unfair balancing BW is doing.

There is absolutely NO reason at all why a class, any class at all, should be dependent on other classes/players to enjoy the different aspects of this game and to have fun. This is not fair nor balanced, it's stupid.

A class like this shouldn't exist, especially when almost every other class is so self sufficient. Plain simple, this is not balanced.

Same thing for the argument that one Dev did some time ago on a twitch livestream, that Snipers have the problem that most people just don't know how to play with a Sniper in their group, well it is definetly true I give him that, but it should make you think of a solution to improve the playing experience with a class that has this problem and not to neglect it or brush all the complaints about it aside and saying that their metrics show that Sniper is doing well -it's NOT.

Sniper needs to be rebalanced and this huge Ambush dmg needs to be nerfed imo. What good is that dmg anyway if you hardly survive or even better you try to cast it several times and all your targets LoS you constantly since they SEE the animation of Ambush on them, getting hit by Ambush is everyones own fault (as far as they are not mezzed) because you can see it coming a mile away if you're not blind and furthermore... the deflection of Ambush, amazing.


So, to cut it a bit short, I don't give a **** about solo ranked, I want it to be removed or even better, seperate the Arena maps from the current NWZ Q, leave the solo ranked Q BUT!!! convert it to a non-ranked Q for Arena maps, no rating attached to it anymore, just plain simple you could Q for Arena either solo or in a group and you also could test like team setups for group ranked this way since we don't have any other way to test this.

Furthermore, while doing this change to the solo Q, I would really like to see BW implement another bracket for Arena, keep the 4v4 and add a 2v2 bracket, it would be much easier to build a team, I mean all you need is just another player and you can Q, way more easier than finding 3 other players and all 4 of a team would need to have time to play all the time at the same time etc. Not really working that way especially w/o cross-server Qs.

2v2 would probably result in more teams q'ing, maybe not that many, but I'd assume it'd be more than in 4v4 right now.


Because it's not a copout no matter how many times you repeat it.


The game is NOT balanced around solo ranked. Period. It never will be.


Snipers perform fine with tanks and healers and that's what Bioware cares about.

Didn't they buff Enraged Defense only because of Juggernauts dying and dying and dying on a regular basis in solo ranked in season 1? I guess they did... I also think to remember that they even said it that they are doing it because of Juggernauts dying in solo ranked.

So saying that this game is not balanced around it is not true because you can see with couple of patches that BioWare actually tries to balance around it too or else they would have never given Juggernaut that ED buff.

The main problem I see is, that they never really buff all the classes at the same time, they keep on nerfing and buffing couple of classes every few months give or take. Leaving other classes out of that process. Buffing specific classes to be OP, making lots of players to reroll fotm or undust old mains. Thus creating a very overrepresentation of specific class(es) in PvP which makes the balancing issue in PvP even worse.


It's quite simple, it's easy to see if you play this game. Patching needs to be done. This ain't balanced.

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There is absolutely NO reason at all why a class, any class at all, should be dependent on other classes/players to enjoy the different aspects of this game and to have fun. This is not fair nor balanced, it's stupid. A class like this shouldn't exist, especially when almost every other class is so self sufficient. Plain simple, this is not balanced.


This is absolutely true.





People keep arguing that snipers are fine in group so they are fine overall. In a perfect game balance would not be around solo rated. This is not a perfect game, and the game developers have given no indication that they are doing anything to improve the brokenness of the solo queue. Individual servers do not have the pvp population support restrictions to team composition. A lot of servers don't even have the opportunity to do group ranked because of the population issues. Cross server should have happened years ago, and at this point its safe to say it never will happen. If there was any indication that some fix to 4v4 dps solo queue matches was coming, then and only then could you make that argument.


Since this is the system we are stuck with, all classes should have some measure of viability in that area.


A good number of the utilities snipers have are just useless. They do not measure up in any way to the options other classes have. Improving those utilities in favor of slightly more survivability is not going to have a noticeable impact on group ranked.

Edited by kvandertulip
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I keep hearing "why can't we be self-sufficient? It's not fair!"

It's true two specs of snipers are weak in pvp in general. If survivability is being handed out, ask: Will mm in particular be buffed? If mm is to remain at the same burst output, survivability should only be given to the other specs.

If mm will benefit, some burst HAS to go!

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Wow sniper dude for real. All the classes will NEVER be balanced. Damn dude get over it. I got over mercs not getting anything but you are still hanging on to a dead horse. Your class is viable in 3 out of 4 pvp areas of the game


1. Regular pvp


2. Wpvp (which is funny that people forget about this)


3. Group ranked


Only thing your class is not viable for is solo ranked with low population servers. So your best bet is to que when tanks or healers are in que. If they are THEN your class is now viable for 4 out of 4 aspects of the game for pvp.


I know you want it all but sometimes you get only what is given.

Edited by Darth__Reaver
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I keep hearing "why can't we be self-sufficient? It's not fair!"

It's true two specs of snipers are weak in pvp in general. If survivability is being handed out, ask: Will mm in particular be buffed? If mm is to remain at the same burst output, survivability should only be given to the other specs.

If mm will benefit, some burst HAS to go!


Man, I would gladly give all the burst in the world for a bit more survivability...


Can't burst if you're dead etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

#3 Sniper in the world has 11 wins. Says it all. No one is playing this class in Solo Ranked anymore because it sucks. It's the most useless class for solo ranked. I know, I have the experience. The only viable spec is Marksman/Sharpshooter due to everyone just purge dots after 3.0 like they are purging machines (Operative/Scoundrels with Dodge/Evasion and Shadow/Assassins with Resilience/Shroud which both are 1 minute cooldown and also active on combat stealth activation. Sage/Sorcerers have Barrier which heals to full and remove all incoming damage for 10 seconds and give them more absorb than needed. Sniper/Gunslinger don't have these options, in fact they got nerfed hard in 3.0. We lost our purge which was an essential ability in PvP, and we no longer have the same absorb on Shield Probe/Defense Screen as pre 3.0 due to the changes in set bonuses.


They also increased Shield Probe/Defense Screen cooldown with 300% (In Virulence, which was lethality back in the day). We can only eat damage. And we are food at the same time. I've had enough. I'm not going to transfer to a retard-server only to be able to get rating.

Edited by SirMannii
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Wow sniper dude for real. All the classes will NEVER be balanced. Damn dude get over it. I got over mercs not getting anything but you are still hanging on to a dead horse. Your class is viable in 3 out of 4 pvp areas of the game


1. Regular pvp


2. Wpvp (which is funny that people forget about this)


3. Group ranked


Only thing your class is not viable for is solo ranked with low population servers. So your best bet is to que when tanks or healers are in que. If they are THEN your class is now viable for 4 out of 4 aspects of the game for pvp.


I know you want it all but sometimes you get only what is given.


^^^ incase anyone forgot.

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I keep hearing "why can't we be self-sufficient? It's not fair!"

It's true two specs of snipers are weak in pvp in general. If survivability is being handed out, ask: Will mm in particular be buffed? If mm is to remain at the same burst output, survivability should only be given to the other specs.

If mm will benefit, some burst HAS to go!


This used to be engineering. Less damage and burst unless you wall-bang someone. More defense and utility.

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Well your points are ridiculous. World PvP and normal Warzones? Are you for real? The thread is all about competitive gameplay. Please move along if you have no clue about the circumstances.


Lol so your gonna say my points are ridiculous? Funny how it makes sense this class out performs mercs in group ranked by a mile. The only reason you see mercs on the solo leaderboards at all is because they are blessed with a healing spec. I think you crying like a little ***** makes my winkle tinkle. So go away yor class is fine just not for 4 dps vs 4 DPS. Grap a tissue go away. Go cry with this other sniper dim wit.

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Well your points are ridiculous. World PvP and normal Warzones? Are you for real? The thread is all about competitive gameplay. Please move along if you have no clue about the circumstances.


That guy seems to be a troll or maybe he just doesn't like Snipers, who knows.

Everyone with some logic in their brains can see the situation here and I urge again, it's not only about solo ranked. It's the Snipers performance in PvP in general compared to all the other classes. The ability Ambush (which of course can be deflected because MLG) with its high crits is in no way an excuse to not patch Snipers and to say that the class is fine - it's not.

Read it? I said patch Snipers, didn't say buff the class to be immortal, just *********** patch it to bring it on par with all the others. The dependancy of the Sniper on other players in PvP is simply not fair when all other classes are self sufficient. This is just stupid and in no way fun at all.


It's like going into a casino with a bunch of guys, giving them all your money so they can spend it all while you just watch them losing all your money and you won't be able to do something about it. You lose it and your hands are tied.

Not the best example but you get the point.

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Lol so your gonna say my points are ridiculous? Funny how it makes sense this class out performs mercs in group ranked by a mile. The only reason you see mercs on the solo leaderboards at all is because they are blessed with a healing spec. I think you crying like a little ***** makes my winkle tinkle. So go away yor class is fine just not for 4 dps vs 4 DPS. Grap a tissue go away. Go cry with this other sniper dim wit.

Just gonna pop in and say that around 80-90% of my matches this season have been in DPS spec,

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Well your points are ridiculous. World PvP and normal Warzones? Are you for real? The thread is all about competitive gameplay. Please move along if you have no clue about the circumstances.


I'm fairly certain he also included team ranked. Seriously, game should not be balanced around poor man's ranked which is what solo ranked is.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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That guy seems to be a troll or maybe he just doesn't like Snipers, who knows.

Everyone with some logic in their brains can see the situation here and I urge again, it's not only about solo ranked. It's the Snipers performance in PvP in general compared to all the other classes. The ability Ambush (which of course can be deflected because MLG) with its high crits is in no way an excuse to not patch Snipers and to say that the class is fine - it's not.

Read it? I said patch Snipers, didn't say buff the class to be immortal, just *********** patch it to bring it on par with all the others. The dependancy of the Sniper on other players in PvP is simply not fair when all other classes are self sufficient. This is just stupid and in no way fun at all.


It's like going into a casino with a bunch of guys, giving them all your money so they can spend it all while you just watch them losing all your money and you won't be able to do something about it. You lose it and your hands are tied.

Not the best example but you get the point.


He's not a troll, he's Runi :tran_angel:

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Funny how it makes sense this class out performs mercs in group ranked by a mile.


So, have we now reached the point that both bottom classes argue about which one is more at the bottom than the other one ?


"Divide & Conquer"


Players of overpowered classes will merely snicker about us.


Seriously, game should not be balanced around poor man's ranked which is what solo ranked is.


Why not ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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